Drafts by Bidur Ghimire
This thesis is a study of “The social Status of Buddhist Nuns : A Study of Nagi Gompa. This stud... more This thesis is a study of “The social Status of Buddhist Nuns : A Study of Nagi Gompa. This study is based on the information collected through field observation, personal contact with the lay Buddhist practitioners, Nuns from Nagi Gompa and Nuns from other Gompas. The researcher made the maximum participation, textual references and personal interviews with the concerned members and lay participants of Gompa from nearby village and some of the academic experts.
In Nepal both male Buddhist monks and Female Buddhist Nuns are staying in monastery and they practice the Buddhist philosophy for the salvation of all the living animals equally. But our society is not giving equal respect to monks and nuns due to various reasons. The ordination system of the nuns in the Himalayas including Nepal is being practiced without following the authentic and original method developed by Buddha. In Nepal, the Buddhist monks are following the unbroken lineage from Mulasarvastibad Vinaya, but the monastics never followed the Mulsarvatibad Bhikshuni Vinaya.
Theravada Bhikshu and Bhikshuni are taking the unbroken lineage from Dharmagupta Vinaya from Taiwan, Hongkong, China, etc. By basing the logic in this rationality, it is derived that the present social status of the Nuns of the Nagi Gompa is the product of various factors involved ranging from the cultural, socio-religious, educational and economic. This present status of the nuns is not only due to the societal conditioning but also from the nuns themselves and their institutional affiliation and the authorized Rinpoches. The nuns’ status can be resolved by the collective efforts of the Buddhist practitioners both monks and nuns, senior responsible lamas, international and national bodies working for the enhancing their status physically, psychologically, mentally and philosophically. The current historical problem of ordination must be resolved and made authentically practiced as soon as possible for garnering the trust and support for the monastic institutionalization and Buddhist practices from various concerned.
Thesis Chapters by Bidur Ghimire
This paper is a study of “The social Status of Buddhist Nuns : A Study of Nagi Gompa. This stud... more This paper is a study of “The social Status of Buddhist Nuns : A Study of Nagi Gompa. This study is based on the information collected through field observation, personal contact with the lay Buddhist practitioners, Nuns from Nagi Gompa and Nuns from other Gompas. The researcher made the maximum participation, textual references and personal interviews with the concerned members and lay participants of Gompa from nearby village and some of the academic experts.
In Nepal both male Buddhist monks and Female Buddhist Nuns are staying in monastery and they practice the Buddhist philosophy for the salvation of all the living animals equally. But our society is not giving equal respect to monks and nuns due to various reasons. The ordination system of the nuns in the Himalayas including Nepal is being practiced without following the authentic and original method developed by Buddha. In Nepal, the Buddhist monks are following the unbroken lineage from Mulasarvastibad Vinaya, but the monastics never followed the Mulsarvatibad Bhikshuni Vinaya.
Theravada Bhikshu and Bhikshuni are taking the unbroken lineage from Dharmagupta Vinaya from Taiwan, Hongkong, China, etc. By basing the logic in this rationality, it is derived that the present social status of the Nuns of the Nagi Gompa is the product of various factors involved ranging from the cultural, socio-religious, educational and economic. This present status of the nuns is not only due to the societal conditioning but also from the nuns themselves and their institutional affiliation and the authorized Rinpoches. The nuns’ status can be resolved by the collective efforts of the Buddhist practitioners both monks and nuns, senior responsible lamas, international and national bodies working for the enhancing their status physically, psychologically, mentally and philosophically. The current historical problem of ordination must be resolved and made authentically practiced as soon as possible for garnering the trust and support for the monastic institutionalization and Buddhist practices from various concerned
Papers by Bidur Ghimire
Drafts by Bidur Ghimire
In Nepal both male Buddhist monks and Female Buddhist Nuns are staying in monastery and they practice the Buddhist philosophy for the salvation of all the living animals equally. But our society is not giving equal respect to monks and nuns due to various reasons. The ordination system of the nuns in the Himalayas including Nepal is being practiced without following the authentic and original method developed by Buddha. In Nepal, the Buddhist monks are following the unbroken lineage from Mulasarvastibad Vinaya, but the monastics never followed the Mulsarvatibad Bhikshuni Vinaya.
