Thesis Chapters by Andrea Esperanza Rodriguez-Portilla

Manual para la Gestión de Conciertos para la Recaudación de Fondos , 2021
This graduation work is presents with two leading parts for the development of a Manual for the ... more This graduation work is presents with two leading parts for the development of a Manual for the Management of Fundraising Concerts. Which are, the selection of literary information and the collection of data and interviews of the entities related to the procedure and preparation of public performances. Some of the data was collected on the population of the music degree careers within the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, in the same way, information was collected on the entities that exist in Guatemala; related to the development of concerts, their groundworks, their methodologies and legislation.
Additionally, a series of interviews, surveys and questionnaires were carried out. In order to specify the basic steps that musicians in Guatemala or foreigners must take into account to produce and manage a concert. In the same way, determine the need for a manual that incorporates everything and links them with the legislation corresponding to these activities.
Thesis Chapters by Andrea Esperanza Rodriguez-Portilla
Additionally, a series of interviews, surveys and questionnaires were carried out. In order to specify the basic steps that musicians in Guatemala or foreigners must take into account to produce and manage a concert. In the same way, determine the need for a manual that incorporates everything and links them with the legislation corresponding to these activities.
Additionally, a series of interviews, surveys and questionnaires were carried out. In order to specify the basic steps that musicians in Guatemala or foreigners must take into account to produce and manage a concert. In the same way, determine the need for a manual that incorporates everything and links them with the legislation corresponding to these activities.