Papers by Emmanuel Munishi
![Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Weights and Measurements Usage in Business among the Urban based Fruits and Vegetables Market Sellers in Dar es salaam](
International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Jan 23, 2024
Despite the critical role played by weights and measurements in business and more specifically in... more Despite the critical role played by weights and measurements in business and more specifically in the area of fresh fruits and vegetables trade, still little is known about the utilisation of weights and measures among fresh fruits and vegetable traders in big markets in Dar es salaam. In this study, we specifically assessed the usage of weights and measurements among fresh fruits and vegetables in markets. What causes low usage of weights and measures instruments among informal traders and what impact does the use of weights and measures has on traders' businesses. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam City at ilala and Stereo markets and used mixed methods approach with a sample of 200 respondents. Data were collected through questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Data were analysed descriptively by SPSS and content analysis manually. Findings provide that there is low usage of standard weighing and measuring instruments among fruits and vegetable traders in the markets and this was majorly caused by low awareness, traders perception and inadequate inspections. The study recommends periodic training to traders on the importance of using standard weights and measures in the businesses.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Weights and Measurements Usage in Business among the Urban based Fruits and Vegetables Market Sellers in Dar es salaam](
International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Jan 23, 2024
Despite the critical role played by weights and measurements in business and more specifically in... more Despite the critical role played by weights and measurements in business and more specifically in the area of fresh fruits and vegetables trade, still little is known about the utilisation of weights and measures among fresh fruits and vegetable traders in big markets in Dar es salaam. In this study, we specifically assessed the usage of weights and measurements among fresh fruits and vegetables in markets. What causes low usage of weights and measures instruments among informal traders and what impact does the use of weights and measures has on traders' businesses. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam City at ilala and Stereo markets and used mixed methods approach with a sample of 200 respondents. Data were collected through questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Data were analysed descriptively by SPSS and content analysis manually. Findings provide that there is low usage of standard weighing and measuring instruments among fruits and vegetable traders in the markets and this was majorly caused by low awareness, traders perception and inadequate inspections. The study recommends periodic training to traders on the importance of using standard weights and measures in the businesses.
![Research paper thumbnail of Eviction-Related Threats and Coping Mechanisms among Women Street Food Vendors in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania](
East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Apr 30, 2023
The purpose of this study was to investigate eviction-related threats and coping mechanisms among... more The purpose of this study was to investigate eviction-related threats and coping mechanisms among women street food vendors in Ubungo Municipality, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A cross-sectional research design was used and a questionnaire was administered to a random sample of 60 women. According to the findings, eviction-related threats included a decrease in the number of customers, the lack of specific location for food vending activities, an increase in the cost of doing business and the congestion of street food vendors in one location. Women coped with such evictions by maintaining the price but reducing the share of food, measuring food according to the client's financial ability, practicing good customer service, borrowing money from financial institutions and striving to expand customers' base. Other reported strategies include preparing enough food for the day and explaining to customers why food prices have risen. In harmony with the Multi-layered social resilience framework, respondents managed to demonstrate reactive capacities in dealing with such eviction-related threats. In order to cope with the threats more proactively, awareness campaigns are needed to educate women street food vendors on the need of conducting their enterprises in authorized locations in order to avoid further evictions. Similarly, women street vendors should be empowered to seek assistance from both local and national government authorities at various levels, participate in decision-making processes and create institutions that can defend and foster their well-being in the face of future crises.
![Research paper thumbnail of Exploration of Male Partners’ Gender Based Violence by Female Partners in Dar es Salaam-Tanzania](
Issue 6
This study explored Gender Based violence of male partners by female partners in Dar es Salaam, T... more This study explored Gender Based violence of male partners by female partners in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, using the qualitative approach. It employed a prolonged field engagement through in-depth interviews. While Dar es Salaam Region consists five municipalities, this study was conducted in Ilala Municipality owing its strategic location in the city with big populations and large social interactions. Through snowball sampling technique, 25 men were sampled as respondents and thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The study established that males experienced a variety of gender-based violence including physical, psychological and economic violence. Factors contributing to gender-based violence included lack of awareness and negative perception toward gender-based violence services. Because of the patriarchal nature of the society, men who experience GBV did not report the incidents since they felt being embarrassed and undermined by the community's social structure. Bas...
