Papers by Anni Holila Pulungan
UNS journal of language studies, Apr 18, 2022
This paper is the result of metalingual research on the application of Haley's metaphor theory. T... more This paper is the result of metalingual research on the application of Haley's metaphor theory. The research objective is to analyze and evaluate whether Haley's metaphorical theory concept is appropriately used and applied in the research data. The research design is qualitative with analytical-descriptive, conceptual-empirical, and literature methods. The data source is in the form of six scientific articles that apply Haley's metaphorical theory and have been published in six different scientific journals in Indonesia. The research data consists of two types of data, namely (i) main data in the form of metalingual data and (ii) auxiliary data in the form of object language data. The results of data analysis and discussion indicate that there are conceptual errors in the application of Haley's metaphorical theory in the six data sources. Generally, these mistakes can be grouped into three categories, namely errors in understanding (i) Haley's definition of metaphor, (ii) hierarchical terms of perceptual space, and (iii) application of the hierarchical concept of Haley's perceptual space in the analysis of metaphorical expressions. The main cause of these errors is that (i) Haley's theory is not referenced directly from Haley and (ii) only one of Haley's writings is referred to. Thus, the research results in that data source eventually become questions.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dalam mengembangkan perangkat penilaian berbasis KKNI terhada... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dalam mengembangkan perangkat penilaian berbasis KKNI terhadap pengajaran speaking di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Negeri Medan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami perangkat penilaian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengajaran speaking, menguasai tehnik penyusunan, dapat mengembangkan perangkat penilaian yang tepat berbasis KKNI yang digunakan pada pengajaran speaking pada semester 2 di Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, serta mampu menggunakan perangkat penilaian tersebut dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode penelitian dan pengembangan.Peneliti mengembangkan perangkat penilaian berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan. Mahasiswa ingin memahami dan mengetahui setiap descriptor penilaian pada mata kuliah speaking dan juga di dalam perangkat penilaian itu terdapat penilaian soft skill (sikap) diantaranya: keteladan, keaktifan, ketangguhan, tanggung jawab, dan team work.Perangkat penila...
REGISTER: Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed
THE USE OF TRANSLATION IN TEACHING WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT *Esterina Sipahutar **Masitowarni Sireg... more THE USE OF TRANSLATION IN TEACHING WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT *Esterina Sipahutar **Masitowarni Siregar **Anni Holila Pulungan Universitas Negeri Medan ABSTRACT Sipahutar, Esterina. Registration Number: 214332101. The Use of Translation in Teaching Writing Narrative Text. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan, 2020. This study aimed at describing the use of translation and investigating the reasons of using translation in teaching writing narrative text grade ten at SMK Broadcasting Bina Creative Medan. This study was qualitatively conducted that taken 2 English teachers of SMK Broadcasting Bina Creative Medan. The data were collected by using an interview and observing the whole process of the online teaching writing narrative text. The findings of this study showed that there were 73 times of using translation found during three processes that they were conveying and checking meaning of words or sentences, explaining grammar and classroom management. The rea...
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2018), 2018
The objective of the research is to describe the process of teaching writing recount text by usin... more The objective of the research is to describe the process of teaching writing recount text by using Think-Talk-Write strategy and to find out the responses of students toward using Think-Talk-Write strategy. The research was a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research is Grade X of Setia Budi Abadi Senior High School students in the 2017/2018 academic years. Random sampling is used in taking the sample. In the research, the writer recorded and interviewed the students directly toward Think-Talk-Write strategy. Findings show the use of Think-Talk-Write strategy can help students learning writing recount text and the students can learn more active in the classroom. The teacher explained and instructed in procedural teaching practice to Think-Talk-Write strategy usage. This strategy could make students feel relax and made them motivated in teaching learning process. Therefore, the students will not find the difficulty to generate and to organize their ideas in writing recount text.
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2017), 2017
Presupposition has been studied by many linguists. Presupposition is the speaker's/ writer's assu... more Presupposition has been studied by many linguists. Presupposition is the speaker's/ writer's assumption before saying something. The paper aims to analyze the way of presupposition triggers of an author's writing through triggers that asserts implicit or explicit meaning in sentences, clauses, phrases and words in the articles of Toastmasters magazine. Accordingly, 18 articles Toastmasters Magazine 2016 start from July until December are analyzed in terms of presupposition triggers namely: definite description, implicative verb, factive verb, change of state verbs, verbs of judging, counter factual verbs, conventional item, iteratives item, cleft construction, questions, adverbial clause, comparative sentence, counterfactual conditional clause, non-restrictive relative clause and other presupposition triggers are: additive particles, discourse particles, manner adverbs, quantifiers and discourse connectives. The result of the study indicated that the factive verb is the most frequent trigger occurred in articles while verb of judging is the least one.
Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019), 2019
This research deals with gender differences of male and female teachers in teaching learning proc... more This research deals with gender differences of male and female teachers in teaching learning process at SMP AL-WASLIYAH 29 TELADAN. The objective of this study was to investigate types of utterances of male and female teachers in teaching learning process based on inquiry model. Case study was conducted for this research. The data of this research were utterances of male and female teachers in teaching learning process. The data were collected by audio recording. The results of this research showed that the features of utterances that have been found in male and female teachers in teaching learning process. Male and female teachers in delivering their utterances used rapport and report talk. Male teachers used rapport talk in delivering their utterances. Meanwhile, female teachers use report talk in delivering utterances to their students Keywords-gender differences; teaching learning process; inquiry model I.
Pantun is a old poetry of Malay which is used as a means of delivering ideas, attitude, and cultu... more Pantun is a old poetry of Malay which is used as a means of delivering ideas, attitude, and cultural values (Sri, 2010:6). Along the ceremony of Malaynese Wedding, there are a lot of clauses that are used to express the speaker’s ideas that implies hopes and suggestions to the people. Next, the words of Pantun are also used to express the speaker’s attitude towards the marriage like to entertaint the bride and groom. In addition to delivering ideas and attitudes. Pantun is also used to present the cultural values of Malay that keep the kinship among family members. Words arranged in Pantun in terms of poetic values contain philosophical of life, politeness ethics, laws and society. Malaynese is a closed society to say something cannot be directly but must be coated with words that make its meaning disguised but easy to understand. The purpose of this study is to explain the use of metaphor types in Pantun for Wedding Ceremony in Malay Langkat tradition. The use of metaphor of this s...
REGISTER: Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed, 2021
Writing is very important and most required in academic field. Students Writing is the process of... more Writing is very important and most required in academic field. Students Writing is the process of describing a language so that the message conveyed by the writer can be understood by the reader. Kingston (2002:3) state that student’s achievement in learning English is only measured by the productive skills, especially the writing performance. Writing is one way to express ideas, experiences and feelings in written form. This study aims to determine the difficulties experienced by students when writing recount text in junior high schools. This research was conducted by analyzing students dffculties in recount text according to the theory of Heong et al. (2012) and the factor of students difficulties by Zaenudin (2015: 10) state that these factors include: (a) their lack of fluency in issuing ideas using English. (b) they are not accustomed to using English in daily communication, (c) lack of understanding of students about the generic struscture and language feature, (d) lack of the...
REGISTER: Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed, 2021
The objective of this study was to develop authentic E-learning listening materials of narrative ... more The objective of this study was to develop authentic E-learning listening materials of narrative text based on local folklore for the tenth-grade students in SMA Plus Sedayu Nusantara. This study was conducted by using Research and Development design through six stages; gathering data and information, need analysis, materials development, validating by experts, revising, and final product. The subject of the study was the tenth-grade students in SMA Plus Sedayu Nusantara. The data were gathered by reviewing documents, conducting an interview with the English teacher, and distributing the students' needs analysis questionnaires to X MIA 4 consists of 27 students to get the students’ needs. The interview and questionnaire results proved that the students needed authentic E-learning listening materials based on local folklore. The developed reading materials were validated by two experts which scored 3.52 and 4.79 on average. The scores approved that the authentic E-learning listen...
REGISTER: Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed, 2021
DEVELOPING ENGLISH DIGITAL CONVERSATION MEDIA FOR SPEAKING ACTIVITIES BASED ON TASK-BASED LEARNIN... more DEVELOPING ENGLISH DIGITAL CONVERSATION MEDIA FOR SPEAKING ACTIVITIES BASED ON TASK-BASED LEARNING *Astry Iswara Kelana Citra **Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. **Maya Oktora, S.Pd., M.Hum. ABSTRACT Astry Iswara Kelana Citra 2152121005 Citra, Astry Iswara Kelana. Registration Number: 2152121005. Developing English Digital Conversation Media for Speaking Activities Based on Task Based Learning. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan, 2020. This research was aimed to develop English digital conversation media for speaking activities based on the students’ need at SMAN 1 Kec. Binjai Kab.Langkat. This research was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D) method. There were seven steps applied in this research, the steps were: 1). Potential and Problem 2). Gathering data and information 3). Product design 4). Validating to experts 5). Revising Design 6). Product test 7). Final product revision. The subject of this research was tenth grade students of so...
