Papers by Dimas Aryo Anggoro
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 2021
The kidneys have an essential role in the body; if it does not work properly, it will cause disea... more The kidneys have an essential role in the body; if it does not work properly, it will cause disease, one of which is chronic kidney failure (CRF). Therefore, a machine learning algorithm is needed to help predict CRF, one of which is the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm. However, XGBoost has one thing that must be considered, namely the presence of hyperparameters that need to be tuned. In this research, tuning was done using grid search and random search methods, which would be compared to get a good performance and help predict GGK. In the dataset used, several features were incomplete, so that data cleaning was carried out. Based on the unbalanced amount of data, oversampling with SMOTE and random oversampling methods were needed to balance the data. Next, the data were normalized using two: min-max and z-score normalization. After the data had been normalized, a splitting process was performed with a division of 70% for training data and 30% for testing data. Furthermore, the hyperparameter was tuned to obtain the optimal parameter value, which was then performed data processing and evaluated to obtain the accuracy and f-measure values of the tuned parameter values. In the grid search method with data performed with min-max and z-score normalization combined with oversampling random oversampling, the best results were obtained with an accuracy value of 99.28% and an f-measure value of 0.9942. Comparison with other methods was carried out and the proposed method obtained an accuracy of 99.33% and f-measure 1.0.
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur tingkat kepatuhan karyawan terhadap kebijakan pengamanan ... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur tingkat kepatuhan karyawan terhadap kebijakan pengamanan data pada perusahaan. Penulis meneliti dampak yang terjadi pada perusahaan terkait tingkat kepatuhan karyawan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah tentang sistem dan kebijakan pengamanan data yang telah diterapkan, tingkat kepatuhan karyawan terhadap kebijakan pengamanan data, dan faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepatuhan karyawan. Penulis melakukan survei untuk mendapatkan nilai aktual dari tingkat kepatuhan karyawan terhadap sistem pengamanan data dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penulis melakukan pengolahan data statistik berupa uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Penulis menggunakan framework COBIT 5 untuk melakukan penelitian tentang kebijakan pengamanan data. Hasil dari penelitian berupa indeks tingkat kepatuhan karyawan terhadap sistem pengamanan data pada perusahaan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepatuhan karyawan. Penulis mencoba menarik hubungan antara tingkat kepatuhan ...
Organisasi merupakan suatu elemen atau komponen yang saling berikatan dan berkoordinasi untuk men... more Organisasi merupakan suatu elemen atau komponen yang saling berikatan dan berkoordinasi untuk mencapai visi misi dan tujuan. Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (BEM FKI UMS) merupakan salah satu organisasi mahasiswa dalam lingkup ORMAWA FKI UMS yang memiliki wewenang sebagai koordinator bagi HMJ dan UKM F. Saat ini masih banyak jadwal kegiatan ORMAWA FKI yang terlaksana secara tidak teratur dan saling benturan antar organisasi yang lainnya. Agar jadwal kegiatan dapat terlaksana secara teratur maka peneliti membuat sistem pendukung keputusan penyeleksian jadwal kegiatan ORMAWA FKI. Sistem tersebut bertujuan untuk menyeleksi alternatif jadwal kegiatan berdasarkan skala prioritas tertinggi. Metode perhitungan atau penyeleksian yang digunakan oleh sistem adalah metode weighted product yang melibatkan kriteria, atribut atau sub kriteria, dan nilai. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan menggunakan framework ...
Benostore shop is a shop that sells clothing equipment in Surakarta. Inventory management at Beno... more Benostore shop is a shop that sells clothing equipment in Surakarta. Inventory management at Benostore stores is still conventional with the records in the ledger so that its performance is limited. Then an inventory information system was created to optimize inventory management at the Benostore store. The method used is the SDLC method with a waterfall approach using UML (integrated modeling language) which consists of use case diagrams and activity diagrams. This system is designed using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) web programming language with the CodeIgniter version 3 framework and MySQL which is used for database design and data storage. This system will be tested using the BlackBox method and user acceptance test (UAT). UAT testing uses the interview method involving shop owners and employees. This research produces an inventory system that can be implemented in the Benostore shop.
Mitra Amanda Special School (SLB) in Sanggrahan Hamlet, Trayu Village, Banyudono Subdistrict, Boy... more Mitra Amanda Special School (SLB) in Sanggrahan Hamlet, Trayu Village, Banyudono Subdistrict, Boyolali Regency accommodates and educates children with special needs, one of them is deaf children. This study aims to design building learning media applications to recognize alphabet letters and basic numbers for deaf children and speech class 1 SDLB Amanda Boyolali partners that are adjusted to the 2013 school curriculum. Application development methods include: Data analysis, Asset Making, Storyboard Making and Development Process application. Data analysis by conducting interviews directly with teachers who teach deaf students in class 1 of the SLB. Making assets with Corelaw application, assets are images of application interfaces. Storyboard is a sketch drawing that is used as a plan to show visually how the action of a story takes place. The process of developing applications with Construct 2 on a Core i.3 laptop - Acer Aspire E1-471, then the application was changed to an android...
