Papers by Ayu Ida Savitri

Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Translation Studies, Applied Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies, STRUKTURAL 2020, 30 December 2020, Semarang, Indonesia
In the digital era of industry 4.0 with the demand of environment-friendly business due to the wo... more In the digital era of industry 4.0 with the demand of environment-friendly business due to the world's alarming natural condition, natural-cultural-historical tourism using digital promotion becomes a very reasonable way to gain profit for the people involved in the business and to get benefit for the tourism sites. As most of those kinds of tourism involving folklore as the tourism attraction, the business also serves as a potential local language and culture preservation. This research shows how local people were empowered as local guide by integrating the folklore behind the tourism sites and introducing local language as a part of culture preservation through a simple English speaking teaching material, shared through the digital media, particularly social media, managed by the local community. The result shows that, gradually, after being trained and had some practices, those local people were able to be a peer trainer, training other local people to be local guide also.

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Culture, Literature, Language Maintenance and Shift, CL-LAMAS 2019, 13 August 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2019
Language is one of human civilization evidences reflecting the culture of its speakers. When it i... more Language is one of human civilization evidences reflecting the culture of its speakers. When it is dead due to the inexistence of its speakers or their language shift into another one, the culture is also endangered to be extinct. Language maintenance is needed to preserve it along with the culture. One of the ways to keep them is by using it in tourism business where it can be introduced and preserved. This research describes Cambodian local language maintenance through the translation on the information board and the live-recorded information played on the recording tool in a historical tourism site, The Killing Fields. The results shows how the information board and the live-recorded information were beneficial in introducing and preserving the local language through the written and oral translation of the original orthographic and sound of the language for tourists who are interedted in cultural-historical tourism site.

Sabda : Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan, 2017
Anak Langit is an Indonesian sinema elektronik (sinetron) or electronic cinema, a kind of tv seri... more Anak Langit is an Indonesian sinema elektronik (sinetron) or electronic cinema, a kind of tv series, for teenagers since most of the main characters are teenagers. Young viewers love this tv series as it tells us about the life of a motor gang in a big city which becoming a trend recently in several big cities in Indonesia. Although the main characters show the viewers how to be a good motor gang with positive attitude, we consider the language of this TV series is impolite as the rival of this motor gang often shows verbal abuse in most of their scenes using Bahasa Indonesia dialect Betawi (the language of Betawi people, the people of Betawi Kampong in Jakarta). Those impolite utterances may be used to show the real life, including the colloquial language, of Jakarta/Betawi people which sometimes considered impolite by common people. It may be also done to strengthen the characteristics of the antagonist ones who are impolite and rude. In Pragmatics Study, impoliteness violates th...

Harmoni: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Nov 10, 2017
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) to adults who are not learning English for the first... more Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) to adults who are not learning English for the first time but not using it in their daily activities can be challenging for ESL teachers , particularly in teaching English Speaking Skill as they are still facing difficulties in using English in speaking. They have to know and understand the meaning of new vocabularies with different spelling and pronunciation with Bahasa Indonesia as their first language after vernacular languages as their mother tongue, and they have to be able to use it in conversation. Morover, they have to understand tenses and how to use it properly in the conversation. Communicative Competence (CC) of ESL learners becomes one of decisive factors for their achievement in learning ESL. In addition to Chomsky's CC (1965), Hymes (1967; 1972) believes that CC is someone's competence which enable him/her to deliver message and understand the delivered message in a conversation and interpersonally negotiate the meaning of the message within a particular context. Savignon (1983:9) adds that CC is relative, "not absolute", depending on the cooperation of the whole participants in a conversation. CC is then divided into Linguistics Competence related with the grammatically correct language form and Communicative Competence itself related with someone's knowledge which enable him/her to interactively communicate for various functions. CC is used in teaching English to seventeen police officers of Polrestabes Semarang, which is focusing on English Speaking Skill in giving service to foreign tourists who are visiting Semarang when they are dealing with traffic affairs. It is suitable as they are using English as second language when they are on duty (outdoor, dealing with traffic) right way without considering the grammatically correct language form first since traffic affairs often happen abruptly or inaccidently so that it needs to be handled right away. The result shows that they (as speakers) are able to perform their CC in speaking English when their partners (as hearers, pretending to be foreign tourists in the role play activity is cooperating with them by understanding their simple language form and performing similar language form as the exchange.

