Papers by Dwi Cipto utomo
Pengendalian gulma scara ikimia ialah pengndalian menggunkan senyawa beracun yang dapat menghamba... more Pengendalian gulma scara ikimia ialah pengndalian menggunkan senyawa beracun yang dapat menghambata atau mematikan gulma mengunakan herbisida. Penggunaan herbisida memiliki efek samping yaitu residu pada lingkungan dan resistensi gulma. Diperlukan alternatif herbisida lain untuk pengendalian gulma yang ramah lingkungan seperti cuka. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari penggunaan cuka sebagai herbisida dibandingkan dengan glifosat dan paraquat dalam mengendalikan gulma kedelai dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Jatikerto FP-UB, Desa Jatikerto, Kec. Kromengan Kabupaten Malang pada bulan Maret 2013 sampai dengan Juli 2013. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) sederhana dengan 8 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan, yaitu (P 1 ) : Tanpa penyiangan; (P 2 ) : Penyiangan pada 21 dan 42 hst; (P 3 ) : Herbisida cuka 5%; (P 4 ) : Herbisida cuka 20%; (P 5 ) Herbisida glifosat 1 L ha -1 ; (P 6 ) : Herbisida glifosat 3 L ha -1 ; (P 7 ) : Herbisida paraquat 1 L ha -1 dan (P 8 ) : Herbisida pa...
The objectives of the study areto know whether there are any influence of laboratory facilities ... more The objectives of the study areto know whether there are any influence of laboratory facilities and learning motivation toward students’ achievement in Computer Accounting for XII grade Accounting’s Students in SMK Negeri 9 Semarang or not and to know the percentage of it.Population of this study was all students of XII grade Accounting Program in SMK Negeri 9 Semarang, the number were 82 students. The sample was all population involved Class Accounting I and Class Accounting II. Variables were laboratory facilities and learning motivation as independent variables and learning achievement in Accounting Computer as a dependent variable. Collecting the data used questionnnaire method and documentation, then analyzed by percentage descriptive analysis and double- regression technique. Result of study showed there was a significant influence between laboratory facilities and learning motivation toward learning achievement in Accounting Computer, with regression equalityY = 23,540 + 0...
This study investigates accountability practices of Indonesian state universities during the refo... more This study investigates accountability practices of Indonesian state universities during the reform implementation for being autonomous universites called as PTN Badan Hukum. Although the reform has been implemented based on government regulation, lack of empirical study can be viewed in published articles. For that reason, this study is addresed to filling the lack of accountability research in the reform of state universities in Indonesia. The context of the reform is the adoption of autonomous universities that are more close to the concept of privatisation affected by the internationalization objective of national agenda. Interpretive research approach is adopted to develop inductively a conceptual perspective based on central phenomenon. Moreover, the cases of the study are three Indonesian state universities which implement the form of autonomous state university with pseudo named as UG, UD and UA. Straussian grounded theory approach was adopted in data analysis and collectio...
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia, 2013
Somatic embryogenesis is a process whereby somatic cells have differentiation in somatic embryos ... more Somatic embryogenesis is a process whereby somatic cells have differentiation in somatic embryos and it’s formed from embryonic cells due to the high polarization of uncontrolled cell division. The aim of this research is to produced shoots of rodent tuber via somatic embryos.Induction of somatic embryos from explants in MS media with N (2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-Nphenyl urea (CPPU) and continuous subculture in MS media without plant growth regulator for 1 month. Plantlet regeneration growth in liquid MS media with BAP and IBA fortified with 40 gr/l of sucrose in the dark. The result showed that somatic embryonic appears in media induction after 2 week and plantlet regeneration in 4 week. All plantlet growed from embryosomatic can survive 100% in field with normal shoot.
