Papers by Dr. Satwant Pasricha
Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2014
Science cannot grow to reach from truth to larger truth if we stop exploring. The control mechani... more Science cannot grow to reach from truth to larger truth if we stop exploring. The control mechanism of inputs like "rebirth," "reincarnation" is faith by which manipulated vision is directed away from verifiable truth. [3] Science cannot afford to enshrine fossilized divine knowledge.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Mar 1, 1986
The authors report some features of 16 cases of near-death experiences that they investigated in ... more The authors report some features of 16 cases of near-death experiences that they investigated in India. After presenting brief accounts of four such experiences, the authors describe and discuss features in which the Indian cases differ from a larger sample of American cases. They note that some of these features seem to be culture-bound, but they caution against accepting this observation as adequate evidence that the cases derive only from culture-bound beliefs. Some differences may derive from the effects of a person's beliefs on what actually does happen after death, and some different features may, on closer examination, be found to be basically similar in nature if not in detail.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 1979
J Sci Explor, 2005
Bodily malformations that are unusually large or otherwise unusual in shape or location occur som... more Bodily malformations that are unusually large or otherwise unusual in shape or location occur somewhat rarely. Sometimes a young child having such an abnormality speaks about the life of a deceased individual who suffered a wound that is said to have corresponded somehow to the abnormality. We aimed at investigating the justification for attributing malformations to wounds in a particular deceased person. Cases of this type occur frequently in Asia, but also in Western countries. The principal method of investigation is interviews with firsthand informants for the subject and concerned deceased person. Medical reports, such as postmortems, are examined when available. In Part I we present three reports of skin anomalies and tabular summaries of an additional five cases. We have obtained evidence of a close correspondence between the skin anomalies and the wounds on the concerned deceased person, although the evidence is not conclusive. In Part I1 we report four cases of birth defects attributed to previous lives. We present and discuss some evidence, again not conclusive, that tends to support this attribution.
In order to determine the prevalence rate of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in south India, the au... more In order to determine the prevalence rate of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in south India, the author systematically surveyed four villages with a total population of 6430 persons. Eighteen persons were reported to have died (or nearly died) and revived. Thirteen (72%) of them reported having had NDEs which is about 2 cases per thousand of the population surveyed. Eleven features of the south Indian cases are compared with the features of north Indian cases. Most of the principal features of the south Indian cases resemble those reported from north India. However, they also differed in the frequencies of four features; two of the features were reported chiefly by the north Indian subjects while another two only by the south Indian subjects. All these four features have been reported among American cases. The author suggests the possibility of a genuine phenomenon underlying the similarities of features among cases in two different cultures.
My association with Dr. Ian Stevenson goes back to October 1973, and I have known him ever since,... more My association with Dr. Ian Stevenson goes back to October 1973, and I have known him ever since, as a mentor, a guide, a friend, a scientist, and above all a good human being. My First Meeting with Dr. Stevenson During the silver-jubilee conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society that was held in Chandigarh in December 1972, a senior Indian psychiatrist with whom Dr. Stevenson had corresponded told me about Dr. Stevenson’s work on reincarnation. Because of my background in science, I was quite skeptical about such cases, about which I had read only in the newspapers. Subsequently, however, during another meeting in 1973, the same professor informed me that Dr. Stevenson was coming to India and that I could meet him if I wished. I was employed in Chandigarh (about 250 kilometers north of Delhi) and came to Delhi to meet Dr. Stevenson for the first time in October 1973. He was staying at Hotel Janpath, where he often stayed when he came to Delhi. Dr. Stevenson was not in his room, ...
Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1977
Ð In an effort to contribute to the understanding of the origin of birthmarks and birth defects f... more Ð In an effort to contribute to the understanding of the origin of birthmarks and birth defects from the perspective of reincarnation, cases of children with memories of previous life and congenital anomalies were investigated in India, mostly in the 1990s. Reports of ten such cases are presented. The principal methods of investigation were interviews with several firsthand informants on the subject’s side of the cases as well as on the side of the deceased person whose life the subject claimed to remember. The birthmarks or birth defects were carefully examined. Their correspondence with the supposedly matching wounds on the concerned deceased person was independently verified, mostly from the medical records. Two subjects had major birth defects. One was born without his right hand and right forearm; another had a severe malformation of the spine (kyphosis) and prominent birthmark on the head. The remaining eight subjects had birthmarks corresponding to gunshot wounds, knife wound...
Journal of The American Society for Psychical Research, 1990
Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1980
The subject of reincarnation* has been dealt with in various ways since the beginning of civiliza... more The subject of reincarnation* has been dealt with in various ways since the beginning of civilization. Claims to remember a previous life, like those of other alleged paranormal events, have occurred all through the ages and in nearly every part of the world. Memories attributed to previous lives have occurred and been investigated under a variety of conditions, including the normal waking state and altered states of consciousness. The latter conditions can increase the difficulty in discriminating between abnormal and paranormal experiences. A justified claim of having paranormal powers may be dismissed as only a part of the patient's delusions or hallucinations. Much experience is needed to distinguish between parapsychological and pathological conditions. Approaches to the Evidence of Rebirth : The phenomenon of rebirth has been investigated under controlled situations by inducing altered states of consciousness (as in hypnosis) and studying the evidence manifested spontaneou...
Journal of the society for psychical research, 1987
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
Nearly 450 cases of children who claim to remember a previous life have been professionally inves... more Nearly 450 cases of children who claim to remember a previous life have been professionally investigated in India. With one exception, all published reports of such cases have hitherto involved children in North India, which raises the questions of whether there are similar cases in South India and whether they are underreported. This paper presents features of seven additional cases in South India. The cases were investigated primarily by means of interviews with firsthand informants for the subject' s side of a case and for that of the concerned deceased person, if such a person has been identified. The cases of South India show features similar to those of North Indian cases. The belief in reincarnation is held as strongly in South India as it is in North India, yet there is a marked disparity in terms of the ease with which cases can be found in the North compared to the South. Cases in the South may be underreported, but there is some indication that they may actually be le...
Journal of Near-Death Studies
In order to learn about the prevalence rate in a larger Indian population and to explore new feat... more In order to learn about the prevalence rate in a larger Indian population and to explore new features of near-death experiences (NDEs), I systematically surveyed 60 villages in southern India covering a population of 36,100 persons. The prevalence rate was 4 cases per 10,000 persons. Unlike the Western studies that have been generally conducted in hospital settings, the present study was conducted in the community setting. I systematically studied new features of visibility in the other realms, the experience of bright but soothing light, sensation of a cave, extrasensory experiences, and attitude toward life and death. In spite of different locations (community versus hospital) of the experiencers at the time of NDEs in the Indian and Western cases, common features across cultures suggest the presence of some universality of features, lending support to my earlier thesis that commonalty in features is indicative of a genuine phenomenon underlying NDEs.
Journal of Near-Death …, 1994
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
Journal of The American Society for Psychical Research, 1988
RefDoc, THE reference in scientific document supply / Refdoc, la référence en fourniture de docum... more RefDoc, THE reference in scientific document supply / Refdoc, la référence en fourniture de documents scientifiques ...
Journal of the Society For Psychical Research, Sep 30, 1987
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
Journal of the American Society For Psychical Research, 1990
Indian journal of psychiatry, Apr 1, 2014
Papers by Dr. Satwant Pasricha