Papers by Eugene Kashtanov
In classical mechanics, there are many cases of motion of bodies (material points), the mass of w... more In classical mechanics, there are many cases of motion of bodies (material points), the mass of which continuously changes over time. This section of mechanics is called "Dynamics of bodies of variable mass". In all cases of motion of a material point of variable mass, the "Basic equation of Dynamics" is written in exactly the same way as for a point of constant mass. Except for one exception: when the attached mass is stationary in the external reference frame, or the separated mass becomes stationary in it. This case is realized under the condition that the modules of the relative velocity of the attached (or separated) mass and the absolute velocity of a body of variable mass are equal, the direction of the vectors of which, in the same frame of reference, are opposite. In theoretical mechanics courses, it is stated that only in this particular case, the external force acting on a given variable mass is equal to the derivative of its momentum. In this paper, it is proved that in this case, the «Basic equation of Dynamics» retains its traditional form of writing. The erroneous interpretation of the physical meaning of the recording of the «Basic equation of Dynamics, in this case, has an epistemological character and is associated with an unjustified, purely mathematical approach to the transformations of the recording and interpretation of the physical meaning of Newton's second law. The author does not pretend to the truth of his conclusions and admits that this case requires further research in the works of other, more competent, authors.
В классической механике есть много случаев движения тел (материальных точек), масса которых непр... more В классической механике есть много случаев движения тел (материальных точек), масса которых непрерывно изменяется во времени. Этот раздел механики называется «Динамикой тел переменной массы». Во всех случаях движения материальной точки переменной массы «Основное уравнение динамики» записывается точно так же, как и для точки постоянной массы. Кроме одного исключения: когда присоединяемая масса неподвижна во внешней системе отсчета, или отделяемая массы, становится в ней неподвижной. Этот случай реализуется при условии равенства модулей относительной скорости присоединяемой (или отделяемой) массы и абсолютной скорости движения тела переменной массы, направление векторов которых, в одной и той же системе отсчета, противоположны. В курсах теоретической механики утверждается, что только в этом частном случае, внешняя сила, действующая на данную переменную массу, равна производной от ее импульса. В данной работе доказывается, что и в этом случае, «Основное уравнение динамики» сохраняет свою традиционную форму записи. Ошибочная трактовка физического смысла записи Основного уравнения динамики, в этом случае, имеет гносеологический характер и связана с неоправданным,сугубо математическим подходом к трансформациям записи и трактовки физического смысла второго закона Ньютона. Автор не претендует на истинность своих выводов и допускает, что этот случай требует дальнейшего исследования в работах других,более компетентных, авторов.
In classical mechanics, there are many cases of motion of bodies (material points), the mass of ... more In classical mechanics, there are many cases of motion of bodies (material points), the mass of which continuously changes over time. This section of mechanics is called "Dynamics of bodies of variable mass". In all cases of motion of a material point of variable mass, the "Basic equation of Dynamics" is written in exactly the same way as for a point of constant mass. Except for one exception: when the attached mass is stationary in the external reference frame, or the separated mass becomes stationary in it. This case is realized under the condition that the modules of the relative velocity of the attached (or separated) mass and the absolute velocity of a body of variable mass are equal, the direction of the vectors of which, in the same frame of reference, are opposite. In theoretical mechanics courses, it is stated that only in this particular case, the external force acting on a given variable mass is equal to the derivative of its momentum. In this paper, it is proved that in this case, the "Basic equation of Dynamics" retains its traditional form of writing. The erroneous interpretation of the physical meaning of the recording of the Basic Equation of Dynamics, in this case, has an epistemological character and is associated with an unjustified, purely mathematical approach to the transformations of the recording and interpretation of the physical meaning of Newton's second law. The author does not pretend to the truth of his conclusions and admits that this case requires further research in the works of other, more competent, authors.
This study is not a scientific article. This is the author's story about his attempt to identify ... more This study is not a scientific article. This is the author's story about his attempt to identify the nature of the Gods of ancient Egypt. Information about them is given in the texts, temples are dedicated to them, their images are carved in stone, pyramid paintings.... Who were the Gods of Egypt? This is the question the author has tried to answer in this small study. What is the difference between the author's attempt to identify the essence of the Gods and the already known hypotheses?
A common feature of all attempts to identify the nature of the Gods of Egypt was a purely humanitarian approach to research. Humanitarians proceeded from the postulate: the Egyptian Gods are simply the personification of the forces of nature and heavenly bodies . Based on this postulate, humanitarians hoped to solve the problem of interpreting the Gods of Egypt without going beyond the humanities (mythology, religious studies, etc.).
The author of these lines invites the reader to look at the phenomenon of the Gods of Egypt as a zoological mystery. This approach led the author to the conclusion that the Gods of Egypt were descendants of the surviving dinosaurs, evolutionarily advanced to the stage of anthropomorphism and intelligence. The author admits: the idea is fantastic, almost "insane".But! The only question is, "is she 'crazy' enough for you to turn into the truth in the future?(the criterion of truth from Niels Bohr). Scientists emphasize: "One should not confuse the absolutely impossible with what only seems to them."
The purpose of the author of this article is to prove the "Existence Theorem" of the key morphological features of dinosaurs in the archaic Gods of Egypt.
The author does not claim the truth of his judgments. The only motive for publishing this version was its absolute novelty. The history of science convinces that original and even "crazy" ideas (if they are justified) should be published already because "It is always useful to have several points of view on one subject." And the last thing. There are probably all sorts of errors, "gaps" and even "failures" in this work. The task of a friendly reader is to see the "Forest" behind these "fallen trees"
On the interpretation of the zoological nature of the archaic Gods of Mesopotamia, 2024
This study is not a scientific article. This is the author's story about his attempt to identify ... more This study is not a scientific article. This is the author's story about his attempt to identify the nature of the gods of ancient Sumer. Information about them is given in the cuneiform texts of the ancient Sumerians, temples are dedicated to them, and their images are present on clay seals. The relevant question is: who were the gods of Sumer? This is the question the author has tried to answer in this small study. What is the difference between the author's attempt to identify the essence of the Sumerian gods and the already known hypotheses? A common feature of all attempts to identify the nature of the gods of Sumer can be considered a humanitarian approach to the problem. Humanitarians proceeded from the postulate: the Sumerian gods are simply the personification of the forces of nature. Based on it, they hoped to solve the problem of interpreting the gods of Sumer without going beyond the humanities (mythology, religious studies, etc.). The author of these lines invites the reader to look at the Sumerian Gods as a zoological riddle. The author does not claim the truth of his judgments. The only motive for publishing this version was its absolute novelty. The author's version can be qualified as a "crazy" idea, a scientific fantasy or a "scientific fairy tale".But! Scientists advise that original and even "crazy" ideas should be published because "It is always useful to have several points of view on one subject." There are probably all sorts of errors, "gaps" and even "failures" in this work. The task of a friendly reader is to see the "Forest" behind these "fallen trees"
Among the many mysteries of the ancient history of Egypt, a special place is occupied by the myst... more Among the many mysteries of the ancient history of Egypt, a special place is occupied by the mystery of the genesis of the Egyptian dwarf god, with the name: "Bes" (variants of the name: Bes, Bezu, Eng. "Bes"). His sculptures are small anthropomorphic figures made of different materials, depicting a smiling "anthropoid" with a beard, an open mouth and a tongue sticking out of it. Egyptologists know a lot about the "cult of Bes" in ancient Egypt. Nevertheless, the genesis of the "cult of Bes" is still a mystery.
