This qualitative study was aimed at understanding and analyzing the roles of parents in the readi... more This qualitative study was aimed at understanding and analyzing the roles of parents in the reading engagement and modular distance learning of their children, the challenges met, and the approaches employed in their children’s learning activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. To gain a profound understanding of the phenomenon, a case study method was used. Eight parents of Junior High School students served as the respondents, majority of whom attained high school education and were from lowincome families. Semi-structured interviews were personally carried out to gather valuable information. Thematic analysis was applied in dealing with the data obtained from personal dialogues. Generated themes revealed that parents carried out roles such as rule-setter, monitor, giver of attention, encouragement and inspiration, and provider. However, parental involvement in these trying times was tough because of limited vocabulary, scarce knowledge about the lessons, and inadequate Englis...
This qualitative study was aimed at understanding and analyzing the roles of parents in the readi... more This qualitative study was aimed at understanding and analyzing the roles of parents in the reading engagement and modular distance learning of their children, the challenges met, and the approaches employed in their children's learning activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. To gain a profound understanding of the phenomenon, a case study method was used. Eight parents of Junior High School students served as the respondents, majority of whom attained high school education and were from lowincome families. Semi-structured interviews were personally carried out to gather valuable information. Thematic analysis was applied in dealing with the data obtained from personal dialogues. Generated themes revealed that parents carried out roles such as rule-setter, monitor, giver of attention, encouragement and inspiration, and provider. However, parental involvement in these trying times was tough because of limited vocabulary, scarce knowledge about the lessons, and inadequate English communication and comprehension skills. Prevalence of poverty hampered the parents in intellectually assisting their children, which eventually led them to utilize dispensed parenting approaches like relying on Google Translate to interpret unfamiliar words, using the Internet to look for needed information, consulting the dictionary to unlock vocabulary issues, and seeking the help of more knowledgeable relatives. This study established that parenting amidst the pandemic is an arduous task, especially in the economically disadvantaged families. Incidences of low self-efficacy and weak parental motivation trigger children's poor regard for learning and hamper their drive to engage in reading activities that are deemed helpful in their literacy advancement. It is therefore suggested that a family literacy program be developed and be introduced to bolster a solid home-school partnership. Through this, appreciation for reading and learning will be inculcated in the minds of the adolescent learners.
This qualitative study was aimed at understanding and analyzing the roles of parents in the readi... more This qualitative study was aimed at understanding and analyzing the roles of parents in the reading engagement and modular distance learning of their children, the challenges met, and the approaches employed in their children’s learning activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. To gain a profound understanding of the phenomenon, a case study method was used. Eight parents of Junior High School students served as the respondents, majority of whom attained high school education and were from lowincome families. Semi-structured interviews were personally carried out to gather valuable information. Thematic analysis was applied in dealing with the data obtained from personal dialogues. Generated themes revealed that parents carried out roles such as rule-setter, monitor, giver of attention, encouragement and inspiration, and provider. However, parental involvement in these trying times was tough because of limited vocabulary, scarce knowledge about the lessons, and inadequate Englis...
This qualitative study was aimed at understanding and analyzing the roles of parents in the readi... more This qualitative study was aimed at understanding and analyzing the roles of parents in the reading engagement and modular distance learning of their children, the challenges met, and the approaches employed in their children's learning activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. To gain a profound understanding of the phenomenon, a case study method was used. Eight parents of Junior High School students served as the respondents, majority of whom attained high school education and were from lowincome families. Semi-structured interviews were personally carried out to gather valuable information. Thematic analysis was applied in dealing with the data obtained from personal dialogues. Generated themes revealed that parents carried out roles such as rule-setter, monitor, giver of attention, encouragement and inspiration, and provider. However, parental involvement in these trying times was tough because of limited vocabulary, scarce knowledge about the lessons, and inadequate English communication and comprehension skills. Prevalence of poverty hampered the parents in intellectually assisting their children, which eventually led them to utilize dispensed parenting approaches like relying on Google Translate to interpret unfamiliar words, using the Internet to look for needed information, consulting the dictionary to unlock vocabulary issues, and seeking the help of more knowledgeable relatives. This study established that parenting amidst the pandemic is an arduous task, especially in the economically disadvantaged families. Incidences of low self-efficacy and weak parental motivation trigger children's poor regard for learning and hamper their drive to engage in reading activities that are deemed helpful in their literacy advancement. It is therefore suggested that a family literacy program be developed and be introduced to bolster a solid home-school partnership. Through this, appreciation for reading and learning will be inculcated in the minds of the adolescent learners.