Pemilihan kepala daerah 2020 menjadi kontroversi, sebab dilaksanakan ditengah pandemi covid-19. ... more Pemilihan kepala daerah 2020 menjadi kontroversi, sebab dilaksanakan ditengah pandemi covid-19. Komentar muncul di berbagai lini media sosial seperti twitter. Banyak masyarakat yang setuju pilkada dilanjutkan, namun banyak juga yang perpendapat untuk menunda pilkada sampai masa pandemi berakhir. Melihat perbedaan pendapat seperti ini, perlu dilakukan analisis sentimen, dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh persepsi atau gambaran umum masyarakat terhadap penyelenggaraan pilkada 2020 saat pandemi covid-19. Sebanyak 500 tweet diperoleh dengan cara crawling data dari twitter API menggunakan library tweepy, bedasarkan keyword yang telah ditentukan. Dataset yang didapat diberi label ke dalam dua kelas, negatif dan positif. Penelitian ini mengusulkan pendekatan deep learning dengan algoritma Convolution Neural Network (CNN) untuk klasifikasi, yang terbukti efektif untuk tugas Natural Language Processing (NLP) dan mampu mencapai kinerja yang baik dalam klasifikasi kalimat. Percobaan dilakukan den...
Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika
Indonesia is a nation with various ethnicities and rich cultural backgrounds that span from Saban... more Indonesia is a nation with various ethnicities and rich cultural backgrounds that span from Sabang to Merauke. One of the cultural products of Indonesian society is shadow puppet. Shadow puppet has been internationally renowned as a masterpiece of cultural art and recognized by UNESCO. The development of Indonesian society is very dependent on technological sophistication and it may shift the existing traditional culture out from the memory of the nation. Practices of modern life and the busy activities of the people exacerbate the condition and may make the society to ignore traditional culture. This study seeks to preserve traditional Indonesian culture by making shadow puppets as the object of classification. We use a deep learning algorithm called convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify 430 puppet images into 4 classes. The proportion of training, validation and test data is 70 by 20 by 10. The experiments show that the most efficient model is obtained with 3 convolution layer. It reaches an accuracy rate of 0.93 and a drop out rate of 0.2
Iraqi Journal of Science
Heart disease is a non-communicable disease and the number 1 cause of death in Indonesia. Ac... more Heart disease is a non-communicable disease and the number 1 cause of death in Indonesia. According to WHO predictions, heart disease will cause 11 million deaths in 2020. Bad lifestyle and unhealthy consumption patterns of modern society are the causes of this disease experienced by many people. Lack of knowledge about heart conditions and the potential dangers cause heart disease attacks before any preventive measures are taken. This study aims to produce a system for Predicting Heart Disease, which benefits to prevent and reduce the number of deaths caused by heart disease. The use of technology in the health sector has been widely practiced in various places and one of the advanced technologies is machine learning. Machine learning technology can be used to predict the potential patients of heart disease by implementing the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). The algorithm results in 65.93% for its accuracy, which is then improved to 82.41% due to the z-score normalization. It shows...
Nilai siswa merupakan representasi hasil belajar siswa yang ditepuh dalam satu semester. Nilai ak... more Nilai siswa merupakan representasi hasil belajar siswa yang ditepuh dalam satu semester. Nilai akhir siswa diambil dari hasil pengolahan beberapa nilai siswa. SD Negeri Jambangan 1 merupakan sekolah dasar negeri yang pengolahan data nilai siswanya dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel serta dokumentasi pembukuan. Pengolahan data nilai siswa dengan cara manual dapat menimbulkan beberapa resiko seperti rusak dan hilangnya data nilai siswa. Sistem informasi pengolahan data nilai siswa dikembangkan dengan tujuan mengurangi resiko rusak dan hilangnya data serta mempermudah proses pengolahan data. Sistem ini akan dibangun berbasis website menggunakan model pengembangan Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan metode Waterfall. Tahapan penelitian berupa analisis kebutuhan, perancangan, implementasi, pengujian dan perawatan. Pengujian sistem ini dilakukan dengan metode Black Box untuk menguji fungsionalitas sistem serta User Acceptance Testing (UAT) untuk menguji s...