![Research paper thumbnail of Constraints to manufacturing companies in implementation of green manufacturing in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania](
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478)
Despite the crucial role that businesses have played in the adoption of green supply chains, it a... more Despite the crucial role that businesses have played in the adoption of green supply chains, it appears that manufacturing enterprises have not effectively utilized their responsibility to ensure green manufacturing. This study uses Bakhresa Foods Product Limited as a case study to better understand the constraints facing manufacturing firms engaged in green manufacturing and offers suggestions for overcoming them. A qualitative design was adopted and data was gathered via in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), indirect observation, and secondary data analysis based on a purposive sample size of 60 respondents. Using the MAXQDA 10 program, data were analyzed using the thematic analysis technique. The study's findings showed that constraints to reducing were associated with a lack of innovation, professionals, an understanding of economics and finance and presence of extensive inventories, and inadequate production planning. Remanufacturing was further constrained by...
![Research paper thumbnail of Post-harvest Losses for Urban Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Along the Continuum of Supply Chain Functions: Evidence from Dar es Salaam City - Tanzania](
Canadian Social Science, Oct 26, 2021
Despite the significance and efforts put forward to enhance fresh fruits and vegetables, post-har... more Despite the significance and efforts put forward to enhance fresh fruits and vegetables, post-harvest losses continue to threaten the supply chain of this trade. The study explores post-harvest losses of urban fresh fruits and vegetables along the supply chain continuum in Dar es Salaam. It further digs into understanding factors contributing to postharvest losses for fresh fruits and vegetables in the context of supply chain functions of storage, transportation, value addition, and market services. A qualitative research design was adopted and data were drawn from 55 respondents who were selected by purposive and simple random sampling techniques. In-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions, documentary review and non-participant observation were used in data collection. Findings showed that post-harvest losses for urban fresh fruits and vegetables along the supply chain functions are attributed to deficiencies inherent in the supply chain functions of storage, transportation, value addition and quality improvement as well as market services. Further findings indicate that low technology, inadequate communication and information, inadequate policies and institutions to mention just a few are the underlying factors leading to such loss. The study recommends stakeholders to collectively alleviate poor storage, transportation, value addition, and markets related challenges that lead to postharvest losses in the sector. These findings contribute to the existing knowledge in the sector, pave policy inputs with regards to minimising post-harvest losses in the agricultural sector, thereby improving food security, traders and the government's income in general.
![Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Firms’ Staff and Skills on the Organizational Performance: A Case of the Salt Mining Industry in Tanzania](
East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Oct 29, 2022
This study examined the influence of firms' staff and firms' skills on the organizational perform... more This study examined the influence of firms' staff and firms' skills on the organizational performance of salt mining industry in Coast Region of Tanzania where four salt companies were involved in the study. The study was quantitative, employing a survey design with a sample size of 100 employees obtained conveniently from a pool of 1010 employees from the four selected salt mining companies. The study employed primary data obtained through questionnaire distributed to the sampled respondents. Data was analysed descriptively and with inferential statistics with the help of SPSS to generate frequency tables and multiple regression analysis output. The findings of the study revealed that firms' staff and firms' skills influenced the organizational performance of salt mining industry. The study recommends to policy makers and managers of companies in the salt mining industry to reinforce policies, rules and regulations that will ensure low personnel turnover rate. They should appointment employees from diverse backgrounds, recruitment of skilled employees and provide opportunities for advancement. The study also recommends that policy makers should make sure that at organizational level, salt mining companies have career development plans that will enhance skills to employees.