One of the reasons is a purely humanitarian approach to research. Egyptologists have tried to solve the "Bes problem" without going beyond the humanities (mythology, religious studies ...). Is this possible? Hardly. Historical artifacts are complex objects that require an integrated approach to their study. In this paper, the author presents to the reader an absolutely new hypothesis about the genesis of the Bes dwarf and all its analogues (conditionally: "bessoids").
According to the author, the zoological prototypes of the dwarf Bes and all the "bessoids" were ancient tarsiers (Latin "tarsius", English "tarsier") who lived in North Africa - "Afrotarsius chatrathi", "Afrotarsius libycus". This study is not a scientific article. The only motive for publishing this version was its novelty. Scientists advise that original scientific ideas (sometimes "crazy") should be published, already because "It is always useful to have several points of view on one subject." I thank my readers in advance for the precious time they spent reading my humble work. This work presents only illustrations for the specified article - for the visual perception of theinformation presented in the article. Perhaps I am wrong, but I ask the friendly reader to see the "Forest" behind the "trees" felled by the author.
Among the many mysteries of the ancient history of Egypt, a special place is occupied by the myst... more Among the many mysteries of the ancient history of Egypt, a special place is occupied by the mystery of the genesis of the Egyptian dwarf god, with the name: "Bes" (variants of the name: Bes, Bezu, Eng. "Bes"). His sculptures are small anthropomorphic figures made of different materials, depicting a smiling "anthropoid" with a beard, an open mouth and a tongue sticking out of it. Egyptologists know a lot about the "cult of Bes" in ancient Egypt. Nevertheless, the genesis of the "cult of Bes" is still a mystery. One of the reasons is a purely humanitarian approach to research. Egyptologists have tried to solve the "Bes problem" without going beyond the humanities (mythology, religious studies ...). Is this possible? Hardly. Historical artifacts are complex objects that require an integrated approach to their study. In this paper, the author presents to the reader an absolutely new hypothesis about the genesis of the Bes dwarf and all its analogues (conditionally: "bessoids"). According to the author, the zoological prototypes of the dwarf Bes and all the "bessoids" were ancient tarsiers (Latin "tarsius", English "tarsier") who lived in North Africa-"Afrotarsius chatrathi", "Afrotarsius libycus". This study is not a scientific article. The only motive for publishing this version was its novelty. Scientists advise that original scientific ideas (sometimes "crazy") should be published, already because "It is always useful to have several points of view on one subject." I thank my readers in advance for the precious time they spent reading my humble work. This work presents only illustrations for the specified article - for the visual perception of the information presented in the article. Perhaps I am wrong, but I ask the friendly reader to see the "Forest" behind the "trees" felled by the author.
Ключевые слова: свободное падение тел, горизонтальная скорость броска, трансверсальная скорость, ... more Ключевые слова: свободное падение тел, горизонтальная скорость броска, трансверсальная скорость, лабораторный эксперимент, быстролетящие тела, новая формула времени свободного падения быстролетящих тел, "Принцип соответствия". Key words: free fall of bodies, horizontal speed of a throw, transverse speed, laboratory experiment, fast-flying bodies, new formula for the time of free fall of fast-flying bodies, "Principle of correspondence". Аннотация 1 В школьном курсе механики есть формула расчета времени свободного падения тел, брошенных горизонтально, вблизи поверхности Земли, с малой начальной скоростью. По этой формуле, время падения тел, не зависит от скорости броска (пуля, выстреленная из ружья, падает на землю далеко от места выстрела, но одновременно с пулей, выпавшей из кармана стрелка). Однако. При скорости броска, равной «первой космической» (круговой) (около 8 км/с), время свободного падения неожиданно становится бесконечно большим, так как тело превращается в искусственный спутник Земли. Очевидно, что этот результат не следует из формулы расчета времени падения-эта формула не предполагает «предельного перехода» от случая малых скоростей-к случаю броска тела с круговой скоростью. Это обстоятельство не отвечает важному физическому и методологическому принципу-«Принципу соответствия». 2. Автор предлагает новую формулу для расчета времени свободного падения тел, брошенных горизонтально, вблизи поверхности Земли. Новая формула учитывает все скорости броска: от нулевой до круговой, а время свободного падения тел зависит от скорости броска и увеличивается с ее ростом. Новая формула имеет «предельные переходы» и отвечает «Принципу соответствия».
1 In the school mechanics course there is a formula for calculating the free fall time of bodies thrown horizontally, near the surface of the Earth, with a low initial velocity. According to this formula, the time of the bodies falling does not depend on the speed of the throw (a bullet fired from a gun falls to the ground far from the place of the shot, but simultaneously with a bullet that has dropped out of the shooter's pocket). But. At a throwing speed equal to the "first cosmic" (circular) (about 8 km / s), the free fall time suddenly becomes infinitely large, as the body turns into an artificial satellite of the Earth. Obviously, this result does not follow from the formula for calculating the fall time - this formula does not imply a "passage to the limit" from the case of low velocities - to the case of a body throwing with a circular velocity. This circumstance does not correspond to an important physical and methodological principle - "Principle of correspondence".
2. The author proposes a new formula for calculating the free fall time of bodies thrown horizontally near the Earth's surface. The new formula takes into account all throw speeds: from zero to circular, and the free fall time of bodies depends on the throw speed and increases with its growth. The new formula has “passage to the limit” and corresponds to the “Principle of correspondence”.
гипотеза «Coati Sapiens»the "Coati Sapiens" hypothesis», 2021
Ключевые слова: Южная Америка, Перу, город Ика, камни Ики, Хавьер Кабрера, феномен «камней Ики», ... more Ключевые слова: Южная Америка, Перу, город Ика, камни Ики, Хавьер Кабрера, феномен «камней Ики», «антропоиды Ики», «икоиды», семейство енотовых, род носух (Nasua, Coati), обыкновенные носухи (Nasua nasua), «островная карликовость», карликовые динозавры, карликовые антропоиды, сапиентация, эволюция мозга, конвергентная эволюция, разум, комбинаторика, «разумные носухи» (Coati sapiens), цивилизация коатид.
1. In this study, the author hypothesizes that the biological ancestors of the anthro... more Abstract
1. In this study, the author hypothesizes that the biological ancestors of the anthropomorphic creatures depicted on the "Ica stones" were Coati (Nasua,). The hypothesis suggests that a certain species of common Coati (Nasua nasua) switched to bipedal locomotion, developed intelligence, and gave the species "intelligent Coati " (Coati sapiens). It was they who created a prehistoric civilization in South America, traces of which are preserved in the form of "stones with drawings" (Ica stones).
2. The hypothesis "Coati sapiens" is based on the theory of evolution, the latest data from zoopsychology, neurobiology, and the well-known estimates of the intellectual potential of Coati (raccoons in general).
