ReCIBE. Revista electrónica de Computación, Informática, Biomédica y Electrónica, 2017
Resumen: Millones de personas diariamente navegan a través de Internet realizando diversas activi... more Resumen: Millones de personas diariamente navegan a través de Internet realizando diversas actividades que solventan sus necesidades de navegación. Desde búsquedas de información académica, lectura de noticias hasta pasar horas de ocio. De esa gran cantidad de personas, un porcentaje considerable son personas que padecen de alguna discapacidad visual, motriz o auditiva. Estas personas utilizan herramientas físicas o lógicas que se implementan en sus equipos de cómputo para ayudarlas a navegar en Internet. Este artículo se enfoca en las personas ciegas que navegan todos los días a través de Internet y en el proceso de detección de estos para imprimirles en pantalla un sitio desarrollado especialmente para ellos, cuya intención es proporcionar de funcionalidades que sean de ayuda para que puedan escuchar idóneamente la información hospedada en el sitio.
AIBR, Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana, 2013
ERSA conference papers, 2011
This article examines the theoretical framework for accessibility, social exclusion and provision... more This article examines the theoretical framework for accessibility, social exclusion and provision of public transport. The socioeconomic and urban characteristics of Latin American cities require the creation of specific indices to determine social needs for public transport. In the article an index of social transport needs is drawn up. It can be used to highlight a problem which is severely affecting wide groups in Latin America who suffer social exclusion aggravated by a deficient provision of public transport, and that the planning of public transport systems must take into account mechanisms which include social needs in the decision making process.
Journal of Transport Geography, 2012
The public transport system of Santiago de Cali (Colombia) experienced several deficiencies in th... more The public transport system of Santiago de Cali (Colombia) experienced several deficiencies in the last decade. Although it was used by about 70% of the population and included 30 private operators of collective transport, who offered services for 233 routes utilising a variety of different vehicles, regulation was limited and often did not cover routes, stops, and frequencies. In 2009, the ''Masivo Integrado de Occidente'' (MIO), a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system came into operation, as a cost-effective transport alternative for urban mobility. This article examines the relationship between social exclusion and transport in Santiago de Cali and demonstrates that there is still room for improvement in aspects of spatial coverage and for a greater focus on the factors which explain the social need for transport which are not usually considered within planning. To this end, the theoretical framework for accessibility, social exclusion and provision of public transport is set out and the subject area of study is described. Later in the article an index of social transport needs is drawn up and another index, demonstrating the provision of public transport is presented in such a way as to highlight the difference between the two, expressing the spatial gap between need and supply. The results indicate that the BRT system can improve its services by implementing specific measures which take into account the socioeconomic factors that largely explain the social transport needs of Santiago de Cali.
Boletín económico de ICE, Información …, 2004
El objeto de este trabajo consiste en estudiar los efectos más relevantes que, previsiblemente, s... more El objeto de este trabajo consiste en estudiar los efectos más relevantes que, previsiblemente, supondrá la ampliación de la Unión Europea para la economía andaluza. A tal fin, se llevará a cabo un análisis comparado del sistema productivo regional y de los países candidatos, en el que la especialización de la producción agraria será objeto de atención prioritaria. Posteriormente, se describirán los posibles efectos que el aumento de competencia tendrá sobre el sector exterior al producirse la integración comercial. Además, se considerarán posibles cambios en la dirección de los flujos de inversión extranjera directa (IED) y en el mercado de trabajo. Por último, se determinarán los cambios en las ayudas financieras que provocará la ampliación, particularmente las relacionadas con la Política Agrícola Común.
A sustainable city must be a safe place for its inhabitants when walking, with the absence of fea... more A sustainable city must be a safe place for its inhabitants when walking, with the absence of fear of crime being one of its main attributes. Although perceived insecurity is one of the main deterrents of walking activity, this relationship requires some clarification in environments which are walkable and safe, with low crime rates. This article contributes to the evidence for the influence of perceived security on walking activity and, as a novel aspect, also analyzes the effects of perceived security on walking as the preferred travel mode. In order to study this relationship, we use a method that combines non-linear principal component analysis (NLPCA) and a logit model (LM). The data are taken from a survey of university students carried out in the city of Granada. Results show that gender and perceived security have a greater effect on the choice of walking as the preferred travel mode, while location factors have significantly more weight in the explanation of the choice of w...
