Commonly the periodontitis has been linked to periodontopathogens categorized in Socransky's ... more Commonly the periodontitis has been linked to periodontopathogens categorized in Socransky's microbial complexes, however, there is a lack of knowledge regarding “other microorganisms” or "cryptic microorganisms", which are rarely thought of as significant oral pathogens and are neither previously categorized nor connected to illnesses in the oral cavity. This study hypothesized that these cryptic microorganisms could contribute to the modulation of oral microbiota present in health or disease (periodontitis and/or OSA patients). For this purpose, the presence and the correlation among these cultivable cryptic oral microorganisms were identified and their possible role in both conditions was determined. Data from oral samples of individuals with or without periodontitis and with or without OSA were obtained from a previous study. Demographic data, clinical oral characteristics, and genera and species of cultivable cryptic oral microorganisms identified by MALDI-TOF wer...
Proceedings of the 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology: “Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions”
White Band Disease (WBD) is one of the most harmful coral syndromes in the Caribbean, de t eri or... more White Band Disease (WBD) is one of the most harmful coral syndromes in the Caribbean, de t eri ora tin g t he structure of many corals during the eighties and nineties. Since its e tiology is not entirely known, the use of techniques aimed at ide ntifying the associated agents could provide an approach to the composition of the populations involved in the deterioration of A. cervicornis. Therefore, this research's objective was to isolate and characterize bacteria associated with WBD in A. cervicornis from hanging nurseries of Rosario and San Bernardo Corals National Natural Park, Colombia, using MALDI-TO F MS and PCR. The re sults showed the presence of Bacillus cereus bacteria in individuals with bleaching signs from nurseries and transplant are as on Isla Tesoro and Isla Ceiner. O ne of these strains se quenced and phylogenetically analyzed was closely related to Bacillus thuringiensis, with similarities of up to 99%. The presence of B. cereus could indicate a special relationship be tween this microorganism and WBD. However, it is imperative to carry out more studies on identifying the bacteria a ss ocia ted wi t h t h is dise ase to support these findings.
Revista Mvz Cordoba, 2019
©El (los) autor (es), Revista MVZ Córdoba 2019. Este artículo se distribuye bajo los términos de ... more ©El (los) autor (es), Revista MVZ Córdoba 2019. Este artículo se distribuye bajo los términos de la licencia internacional Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (), que permite el uso sin restricciones, la distribución y la reproducción en cualquier medio, siempre que se otorgue el crédito apropiado al autor o autores originales y la fuente.
Ciencia y Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular, 2004
The purpose is to understand the fundamental immunologic relationships that occur at the ocular l... more The purpose is to understand the fundamental immunologic relationships that occur at the ocular level, which are common to the rest of the immune system, but with prevailing ways in silencing the immune response in order to preserve the functional unity. As of an extensive revision of literature, clear immunologic concepts are defined regarding the inactivation ways barriers of the ocular globe, which help to maintain the organ´s functional integrity. Thanks to progress in the knowledge of immuno‐chemestry and cellular study techniques, the essence of the immunity of the ocular tissues can be understood, as well as that of the functional unit defined as the cornea, conjunctive, lachrymal glands, Meibomian glands and eyelids, united by a neutral reflex arch. All of which, to understand that the immunologic system that projects the eye is a system primarily of mechanical barriers and unspecified soluble mediators and mechanism directed towards inhibiting and inflammatory response, whi...
Infectio, 2006
Objetivo. Identificar las cepas prevalecientes de Streptococcus pneumoniae causantes de enfermeda... more Objetivo. Identificar las cepas prevalecientes de Streptococcus pneumoniae causantes de enfermedadinvasiva y su patron de sensibilidad a la penicilina enninos menores de 15 anos que habitan el departamentode Risaralda. Metodo. Analisis descriptivo a partir demuestras de fluidos esteriles analizados por el Instituto Nacional de Salud dentro de su programa de vigilancia epidemiologica del neumococo, y provenientes de ninos menores de 15 anos del departamento de Risaralda durante los anos 1999 a 2004. Resultados. Las cepas prevalentes de S. pneumoniae en Risaralda no son diferentesa las halladas en otras regiones del pais. La tasa de resistencia del neumococo aislado en fluidos esterilesen el departamento del Risaralda fue de 22% (IC9518,2% - 26,2%). Para menores de 5 anos fue de 35%.No hay datos de sensibilidad a las cefalosporinas de tercera generacion. Conclusion. La implementacion deun programa de vacunacion contra neumococo en eldepartamento del Risaralda prevendria en un alto por...
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2020
The results suggest that larvae mortality and melanization is dependent on the specie of Malassez... more The results suggest that larvae mortality and melanization is dependent on the specie of Malassezia, the inoculum concentration and the temperature. According to the findings, G. mellonella can be used as an in vivo model of infection to conduct easy and reliable approaches to boost our knowledge of the Malassezia genus.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2020
BackgroundIn recent decades, Candida glabrata has emerged as a frequent cause of life-threatening... more BackgroundIn recent decades, Candida glabrata has emerged as a frequent cause of life-threatening fungal infection. In C. glabrata, echinocandin resistance is associated with mutations in FKS1/FKS2 (β-1,3-glucan synthase). The calmodulin/calcineurin pathway is implicated in response to antifungal stress and calcineurin gene disruption specifically reverses Fks2-mediated resistance of clinical isolates.ObjectivesWe evaluated the impact of calmodulin inhibition by fluphenazine in two caspofungin-resistant C. glabrata isolates.MethodsC. glabrata isolates were identified by ITS1/ITS4 (where ITS stands for internal transcribed spacer) sequencing and the echinocandin target FKS1/FKS2 genes were sequenced. Susceptibility testing of caspofungin in the presence of fluphenazine was performed by a modified CLSI microbroth dilution method. The effect of the fluphenazine/caspofungin combination on heat stress (37°C or 40°C), oxidative stress (0.2 and 0.4 mM menadione) and biofilm formation (poly...