3. In this study, the author proceeds from the "working postulate" about the originality of the genesis of Ica stones and the reality of their plots. This work also touches on the problem of interpreting the drawings on the Ica stone, where the Ica anthropoids are fighting dinosaurs. According to the author, these could be dwarf species of dinosaurs that survived to the historical period in isolated ecosystems in the southwestern part of the Amazon basin.
К ВОПРОСУ О ДИНОЗИАЛЬНОМ ГЕНЕЗИСЕ БОГОВ ШУМЕРА (The dinozial hypothesis about the origin of the Sumerian gods)
К ВОПРОСУ О ДИНОЗИАЛЬНОМ ГЕНЕЗИСЕ БОГОВ ШУМЕРА (The dinozial hypothesis about the origin of the S... more К ВОПРОСУ О ДИНОЗИАЛЬНОМ ГЕНЕЗИСЕ БОГОВ ШУМЕРА (The dinozial hypothesis about the origin of the Sumerian gods)
Ключевые слова: Шумер, Сузы, Месопотамия, Боги Шумера, мифология, палеонтология, динозавры, гадрозавры, биологическая эволюция, сапиентация, разум, интеллект, эволюционная продвинутость.
About the nature and features of the Tunguska meteorite , 2020
The research Proposed to the reader is not a scientific article. In this paper, the author offers... more The research Proposed to the reader is not a scientific article. In this paper, the author offers the reader his view of the initial trajectory of the Tunguska meteorite, its chemical composition, the nature of the high-altitude explosion and the overall picture of the Tunguska phenomenon of 1908.
The aim of this work- is to draw the attention of researchers to an unexpected point of view on the trajectory of the Tunguska space body and the overall picture of the Tunguska phenomenon of 1908.
This study presents a version that the Tunguska meteorite belonged to the group of "catching up meteoroids".
Its initial relative speed was about 11 km / s. the Tunguska meteorite entered The earth's atmosphere somewhere over the North Atlantic, at an altitude of about 150 kilometers, and moved further from West to East, approximately along the latitude of Moscow and Krasnoyarsk (the latitude corridor from 50 to 60 degrees North latitude).
This paper presents a version that the Tunguska meteorite belonged to the family of carbonaceous asteroids of the CI group (presumably from the Apollons asteroid group).T
he main component of the chemical composition of carbonaceous asteroids of this group is the water-containing the mineral Chlorite, (more than 50% of the total mass of the asteroid)
Absolutely new (absent in the literature about the "Tunguska meteorite") are the following representations of the author:
1. The angle of inclination of the atmospheric section of the trajectory of the Tunguska meteorite to the horizon line, according to the author's calculations, was only about one degree.
2. The path of the Tunguska meteorite in The earth's atmosphere was more than 6000 (six thousand) kilometers (conditional geographical reference: from London to Kansk)
3. The time of movement of the Tunguska meteorite in The earth's atmosphere was about 15 (fifteen) minutes.
4. The bright nights observed in Europe and Siberia on the first of July 1908 were caused by the ingress of fine material from the Tunguska meteorite into The earth's atmosphere.The greater brightness of the night sky over Europe was also associated with the mineral Chlorite.
5. Tunguska meteorite, as a quasi-water celestial body. The main component of the chemical composition of carbonaceous asteroids of the CI group is the water-containing mineral Chlorite (more than 50 % of the total mass). The peculiarity of chlorite is that it contains up to 22 % of bound (crystallization) water. When the initial mass of the Tunguska asteroid was 50 million tons (the author's estimate), the amount of crystallization water bound in the "Tunguska chlorite" was many millions of tons.
6. On the nature of the high-altitude explosion of the Tunguska asteroid.A distinctive feature of the author's version of the TCB explosion is the version that this explosion had the nature of a steam explosion (eng. Vapor Explosion).
7. On the dynamics of the destruction of the Tunguska asteroid on the final section of its path to The earth's atmosphere.The trajectories of the three fragments, after the "explosion over Kansk", were as follows:
The first fragment (known in science as the "Tunguska meteorite"), from Kansk, flew to the North-East (the geographical reference point is the village of Vanavara);
The second fragment flew to the East-North-East (the geographical reference point is the village of Erema, located in the upper reaches of the Lower Tunguska river);
The third fragment flew to the South-East (the geographical reference point is the city of Irkutsk).
1.The effect of "time dilation" is a conventional name for the phenomenon of increasing the tim... more 1.The effect of "time dilation" is a conventional name for the phenomenon of increasing the time of movement of the object in comparison with the shortest time of its movement, realized under other ("normal") initial conditions. The effect of "time dilation" in classical mechanics is absolute - fixed by both stationary and moving observers.
2. The formula for "slowing down the time" of the movement of bodies has a single form, but the values included in it have different physical meanings. Purpose: to study the Genesis of the formula "time dilation" in the relative motion of material bodies and light
1. Эффект «замедления времени» является общепринятым названием явления увеличения времени движения объекта по сравнению с кратчайшим временем его движения, реализуемым в других («нормальных») начальных условиях. Эффект «замедления времени» в классической механике является абсолютным - фиксируется как стационарными, так и движущимися наблюдателями.
2. Формула «замедления времени» движения тел имеет единую форму, но входящие в нее значения имеют разный физический смысл. Цель: изучить генезис формулы «замедление времени» в относительном движении материальных тел и света
1. Modern mechanics qualify the Coriolis force as the force of inertia. This force has ... more Abstract
1. Modern mechanics qualify the Coriolis force as the force of inertia. This force has a fictitious character, is introduced in rotating reference systems Кʹ and is oriented perpendicular to the relative velocity vector of a moving material point. On the other hand, "lateral pressure forces" that cause Coriolis acceleration are qualified by mechanics as very real forces. The author believes that there are sufficient grounds to call these nameless "lateral forces" Coriolis forces.
2. New in this study is the idea of localization of Coriolis inertia forces. According to the author, the forces of inertia of Coriolis can be introduced only in the frame of reference of the body (in this paper - a slider), which is rectilinear and uniformly moves along the radius-vector of the body of reference of the sun-kʹ (in this paper - a uniformly rotating yoke). The frame of reference associated with a moving body (slider) has two accelerations in the external ISO-K: centripetal - associated with the portable rotation of the slider and "lateral" (Coriolis) - associated with the action on the slider of "lateral pressure forces" from the rotating wings. For this reason, the reference frame associated with the slider has the status of a doubly non-inertial reference frame (NISO-Kʹʹ). Coriolis forces of inertia, introduced only in NISO-Kʹʹ, as well as any other forces of inertia, act on all "test bodies" of this frame of reference, regardless of the state of their relative motion. The formula for calculating the forces of inertia of Coriolis must
3. In this paper, we also consider the well-known case of rectilinear motion of an external body relative to a uniformly rotating disk (frame of reference Kʹ). The author came to the conclusion that the curvature of the trajectory of an external body in a rotating frame of reference, has a purely kinematic nature. Interpretation of the cause of this phenomenon does not require the involvement of the concept of the force of inertia Korolis. This effect is similar to the" looping " motion of some planets, when observed from Earth.