Sustainable Education and Development – Making Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable, 2022
International Journal of Research In Business and Social Science, Nov 13, 2022
![Research paper thumbnail of Constraints to Intermediaries Role in Value Addition and Quality Improvement for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain in Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania](
Business Education Journal
Despite the critical role played by intermediaries in value addition and quality improvement in t... more Despite the critical role played by intermediaries in value addition and quality improvement in the context of urban fresh fruits and vegetable supply chain, this same role has not been fully realised in the context of urban fruits and vegetable supply chain in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This paper explores the intermediaries’ role on value addition and quality improvement in the context of urban fresh fruits and vegetable (FFVs) supply chain in Dar es Salaam city to understand impediments to value addition and quality improvement. Qualitative approach was adopted and data were collected using documentary review, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and non-participant observations based on the purposive sample size of 60 respondents. Thematic data analysis strategy was adopted and data were analysed using MAXQDA software. Findings showed that the intermediaries’ inability to value addition and quality improvement for urban fresh fruits and vegetables were determi...
![Research paper thumbnail of Constraints to Intermediaries’ Role in P R O V I S I O N O F M a R K e T a N D M a R K e T I N G S e R V I C e S F O R U R B a N F R e S H F R U I T S a N D V e G e T a B L e S S U P P L y C H a I N](
Business Education Journal
Despite the critical role played by intermediaries in marketing services and trade, along with va... more Despite the critical role played by intermediaries in marketing services and trade, along with various initiatives undertaken to enhance this role, fresh fruits and vegetables traders in Dar es Salaam-Tanzania are still discontented with the intermediaries’ inability to undertake marketing services roles. This paper examined the constraints to intermediaries’ role in provision of market and marketing services for urban fresh fruits and vegetables supply chain and recommended strategies for improving the same. Qualitative approach was adopted and data were drawn from a purposive sample of 48 respondents through in-depth interviews and non-participant observation. Thematic data analysis strategy was adopted in which researchers transcribed data, read and familiarized themselves with data, coded them, searched and reviewed themes, named and finalized the analysis process. It was revealed in this study that, intermediaries’ role in marketing services for urban fruits and vegetables supp...
![Research paper thumbnail of Challenges Facing Transportation of Urban Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain Continuum in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania](
Business Education Journal
Despite the critical role played by transportation in the supply chain of urban fresh fruits and ... more Despite the critical role played by transportation in the supply chain of urban fresh fruits and vegetable, poor transportation continues to threaten the supply chain of fruits and vegetables. This study examined challenges of transportation in the supply chain of urban fresh fruits and vegetables in Dar es Salaam City, with a major focus on handling, connection and distribution. Qualitative approach was adopted and data were drawn from a purposive sample of 65 respondents using interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and non-participant observation. Thematic analysis was adopted with the help of MAXQDA 10 software. Findings, proved that transportation challenges were related to inappropriate handling tools, poor transport technology, inadequate knowledge of handling fruits and vegetables by the workers, inadequate number of transportation vehicles and poor maintenance of storage facilities. It was further reported that inadequate road network and connectivity characterised by remo...
![Research paper thumbnail of The Challenges Faced by Manufacturing Companies in Implementation of Green Supply Chain: Evidence from the Bakhresa Food Products Limited in Dar es Salaam – Tanzania](
International Journal of Social Science Research and Review
Northwistanding the role played by manufacturing companies in implementation of green supply chai... more Northwistanding the role played by manufacturing companies in implementation of green supply chain, it seems that, this role has not been fully practiced by manufacturing companies in ensuring green supply chain. Taking Bakhresa Food Product LTD as a case study. This paper is intended to get a better understanding of the challenges faced by manufacturing companies in understanding green supply chain and recommending strategies for improving this role. Based on the qualitative appraoch and a purposive sample of 60 respondents, data were collected using in-depth interview, focus group discussion, indirect observation and analysis of secondary data. Data were analysed based on the thematic analysis strategy through the aid of MAXQDA 10 software. Findings of the study revealed that, manufacturing companies faced a number of challenges towards implementing green supply chain. At the green sourcing and purchasing level, the company was confronted with lack of sustainable practices in t...