REGISTER: Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed, 2020
The study was aimed to develop media based on PowToon in teaching writing recount text for grade ... more The study was aimed to develop media based on PowToon in teaching writing recount text for grade VIII students in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Medan. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R & D) design through six stages; gathering information and data, analyzing data, designing materials, validating by experts, revising, and final product. The subject of the study was Grade VIII of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Medan. The data were gathered by administering interview to English teacher and distributing questionnaire to 30 respondents to get the students’ needs. The interview and questionnaire result prove that the students’ needs English learning media which can motivate the students to understand about the recount writing. The product has been validated by experts. The result of the product was videos that contain audio-visual media to be used in mastering the recount text writing. The result of experts’ validation showed that the media was an appropriate media to be used in teac...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
This research deals with directive illocutionary act which focused on the speech act showed betwe... more This research deals with directive illocutionary act which focused on the speech act showed between male and female English teachers where the teachers communicate with different gender has different way to communicate with the students where the students also divided into boys and girls. Some of teachers teach with different gender of the students. the process of teaching-learning is not as usual that an interaction between teacher and students face to face in the classroom, but the process is online. So this is different phenomenon happens from the previous research where the teaching-learning process is by online. The purpose of this research is to find out the types of directive illocutionary act performed by English teachers in Junior high school in different classes for academic 2020/2021. This research was conducted by using a descriptive qualitative method. In this research, the researcher found eight types of directive illocutionary act performed by English teachers. There were 39 sentences of command, 15request, 5 forbidding, 6 suggesting, 3 questioning, 6 permitting, 6 encouraging, and 8 wishing. In this research, the researcher found 4 reasons of directive illocutionary act performed by English teachers. .
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
This study deals with the EFL politeness in refusals by students of different culture and interla... more This study deals with the EFL politeness in refusals by students of different culture and interlanguage stages. The objective of this research is to analyze how politeness in refusals are realized by the subjects of different culture and interlanguage stages. This study was a qualitative research. The data were taken from refusal expressions made by EFL Malay and Batak students with initial stage (stage 1-interlanguage) and free variation stage (stage-2 interlanguage). The data of this study were collected by using elicitation techniques by using Discourse Completion Task (DCT), pictures and Interview. The results of this study showed that the politeness in refusal among the Batak and Malay culture are both realized by direct and indirect strategy. The strategies used in both culture are followed by semantic formula, such as non performative statement, regret, reason, acceptance as refusal and future acceptance. The difference between the two realization of politeness in refusal is that the direct strategies are used more in Batak culture than those used in Malay culture. Semantic formula are used less in Batak culture than those in Malay culture.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
This study based on the fact that, the readers get words emotion after reading the tweets of covi... more This study based on the fact that, the readers get words emotion after reading the tweets of covid-19 news. Various emotions found on the tweets of twitter relate to the Covid-19 news. Some of them make the readers being fear or sad of this pandemic. This study deals with semantic emotion of covid-19 news in twitter account of CNN Breaking News. The objectives of the study are to investigate the kinds of emotion used in Covid-19 news in twitter, how the semantic emotions realized in Covid-19 news, and why the semantic emotions realized in Covid-19 news as the ways they are. The study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative. The data of this study were words from tweets, which contained semantic emotion of Covid-19 news in twitter. The sources of data in this study were Covid-19 news in twitter, after vaccine Covid-19 distributed since beginning of January 2021. It was found 3 of basic modes of emotions in covid-19 news on twitter account of CNN Breaking News, namely: happiness, sadness and fear. While, anger and disgust were not found. It is found that the reasons of realizing emotions in covid-19 news were to be communicative function within an individual's cognitive architecture and to be communicative function among members of the same and other species. Contrary with the expectation, happiness was the dominant emotion found in covid-19 news on twitter. Happiness is an emotion to show pleasant, while covid-19 in unpleasant situation, but in this research, it was found that happiness had a high frequency.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