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Perkembangan sistem informasi berbasis web dewasa ini semakin mempermudah dalam proses pengolahan... more Perkembangan sistem informasi berbasis web dewasa ini semakin mempermudah dalam proses pengolahan data dan informasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja di berbagai bidang termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan. Saat ini SMK Widya Taruna belum menerapkan sistem informasi yang dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam mengelola data akademik sekolah. Seluruh proses pengolahan data masih dikerjakan secara manual, yaitu masih menggunakan lembar kertas dan arsip sehingga memerlukan banyak waktu dan menyebabkan data tersebut mungkin saja hilang ataupun rusak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi akademik sekolah berbasis web yang dapat melakukan pengolahan data akademik, khususnya pada pembuatan jadwal pelajaran dan penyusunan rapor melalui situs web yang saling terintegrasi sehingga memberikan kemudahan bagi guru dan wali kelas dalam membuat jadwal dan rapor serta memudahkan siswa dalam melihat jadwal pelajaran dan nilai rapor secara online. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model waterfall dengan bahasa pemrograman Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) berbasiskan framework laravel dan basisdata MySQL. Hasil pengujian melalui black box menunjukan bahwa sistem berjalan baik sesuai dengan fungsinya dan pengujian melalui System Usability Scale (SUS) dengan 30 responden menghasilkan skor sebesar 71 dimana dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa sistem sudah termasuk kategori baik dan dapat diterima oleh SMK Widya Taruna. Katakunci-jadwal; laravel; rapor; sistem informasi; web Abstracts-The development of web-based information systems is now increasingly easy in the processing of data and information that can improve performance in various fields, including in the field of education. At present SMK Widya Taruna has not implemented an information system that can provide convenience in managing school academic data. The entire data processing is still done manually, which is still using paper sheets and archives so that it takes a lot of time and causes the data might be lost if damaged. This study aims to build a school-based academic information system that can carry out academic data processing, specifically about making lesson packages and preparing report cards through interrelated websites so as to make it easy for teachers and homeroom teachers to make schedules and report cards and provide all students with viewing online timetable and report cards. This system was developed using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) waterfall model with the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language based on the Laravel framework and the MySQL database. The results of testing through the black box shows that the system runs well according to its function and testing through the System Usability Scale (SUS) with 30 respondents producing a score of 71 where conclusions can be drawn about the system that is included in the good category and can be accepted by SMK Widya Taruna.
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Abdi Teknoyasa
Website merupakan media informasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana memperkenalkan atau memp... more Website merupakan media informasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana memperkenalkan atau mempromosikan diri bagi suatu organisasi atau institusi. Sekolah adalah salah satu institusi yang sering menggunakan website sebagai media promosinya untuk lebih menarik calon siswa maupun masyarakat umum. SMP Negeri 2 Kartasura merupakan sebuah institusi yang berada dibawah pengawasan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Sebagai salah satu instansi pendidikan SMP Negeri 2 Kartasura mengalami kendala dalam bidang teknologi serta tenaga ahli dalam mengelola website resmi sebagai sumber informasi bagi siswa, orang tua wali, dan masyarakat umum. Sebelumnya website resmi sudah pernah dibuat oleh pihak ketiga, akan tetapi belum dipergunakan secara maksimal oleh pihak sekolah dikarenakan terkendala tenaga ahli yang kurang dan website yang dibangun masih belum tertata dengan baik, hal ini menyebabkan website tidak bisa diakses kembali. Tujuan website tersebut dibuat dipergunakan seb...
Abdi Teknoyasa
Perkembangan teknologi informasi di berbagai bidang terus mengalami kemajuan yang pesat. Berkemba... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi di berbagai bidang terus mengalami kemajuan yang pesat. Berkembangnya teknologi informasi semakin menegaskan perannya yang begitu penting dalam memberikan kemudahan dalam menyelesaikan berbagai kegiatan manusia. Koperasi Serba Usaha Mandiri Sukses UMS adalah sebuah koperasi yang melayani dosen dan karyawan di ruang lingkup Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Dengan jumlah anggota lebih dari 600 orang dan terus bertambah, diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi berbasis web untuk memudahkan akses informasi bagi anggota dan calon anggota baru. Informasi yang disajikan di web ini meliputi profil koperasi beserta visi dan misinya, penjelasan tentang layanan yang dimiliki oleh koperasi, dan informasi pendaftaran calon anggota baru. Web ini akan dibangun menggunakan teknologi framework CodeIgniter 3.
