Papers by Daniel D AMARIEI
The paper provide an analysis of the nowadays Smart Irrigation Systems. After a presentation of a... more The paper provide an analysis of the nowadays Smart Irrigation Systems. After a presentation of actual trends in irrigation for precision agriculture, followed by a SWOT analysis, the paper presents a case study regarding the concept of a combined microirrigation dripping system using rain water buffered by regular water network and how to calculate the collecting and storage system;
The paper highlights the importance and the status of the present agricultural knowledge's system... more The paper highlights the importance and the status of the present agricultural knowledge's system, analyzing the changes occurred in the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System and its impact to advisory system. The research makes a presentation of agricultural extension system, the services provided by the agriculture advisers and the regional connections of the AKIS, proposing a solution for transferring new knowledges towards farmers from international applied research.

DAAAM Proceedings, 2011
In this work is presented an optimization solution of correcting withdrawal rollers to the withdr... more In this work is presented an optimization solution of correcting withdrawal rollers to the withdrawal of the semifinished products of steel to vertical continuous casting plant of steel for increase the productivity of continuous casting process. To optimize rollers was used statistical calculations applied to experimental measurements obtained directly from the withdrawal of blanks and using modern techniques, such as: CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) for design, modeling and optimization of rollers. Also, has been used finite element method (FEM) for static and dynamic simulations, the behavior of withdrawal-straightening rolls in continuous casting process for determining stress, strain and displacement that occur in this process concerning the semi-finished products withdrawn. The studies aim to improve the process of withdrawal of the semi continuous castings with vertical curvilinear wire of steel for improve the quality of semi-finished products.
GEOLINKS Conference Proceedings, 2021
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2008
Extensive research is now under way around the world to develop advanced technologies to enhance ... more Extensive research is now under way around the world to develop advanced technologies to enhance the performances of infrastructure systems. While these technological advances are incremental in nature, they will eventually lead to structures which are distinctly different from the actual infrastructure systems. These new structures will be therefore capable of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), involving applications of electronics and smart materials, aiming to assist engineers in realizing the full benefits of structural health monitoring.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2009
Even it has been recognized that Shape Memory Alloys have a significant potential for deployment ... more Even it has been recognized that Shape Memory Alloys have a significant potential for deployment actuators, the number of applications of SMA-based actuators to the present day is still quite small, due to the need of deep understanding of the thermomechanical behavior of SMA. SMAs offer attractive potentials such as: reversible strains of several percent, generation of high recovery stresses and high power / weight ratios. This paper tries to provide an overview of the shape memory functions. A table with property values for different properties of shape memory alloys is also included.

Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Aug 20, 2012
ABSTRACT This paper introduces a method to detect and assess damage in beams based on measured fr... more ABSTRACT This paper introduces a method to detect and assess damage in beams based on measured frequency changes for ten weak-axis bending vibration modes; it considers the particular manner in which these frequencies change in the presence of damage. Dynamic detection methods are based on the fact that damage influences the dynamic behaviour of structures, changing their mechanical characteristics [1]. Literature reviews present methods based on frequency shift [2], mode shapes and their derivatives [3] or on structural flexibility [4]. These methods generally use finite element models, involving a reduced number of elements; at the same time, few numbers of vibration modes are considered. This leads to difficulties in understanding the physical phenomenon which occurs as a result of the damage, as well as to precisely assess damage using these methods. The proposed method takes into account the results of our previous research in which the dynamic behaviour of different beams was analysed, with a focus on frequency changes occurring as a result of damage [5]. This paper presents a relationship between frequency changes and damage location and severity, valid for all support types and mode numbers, containing only these two variables. Practically, the frequency shift is dependent on the beam characteristics considered represented by a constant, a term depending on the location (given by the square of the mode shape curvature of the undamaged beam) and one on the damage depth. The first stage of the assessment algorithm consists in assigning the unit value to the term considering the damage depth; consequently, the relation depends just on the damage location. For any location along the beam one can determine, for the first ten vibration modes of the undamaged beam, a set of ten values representing the square of the respective mode shape curvatures for that location. This is a pattern characterizing the frequency changes for a damage placed at a certain location. By comparing measurement results with several patterns, one can determine the location. Afterwards, by determing the term for the second variable, the depth can be assessed. Using continuous models and a large series of modes, the method is reliable (being successfully validated using numerous experiments) and ensures high precision, requiring only minimal data acquisition equipment.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2009
Universities have scientific and technical competences which provide them capabilities to develop... more Universities have scientific and technical competences which provide them capabilities to develop innovative, high-tech products and services. Successful implementation of these capabilities in the economical environment request entrepreneurship competences and abilities. PREMIO eplatform addresses the issue of developing an entrepreneurial culture among candidates from higher education (students, teachers, researchers) in a transnational perspective. The paper presents a transnational entrepreneurship training course and a mentoring model with the participation of European specialists. The project is foreseen as an efficient solution to motivate, train and support entrepreneurs, thereby encouraging the success of e-learning in higher education.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
Rubber and similar materials are often used as vibration insulators for technical systems. Their ... more Rubber and similar materials are often used as vibration insulators for technical systems. Their behavior is linear until a deformation of maximum 15% appears; crossing over this limit, the behavior becomes non-linear, meaning that the dynamic rigidity and implicitly the modulus of elasticity change its value as long as the element is stressed over this level under dynamic regime. The authors have developed one equipment and adequate methods to find out these parameters by statistical processing of data experimentally obtained with this equipment.
Studia Mundi – Economica
The paper investigates the role of adult education in fostering rural development and women's... more The paper investigates the role of adult education in fostering rural development and women's empowerment, focusing on Tunisia as a representative country for the MENA region and Hungary, with a focus on cross-regional collaboration, growth opportunities, and gender-inclusive strategies. We utilized a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative data analysis of national education and socioeconomic indicators with qualitative case studies of adult education programs in both countries.
Analele Universităţii "Eftimie Murgu" Reşiţa: Fascicola I, Inginerie, 2009
Even it has been recognized that Shape Memory Alloys have a significant potential for deployment ... more Even it has been recognized that Shape Memory Alloys have a significant potential for deployment actuators, the number of applications of SMA-based actuators to the present day is still quite small, due to the need of deep understanding of the thermomechanical behavior of SMA. SMAs offer attractive potentials such as: reversible strains of several percent, generation of high recovery stresses and high power / weight ratios. This paper tries to provide an overview of the shape memory functions. A table with property values for different properties of shape memory alloys is also included
Analele Universităţii "Eftimie Murgu" Reşiţa: Fascicola I, Inginerie, 2006
The paper propose to mark out the influence of different control parameters of laser beam light o... more The paper propose to mark out the influence of different control parameters of laser beam light over the entire surface thermal treatment applied and, also, the physical and technological proprieties of the stainless steel obtained layer
Analele Universităţii "Eftimie Murgu" Reşiţa: Fascicola I, Inginerie, 2007
Shape memory alloys (SMA) components can affect through two mechanisms the vibrations of structur... more Shape memory alloys (SMA) components can affect through two mechanisms the vibrations of structures. The stresses from a SMA element that realize phase transformations, as a result of vibrations, have an effect on the frequency-amplitude characteristics. In addition, a dissipation of energy due to hysteresis in a SMA element can reduce the natural frequency and affect forced vibrations.

Many of the performed researches all around the world aim to develop advanced technologies in ord... more Many of the performed researches all around the world aim to develop advanced technologies in order to enhance the performances of the infrastructure systems, different from the actual ones, fact which involves multidisciplinary research (IT, sensoring, electronics, smart materials and others), aiming to assist engineers in realizing full benefits of structural health monitoring. The paper presents a preliminary feasibility study of a system that can be used for damping of structural vibrations. Thus, shape memory alloys (SMA) components can affect through two mechanisms the structure's vibrations. The stresses from a SMA element that realize phase transformations, as a result of vibrations, have an effect on the frequency-amplitude characteristics. In addition, a dis-sipation of energy due to hysteresis in a SMA element can reduce the natural frequency and affect forced vibrations.
The paper presents the research results achieved in order to perform a comparison regarding the i... more The paper presents the research results achieved in order to perform a comparison regarding the influence of natural and forced cooling process applied to the Nitinol active springs inside a linear motion actuator. SMAs offer attractive potentials such as reversible strains of several percent, generation of high recovery stresses and high power / weight ratios. The actuator behavior was simulated first with SolidWorks and experimentally tested for results validation.
Shape memory alloys (SMA) have generated a lot of new ideas in engineering. Application is howeve... more Shape memory alloys (SMA) have generated a lot of new ideas in engineering. Application is however so far limited to clamps and springs. With respect to smart structures sensing as well as control has to be included. While sensing looks to be relatively feasible control is the big challenge. This paper describes some related a smart structure idea using SMAs and discusses the challenges which need to be solved before these ideas can be realised.
This paper presents the length determination modality of the double flexible toothed wheel from a... more This paper presents the length determination modality of the double flexible toothed wheel from a toothed harmonic transmission having a wave generator with π/2 phase difference, function of the material's longitudinal elasticity module.
Abstract: Vibration damping represents one, if not the most important issue in order to mitigate ... more Abstract: Vibration damping represents one, if not the most important issue in order to mitigate hazards and to enhance the structure's reliability and performances. Earthquakes represent one of the main sources of vibration which can essentially harm the infrastructures. Thus, the paper summarizes researches regarding different types of seismic isolators and their influence on the structural performances, aiming to provide technical support for seismic risk mitigation. Key-Words: isolation systems, elastomeric bearings, ...
Papers by Daniel D AMARIEI