Papers by Dirk-Martin Grube
Religions Challenged by Contingency, 2008
International journal for philosophy of religion, Jun 15, 2024

In contemporary discussions, discovering meaning in life is often connected with secular or relig... more In contemporary discussions, discovering meaning in life is often connected with secular or religious ideas of transcendence . This book deals with the question whether a conception of God s transcendence as part of a Christian view of life can offer adequate help in living a meaningful life. After discussing Greek, biblical and Christian conceptions of divine transcendence, the process of ascribing meaning is analysed and its requirements for views of life are spelled out. In dialogue with classical theism, process theism and negative theology, the author proposes a conception of God s transcendence that can function adequately in living meaningfully in a Christian way. The author also tries to show that this conception has advantages over atheist views in enabling people to find meaning in life. This study makes a distinctive contribution to the doctrine of God, not only by offering a full-blown conception of God s transcendence, but also through its specific focus on the kind of functionality required by the practice of finding meaning in life.
Routledge eBooks, Oct 19, 2018
De Gruyter eBooks, Sep 7, 2020
Amsterdam University Press eBooks, 2023
STJ | Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 2015
Our discourse section (in Dutch) reflects something of the conversation that took place at a symp... more Our discourse section (in Dutch) reflects something of the conversation that took place at a symposium on “Pasen als paradigmawisseling” (Easter as Paradigm Change) at the VU University, Amsterdam following the publication of Dirk-Martin Grube’s book Ostern als Paradigmenwechsel. Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Untersuchung zur Entstehung des Urchristentums und deren Konsequenzen fur die Christologie (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2012). After Grube’s opening remarks about his book, the rest of this section presents responses by Peerbolte, Benjamins and Van den Brink, followed by Grube’s brief reply to his interlocutors.
Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1999

STJ | Stellenbosch Theological Journal, Jan 22, 2016
Allereerst dank ik de onderzoeksgroep "Beliefs" van de Protestantse Th eologische Universiteit ze... more Allereerst dank ik de onderzoeksgroep "Beliefs" van de Protestantse Th eologische Universiteit zeer hartelijk voor deze uitnodiging. Ik stel de gelegenheid op prijs om respons te krijgen op mijn stellingen. Daarom ben ik ook de respondenten zeer erkentelijk dat zij mijn boek "Ostern als Paradigmenwechsel" zo nauwkeurig gelezen hebben. De argumentatie in het boek lijkt qua genre misschien wat vreemd: hoewel de Christologie heel belangrijk is stelt het boek geen klassieke Christologie voor. Het begint immers met de vraag naar het ontstaan van het christendom en werkt deze uit met behulp van wetenschapstheoretische categorieën. Vanwege deze vreemdheid ga ik in deze introductie op de gang van de argumentatie nauwkeuriger in. Dat doe ik in twee paragrafen: de 1. gaat over het concept van paradigmawisselingen en de stelling dat de Christologie die de eerste christelijke gemeenten op na hebben gehouden door zo een wisseling tot stand is gekomen, de 2. over de consequenties van deze stelling.
Religious Studies, Dec 1, 2000
Amsterdam University Press eBooks, Jul 31, 2023
This article provides a constructive paradigm to deal with the issue of religious difference, cal... more This article provides a constructive paradigm to deal with the issue of religious difference, called .justified religious difference". It is based on two foundations, viz: (a) the rejection of the logical principles of bivalence and tertium non datur and the acknowledgement that there are realms of inquiry in which it may be impossible to apply to some statements the bipolarity of truth values ("true" or "false"), and (b) the suggestion that, in those cases we should replace the concept of truth with that of justification which allows for pluralization. Given that religion is one of those realms, religious differences can be acknowledged as justified. This being the case, the (foundations of) interreligious dialogue need to be reconstructed, e. g. in a fashion which is opposed to religious pluralisms ala John Hick.
Papers by Dirk-Martin Grube