Papers by Claire-Marie Rangon
Microbes & Immunity, Mar 19, 2024
Whether it is mandatory to vaccinate young children against SARS-CoV-2 and respiratory syncytial ... more Whether it is mandatory to vaccinate young children against SARS-CoV-2 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is still an ongoing topic of debate. Indeed, vaccine acceptance for young children is either too low (in the case of COVID-19) or, in some cases, unattainable (with the demand far exceeding the capacity of production in the case of RSV vaccines in some countries). In addition, while vaccines do confer immunity, they can be complicated by inflammatory reactions to the vaccine itself. This inflammatory response is controlled by the nervous system, specifically the vagus nerve. Vagal tone optimization in and of itself confers some level of protection against viral infections such as SARS-CoV-2 or RSV, but the degree of protection has not been adequately evaluated. Even though additional studies are needed to validate a strategy of vagal optimization as an alternative to or co-treatment with vaccines, studies of noninvasive vagus nerve stimulation should be supported by public health agencies as an adjunctive tool providing young children with safe, ready- to-use immunization and protection from vaccine reactions. This recommendation is based on scientific, epidemiological, ethical, and economic considerations.
Frontiers in Physiology, Sep 5, 2023
OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine
Conference ReportReport from the 11th International Symposium on Auriculotherapy Held in Copenhag... more Conference ReportReport from the 11th International Symposium on Auriculotherapy Held in Copenhagen, 8-10 September 2023 - Auriculotherapy meets the field of PsychologyClaire Marie Rangon 1, Gerhard Litscher 2, *, Robert Bering 3, Gary Stanton 4, Anne Marie Bering 5, Stephen W. Porges 6, 7, Raphaël Nogier 8* Correspondence: Gerhard Litscher; E-Mail: gerhard.litscher@medunigraz.atOBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine2023, volume 8, issue 4doi:10.21926/obm.icm.2304047Received: October 19, 2023Accepted: October 25, 2023Published: October 26, 2023
Dunod eBooks, Oct 1, 2004
Clinical Neurophysiology, Nov 1, 2018
Medicines, Jan 21, 2018
Neuromodulation, thanks to intrinsic and extrinsic brain feedback loops, seems to be the best way... more Neuromodulation, thanks to intrinsic and extrinsic brain feedback loops, seems to be the best way to exploit brain plasticity for therapeutic purposes. In the past years, there has been tremendous advances in the field of non-pharmacological modulation of brain activity. This review of different neurostimulation techniques will focus on sites and mechanisms of both transcutaneous vagus and trigeminal nerve stimulation. These methods are scientifically validated non-invasive bottom-up brain modulation techniques, easily implemented from the outer ear. In the light of this, auricles could transpire to be the most affordable target for non-invasive manipulation of central nervous system functions.
Journal of neurology & neuromedicine, Jul 1, 2018
The ears are a potential gateway to the brain, mainly through their innervation. Transcutaneous s... more The ears are a potential gateway to the brain, mainly through their innervation. Transcutaneous stimulation of the vagus (tVNS) and trigeminal (TNS) nerves at the auricles is gaining ground in the field of non-invasive brain therapeutics. The concept of Auricular Neuromodulation (AN), described in the article « Auricular Neuromodulation: The emerging concept beyond the stimulation of vagus and trigeminal nerves" 1 is particularly interesting for neurologists, and might even help researchers to unravel fundamental mechanisms of brain functioning. Auricular Neuromodulation is Ideal for Clinical Neurology Among non-invasive techniques, there are at least three reasons to choose AN for treating chronic brain diseases. First, it is affordable. Second, it helps patients to stick to their treatments. Last, but not least, it takes advantage of a design by nature to reach the brain. An affordable non-invasive neuromodulation TNS and tVNS devices are easy to obtain by individuals via the world wide web. Moreover, they are affordable (a few hundred USD), depending on the brand, the number of electrodes, the quality of the
Bioengineering, Jul 29, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Alzheimer's disease reports, Dec 28, 2020
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic-triggered mortality is significantly higher in older... more Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic-triggered mortality is significantly higher in older than in younger populations worldwide. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is related to aging and was recently reported to be among the major risk factors for COVID-19 mortality in older people. The symptomatology of COVID-19 indicates that lethal outcomes of infection rely on neurogenic mechanisms. The present review compiles the available knowledge pointing to the convergence of COVID-19 complications with the mechanisms of autonomic dysfunctions in AD and aging. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is prone to neuroinvasion from the lung along the vagus nerve up to the brainstem autonomic nervous centers involved in the coupling of cardiovascular and respiratory rhythms. The brainstem autonomic network allows SARS-CoV-2 to trigger a neurogenic switch to hypertension and hypoventilation, which may act in synergy with aging-and AD-induced dysautonomias, along with an inflammatory "storm". The lethal outcomes of COVID-19, like in AD and unhealthy aging, likely rely on a critical hypoactivity of the efferent vagus nerve cholinergic pathway, which is involved in lowering cardiovascular pressure and systemic inflammation tone. We further discuss the emerging evidence supporting the use of 1) the non-invasive stimulation of vagus nerve as an additional therapeutic approach for severe COVID-19, and 2) the demonstrated vagal tone index, i.e., heart rate variability, via smartphone-based applications as a non-serological lowcost diagnostic of COVID-19. These two well-known medical approaches are already available and now deserve large-scale testing on human cohorts in the context of both AD and COVID-19.