Jurnal Teknik Industri, 2012
High energy requirements result in increased fuel prices. It is quite an impact on all sectors ma... more High energy requirements result in increased fuel prices. It is quite an impact on all sectors mainly engaged in the business world, because the cost of increasing production without increasing the purchasing power offset market. One effort that can be done is the use of alternative fuels economical. The question is bioethanol fuel, methanol and ethanol that requires an appropriate stove design for the fuel. To determine the level of fuel efficiency is needed stove heaters called “HD”. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic value of fuel use of methanol and ethanol on the stove “HD”, particularly in heating the chicken coop. The me thod used to determine the level of efficiency in the use of methanol and ethanol fuel is amethod of boiling water. Measurements carried out on several parameters, namely: the volume of water in a saucepan, water temperature before it is heated, the use of heavy fuel, fuel density, temperature difference, the total energy absorbed, the am...
EKUITAS (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan), 2017
The aim of this research is to know: (1) The influence of the corporate social responsibility dis... more The aim of this research is to know: (1) The influence of the corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSR) to financial performance, (2) How the influence of CSR to two proxies of financial performance, in this case the ROA and Tobins' Q. (3) The influence of characteristic of the company as the moderating variable in relations between corporate social responsibility and financial performance.This research used multiple regression analysis. The research samples are 45 manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) during 2011-2014. The samples are selected using purposive sampling technique with predetermined criteria. Age, size of the board of commissioners and company size is used as a proxy of the characteristics of the company, while return on assets (ROA) and Tobin’s Q as proxy of the company financial performance.The hypothesis test results showed CSR disclosure effect significantly to financial performance as measured by ROA, on the financial per...
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pemikiran Pendidikan, Feb 29, 2012
Student placement policy based on conformity to social groups and peer culture is taken by SMK Mu... more Student placement policy based on conformity to social groups and peer culture is taken by SMK Muhammadiyah 6 Rogojampi to reduce the number of student delinquency. However, this type of placement has not been done in an optimal because it is not easy to implement based on the placement of a given policy. There are several obstacles faced in the implementation of policies, namely the lack of socialization, lack of coordination of all related components, and the lack of homeroom teacher, councelor, and awareness of teachers in following up the results of policy evalu- ation. Several attempts have been made by all the components in the school to improve the content of policies and eligibility for student placement. This policy reduces the number of student delin- quency although students should work hard on adjusting the conditions in their new class. Keyword: policy, student placement
ABSTRAK Dwi Priyo Utomo S, Pcran Penggunaan Media Pcmbelajaran tcrhadap Mata Pclajaran Gcografi d... more ABSTRAK Dwi Priyo Utomo S, Pcran Penggunaan Media Pcmbelajaran tcrhadap Mata Pclajaran Gcografi di SMP Dharma Siswa Tangerang. Fakultas lImu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan, Jurusan Pendidikan IPS Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Desember 2008. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi menggambarkan tentang kriterian penggunaan media yang efektifitas pembelajaran IPS Geografi. Melalui tahapan-tahapan pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kunatitatif yang bersifat nonexperimental, maIm untuk memperoleh data yang berkaitan dengan masalah ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data. Yaitu: Observasi, wawancara, dan questioner. Observasi dilakukan dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung di lapangan selama I bulan. Wawancara dilakukan dengan mewawancarai langsung kepala sekolah dan guru bidang studi SMP Dharma Siswa Tangerang. Sedangkan Questioner dilakukan dengan memberikan kepada siswa mengenai kriteria efektifitas media. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan penulis maka diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut, yaitu dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran geografi di SMP Dharma Siswa telah beljalan dengan cukup bailL Guru melaksanakan tahap perencanaan sebelum memulai pelajaran, dan guru juga selalu berupaya melakukan analisis, remedial juga tindakan kelas dalam upaya meningkatkan proses selia hasil pembelajaran. Serta upaya yang dilakukan kepala sekolah dengan memberikan pelatihan, seminar, studi lanjutan kepada guru bidang pelajaran untuk meningkatkan' profesionalisme guru. Serta peran penggunaan media pembelajaran terhadap mata pelajaran Geografi pun cukup efeseindan efektif