4. In this paper, we also consider a special case-the uniform rotation of a non-free body along the circumference of a uniformly rotating disk. In this case, the total acceleration of the rotating body in the external reference frame (K), has the status of centripetal acceleration. When calculating the value of this acceleration, there is an "additional" term (2ωUr), which looks similar to the formula for calculating the Coriolis acceleration: Wc=2[ωUr]. The external similarity of this "additional" acceleration with Coriolis acceleration is, according to the author, a manifestation of mathematical mimicry, since it does not reflect the physical Genesis of Coriolis acceleration.
5. In this paper, the author came to the conclusion that the "lateral" Coriolis forces - a special case of "lateral" forces arising from the motion of solids relative to a moving material medium. This forces arise in cases when a moving solid crosses the velocity field of a moving material medium (water in rivers). "Lateral" forces are also induced when a rigid body moves relative to a rotating medium, with a nonlinear field of circumferential velocities of all its points (whirlpool, air tornado, etc.). Formulas of modules of "lateral" forces can be the most different as their calculation depends on initial conditions and features of a physical situation.
1. Modern mechanics qualify the Coriolis force as the force of inertia. This force ha... more Abstract
1. Modern mechanics qualify the Coriolis force as the force of inertia. This force has a fictitious character, is introduced in rotating reference systems Кʹ and is oriented perpendicular to the relative velocity vector of a moving material point. On the other hand, "lateral pressure forces" that cause Coriolis acceleration are qualified by mechanics as very real forces. The author believes that there are sufficient grounds to call these nameless "lateral forces" Coriolis forces.
2. New in this study is the idea of localization of Coriolis inertia forces. According to the author, the forces of inertia of Coriolis can be introduced only in the frame of reference of the body (in this paper - a slider), which is rectilinear and uniformly moves along the radius-vector of the body of reference of the sun-kʹ (in this paper - a uniformly rotating yoke). The frame of reference associated with a moving body (slider) has two accelerations in the external ISO-K: centripetal - associated with the portable rotation of the slider and "lateral" (Coriolis) - associated with the action on the slider of "lateral pressure forces" from the rotating wings. For this reason, the reference frame associated with the slider has the status of a doubly non-inertial reference frame (NISO-Kʹʹ). Coriolis forces of inertia, introduced only in NISO-Kʹʹ, as well as any other forces of inertia, act on all "test bodies" of this frame of reference, regardless of the state of their relative motion. The formula for calculating the forces of inertia of Coriolis must
3. In this paper, we also consider the well-known case of rectilinear motion of an external body relative to a uniformly rotating disk (frame of reference Kʹ). The author came to the conclusion that the curvature of the trajectory of an external body in a rotating frame of reference, has a purely kinematic nature. Interpretation of the cause of this phenomenon does not require the involvement of the concept of the force of inertia Korolis. This effect is similar to the" looping " motion of some planets, when observed from Earth.
4. In this paper, we also consider a special case-the uniform rotation of a non-free body along the circumference of a uniformly rotating disk. In this case, the total acceleration of the rotating body in the external reference frame (K), has the status of centripetal acceleration. When calculating the value of this acceleration, there is an "additional" term (2ωUr), which looks similar to the formula for calculating the Coriolis acceleration: Wc=2[ωUr]. The external similarity of this "additional" acceleration with Coriolis acceleration is, according to the author, a manifestation of mathematical mimicry, since it does not reflect the physical Genesis of Coriolis acceleration.
1. The main mystery Of the Japanese Islands of the Jomon era are anthropomorphic clay figurines o... more 1. The main mystery Of the Japanese Islands of the Jomon era are anthropomorphic clay figurines of Dogu. A common feature of all hypotheses about the nature of Dogu can be considered a humanitarian approach to the problem. Most scientists have tried to understand the nature of the Dogu figurines, without going beyond the Humanities. In this study, the author proposes to look at the Dogu figurines as a Zoological riddle.
2. The study of the features of the morphology of Dogu figurines found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these statues were fossil the tarsiers of the East Asia (lat.- tarsius, English. - tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article- to offer the reader a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu figurines, to interest scientists and lovers of ancient history of Japan
1. The main mystery Of the Japanese Islands of the Jomon era are anthropomorphic clay figurines o... more 1. The main mystery Of the Japanese Islands of the Jomon era are anthropomorphic clay figurines of Dogu. A common feature of all hypotheses about the nature of Dogu can be considered a humanitarian approach to the problem. Most scientists have tried to understand the nature of the Dogu figurines, without going beyond the Humanities. In this study, the author proposes to look at the Dogu figurines as a Zoological riddle.
2. The study of the features of the morphology of Dogu figurines found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these statues were fossil the tarsiers of the East Asia (lat.- tarsius, English. - tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article- to offer the reader a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu figurines, to interest scientists and lovers of ancient history of Japan
1. The main mystery Of the Japanese Islands of the jemon era are anthropomorphic clay figurines o... more 1. The main mystery Of the Japanese Islands of the jemon era are anthropomorphic clay figurines of Dogu. A common feature of all hypotheses about the nature of Dogu can be considered a humanitarian approach to the problem. Most scientists tried to understand the nature of the Dogu statues, without going beyond the Humanities. In the present study, the author proposes to look at Dogu as a Zoological mystery.
2. The study of the morphology features of Dogu figurines, found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these figurines were East Asian tarsius (tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article is to present a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu, to interest scientists and the General public
1. In his "History", the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, leads the story of the mysterious peo... more 1. In his "History", the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, leads the story of the mysterious people of the Hyperboreans. A common feature of all past attempts of humanitarians to identify Hyperboreans can be considered a humanitarian approach to the problem. In the present study, the author proposes to look at Hyperboreans as a Zoological mystery.
2. Features of physical appearance and way of life of Hyperboreans, led the author to the assumption that Hyperboreans, probably, were relict representatives of European lemurs (Darwinius masillae) who lived up to historical times.
3. The purpose of this article is to interest professional scientists and the General public with a fundamentally new version of the nature of the Hyperboreans.
К ВОПРОСУ ОБ ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИИ АРГИППЕЕВ ГЕРОДОТА To the question of identification argippaeans of He... more К ВОПРОСУ ОБ ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИИ АРГИППЕЕВ ГЕРОДОТА To the question of identification argippaeans of Herodotus КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Геродот, лысые люди-аргиппеи, агриппеи, Рифейские (Рипейские) горы, дерево понтик, лысые уакари (Cacajao calvus), Тамаринд (Tamaríndus índica) , Цератония (Ceratonia siliqua), климат в «допотопной» Европе, сапиентация древних приматов KEY WORDS: Herodotus, bald people-the Argippaeans, the Agrippaeans, the Riphean mountains, tree Pontik, bald uakari (Cacajao calvus), Tamarind (Tamaríndus índica) , Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) the climate of the "antediluvian" Europe , the evolutionary process of the formation of intelligence in ancient primates Анонс 1. В своей «Истории», древнегреческий историк Геродот, приводит рассказ о загадочных лысых людях. Он привел и название этого народа-Аргиппеи. Общей чертой всех попыток разгадать тайну аргиппеев, можно считать чисто гуманитарный подход к этой проблеме. В этой статье автор представляет прринципиально новый подход к проблеме иденттификации Аргиппеев. Это зоологический подход. 2. Особенности внешнего облика аргиппеев и их образа жизни, привели автора к предположению, что аргиппеи были представителями семейства широконосых южноамериканских обезьян, известных, как «лысые уакари» (Cacajao calvus). Автор предположил, что за долгие годы жизни в новых климатических условиях, «колонисты» (Cacajao calvus) подверглись значительной эволюции, в том числе и эволюции разума. У них мог появиться разум и примитивные навыки, характерные для людей каменного века. 3. Цель данной статьи-заинтересовать профессиональных ученых и широкие массы читателей принципиально новой версией о природе аргипеев. Abstract 1. In his" History", the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, leads the story of the mysterious bald people. He also gave the name of this people-the Argippaeans. A common feature of all attempts to solve the mystery Argippaeans, can be considered a purely humanitarian approach to this problem. In this article the author presents a fundamentally new approach to the problem of identification Argippaeans. This is a Zoological approach.
