The fusion-free angle measured in the awake state was adopted as the angle of reference and the b... more The fusion-free angle measured in the awake state was adopted as the angle of reference and the basis for conventional muscle surgery. The surgical effect is amount dependent. Further analysis: The basic angle does not, however, correspond to the fusion-free angle in all types of comitant strabismus. In infantile esotropia it corresponds to the minimum angle. The difference between the maximum and the minimum angle represents the angle of variability. Weakening-reinforcing techniques (conventional surgery) to correct the minimum angle should therefore be combined with a progressive lessening technique (posterior fixation suture) to reduce the variability. In normosensorial strabismus the prism adaptation test, or prismotherapy, allows accurate determination of the basic angle to be corrected. The imbalance of the passive forces in an antagonistic muscle pair can be assessed during surgery under general anaesthesia in two ways, the eye position and the measurement of muscle extensibi...
The birth of the republican State in Colombia is marked by a process of modernization of the poli... more The birth of the republican State in Colombia is marked by a process of modernization of the political and administrative institutions that is chronologically coincident with the process of Independence and constitution of the Colombian Nation. The article undertakes the study of the process of modernization of the State from the analysis of the modernization attempts frome part of the public administration, since its centralization and expansion constitute the key elements of the new state, its institutions and its legitimation. It is considered that the process of modernization in Colombia was truncated, at least partially, due to the failure of this modernization process. Through the case of the public administration of the Cauca Department at the time of the Great Colombia (1821-1830), three aspects are analyzed to give reason of this hypothesis: the absence of a competitive staff, the lack of resources and the little and very limited diffusion and appropriation of the ideas of ...
Patients suffering from AIDS develop ocular complications, the most frequent being HIV retinopath... more Patients suffering from AIDS develop ocular complications, the most frequent being HIV retinopathy. It is however not clear, if functional visual impairments can be observed as early indicators of ocular complications, before clinical diagnosis of HIV retinopathy is made at fundus examination. To address this issue, we measured colour vision in a group of 49 AIDS subjects with normal clinical fundi using the 'two equation method'. This method, combining red-green Rayleigh and the blue-green Moreland metameric matches, enables more complete and quantitative assessments of colour vision than those based on pigmentary tests. Data were collected on our computer controlled colorimeter and compared to those of normal subjects. While most AIDS subjects without HIV retinopathy demonstrated normal colour vision, a significant portion of them had wider matches than normal subjects (11% for the Rayleigh equation and 16% for the Moreland equation). Furthermore, matching ranges of the Moreland equation were significantly correlated with CD4 lymphocyte counts. Patients with low CD4 values tended to produce larger matching ranges than the patients with high CD4 values. A within subject study on 17 patients confirmed this trend and showed that the patients who increased/decreased their CD4 blood counts generally improved/impaired their colour discrimination in the Moreland match. No such correlation was found between the matching ranges of the Rayleigh equation and the CD4 counts. These results show that colour discrimination is slightly reduced in some AIDS subjects, although there are no detectable ocular complications. They also suggest two different types of colour vision impairments in AIDS patients without retinopathy: one reversible process affecting colour discrimination in the blue-green range; and another irreversible process affecting colour discrimination in the red-green range.