![Research paper thumbnail of Factors Contributing to Lack of Soft Skills among Tanzanian Higher Learning Graduates](
March to April 2022
Despite the critical role played by soft skills in ensuring employability and career development ... more Despite the critical role played by soft skills in ensuring employability and career development among graduates, evidence suggests a huge lack of these skills among graduates in Tanzania. Against this backdrop, this paper explored factors contributing to lack of soft skills among higher learning graduates in the country and recommended effective strategies of ensuring acquisition of soft skills by the graduates. The paper critically reviewed documents related to factors contributing to lack of soft skills among the graduates in Tanzania. The study revealed that lack of soft skills among graduates fundamentally emanates from poor curriculum which does not consider soft skills right from primary to higher learning level, ineffective educational policies and reforms that do not give emphasise on soft skills, incompetent trainers, inadequate teaching and learning facilities as well as lack of career guidance programs in academic institutions. These factors should be holistically addres...
![Research paper thumbnail of Factors Constraining Leadership Capacity in Resolving Conflicts at the Zanzibar State Trading Corporation (ZSTC)](
Business Education Journal
Despite the critical role of leadership in conflicts management in public organizations, alongsid... more Despite the critical role of leadership in conflicts management in public organizations, alongside with the various initiatives undertaken to enhance this role, ineffective conflicts management continues to be a big challenge in public organisations and at the Zanzibar State Trading Corporation (ZSTC) in particular. Consequently, this study looks into the factors constraining leadership role in managing conflicts and recommends strategies for improving leaders’ capacity to conflicts management at ZSTC. Qualitative approach was adopted and data were drawn from a purposive sample of 65 respondents through in-depth interviews, documentary review, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and non-participant observation. Findings confirmed that constraints to leadership in managing conflicts were in four categories; notably lack of effective communication, ineffective leadership and management practices, inequitable distribution of resources, and nonexistence of conflicts management institutions...
![Research paper thumbnail of Street Vendors Evictions and Relocations in Dar Es Salaam: Coping Strategies and Resilience Implications](
The Qualitative Report
The existing literature on urban governance regards street vendors as passive victims of eviction... more The existing literature on urban governance regards street vendors as passive victims of evictions and re-allocations threats, focusing largely on their inability to cope. Using the case study of the urban street vendors in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, this paper suggests that urban street vendors are not just passive victims of evictions and re-allocations but also utilize various capabilities to cope with this threat. The paper examines evictions and re-allocations threat among urban street vendors in Dar es Salaam Tanzania, to determine the vendors’ capability to cope with the threat and recommend factors for supporting the vendors to cope more competently. Based on the multilayered social resilience framework, a qualitative approach was utilized and drew data on a sample of 50 respondents through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), observations, and a review of secondary data. Findings indicated that on the one hand, the vendors managed to develop reactive and less ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Role of presidential issued identity cards (pids) in alleviating the street vendor’s business challenges in Dar es Salaam City](
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478)
The focus of the study was to assess the role of Presidential Issued Identity Cards (PIDs) in all... more The focus of the study was to assess the role of Presidential Issued Identity Cards (PIDs) in alleviating the street vendor’s business challenges in Dar es Salaam. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the influence of Presidential Identity Cards in alleviating the street vending business challenges, explore factors inhibiting the utilization of Vendors IDs cards in alleviating the street vendors’ challenges and identify the nature (financial, social relation, special) of problem that was solved by the establishment of PIDs. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam city, where a sample of 130 respondents was selected. The study collected primary data by using questionnaires. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used for descriptive and multiple regression analysis. The study found that Presidential Identity Cards have no significant influence on the reduction of street vendor business challenges. Furthermore, the study found that the establishment of PIDs fails to so...
Papers by Emmanuel Munishi