Papers by Dominique Verté
Ageing and Society, 2012
ABSTRACTThis paper takes the quality of life in the neighbourhood as a starting point and appeals... more ABSTRACTThis paper takes the quality of life in the neighbourhood as a starting point and appeals to the framework of Age-friendly Cities to gain insights in how ‘the neighbourhood as a physical surrounding’ can either promote or hinder feelings of unsafety in later life. It examines the impact of the perceived design of the neighbourhood on feelings of unsafety in later life. Literature on the relationship between feelings of unsafety and the neighbourhood mainly concentrates on incivilities and disorder. Other physical-spatial features of the neighbourhood are rarely taken into consideration. Using data generated from the Belgian Ageing Studies (N=25,980) multivariate analyses indicate that a neighbourhood which is perceived to be physically adapted to the needs of older people (in terms of accessibility and distance to services) heightens feelings of safety. The findings demonstrate the need to reduce behaviour constraints by redesigning fear-related physical features. This concl...
Presses universitaires de Louvain eBooks, 2014
Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet, 2010
Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet, Nov 1, 2010
22 Anno 2012 staat Europa in het teken van Actief Ouder Worden en Intergenerationele Solidariteit... more 22 Anno 2012 staat Europa in het teken van Actief Ouder Worden en Intergenerationele Solidariteit. Actief ouder worden kan via verschillende activiteiten en vrijwilligerswerk is hier alvast één van. Verschillende internationale onderzoeken toonden reeds aan dat vrijwilligerswerk verrichten op latere leeftijd positief blijkt te zijn voor het welbevinden van mensen (Fraser e.a., 2009). Zo zou het de lichamelijke en geestelijke gezondheid positief beïnvloeden (bijv. Kumar et al., 2012) en een hogere levenskwaliteit (o.a. Van Willigen, 2000) en levenszin bewerkstelligen. Daarenboven houdt vrijwilligerswerk ouderen betrokken in hun gemeenschap en verkleint dit het risico op onveiligheidsgevoelens (De Donder e.a., 2012), sociale exclusie en sociale isolatie (Eurofund, 2011). Oudere vrijwilligers gezOcht?!
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2019
Utilizing a mixed-methods research design consisting of two consecutive phases, this study invest... more Utilizing a mixed-methods research design consisting of two consecutive phases, this study investigates older adults’ perceptions and understanding of social connectedness factors influencing late-life volunteering. In the first phase, quantitative data from the Belgian Ageing Studies project ( N = 24,508, from 89 municipalities) was analyzed through regression modeling. In the second, qualitative phase, focus groups with older people were conducted in each of the six research locations, to elucidate and build on the quantitative results. The research findings indicate that formal connectedness is highly influential for both the potential to volunteer and actually doing so. Membership of an association and being a new resident are key determinants for volunteering in later life. Moreover, local policy also functions as an important bridge between long-term residents and new residents in terms of the social structure of the society and the extent to which people are integrated into t...
Papers by Dominique Verté