Different forms of urban mobility have very different impacts on the urban environment and on the... more Different forms of urban mobility have very different impacts on the urban environment and on the quality of the public spaces around them, from the “soft” pedestrian walkways and cycle paths, through the several modes of public transport to the extremely impactful mass use of private vehicles. This paper first analyses the different urban impacts of these forms of mobility, according to their characteristics, with regard to an extensive transport literature review, and they are put into relationship with the factors promoting urban quality and liveability in line with literature on urban design in terms of activity, image and form, among others. The results of this study are contrasted with the experience demonstrated in the case of Granada’s metropolitan area, with its fairly adequate bus-based public transport system and the common mobility problems resulting from a high level of private vehicular use, i.e. congestion coupled with severe environmental pollution. However, a new li...
The role of the public transport system as promoter of social inclusion is gaining increasing att... more The role of the public transport system as promoter of social inclusion is gaining increasing attention in the fields of transport policy and planning. This is especially relevant in areas traditionally characterized by high levels of poverty and structural inequalities where it can be a decisive element in the reduction of social exclusion. This paper evaluates the topic through an innovative methodology based on index comparison. Firstly, a traditional accessibility index is used which considers the access time to public transport stops, and secondly an Index of Transport Social Disadvantage is proposed. It includes the transport disadvantage factors of the populations, such as disability, old age, low income, unemployment and pre-school children. These transport disadvantage characteristics have been divided into two groups: the first includes the disadvantage characteristics distributed equally. In the second group, the disadvantaged groups in transport with an unequal territori...
Applied Sciences, 2021
This paper analyses how SITEUR, the Mass Public Transport System (MPTS) in the Guadalajara Metrop... more This paper analyses how SITEUR, the Mass Public Transport System (MPTS) in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (GMA), covers transport social needs, contributing to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 11.2. In order to facilitate this, an Index of Mass Transport Provision (IMTP) was measured through proximity, frequency, and capacity. Then, an Index of Social Transport Needs (ISTN) was calculated by means of transport disadvantage indicators. Finally, the Index of Social Transport Needs Covered (ICSTN) was calculated. The calculations used geographic information systems and principal component analysis in 1834 geographic sections. Findings highlight that 50.3% of the inhabitants have a very high level of social transport needs, while only 6.8% of the population have very low social transport needs. Results show that SITEUR promotes advancement in public transport systems within the GMA relative to quality, security, and reliability and it also contributes to tackling social ex...
The model of the regional economic development of southern Spain cannot be understood without tak... more The model of the regional economic development of southern Spain cannot be understood without taking into account intensive irrigated agriculture and its inextricable relationship with water availability. In this semi-arid territory, the need to ensure the efficiency of agricultural water use has been a constant, which has led to the gradual modernization of systems of resource use. However, the total water demand in the Segura River Basin and Almeria province has increased to exceed the limits of natural resources, resulting in a structural water deficit with an unsustainable trend, as is highlighted in hydrological planning. In this paper we analyse the shape, socioeconomic and environmental consequences of the expansion of irrigation in Murcia and of greenhouses in Almeria. It becomes clear that the main shortcoming is the structural shortage of groundwater. The paper concludes with the idea that, despite this severe limitation, more productive irrigation could absorb the higher costs of a solution based on water from coastal desalination to solve the hydrological deficit and, in turn, can become a guarantor of the quality of the ecosystems, food security and good territorial order within the sector.
Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, 2006
2006 Carmen Lizárraga Mollinedo MOVILIDAD URBANA SOSTENIBLE: UN RETO PARA LAS CIUDADES DEL SIGLO ... more 2006 Carmen Lizárraga Mollinedo MOVILIDAD URBANA SOSTENIBLE: UN RETO PARA LAS CIUDADES DEL SIGLO XXI Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, septiembre-diciembre, año/vol. VI, número 022 El Colegio Mexiquense, AC Toluca, México
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar el desenvolvimiento de las politicas de desarrol... more El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar el desenvolvimiento de las politicas de desarrollo rural en la Union Europea (UE) y en los nuevos estados miembros de la UE de Europa Central y Oriental, asi como en los candidatos Rumania y Bulgaria, donde el sector agrario sigue un proceso de transicion dificil, con un gran numero de problemas sin resolver, que incluyen la incertidumbre en los derechos de propiedad, la gran proporcion de empleo agrario y una baja productividad, tanto por hectarea como por trabajador.
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
Traffic congestion and air pollution continue to be serious concerns, especially in large cities,... more Traffic congestion and air pollution continue to be serious concerns, especially in large cities, and going forward, this is not sustainable. Urban transport around the world is facing challenges, such as air pollution and inefficient use of resources, that often inhibit economic development. Simply building more roads cannot address such challenges. There is a need to integrate the urban infrastructure through smart connectivity. Smart mobility, as a vital cornerstone of a smart city, will potentially reduce traffic jams, commuting times, and road crashes and create an opportunity for passengers to customize their journeys. In fact, planning smart mobility solutions is among the top challenges for large cities around the world. It involves a set of deliberate actions backed by sophisticated technologies. The different elements and dimensions that characterize smart mobility are investigated to depict the overall picture surrounding the smart mobility domain. Additionally, the trend...