Theravada Bhikshu and Bhikshuni are taking the unbroken lineage from Dharmagupta Vinaya from Taiwan, Hongkong, China, etc. By basing the logic in this rationality, it is derived that the present social status of the Nuns of the Nagi Gompa is the product of various factors involved ranging from the cultural, socio-religious, educational and economic. This present status of the nuns is not only due to the societal conditioning but also from the nuns themselves and their institutional affiliation and the authorized Rinpoches. The nuns’ status can be resolved by the collective efforts of the Buddhist practitioners both monks and nuns, senior responsible lamas, international and national bodies working for the enhancing their status physically, psychologically, mentally and philosophically. The current historical problem of ordination must be resolved and made authentically practiced as soon as possible for garnering the trust and support for the monastic institutionalization and Buddhist practices from various concerned.
Thesis Chapters by Bidur Ghimire
In Nepal both male Buddhist monks and Female Buddhist Nuns are staying in monastery and they practice the Buddhist philosophy for the salvation of all the living animals equally. But our society is not giving equal respect to monks and nuns due to various reasons. The ordination system of the nuns in the Himalayas including Nepal is being practiced without following the authentic and original method developed by Buddha. In Nepal, the Buddhist monks are following the unbroken lineage from Mulasarvastibad Vinaya, but the monastics never followed the Mulsarvatibad Bhikshuni Vinaya.
Theravada Bhikshu and Bhikshuni are taking the unbroken lineage from Dharmagupta Vinaya from Taiwan, Hongkong, China, etc. By basing the logic in this rationality, it is derived that the present social status of the Nuns of the Nagi Gompa is the product of various factors involved ranging from the cultural, socio-religious, educational and economic. This present status of the nuns is not only due to the societal conditioning but also from the nuns themselves and their institutional affiliation and the authorized Rinpoches. The nuns’ status can be resolved by the collective efforts of the Buddhist practitioners both monks and nuns, senior responsible lamas, international and national bodies working for the enhancing their status physically, psychologically, mentally and philosophically. The current historical problem of ordination must be resolved and made authentically practiced as soon as possible for garnering the trust and support for the monastic institutionalization and Buddhist practices from various concerned
Papers by Bidur Ghimire
In Nepal both male Buddhist monks and Female Buddhist Nuns are staying in monastery and they practice the Buddhist philosophy for the salvation of all the living animals equally. But our society is not giving equal respect to monks and nuns due to various reasons. The ordination system of the nuns in the Himalayas including Nepal is being practiced without following the authentic and original method developed by Buddha. In Nepal, the Buddhist monks are following the unbroken lineage from Mulasarvastibad Vinaya, but the monastics never followed the Mulsarvatibad Bhikshuni Vinaya.
Theravada Bhikshu and Bhikshuni are taking the unbroken lineage from Dharmagupta Vinaya from Taiwan, Hongkong, China, etc. By basing the logic in this rationality, it is derived that the present social status of the Nuns of the Nagi Gompa is the product of various factors involved ranging from the cultural, socio-religious, educational and economic. This present status of the nuns is not only due to the societal conditioning but also from the nuns themselves and their institutional affiliation and the authorized Rinpoches. The nuns’ status can be resolved by the collective efforts of the Buddhist practitioners both monks and nuns, senior responsible lamas, international and national bodies working for the enhancing their status physically, psychologically, mentally and philosophically. The current historical problem of ordination must be resolved and made authentically practiced as soon as possible for garnering the trust and support for the monastic institutionalization and Buddhist practices from various concerned.
In Nepal both male Buddhist monks and Female Buddhist Nuns are staying in monastery and they practice the Buddhist philosophy for the salvation of all the living animals equally. But our society is not giving equal respect to monks and nuns due to various reasons. The ordination system of the nuns in the Himalayas including Nepal is being practiced without following the authentic and original method developed by Buddha. In Nepal, the Buddhist monks are following the unbroken lineage from Mulasarvastibad Vinaya, but the monastics never followed the Mulsarvatibad Bhikshuni Vinaya.
Theravada Bhikshu and Bhikshuni are taking the unbroken lineage from Dharmagupta Vinaya from Taiwan, Hongkong, China, etc. By basing the logic in this rationality, it is derived that the present social status of the Nuns of the Nagi Gompa is the product of various factors involved ranging from the cultural, socio-religious, educational and economic. This present status of the nuns is not only due to the societal conditioning but also from the nuns themselves and their institutional affiliation and the authorized Rinpoches. The nuns’ status can be resolved by the collective efforts of the Buddhist practitioners both monks and nuns, senior responsible lamas, international and national bodies working for the enhancing their status physically, psychologically, mentally and philosophically. The current historical problem of ordination must be resolved and made authentically practiced as soon as possible for garnering the trust and support for the monastic institutionalization and Buddhist practices from various concerned