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti praktik pelaporan sukarela aktiva tak berwujud dalam lapo... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti praktik pelaporan sukarela aktiva tak berwujud dalam laporan tahunan perusahaan telekomunikasi di Asia Tenggara dan Australia. Sample pada penelitian ini adalah 75 perusahaan telekomunikasi pada tahun 2007, 2008 dan 2009. Penelitian aktiva tak berwujud terdiri atas tiga kategori yaitu structural capital, relational capital, dan human capital, berdasarkan kategori dari Oliveira et al. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode content analysis pada annual report perusahaan sample dengan index penelitian yang dikembangkan oleh Oliveira et al. sebagai variabel terikat, dan dianalisis dengan regresi berganda. Variabel bebas, yaitu ukuran perusahaan, leverage, konsentrasi kepemilikan, marjin EBITDA, sistem hukum negara asal dan secrecy accounting value dianalisis sebagai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi praktik pelaporan sukarela aktiva tak berwujud. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran perusahaan dan secrecy accounting value berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap praktik pengungkapan sukarela aktiva tak berwujud. Sebaliknya, leverage, konsentrasi kepemilikan, marjin EBITDA dan sistem hukum negara asal tidak berpengaruh terhadap praktik pelaporan sukarela aktiva tak berwujud.
Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perangkat pembelajaran tematik-integratif berbasis sosi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perangkat pembelajaran tematik-integratif berbasis sosiokultural yang layak bagi peserta didik dan mengetahui efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran tematik-integratif berbasis sosiokultural dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik SD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Pengembangan dilakukan dengan mengacu pada model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang dikelompokkan ke dalam lima tahapan yaitu ekplorasi, perencanaan, pengembangan produk, uji produk dan finalisasi. Subjek uji coba penelitian adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri Serayu Yogyakarta pada semester kedua tahun ajaran 2013/2014 yang berjumlah 72 peserta didik terdiri dari 22 peserta didik uji utama dan 50 peserta didik uji coba terbatas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil validasi ahli, praktisi dan rekan sejawat menunjukkan perangkat pembelajaran tematik-integratif berbasis sosiokultural layak digunakan dengan kategori sangat baik. Keefekti...
Banking company is one of industries which play a role in the market share. Banking company is a ... more Banking company is one of industries which play a role in the market share. Banking company is a financial institution that functions as a financial intermediary. There are two basic approaches to predict the stock price, they are the fundamental analysis and technical analysis. These analyses are used to know the corporate financial performance using financial ratios. CAMELS method is used by Bank Indonesia as a standard to appraise the rating of the bank health. The problem of this research is how does the influence of CAMEL ratio, i.e. CAR, RORA, NPM, ROA and LDR to the stock price exchange of go public banking companies in the Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), partially and simultaneously. The objectives of this research are knowing and analyzing the influence of CAMEL ratio, in this case using CAR, RORA, NPM, ROA and LDR to the stock price of go public banking companies in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). The population in this research is the go public banking sector in the Bursa Efek Indonesia for years 2006 until 2008, i.e. 30 banks. The sample is defined by purposive sampling technique to get a representative sample appropriate with the criteria defined. There are 19 go public banking companies selected as sample for this research. There are two variables in this research, the independent variable and dependent variable. The independent variable comprises CAR, RORA, NPM, ROA and LDR and for the dependent variable is the stock price exchange of go public banking companies in the BEI. This research was analyzed using multiple regressions. This research found the empirical results that partially, RORA and ROA influences positively significant to the stock price exchange of go public banking companies in the Bursa Efek Indonesia. While the result of partial test for CAR, NPM and LDR showed that partially they didn’t influence significantly to the stock price exchange. The result for the simultaneous test showed that there is influence between CAR, RORA, NPM, ROA and LDR to the stock price exchange of go public banking companies in the Bursa Efek Indonesia. The influence is 0.165 or 16.5 %. The other 83.5 % influenced by another factor outside the research or the regression model.