Le d~faut unilat6ral d'acuit6 visuelle du strabisme concomitant et de l'anisom6tropie n'est que l... more Le d~faut unilat6ral d'acuit6 visuelle du strabisme concomitant et de l'anisom6tropie n'est que le signe le plus 6vident d'une adaptation fonctionnelle sensori-motrice, asym6trique et fix6e. La coexistence d'une dyschromatopsie est aujourd'hui encore discut6e. JAV~m, le premier, en 1868, parla de ,,ia mani~re diff6rente dont les couleurs 6taient p er~ues" par l'oeil amblyope. I1 rut aussi celui qui, le premier, constata que cette alt6ration de ia perception des couleurs ,,finissait par disparakre quelque temps apr~s la gu6rison du strabisme". SCHWEI66ER (1881), au contraire, consid6ra que l'absence de dyschromatopsie &ait l'une des caract6ristiques de l'amblyopie strabique. VARrNAUD (1899), seul, pr6cisa le ,,d6faut de perception des couleurs". Ce d6faut, qui n'apparMt que lorsque l'acuit6 visuelle est tr& basse, ne comporte pas de ,,syst~matisation particulibre. .. La vision est alt~.r6e .pour toutes les couleurs en mgme temps". Quarante cinq ans plus tard, WALo & BURIAN (1944) montr~rent que les seuils achromatiques du point de fixation de l'oeil amblyope &aient normaux, compte-tenu de la
Le d~faut unilat6ral d'acuit6 visuelle du strabisme concomitant et de l'anisom6tropie n'est que l... more Le d~faut unilat6ral d'acuit6 visuelle du strabisme concomitant et de l'anisom6tropie n'est que le signe le plus 6vident d'une adaptation fonctionnelle sensori-motrice, asym6trique et fix6e. La coexistence d'une dyschromatopsie est aujourd'hui encore discut6e. JAV~m, le premier, en 1868, parla de ,,ia mani~re diff6rente dont les couleurs 6taient p er~ues" par l'oeil amblyope. I1 rut aussi celui qui, le premier, constata que cette alt6ration de ia perception des couleurs ,,finissait par disparakre quelque temps apr~s la gu6rison du strabisme". SCHWEI66ER (1881), au contraire, consid6ra que l'absence de dyschromatopsie &ait l'une des caract6ristiques de l'amblyopie strabique. VARrNAUD (1899), seul, pr6cisa le ,,d6faut de perception des couleurs". Ce d6faut, qui n'apparMt que lorsque l'acuit6 visuelle est tr& basse, ne comporte pas de ,,syst~matisation particulibre. .. La vision est alt~.r6e .pour toutes les couleurs en mgme temps". Quarante cinq ans plus tard, WALo & BURIAN (1944) montr~rent que les seuils achromatiques du point de fixation de l'oeil amblyope &aient normaux, compte-tenu de la
1. X. 1966 116 A. ROTH Nous 6tudierons successivement, dans ce qui va suivre, chacune de ces 6poq... more 1. X. 1966 116 A. ROTH Nous 6tudierons successivement, dans ce qui va suivre, chacune de ces 6poques, mais nous ne respecterons pas un ordre chronologique strict "h l'int6rieur de chacune d'elles, pour la commodit6 de rexpos6.
The fusion-free angle measured in the awake state was adopted as the angle of reference and the b... more The fusion-free angle measured in the awake state was adopted as the angle of reference and the basis for conventional muscle surgery. The surgical effect is amount dependent. Further analysis: The basic angle does not, however, correspond to the fusion-free angle in all types of comitant strabismus. In infantile esotropia it corresponds to the minimum angle. The difference between the maximum and the minimum angle represents the angle of variability. Weakening-reinforcing techniques (conventional surgery) to correct the minimum angle should therefore be combined with a progressive lessening technique (posterior fixation suture) to reduce the variability. In normosensorial strabismus the prism adaptation test, or prismotherapy, allows accurate determination of the basic angle to be corrected. The imbalance of the passive forces in an antagonistic muscle pair can be assessed during surgery under general anaesthesia in two ways, the eye position and the measurement of muscle extensibi...
The birth of the republican State in Colombia is marked by a process of modernization of the poli... more The birth of the republican State in Colombia is marked by a process of modernization of the political and administrative institutions that is chronologically coincident with the process of Independence and constitution of the Colombian Nation. The article undertakes the study of the process of modernization of the State from the analysis of the modernization attempts frome part of the public administration, since its centralization and expansion constitute the key elements of the new state, its institutions and its legitimation. It is considered that the process of modernization in Colombia was truncated, at least partially, due to the failure of this modernization process. Through the case of the public administration of the Cauca Department at the time of the Great Colombia (1821-1830), three aspects are analyzed to give reason of this hypothesis: the absence of a competitive staff, the lack of resources and the little and very limited diffusion and appropriation of the ideas of ...