Papers by Eugene Kashtanov
A common feature of all attempts to identify the nature of the Gods of Egypt was a purely humanitarian approach to research. Humanitarians proceeded from the postulate: the Egyptian Gods are simply the personification of the forces of nature and heavenly bodies . Based on this postulate, humanitarians hoped to solve the problem of interpreting the Gods of Egypt without going beyond the humanities (mythology, religious studies, etc.).
The author of these lines invites the reader to look at the phenomenon of the Gods of Egypt as a zoological mystery. This approach led the author to the conclusion that the Gods of Egypt were descendants of the surviving dinosaurs, evolutionarily advanced to the stage of anthropomorphism and intelligence. The author admits: the idea is fantastic, almost "insane".But! The only question is, "is she 'crazy' enough for you to turn into the truth in the future?(the criterion of truth from Niels Bohr). Scientists emphasize: "One should not confuse the absolutely impossible with what only seems to them."
The purpose of the author of this article is to prove the "Existence Theorem" of the key morphological features of dinosaurs in the archaic Gods of Egypt.
The author does not claim the truth of his judgments. The only motive for publishing this version was its absolute novelty. The history of science convinces that original and even "crazy" ideas (if they are justified) should be published already because "It is always useful to have several points of view on one subject." And the last thing. There are probably all sorts of errors, "gaps" and even "failures" in this work. The task of a friendly reader is to see the "Forest" behind these "fallen trees"
One of the reasons is a purely humanitarian approach to research. Egyptologists have tried to solve the "Bes problem" without going beyond the humanities (mythology, religious studies ...). Is this possible? Hardly. Historical artifacts are complex objects that require an integrated approach to their study. In this paper, the author presents to the reader an absolutely new hypothesis about the genesis of the Bes dwarf and all its analogues (conditionally: "bessoids").
According to the author, the zoological prototypes of the dwarf Bes and all the "bessoids" were ancient tarsiers (Latin "tarsius", English "tarsier") who lived in North Africa - "Afrotarsius chatrathi", "Afrotarsius libycus". This study is not a scientific article. The only motive for publishing this version was its novelty. Scientists advise that original scientific ideas (sometimes "crazy") should be published, already because "It is always useful to have several points of view on one subject." I thank my readers in advance for the precious time they spent reading my humble work. This work presents only illustrations for the specified article - for the visual perception of theinformation presented in the article. Perhaps I am wrong, but I ask the friendly reader to see the "Forest" behind the "trees" felled by the author.
1 In the school mechanics course there is a formula for calculating the free fall time of bodies thrown horizontally, near the surface of the Earth, with a low initial velocity. According to this formula, the time of the bodies falling does not depend on the speed of the throw (a bullet fired from a gun falls to the ground far from the place of the shot, but simultaneously with a bullet that has dropped out of the shooter's pocket). But. At a throwing speed equal to the "first cosmic" (circular) (about 8 km / s), the free fall time suddenly becomes infinitely large, as the body turns into an artificial satellite of the Earth. Obviously, this result does not follow from the formula for calculating the fall time - this formula does not imply a "passage to the limit" from the case of low velocities - to the case of a body throwing with a circular velocity. This circumstance does not correspond to an important physical and methodological principle - "Principle of correspondence".
2. The author proposes a new formula for calculating the free fall time of bodies thrown horizontally near the Earth's surface. The new formula takes into account all throw speeds: from zero to circular, and the free fall time of bodies depends on the throw speed and increases with its growth. The new formula has “passage to the limit” and corresponds to the “Principle of correspondence”.
1. In this study, the author hypothesizes that the biological ancestors of the anthropomorphic creatures depicted on the "Ica stones" were Coati (Nasua,). The hypothesis suggests that a certain species of common Coati (Nasua nasua) switched to bipedal locomotion, developed intelligence, and gave the species "intelligent Coati " (Coati sapiens). It was they who created a prehistoric civilization in South America, traces of which are preserved in the form of "stones with drawings" (Ica stones).
2. The hypothesis "Coati sapiens" is based on the theory of evolution, the latest data from zoopsychology, neurobiology, and the well-known estimates of the intellectual potential of Coati (raccoons in general).
3. In this study, the author proceeds from the "working postulate" about the originality of the genesis of Ica stones and the reality of their plots. This work also touches on the problem of interpreting the drawings on the Ica stone, where the Ica anthropoids are fighting dinosaurs. According to the author, these could be dwarf species of dinosaurs that survived to the historical period in isolated ecosystems in the southwestern part of the Amazon basin.
Ключевые слова: Шумер, Сузы, Месопотамия, Боги Шумера, мифология, палеонтология, динозавры, гадрозавры, биологическая эволюция, сапиентация, разум, интеллект, эволюционная продвинутость.
The aim of this work- is to draw the attention of researchers to an unexpected point of view on the trajectory of the Tunguska space body and the overall picture of the Tunguska phenomenon of 1908.
This study presents a version that the Tunguska meteorite belonged to the group of "catching up meteoroids".
Its initial relative speed was about 11 km / s. the Tunguska meteorite entered The earth's atmosphere somewhere over the North Atlantic, at an altitude of about 150 kilometers, and moved further from West to East, approximately along the latitude of Moscow and Krasnoyarsk (the latitude corridor from 50 to 60 degrees North latitude).
This paper presents a version that the Tunguska meteorite belonged to the family of carbonaceous asteroids of the CI group (presumably from the Apollons asteroid group).T
he main component of the chemical composition of carbonaceous asteroids of this group is the water-containing the mineral Chlorite, (more than 50% of the total mass of the asteroid)
Absolutely new (absent in the literature about the "Tunguska meteorite") are the following representations of the author:
1. The angle of inclination of the atmospheric section of the trajectory of the Tunguska meteorite to the horizon line, according to the author's calculations, was only about one degree.
2. The path of the Tunguska meteorite in The earth's atmosphere was more than 6000 (six thousand) kilometers (conditional geographical reference: from London to Kansk)
3. The time of movement of the Tunguska meteorite in The earth's atmosphere was about 15 (fifteen) minutes.
4. The bright nights observed in Europe and Siberia on the first of July 1908 were caused by the ingress of fine material from the Tunguska meteorite into The earth's atmosphere.The greater brightness of the night sky over Europe was also associated with the mineral Chlorite.
5. Tunguska meteorite, as a quasi-water celestial body. The main component of the chemical composition of carbonaceous asteroids of the CI group is the water-containing mineral Chlorite (more than 50 % of the total mass). The peculiarity of chlorite is that it contains up to 22 % of bound (crystallization) water. When the initial mass of the Tunguska asteroid was 50 million tons (the author's estimate), the amount of crystallization water bound in the "Tunguska chlorite" was many millions of tons.