Libro de Actas CIT2016. XII Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte, 2016
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Intern... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2015
Abstract The aim of this paper is to analyse the formation of informal women's groups for cas... more Abstract The aim of this paper is to analyse the formation of informal women's groups for cash crop production of tomatoes in Soni (Tanzania) as a specific manifestation of collective action. Theoretical contributions from collective action, group formation and empowerment help towards a better understanding about the relations of collective action and women's empowerment. To carry out this research, mainly qualitative methodology is used through ethnographic fieldwork over a long duration of two years (2007–2009).The results show gender as a source of power differences in access to resources in agriculture; identify women's motivations for participation and non-participation in tomato groups; define characteristics of women's tomato groups; and establish the effectiveness of this collective action on women's agency. A better understanding of informal groups can help policy-makers and practitioners assess whether their programmes are hitting or missing their targets.
Rural Sociology, 2016
This article contributes to development research, as well as research studying inequality in agri... more This article contributes to development research, as well as research studying inequality in agricultural systems. We use empirical data from an ethnographic study in the village of Mamba, in northern Tanzania (2006–2009). This study analyzes the question of changing gender relations and the patriarchal constraints to collective action under market liberalization of cash crops. Our findings demonstrate that the shift to a market economy has influenced the nature of production relations, deepening inequalities in gender relations and the position of women. However, some women circumvent their disadvantaged situations through their association with various types of collective action groups or networks. In order to investigate the different impacts on women's lives, we analyze women's interest and motivations for these collective actions. We also identify the processes of adaptation to the new production relations through the coffee trade network and tomato cultivation groups, two local initiatives. We analyze the differences between these two forms of collective action and theorize on their different impacts on women's empowerment.
Hiriko trafikoaren pilaketa da XXI. mendeko hirietan dagoen arazorik larrienetako bat, eta garrai... more Hiriko trafikoaren pilaketa da XXI. mendeko hirietan dagoen arazorik larrienetako bat, eta garraioak jasaten dituen kanpoko eragin negatibo nagusietako bat ere bai. Ekonomiak iradokitzen duenez, merkatuaren akats hori neurri zuzentzaile baten bidez barneratu behar da; eta zuzenketa hori egiteko beharrizanaren inguruko adostasun teorikoa dagoen arren, benetan hiri gutxik abiarazi dituzte bidesari- lerroak edo gune-lizentziak, pilaketaren aurka egiteko. Lan honetan trafikoaren pilaketak garraioaren sektorerako garrantzi handia duela agerian jarriko da, kanpoko eragin negatiboa den aldetik; gainera, pilaketa hori gutxitzeko tarifikazio-neurriei buruz dagoen literaturarik berriena aztertuko da. Urban traffic congestion is a very serious problem for 21st Century cities and one of the biggest transport negative externalities. From Economics perspective, it would be necessary an «optimal tariff» to internalize it. Although there is a theoretical consensus, few cities have implemented cordo...
Las metrópolis de América Latina han experimentado un extraordinario crecimiento y profundas tran... more Las metrópolis de América Latina han experimentado un extraordinario crecimiento y profundas transformaciones, desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, debido a la presión demográfica y a la carencia de una planificación urbanística adecuada a tal presión. En general, presentan una estructura urbana incompatible con el rápido incremento del índice de motorización; una demanda de transporte que supera los límites de la oferta y un mantenimiento deficiente de calles y espacio vial. El fenómeno de dispersión urbana se ha desarrollado en dos direcciones que han incrementado la segregación social según los ingresos personales, con la existencia de grandes zonas periurbanas donde predominan asentamientos informales e irregulares y zonas residenciales donde habitan grupos de ingresos medios y altos. En las últimas décadas, varias ciudades de Latinoamérica están logrando renovar las urbes y modificar los patrones de viaje mediante políticas y proyectos de transporte masivo con un alto impacto p...
International Social Work, 2015
Social work in Africa faces major challenges due to factors such as lack of resources, insufficie... more Social work in Africa faces major challenges due to factors such as lack of resources, insufficient training schools and adequate curricula. In this situation, the actions of women’s social movements can be defined as social development, more in line with the needs of the local population. This article presents, through Tanzania’s case, how the actions of women’s social movements, where the discipline of social work is weakened, follow different models of social development. Their actions should be reckoned as an opportunity to overcome some of the challenges of the professional education and practice of social work in the continent.