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
Heart disease receives a lot of attention in medical research because of its great effect on the ... more Heart disease receives a lot of attention in medical research because of its great effect on the human health state. Based on cases in 2008, it was estimated that more than 3 million deaths were caused due to heart disease. This study aims to compare two algorithms and find which algorithm can be utilized appropriately in predicting the accuracy of heart disease data and has the benefit to consider the health problems regarding the percentage of heart disease as well as being an accurate information material. This study used a comparison of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm. The method used is the Classification method, one of the techniques in Machine Learning, to find parameters in a linear equation that can map inputs and outputs. The results show that the SVM algorithm testing with normalization had better accuracy results compared to KNN algorithm either with or without normalization continued to produce poor accuracy. The SVM classification results without normalization were 84.61% and with normalization was 90.10%, while the KNN algorithm showed an accuracy of 64.83% and 81.31% with normalization.
SINTECH (Science and Information Technology) Journal
Sari Husada Pharmacy is one of the regional companies engaged in drug sales in Demak Regency. The... more Sari Husada Pharmacy is one of the regional companies engaged in drug sales in Demak Regency. The company prioritizes innovation in information technology to face globalization and modern business competition in the industrial era 4.0. Improved services are needed so they can add regular customers and provide comfort to the existence of e-commerce. E-commerce solutions will overcome the problem of some customers who do not easily reach the location of the pharmacy because the transaction activities do not have to be in one place and it is difficult to check the stock of the drug, so that information systems are made more effective and efficient. The method used uses SDLC application development, namely waterfall. This method consists of five sequences, including: analysis, design, coding, testing, and implementation. This information system is created using PHP programming with CodeIgniter, Javascript, CSS (Bootstrap) and Sublime Text frameworks and database management using PHPMyAd...
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
Banks are the most important institution in the economics and social sector. Hence, it provides s... more Banks are the most important institution in the economics and social sector. Hence, it provides services or products such as term deposits. Term deposits give banks the most reliable source of profit and credits. Bank uses direct marketing to attract customers to subscribe to the deposit program. By using data mining, a bank can predict the client who will subscribe to the term deposit program. In this research, the dataset to be tested is bank marketing by Portuguese banking institutions. The data mining algorithm used is K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), but it has a sensitive weakness to outliers which causes the accuracy of this algorithm is not good. This research aims to cover up the weakness of the KNN by detecting outliers in the dataset and improving the accuracy of the KNN. The outlier detection method used in this research is Subspace Outlier Detection (SOD) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as dimensional reduction method. The dataset was splitting into 70% training data and 30% testing data as new data. K-fold cross-validation was used to search the K Neighbors value of KNN during the modeling training data. The classification results of testing data based on the confusion matrix show the accuracy of the KNN algorithm which only uses PCA is 91%. While the KNN algorithm accuracy with SOD and PCA is 94%. It can be concluded that the accuracy of KNN using SOD is better than accuracy of KNN without SOD by improving the accuracy by 3% in the bank marketing dataset.
JITK (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komputer)
Administrative and financial information systems are one of the most widely applied information t... more Administrative and financial information systems are one of the most widely applied information technologies to facilitate the management of various data into information. TK-IT Permata Hati Sumberrejo still uses manual methods to manage data student, teacher, and staff data as well as recap payment. Data processing is using Microsoft Excel, which results in time-consuming when entering data and when re-doing data correction before reported. This system was developed aiming to help data and financial management to be more effective and efficient. The information from the data entered can be conveyed properly. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a web-based administrative and financial management information system using PHP programming language with Laravel framework. This system designed using the waterfall method. Then the system will be evaluated using the Black Box and User Acceptance Test. The results of this study are an information system with various features that can be u...
Warta LPM
Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) Baki adalah salah satu organisasi yang berada di bawah naungan... more Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) Baki adalah salah satu organisasi yang berada di bawah naungan gerakan Muhammadiyah. Pada organisasi ini, masih terdapat beberapa masalah yang terjadi dalam hal penyebaran informasi. Sebagai contoh, media cetak dan media tatap muka masih menjadi media utama dalam penyebaran informasi. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa cara yang diterapkan di PCM Baki masih kurang efektif dan efisien. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, terdapat sebuah solusi yang ditawarkan, yaitu dengan mengadakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan pembangunan website informasi di PCM Baki. Website tersebut bermanfaat untuk menyediakan informasi terkait organisasi dan Muhammadiyah secara umum. Metode yang dilakukan adalah berupa penjelasan tentang internet dan website, serta pelatihan kepada anggota PCM Baki-sebagai peserta sosialisasi-dalam pembuatan website. Adapun kegiatan ini bertujuan supaya penyebaran informasi di PCM Baki dapat berjalan secara cepat, mudah, serta dapat menekan biaya operasional. Acara ini juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan peserta dalam pembuatan suatu website. Dari kegiatan yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan cara yang lebih efektif dan efisien untuk memperkenalkan PCM Baki dengan cara membangun website dengan menggunakan metode Blog.
Papers by Dimas Aryo Anggoro