Merger and acquisition is aimed to get synergy and value added. Value added is longer term that s... more Merger and acquisition is aimed to get synergy and value added. Value added is longer term that short term dimension. This research investigated the difference about stock abnormal return and financial ratio between before and after merger and acquisition action. This research used LQ 45 companies listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange and have merger and acquisition on 2004-2007 as population. Twelve sample are used in this research with judgment sampling method. This research compared the level of stock abnormal return financial ratio between after and before merger and acquisition action. The result indicated that there is no any difference the level of stock abnormal return and financial ratio between after and before merger and acquisition action. Merger and acquisition action have not get economy purpose, because merger and acquisition decision have target company to avoid from bankruptcy since economy crises occurred during 1997.
, financial distress, struktur kepemilikan, independensi dewan komisaris, biaya agensi, dan opini... more , financial distress, struktur kepemilikan, independensi dewan komisaris, biaya agensi, dan opini audit going concern .
Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, Jan 24, 2012
This study aims to obtain a valid, practical, and effective PKBK model. The development model use... more This study aims to obtain a valid, practical, and effective PKBK model. The development model used was Tjeerd Plomp model, with such phases as preliminary study, design,realization, validation, try out, revision. The research instruments used were prototype assessment sheets, formative test, questionnaire, cooperative skills, student dominance.The results of this study indicated that the PKBK model was valid, practical, effective. Other interesting findings were that the dominant students did not always have high academic ability. In addition, some students refused PKBK model with such reasons as they were grouped with friends they did not like, no individual ranking was used.
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Apr 5, 2012
Digital engine novel as a novel maker of digital media in fact can be developed to make its use i... more Digital engine novel as a novel maker of digital media in fact can be developed to make its use in other ap- plications. Ren'Py is a novel digital-based scripting engine making it easier to modify and create a novel development in digital and other multimedia applications as well Ren'Py could contain text, images, animations and video in it. With these advantages is not something that is not possible if the application is basically a game of Jinx is the kind of game made with Adobe Flash can be developed using other media such as Ren'Py.
The thesis is entitled Loss and Gain in comic the " Asterix In Belgium " by Goscinny and Uderzo t... more The thesis is entitled Loss and Gain in comic the " Asterix In Belgium " by Goscinny and Uderzo translated into " Asterix Di Belgia " by A. Rahartati Bambang Haryo. This analysis is conducted to find out the loss and gain of word, phrase, clause, and sentence used and also to identify the functions of loss and gain in comic " Asterix In Belgium " by Goscinny and Uderzo translated into " Asterix Di Belgia " by A.Rahartati Bambang Haryo. Descriptive qualitative method was used in collecting the data. The data collected were analyzed by reading both versions of the comic. In qualitative research the data are not number or chard but in the form of word. So, in doing the works, a translator cannot always present all the meanings contained in the source text comprehensively. The translator sometimes reduces the existing meaning, or adds a new meaning in the target text, which then results in the phenomenon of "gain"" and "loss" of translation. The result of this research shows that there are 200 of loss and gain processes found in this comic divided into: " Asterix In Belgium " by Goscinny and Uderzo translated into " Asterix Di Belgia " by A.Rahartati Bambang Haryo. The number of loss process is 101 patterns and the number of gain process is 99 patterns, so there are 200 patterns of loss and gain process found in the comic. The translator did a loss process from a translated comic in order to make the TL acceptable. However, the translator assumes that by shortening the TL, It is hoped that the TL will be easy to be read and understood by the readers well. Unlike a loss process, the translator did the gain process in order to deliver the whole messages of the SL in the TL perfectly. Therefore, the readers will get the information of the SL accurately in the TL.
Papers by Dwi Cipto utomo