This study dealt with figures of speech in political headline: Waspada and Sinar Indonesia Baru (... more This study dealt with figures of speech in political headline: Waspada and Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB) Newspaper. This research used a qualitative research design with a single case study to gain an understanding on this study. It was conducted descriptively. Figures of speech is a departure from the usual form of expression for the purpose of making the meaning clearer, more forceful, or more beautiful. The objective of the study was to investigate the types of figures of speech in political headline: Waspada and Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB) Newspaper. The data were utterances and word of political headline and source of data taken from online newspaper. The result of the data showed that there were five types of twelve of figures of speech in Waspada and Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB) Newspaper. In Waspada there were four types of figures of speech namely personification, symbol, paradox, and irony. Meanwhile, in Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB) there were three types of figures of speech namely personification, apostrophe, and symbol. The findings showed that symbol was the most frequently used figures of speech in both newspapers. The figures of speech used in all situations that show expression in which the name of an attribute or based on the ideology each the both newspapers are different so it could be concluded that the figures of speech in both newspapers adopted the similar style of language and way of approaching the issues politic by making use of figures of speech.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
The aim of this study is to investigate the types of metaphor, and explain the use of metaphor ty... more The aim of this study is to investigate the types of metaphor, and explain the use of metaphor types in pantun for wedding ceremony in Malay Langkat Tradition. The metaphor types of this study divided into six types, like: active metaphor, inactive metaphor, asymmetric metaphor, subjective metaphor, dead metaphor, and mimatic metaphor. This study used descriptive qualitative research. The data of this study were collected from clauses in pantun that reflected metaphor. The result of this study showed that there were asymmetric metaphor, dead metaphor, and inactive metaphor. The realization of metaphors in pantun were especially existed in Hempang pintu, Hempang kipas, and Hempang batang.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
This study deals to the impact of teaching strategies and the students' interest in analyzing com... more This study deals to the impact of teaching strategies and the students' interest in analyzing comprehension which changed into supposed to talk about approximately using teaching strategies (INSERT and K-W-L) and the interest stage of achievement students in analyzing comprehension. The reason of this research have been 1) to look at whether or not the students' interest in reading comprehension changed into drastically better taught through the usage of INSERT strategy than taught through the usage of K-W-L strategy; 2) to look at whether or not the students' achievement with high interest in reading comprehension changed into drastically better than with low interest; and 3) to discover whether or not any substantial interplay among teaching strategies and students' interest towards students' achievement in reading comprehension. This study used quantitative research design. The sample of this research was students of MTs. Al-Ulum at VIII-1 (INSERT strategy) and VIII-2 (K-W-L stategy) which was each class had 30 students. The mean score of reading comprehension achievement after the students were taught using INSERT strategy was 17.60 and after the students were taught using K-W-L strategy was 16.15. From the two strategies were used to examined the students' achievement in reading comprehension, INSERT was to be most effective strategy. .
Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2020), 2020
The research dealt with economics used with the aims of the study were to describe translation qu... more The research dealt with economics used with the aims of the study were to describe translation quality in the bilingual textbook of Economic for Seventh Grade of Junior High School. The data of this study were economic used in bilingual textbook is written Suroso and Widigdo, R.A (2010). It was taken from the bilingual textbook "The Essential of Economics." It published by PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri in 2010, The data were analyzed by using theory of Nababan. The result of this study showed that there were three aspects of quality namely the accuracy, the acceptability and the readability.
A text can be only interpreted through a background information of other text, and this is where ... more A text can be only interpreted through a background information of other text, and this is where intertextuality emerged, to shape another text. This study investigates the realization of intertextuality in articles of opposite editorials related to Presidential Election 2019. The objectives of the study is to evaluate the ways of the intertextuality realized. This research applied qualitative research design. The data were complex clauses which contained of intertextuality from opposite editorials of four newspapers, namely Kompas, Media Indonesia, Analisa, and Waspada started from January 2nd until April 17th 2019. The data were analyzed by using content analysis technique proposed by Elo and Kyngas (2007). The findings showed that; there were five elements those caused intertextuality realized in opposite editorials, they were; paraphrasing, patchwriting, making implicit meaning, putting contrastive conjunction, and last, image building . Keywords : Intertextuality, Realizations,...
Papers by Anni Holila Pulungan