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 2018
Objetivo. Aislar, identificar y caracterizar molecularmente aislamientos de Cryptococcus patógeno... more Objetivo. Aislar, identificar y caracterizar molecularmente aislamientos de Cryptococcus patógenos humanos a partir de muestras ambientales y clínicas de la ciudad de Cúcuta. Materiales y métodos. Se recolectaron 1300 muestras de 446 árboles de 10 especies diferentes, en 10 zonas públicas de Cúcuta. Concomitantemente, se obtuvieron aislados clínicos de Cryptococcus sp (junio de 2016-junio de 2017). Se realizó cultivo en agar semillas de Guizottia abysinica, posterior identificación bioquímica y caracterización genética mediante PCR-huella Digital y RFLP-URA5 Resultados. Se determinó prevalencia ambiental para C. neoformans de 4,3 % (19 individuos positivos) y C. gattii de 0,2 % (1 individuo positivo), para un total de 20 árboles positivos y 21 aislados (dos de un mismo individuo). El parque Santander registró el 47,6 % de la prevalencia global (10 / 21 aislados), seguido del parque La Victoria con 23,8 % (5/21 aislados), correspondientes a C. neoformans. Se obtuvo un aislado de C...
Anaerobe, 2017
During the past decade, the clinically relevant genus Prevotella has expanded considerably. Prevo... more During the past decade, the clinically relevant genus Prevotella has expanded considerably. Prevotella species can be isolated from nearly all types of oral infections but also from various nonoral infections. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been introduced in clinical microbiology laboratories as a convenient method for identifying bacterial isolates from clinical specimens. Here we tested the diagnostic accuracy of a total of 123 oral Prevotella isolates, selected based on their biochemical profile, by Bruker MALDI-TOF MS. Partial 16S rRNA sequencing was used as a reference method. The performance of MALDI-TOF MS to identify the isolates to the genus level was excellent with 100.0% accuracy, while a good identification rate of 88.6% was achieved to the species level with a log score of ≥2.0. The isolates representing P. aurantiaca and P. jejuni, which are currently missing from the MALDI BioTyper database, were identified correctly to the genus level. Of the 123 isolates, one P. pallens isolate (0.8%) was identified with a score variation of 1.7-1.999. Overall, biochemical testing produced a high proportion (70.7%) of incorrect identifications within different species. MALDI-TOF MS offers a reliable and rapid method for the identification of Prevotella species included in the database.
Journal of Proteome Research, 2014
The commensal fungus Candida albicans secretes a considerable number of proteins and, as in diffe... more The commensal fungus Candida albicans secretes a considerable number of proteins and, as in different fungal pathogens, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have also been observed. Our report contains the first proteomic analysis of EVs in C. albicans and a comparative proteomic study of the soluble secreted proteins. With this purpose, cell-free culture supernatants from C. albicans were separated into EVs and EV-free supernatant and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. A total of 96 proteins were identified including 75 and 61 proteins in EVs and EV-free supernatant, respectively. Out of these, 40 proteins were found in secretome by proteomic analysis for the first time. The soluble proteins were enriched in cell wall and secreted pathogenesis related proteins. Interestingly, more than 90% of these EV-free supernatant proteins were classical secretory proteins with predicted N-terminal signal peptide, whereas all the leaderless proteins involved in metabolism, including some moonlighting proteins, or in the exocytosis and endocytosis process were exclusively cargo of the EVs. We propose a model of the different mechanisms used by C. albicans secreted proteins to reach the extracellular medium. Furthermore, we tested the potential of the Bgl2 protein, identified in vesicles and EV-free supernatant, to protect against a systemic candidiasis in a murine model.
Polymers, 2021
Amphotericin B (AmB) is a widely used antifungal that presents a broad action spectrum and few re... more Amphotericin B (AmB) is a widely used antifungal that presents a broad action spectrum and few reports on the development of resistance. However, AmB is highly toxic, causing renal failure in a considerable number of treated patients. Although when AmB is transported via polymer micelles (PMs) as delivery vehicles its nephrotoxicity has been successfully attenuated, this type of nanoparticle has limitations, such as low encapsulation capacity and poor stability in aqueous media. In this research, the effect of modifying polyethyleglicol-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) (PEG-b-PCL) with 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine (DSPE) on the performance of PMs as vehicles for AmB was studied. PEG-b-PCL with two different lengths of a PCL segment was prepared via ring opening polymerisation and modified with DSPE at a post-synthesis stage through amidation. Upon modification with DSPE, a copolymer was self-assembled, thereby producing particles with hydrodynamic diameters below 100...