6. On the nature of the high-altitude explosion of the Tunguska asteroid.A distinctive feature of the author's version of the TCB explosion is the version that this explosion had the nature of a steam explosion (eng. Vapor Explosion).
7. On the dynamics of the destruction of the Tunguska asteroid on the final section of its path to The earth's atmosphere.The trajectories of the three fragments, after the "explosion over Kansk", were as follows:
The first fragment (known in science as the "Tunguska meteorite"), from Kansk, flew to the North-East (the geographical reference point is the village of Vanavara);
The second fragment flew to the East-North-East (the geographical reference point is the village of Erema, located in the upper reaches of the Lower Tunguska river);
The third fragment flew to the South-East (the geographical reference point is the city of Irkutsk).
2. The formula for "slowing down the time" of the movement of bodies has a single form, but the values included in it have different physical meanings. Purpose: to study the Genesis of the formula "time dilation" in the relative motion of material bodies and light
1. Эффект «замедления времени» является общепринятым названием явления увеличения времени движения объекта по сравнению с кратчайшим временем его движения, реализуемым в других («нормальных») начальных условиях. Эффект «замедления времени» в классической механике является абсолютным - фиксируется как стационарными, так и движущимися наблюдателями.
2. Формула «замедления времени» движения тел имеет единую форму, но входящие в нее значения имеют разный физический смысл. Цель: изучить генезис формулы «замедление времени» в относительном движении материальных тел и света
1. Modern mechanics qualify the Coriolis force as the force of inertia. This force has a fictitious character, is introduced in rotating reference systems Кʹ and is oriented perpendicular to the relative velocity vector of a moving material point. On the other hand, "lateral pressure forces" that cause Coriolis acceleration are qualified by mechanics as very real forces. The author believes that there are sufficient grounds to call these nameless "lateral forces" Coriolis forces.
2. New in this study is the idea of localization of Coriolis inertia forces. According to the author, the forces of inertia of Coriolis can be introduced only in the frame of reference of the body (in this paper - a slider), which is rectilinear and uniformly moves along the radius-vector of the body of reference of the sun-kʹ (in this paper - a uniformly rotating yoke). The frame of reference associated with a moving body (slider) has two accelerations in the external ISO-K: centripetal - associated with the portable rotation of the slider and "lateral" (Coriolis) - associated with the action on the slider of "lateral pressure forces" from the rotating wings. For this reason, the reference frame associated with the slider has the status of a doubly non-inertial reference frame (NISO-Kʹʹ). Coriolis forces of inertia, introduced only in NISO-Kʹʹ, as well as any other forces of inertia, act on all "test bodies" of this frame of reference, regardless of the state of their relative motion. The formula for calculating the forces of inertia of Coriolis must
3. In this paper, we also consider the well-known case of rectilinear motion of an external body relative to a uniformly rotating disk (frame of reference Kʹ). The author came to the conclusion that the curvature of the trajectory of an external body in a rotating frame of reference, has a purely kinematic nature. Interpretation of the cause of this phenomenon does not require the involvement of the concept of the force of inertia Korolis. This effect is similar to the" looping " motion of some planets, when observed from Earth.
4. In this paper, we also consider a special case-the uniform rotation of a non-free body along the circumference of a uniformly rotating disk. In this case, the total acceleration of the rotating body in the external reference frame (K), has the status of centripetal acceleration. When calculating the value of this acceleration, there is an "additional" term (2ωUr), which looks similar to the formula for calculating the Coriolis acceleration: Wc=2[ωUr]. The external similarity of this "additional" acceleration with Coriolis acceleration is, according to the author, a manifestation of mathematical mimicry, since it does not reflect the physical Genesis of Coriolis acceleration.
5. In this paper, the author came to the conclusion that the "lateral" Coriolis forces - a special case of "lateral" forces arising from the motion of solids relative to a moving material medium. This forces arise in cases when a moving solid crosses the velocity field of a moving material medium (water in rivers). "Lateral" forces are also induced when a rigid body moves relative to a rotating medium, with a nonlinear field of circumferential velocities of all its points (whirlpool, air tornado, etc.). Formulas of modules of "lateral" forces can be the most different as their calculation depends on initial conditions and features of a physical situation.
1. Modern mechanics qualify the Coriolis force as the force of inertia. This force has a fictitious character, is introduced in rotating reference systems Кʹ and is oriented perpendicular to the relative velocity vector of a moving material point. On the other hand, "lateral pressure forces" that cause Coriolis acceleration are qualified by mechanics as very real forces. The author believes that there are sufficient grounds to call these nameless "lateral forces" Coriolis forces.
2. New in this study is the idea of localization of Coriolis inertia forces. According to the author, the forces of inertia of Coriolis can be introduced only in the frame of reference of the body (in this paper - a slider), which is rectilinear and uniformly moves along the radius-vector of the body of reference of the sun-kʹ (in this paper - a uniformly rotating yoke). The frame of reference associated with a moving body (slider) has two accelerations in the external ISO-K: centripetal - associated with the portable rotation of the slider and "lateral" (Coriolis) - associated with the action on the slider of "lateral pressure forces" from the rotating wings. For this reason, the reference frame associated with the slider has the status of a doubly non-inertial reference frame (NISO-Kʹʹ). Coriolis forces of inertia, introduced only in NISO-Kʹʹ, as well as any other forces of inertia, act on all "test bodies" of this frame of reference, regardless of the state of their relative motion. The formula for calculating the forces of inertia of Coriolis must
3. In this paper, we also consider the well-known case of rectilinear motion of an external body relative to a uniformly rotating disk (frame of reference Kʹ). The author came to the conclusion that the curvature of the trajectory of an external body in a rotating frame of reference, has a purely kinematic nature. Interpretation of the cause of this phenomenon does not require the involvement of the concept of the force of inertia Korolis. This effect is similar to the" looping " motion of some planets, when observed from Earth.
4. In this paper, we also consider a special case-the uniform rotation of a non-free body along the circumference of a uniformly rotating disk. In this case, the total acceleration of the rotating body in the external reference frame (K), has the status of centripetal acceleration. When calculating the value of this acceleration, there is an "additional" term (2ωUr), which looks similar to the formula for calculating the Coriolis acceleration: Wc=2[ωUr]. The external similarity of this "additional" acceleration with Coriolis acceleration is, according to the author, a manifestation of mathematical mimicry, since it does not reflect the physical Genesis of Coriolis acceleration.
2. The study of the features of the morphology of Dogu figurines found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these statues were fossil the tarsiers of the East Asia (lat.- tarsius, English. - tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article- to offer the reader a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu figurines, to interest scientists and lovers of ancient history of Japan
2. The study of the features of the morphology of Dogu figurines found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these statues were fossil the tarsiers of the East Asia (lat.- tarsius, English. - tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article- to offer the reader a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu figurines, to interest scientists and lovers of ancient history of Japan
2. The study of the morphology features of Dogu figurines, found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these figurines were East Asian tarsius (tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article is to present a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu, to interest scientists and the General public
2. Features of physical appearance and way of life of Hyperboreans, led the author to the assumption that Hyperboreans, probably, were relict representatives of European lemurs (Darwinius masillae) who lived up to historical times.