Le cerveau du nouveau-ne est expose aux agressions. Nous disposons d'un modele animal de lesi... more Le cerveau du nouveau-ne est expose aux agressions. Nous disposons d'un modele animal de lesions cerebrales neonatales. L'injection intracerebrale d'un agoniste des recepteurs NMDA (ibotenate), chez des souriceaux âges de cinq jours, provoque des lesions du cortex et de la substance blanche. La co-injection de peptide vaso-actif intestinal (VIP) protege la substance blanche. Le VIP se lie a un recepteur astrocytaire VPAC2 atypique couple a la proteine kinase C et induit la synthese puis l'excretion du Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Celui-ci active le recepteur TrkB et les Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases neuronales, favorisant la repousse axonale et dendritique. Mais, la seule induction du BDNF n'explique pas la neuroprotection : le stress prenatal chronique ultra leger exacerbe la taille des lesions cerebrales tout en augmentant le taux de transcrits BDNF des mâles. Neanmoins, l'injection d'ampakines stimule la synthese de BDNF et diminue la taille des lesions cerebrales.
HEGEL, 2018
Introduction : L'auriculothérapie, méthode mise au point au XXème siècle par le médecin français,... more Introduction : L'auriculothérapie, méthode mise au point au XXème siècle par le médecin français, le docteur Paul Nogier,e st issue d'une réflexothérapie basées ur la stimulation des pavillons d'oreille. Matériel et méthodes : Analyse bibliographique des bases anatomiques et neurophysiologiques de l'auriculothérapie afin de comprendre le mécanisme d'action de cette médecine complémentaire soutenue par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Résultats : L'auriculothérapie constitue bien une technique de neuromodulation, même si son mécanisme d'action n'est pas entièrement élucidé,n otamment du fait du peu de moyens dédiés. Conclusion : Il est nécessairededévelopper la recherche clinique et fondamentale dans ce domaine de neuromodulation non-invasivep rometteur.
Elsevier Masson, Sep 17, 2014
Presse Medicale, Sep 1, 2016
Plaidoyer pour une recherche qualitative de qualité dans toutes les spécialités-Correspondance à ... more Plaidoyer pour une recherche qualitative de qualité dans toutes les spécialités-Correspondance à propos de l'article « La recherche qualitative : une opportunité de repenser l'EBM »
Le développement du nourrisson
Elsevier Masson, Sep 17, 2014
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface
The COVID-19 pandemic seems endless with the regular emergence of new variants. Is the SARS-CoV-2... more The COVID-19 pandemic seems endless with the regular emergence of new variants. Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus particularly evasive to the immune system, or is it merely disrupting communication between the body and the brain, thus pre-empting homeostasis? Retrospective analysis of the COVID-19 and AIDS pandemics, as well as prion disease, emphasizes the pivotal but little-known role of the 10th cranial nerve in health. Considering neuroimmunometabolism from the point of view of the vagus nerve, non-invasive bioengineering solutions aiming at monitoring and stimulating the vagal tone are subsequently discussed as the next optimal and global preventive treatments, far beyond pandemics.
Longhua Chinese Medicine
Background and Objective: Neuromodulation is a new area of medicine bringing together therapeutic... more Background and Objective: Neuromodulation is a new area of medicine bringing together therapeutic interventions conferring operational plasticity on neuronal network output. Auricular vagus nerve neuromodulation refers to a group of noninvasive techniques taking advantage of the vagus nerve supply of the ears to provide complementary anti-inflammatory treatments in a wide range of diseases. Recent findings have unraveled the key role of vagus nerve in driving SARS-CoV-2 pathology, questioning a putative role of auricular vagus nerve neuromodulation as an adjuvant treatment in the current pandemic.
Papers by Claire-Marie Rangon