Culture is the custom, the art, the specific institution, and the achievement of a particular nat... more Culture is the custom, the art, the specific institution, and the achievement of a particular nation, people, or social group. Since a culture reflects the life of its owner, when the owner of a culture no longer keeps the culture, it becomes a history. One of ways of maintaining culture is through developing new ones, such as developng new tradition. One of the examples of it is developing new tradition of cooking traditional cuisine especially made by local people using local ingredient with new way of consuming it. This research shows how the local people of Tegal Regency develops new traditional cuisine from the old one, supported by the local govenment to be part of their culinary tourism promotion. The first one is sate blengong , a side dish developed from the old/original chicken/lamb satay but was made of blengong meat, a cross breed of bebek (duck) and mentok (Muscovy duck), sticked on bamboo skewer, grilled and served with peanut sauce. The second one is Rujak Teplak , a ...

Impoliteness and rudeness are two different terms although both of them refer to the similar offe... more Impoliteness and rudeness are two different terms although both of them refer to the similar offensive behaviour. The difference of those terms lays on the intention of the speaker in doing the offensive behaviour. Culpeper (1996) introduces Impoliteness Theory as something he calls the parasite of Brown and Levinson’s (1987) Politeness Theory by exposing five super strategies: Bald on Record Impoliteness, Positive Impoliteness, Negative Impoliteness, Sarcasm or Mock Impoliteness, and Withhold Politeness. Furthermore, he divides impoliteness into three types: Affective, Coercive, and Entertaining Impoliteness. Meanwhile, rudeness is defined as what a speaker said or did –or even not said and done– which offends a hearer and prevents him/her to feel comfortable or convenience with the speaker’s words or acts. (Rondina and Workman, 2005:3). It is a kind of negative behaviour which is insensitive or disrespectful reflecting someone’s disregard towards others (Dubrin, 2011:...

ABSTRAK Pengajaran keterampilan membaca teks berbahasa Inggris merupakan bagian dari pengajaran B... more ABSTRAK Pengajaran keterampilan membaca teks berbahasa Inggris merupakan bagian dari pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Kedua di Indonesia. Hal tersebut menarik karena terdapat kesulitan dalam memahami kosakata yang terkandung di dalam bacaan sebelum mengambil pesan dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait dengan bacaan. Pemahaman bacaan menjadi semakin sulit saat kosakata tersebut tidak lazim dijumpai, seperti kosakata dalam bidang teknologi atau karya sastra. Namun demikian, dalam pengajaran keterampilan membaca teks berbahasa Inggris, Ackerman (1994) menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan karya sastra membuat peserta didik terlibat secara emosional dalam kisah yang mereka baca. Selain menarik, karya sastra kaya akan materi pembelajaran dan berisi pengalaman yang memberi nilai lebih pada proses pembelajaran (Goshn, 2002), misalnya pada karya sastra anak dalam bentuk realisme, fiksi, non fiksi, fantasi, karya sastra tradisional dan puisi (Brown, 2001). Karya sastra tradisional sendiri adalah ce...

Seminar Nasional Struktural 2018, 2018
Abstrak. Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Kedua bagi pembelajar pemula seperti siswa Pend... more Abstrak. Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Kedua bagi pembelajar pemula seperti siswa Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK), dan Sekolah Dasar (SD) usia 4-12 tahun di Indonesia, khususnya dalam pengajaran keterampilan berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, menjadi hal yang menantang pembelajar pemula karena mereka menghadapi kesulitan dalam mengenali dan memahami bahasa kedua. Mereka harus mengenali kosakata baru dengan ejaan dan pelafalan yang berbeda dari bahasa pertamanya, memahami makna kosakata baru tersebut dan menggunakannya dalam percakapan sederhana dengan fungsi yang sesuai dan tata bahasa yang tepat. Untuk mempertahankan minat belajar mereka, Brown (2000) menekankan adanya teknik pengajaran, bahan ajar dan teknologi yang mendukung proses pembelajaran. Terkait bahan ajar, Dubin and Olshtain (1990:27-32) menekankan penggunaan silabus yang sesuai seperti communicative syllabus dari Yalden (1987). Terkait yang digunakan untuk mengajar dan menguji kemampuan mereka, Heaton (1988:88) menggunakan teknik oral production using picture (berbicara berdasarkan gambar). Dalam hal ini, strip komik dapat digunakan sebagai materi ajar yang menarik bagi pembelajar dan bermanfaat bagi pengajar untuk memperkenalkan kosakata baru beserta makna, fungsi dan penggunaannya dalam percakapan sederhana menggunakan prosedur pengajaran Hudelson dalam Orr (2001:68-69) dengan berlatih berbicara berdasarkan gambar (seperti strip komik). Penelitian ini menganalisis data berupa dua strip komik dengan tema musim dan hewan peliharaan yang digunakan di salah satu kursus Bahasa Inggris di Semarang, yang sejalan dengan pandangan Cameron (2001:159) tentang cerita bertema untuk pembelajaran bahasa kedua. Kata kunci:Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Kedua, kelas percakapan, pembelajar pemula, komik strip.

PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education
A common problem related to Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL) in an expanding circle co... more A common problem related to Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL) in an expanding circle country like Indonesia is students were accustomed to passively follow what the teacher told them to do. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is an effective method to let students develop their knowledge and creativity by learning the materials with their peers. It develops students’ self-learning habit that is beneficial for them to expand their knowledge, improve their competence and build their self-confidence as they were proud of their self-achievement. This research shows the integration of TBLT into listening and speaking class for second-grade students of State Vocational Senior Highschool, Central Java, majoring in electrical power engineering to fulfill their need as a technician with certain adaptations to suit the custom without decreasing its function and effectiveness

E-Structural, 2019
Delivering exactly and accurately the same message of a text under minor bias and without any for... more Delivering exactly and accurately the same message of a text under minor bias and without any form and meaning shifts in another language has always becoming the final-purpose of a translation process as the main objective of translation is transferring the message of a text in one language into another one by highly considering on how the readers of another language will understand and enjoy the translation while obtaining the needed information. Most of the time, the difficulties of expressing similar message in another language lays on the different interpretation due to the different culture. To deal with it, a translator must be a ‘balance-bilingualist’ as she/he must understand well the languages involved in the translation process. Sometimes, the error in translation occurs when the structure of the first language/the source language (SL) of the translator influence the translation in second language/ target language (TL). To analyse the error, Error Analysis Theory from Rich...

Seminar Nasional Struktural 2018, 2018
Abstrak.Istilah penerjemahan merujuk pada pengalihan pesan tertulis, sedangkan kata penerjemahan ... more Abstrak.Istilah penerjemahan merujuk pada pengalihan pesan tertulis, sedangkan kata penerjemahan merupakan proses alih pesan (dari bahasa sumber atau Bsu ke bahasa sasaran atau BSa (Nababan, 2003:18). Dalam proses tersebut, ketakterjemahan (untransability) dapat terjadi akibat latar belakang budaya yang berbeda. Salah satu teks yang kerap mengalami ketakterjemahan adalah teks bermuatan folklore seperti legenda atau tradisi. Saat ketakterjemahan terjadi dalam penerjemahan folklore, penerjemah dapat menggunakan model penerjemahan dari Venuti (2000:427) dengan menggunakan BSuyang disertai dengan catatan tambahan (footnote) atau daftar istilah (glossary). Sementara itu, untuk menghindari pergeseran makna (meaning shift) akibat penerjemahan folklore, Vinay dan Dalbernet (1958) menggunakan dua metode penerjemahan yaitu penerjemahan langsung (direct translation) dan oblique translation serta tujuh prosedur penerjemahan, yaitu peminjaman (borrowing), Calque, penerjemahan harafiah (literal translation), transposisi(transposition), modulasi (modulation), persamaan atau reformulasi (equivalence or reformulation), dan adaptasi(adaptation). Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan metode penelitian folklore dari Dundes (2007) untuk mendeskripsiskan wisata kuliner khas Keraton Yogyakarta di Gadri Resto dari penelitian sebelumnya juga metode dan model penerjemahanVenuti (2000) serta Vinay dan Dalbernet (1958) untuk menerjemahkannya, untuk memfasilitasi wisatawan asing yang berkunjung ke resto tersebut.
Papers by Ayu Ida Savitri