3. The purpose of this article is to interest professional scientists and the General public with a fundamentally new version of the nature of the Hyperboreans.
A common feature of all attempts to identify the nature of the Gods of Egypt was a purely humanitarian approach to research. Humanitarians proceeded from the postulate: the Egyptian Gods are simply the personification of the forces of nature and heavenly bodies . Based on this postulate, humanitarians hoped to solve the problem of interpreting the Gods of Egypt without going beyond the humanities (mythology, religious studies, etc.).
The author of these lines invites the reader to look at the phenomenon of the Gods of Egypt as a zoological mystery. This approach led the author to the conclusion that the Gods of Egypt were descendants of the surviving dinosaurs, evolutionarily advanced to the stage of anthropomorphism and intelligence. The author admits: the idea is fantastic, almost "insane".But! The only question is, "is she 'crazy' enough for you to turn into the truth in the future?(the criterion of truth from Niels Bohr). Scientists emphasize: "One should not confuse the absolutely impossible with what only seems to them."
The purpose of the author of this article is to prove the "Existence Theorem" of the key morphological features of dinosaurs in the archaic Gods of Egypt.
The author does not claim the truth of his judgments. The only motive for publishing this version was its absolute novelty. The history of science convinces that original and even "crazy" ideas (if they are justified) should be published already because "It is always useful to have several points of view on one subject." And the last thing. There are probably all sorts of errors, "gaps" and even "failures" in this work. The task of a friendly reader is to see the "Forest" behind these "fallen trees"
One of the reasons is a purely humanitarian approach to research. Egyptologists have tried to solve the "Bes problem" without going beyond the humanities (mythology, religious studies ...). Is this possible? Hardly. Historical artifacts are complex objects that require an integrated approach to their study. In this paper, the author presents to the reader an absolutely new hypothesis about the genesis of the Bes dwarf and all its analogues (conditionally: "bessoids").
According to the author, the zoological prototypes of the dwarf Bes and all the "bessoids" were ancient tarsiers (Latin "tarsius", English "tarsier") who lived in North Africa - "Afrotarsius chatrathi", "Afrotarsius libycus". This study is not a scientific article. The only motive for publishing this version was its novelty. Scientists advise that original scientific ideas (sometimes "crazy") should be published, already because "It is always useful to have several points of view on one subject." I thank my readers in advance for the precious time they spent reading my humble work. This work presents only illustrations for the specified article - for the visual perception of theinformation presented in the article. Perhaps I am wrong, but I ask the friendly reader to see the "Forest" behind the "trees" felled by the author.
1 In the school mechanics course there is a formula for calculating the free fall time of bodies thrown horizontally, near the surface of the Earth, with a low initial velocity. According to this formula, the time of the bodies falling does not depend on the speed of the throw (a bullet fired from a gun falls to the ground far from the place of the shot, but simultaneously with a bullet that has dropped out of the shooter's pocket). But. At a throwing speed equal to the "first cosmic" (circular) (about 8 km / s), the free fall time suddenly becomes infinitely large, as the body turns into an artificial satellite of the Earth. Obviously, this result does not follow from the formula for calculating the fall time - this formula does not imply a "passage to the limit" from the case of low velocities - to the case of a body throwing with a circular velocity. This circumstance does not correspond to an important physical and methodological principle - "Principle of correspondence".
2. The author proposes a new formula for calculating the free fall time of bodies thrown horizontally near the Earth's surface. The new formula takes into account all throw speeds: from zero to circular, and the free fall time of bodies depends on the throw speed and increases with its growth. The new formula has “passage to the limit” and corresponds to the “Principle of correspondence”.
1. In this study, the author hypothesizes that the biological ancestors of the anthropomorphic creatures depicted on the "Ica stones" were Coati (Nasua,). The hypothesis suggests that a certain species of common Coati (Nasua nasua) switched to bipedal locomotion, developed intelligence, and gave the species "intelligent Coati " (Coati sapiens). It was they who created a prehistoric civilization in South America, traces of which are preserved in the form of "stones with drawings" (Ica stones).
2. The hypothesis "Coati sapiens" is based on the theory of evolution, the latest data from zoopsychology, neurobiology, and the well-known estimates of the intellectual potential of Coati (raccoons in general).
3. In this study, the author proceeds from the "working postulate" about the originality of the genesis of Ica stones and the reality of their plots. This work also touches on the problem of interpreting the drawings on the Ica stone, where the Ica anthropoids are fighting dinosaurs. According to the author, these could be dwarf species of dinosaurs that survived to the historical period in isolated ecosystems in the southwestern part of the Amazon basin.
Ключевые слова: Шумер, Сузы, Месопотамия, Боги Шумера, мифология, палеонтология, динозавры, гадрозавры, биологическая эволюция, сапиентация, разум, интеллект, эволюционная продвинутость.
The aim of this work- is to draw the attention of researchers to an unexpected point of view on the trajectory of the Tunguska space body and the overall picture of the Tunguska phenomenon of 1908.
This study presents a version that the Tunguska meteorite belonged to the group of "catching up meteoroids".
Its initial relative speed was about 11 km / s. the Tunguska meteorite entered The earth's atmosphere somewhere over the North Atlantic, at an altitude of about 150 kilometers, and moved further from West to East, approximately along the latitude of Moscow and Krasnoyarsk (the latitude corridor from 50 to 60 degrees North latitude).
This paper presents a version that the Tunguska meteorite belonged to the family of carbonaceous asteroids of the CI group (presumably from the Apollons asteroid group).T
he main component of the chemical composition of carbonaceous asteroids of this group is the water-containing the mineral Chlorite, (more than 50% of the total mass of the asteroid)
Absolutely new (absent in the literature about the "Tunguska meteorite") are the following representations of the author:
1. The angle of inclination of the atmospheric section of the trajectory of the Tunguska meteorite to the horizon line, according to the author's calculations, was only about one degree.
2. The path of the Tunguska meteorite in The earth's atmosphere was more than 6000 (six thousand) kilometers (conditional geographical reference: from London to Kansk)
3. The time of movement of the Tunguska meteorite in The earth's atmosphere was about 15 (fifteen) minutes.
4. The bright nights observed in Europe and Siberia on the first of July 1908 were caused by the ingress of fine material from the Tunguska meteorite into The earth's atmosphere.The greater brightness of the night sky over Europe was also associated with the mineral Chlorite.
5. Tunguska meteorite, as a quasi-water celestial body. The main component of the chemical composition of carbonaceous asteroids of the CI group is the water-containing mineral Chlorite (more than 50 % of the total mass). The peculiarity of chlorite is that it contains up to 22 % of bound (crystallization) water. When the initial mass of the Tunguska asteroid was 50 million tons (the author's estimate), the amount of crystallization water bound in the "Tunguska chlorite" was many millions of tons.
6. On the nature of the high-altitude explosion of the Tunguska asteroid.A distinctive feature of the author's version of the TCB explosion is the version that this explosion had the nature of a steam explosion (eng. Vapor Explosion).