Patients suffering from AIDS develop ocular complications, the most frequent being HIV retinopath... more Patients suffering from AIDS develop ocular complications, the most frequent being HIV retinopathy. It is however not clear, if functional visual impairments can be observed as early indicators of ocular complications, before clinical diagnosis of HIV retinopathy is made at fundus examination. To address this issue, we measured colour vision in a group of 49 AIDS subjects with normal clinical fundi using the 'two equation method'. This method, combining red-green Rayleigh and the blue-green Moreland metameric matches, enables more complete and quantitative assessments of colour vision than those based on pigmentary tests. Data were collected on our computer controlled colorimeter and compared to those of normal subjects. While most AIDS subjects without HIV retinopathy demonstrated normal colour vision, a significant portion of them had wider matches than normal subjects (11% for the Rayleigh equation and 16% for the Moreland equation). Furthermore, matching ranges of the Moreland equation were significantly correlated with CD4 lymphocyte counts. Patients with low CD4 values tended to produce larger matching ranges than the patients with high CD4 values. A within subject study on 17 patients confirmed this trend and showed that the patients who increased/decreased their CD4 blood counts generally improved/impaired their colour discrimination in the Moreland match. No such correlation was found between the matching ranges of the Rayleigh equation and the CD4 counts. These results show that colour discrimination is slightly reduced in some AIDS subjects, although there are no detectable ocular complications. They also suggest two different types of colour vision impairments in AIDS patients without retinopathy: one reversible process affecting colour discrimination in the blue-green range; and another irreversible process affecting colour discrimination in the red-green range.
Le d~faut unilat6ral d'acuit6 visuelle du strabisme concomitant et de l'anisom6tropie n'est que l... more Le d~faut unilat6ral d'acuit6 visuelle du strabisme concomitant et de l'anisom6tropie n'est que le signe le plus 6vident d'une adaptation fonctionnelle sensori-motrice, asym6trique et fix6e. La coexistence d'une dyschromatopsie est aujourd'hui encore discut6e. JAV~m, le premier, en 1868, parla de ,,ia mani~re diff6rente dont les couleurs 6taient p er~ues" par l'oeil amblyope. I1 rut aussi celui qui, le premier, constata que cette alt6ration de ia perception des couleurs ,,finissait par disparakre quelque temps apr~s la gu6rison du strabisme". SCHWEI66ER (1881), au contraire, consid6ra que l'absence de dyschromatopsie &ait l'une des caract6ristiques de l'amblyopie strabique. VARrNAUD (1899), seul, pr6cisa le ,,d6faut de perception des couleurs". Ce d6faut, qui n'apparMt que lorsque l'acuit6 visuelle est tr& basse, ne comporte pas de ,,syst~matisation particulibre. .. La vision est alt~.r6e .pour toutes les couleurs en mgme temps". Quarante cinq ans plus tard, WALo & BURIAN (1944) montr~rent que les seuils achromatiques du point de fixation de l'oeil amblyope &aient normaux, compte-tenu de la
Le d~faut unilat6ral d'acuit6 visuelle du strabisme concomitant et de l'anisom6tropie n'est que l... more Le d~faut unilat6ral d'acuit6 visuelle du strabisme concomitant et de l'anisom6tropie n'est que le signe le plus 6vident d'une adaptation fonctionnelle sensori-motrice, asym6trique et fix6e. La coexistence d'une dyschromatopsie est aujourd'hui encore discut6e. JAV~m, le premier, en 1868, parla de ,,ia mani~re diff6rente dont les couleurs 6taient p er~ues" par l'oeil amblyope. I1 rut aussi celui qui, le premier, constata que cette alt6ration de ia perception des couleurs ,,finissait par disparakre quelque temps apr~s la gu6rison du strabisme". SCHWEI66ER (1881), au contraire, consid6ra que l'absence de dyschromatopsie &ait l'une des caract6ristiques de l'amblyopie strabique. VARrNAUD (1899), seul, pr6cisa le ,,d6faut de perception des couleurs". Ce d6faut, qui n'apparMt que lorsque l'acuit6 visuelle est tr& basse, ne comporte pas de ,,syst~matisation particulibre. .. La vision est alt~.r6e .pour toutes les couleurs en mgme temps". Quarante cinq ans plus tard, WALo & BURIAN (1944) montr~rent que les seuils achromatiques du point de fixation de l'oeil amblyope &aient normaux, compte-tenu de la
1. X. 1966 116 A. ROTH Nous 6tudierons successivement, dans ce qui va suivre, chacune de ces 6poq... more 1. X. 1966 116 A. ROTH Nous 6tudierons successivement, dans ce qui va suivre, chacune de ces 6poques, mais nous ne respecterons pas un ordre chronologique strict "h l'int6rieur de chacune d'elles, pour la commodit6 de rexpos6.
Papers by Andre Roth