7. On the dynamics of the destruction of the Tunguska asteroid on the final section of its path to The earth's atmosphere.The trajectories of the three fragments, after the "explosion over Kansk", were as follows:
The first fragment (known in science as the "Tunguska meteorite"), from Kansk, flew to the North-East (the geographical reference point is the village of Vanavara);
The second fragment flew to the East-North-East (the geographical reference point is the village of Erema, located in the upper reaches of the Lower Tunguska river);
The third fragment flew to the South-East (the geographical reference point is the city of Irkutsk).
2. The formula for "slowing down the time" of the movement of bodies has a single form, but the values included in it have different physical meanings. Purpose: to study the Genesis of the formula "time dilation" in the relative motion of material bodies and light
1. Эффект «замедления времени» является общепринятым названием явления увеличения времени движения объекта по сравнению с кратчайшим временем его движения, реализуемым в других («нормальных») начальных условиях. Эффект «замедления времени» в классической механике является абсолютным - фиксируется как стационарными, так и движущимися наблюдателями.
2. Формула «замедления времени» движения тел имеет единую форму, но входящие в нее значения имеют разный физический смысл. Цель: изучить генезис формулы «замедление времени» в относительном движении материальных тел и света
1. Modern mechanics qualify the Coriolis force as the force of inertia. This force has a fictitious character, is introduced in rotating reference systems Кʹ and is oriented perpendicular to the relative velocity vector of a moving material point. On the other hand, "lateral pressure forces" that cause Coriolis acceleration are qualified by mechanics as very real forces. The author believes that there are sufficient grounds to call these nameless "lateral forces" Coriolis forces.
2. New in this study is the idea of localization of Coriolis inertia forces. According to the author, the forces of inertia of Coriolis can be introduced only in the frame of reference of the body (in this paper - a slider), which is rectilinear and uniformly moves along the radius-vector of the body of reference of the sun-kʹ (in this paper - a uniformly rotating yoke). The frame of reference associated with a moving body (slider) has two accelerations in the external ISO-K: centripetal - associated with the portable rotation of the slider and "lateral" (Coriolis) - associated with the action on the slider of "lateral pressure forces" from the rotating wings. For this reason, the reference frame associated with the slider has the status of a doubly non-inertial reference frame (NISO-Kʹʹ). Coriolis forces of inertia, introduced only in NISO-Kʹʹ, as well as any other forces of inertia, act on all "test bodies" of this frame of reference, regardless of the state of their relative motion. The formula for calculating the forces of inertia of Coriolis must
3. In this paper, we also consider the well-known case of rectilinear motion of an external body relative to a uniformly rotating disk (frame of reference Kʹ). The author came to the conclusion that the curvature of the trajectory of an external body in a rotating frame of reference, has a purely kinematic nature. Interpretation of the cause of this phenomenon does not require the involvement of the concept of the force of inertia Korolis. This effect is similar to the" looping " motion of some planets, when observed from Earth.
4. In this paper, we also consider a special case-the uniform rotation of a non-free body along the circumference of a uniformly rotating disk. In this case, the total acceleration of the rotating body in the external reference frame (K), has the status of centripetal acceleration. When calculating the value of this acceleration, there is an "additional" term (2ωUr), which looks similar to the formula for calculating the Coriolis acceleration: Wc=2[ωUr]. The external similarity of this "additional" acceleration with Coriolis acceleration is, according to the author, a manifestation of mathematical mimicry, since it does not reflect the physical Genesis of Coriolis acceleration.
5. In this paper, the author came to the conclusion that the "lateral" Coriolis forces - a special case of "lateral" forces arising from the motion of solids relative to a moving material medium. This forces arise in cases when a moving solid crosses the velocity field of a moving material medium (water in rivers). "Lateral" forces are also induced when a rigid body moves relative to a rotating medium, with a nonlinear field of circumferential velocities of all its points (whirlpool, air tornado, etc.). Formulas of modules of "lateral" forces can be the most different as their calculation depends on initial conditions and features of a physical situation.
1. Modern mechanics qualify the Coriolis force as the force of inertia. This force has a fictitious character, is introduced in rotating reference systems Кʹ and is oriented perpendicular to the relative velocity vector of a moving material point. On the other hand, "lateral pressure forces" that cause Coriolis acceleration are qualified by mechanics as very real forces. The author believes that there are sufficient grounds to call these nameless "lateral forces" Coriolis forces.
2. New in this study is the idea of localization of Coriolis inertia forces. According to the author, the forces of inertia of Coriolis can be introduced only in the frame of reference of the body (in this paper - a slider), which is rectilinear and uniformly moves along the radius-vector of the body of reference of the sun-kʹ (in this paper - a uniformly rotating yoke). The frame of reference associated with a moving body (slider) has two accelerations in the external ISO-K: centripetal - associated with the portable rotation of the slider and "lateral" (Coriolis) - associated with the action on the slider of "lateral pressure forces" from the rotating wings. For this reason, the reference frame associated with the slider has the status of a doubly non-inertial reference frame (NISO-Kʹʹ). Coriolis forces of inertia, introduced only in NISO-Kʹʹ, as well as any other forces of inertia, act on all "test bodies" of this frame of reference, regardless of the state of their relative motion. The formula for calculating the forces of inertia of Coriolis must
3. In this paper, we also consider the well-known case of rectilinear motion of an external body relative to a uniformly rotating disk (frame of reference Kʹ). The author came to the conclusion that the curvature of the trajectory of an external body in a rotating frame of reference, has a purely kinematic nature. Interpretation of the cause of this phenomenon does not require the involvement of the concept of the force of inertia Korolis. This effect is similar to the" looping " motion of some planets, when observed from Earth.
4. In this paper, we also consider a special case-the uniform rotation of a non-free body along the circumference of a uniformly rotating disk. In this case, the total acceleration of the rotating body in the external reference frame (K), has the status of centripetal acceleration. When calculating the value of this acceleration, there is an "additional" term (2ωUr), which looks similar to the formula for calculating the Coriolis acceleration: Wc=2[ωUr]. The external similarity of this "additional" acceleration with Coriolis acceleration is, according to the author, a manifestation of mathematical mimicry, since it does not reflect the physical Genesis of Coriolis acceleration.
2. The study of the features of the morphology of Dogu figurines found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these statues were fossil the tarsiers of the East Asia (lat.- tarsius, English. - tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article- to offer the reader a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu figurines, to interest scientists and lovers of ancient history of Japan
2. The study of the features of the morphology of Dogu figurines found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these statues were fossil the tarsiers of the East Asia (lat.- tarsius, English. - tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article- to offer the reader a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu figurines, to interest scientists and lovers of ancient history of Japan
2. The study of the morphology features of Dogu figurines, found in the North of Japan led the author to the conclusion that the biological prototypes of these figurines were East Asian tarsius (tarsier).
3. The purpose of this article is to present a completely new version of the nature of the Dogu, to interest scientists and the General public
2. Features of physical appearance and way of life of Hyperboreans, led the author to the assumption that Hyperboreans, probably, were relict representatives of European lemurs (Darwinius masillae) who lived up to historical times.
3. The purpose of this article is to interest professional scientists and the General public with a fundamentally new version of the nature of the Hyperboreans.
1. В данном исследовании рассмотрены три случая расчета работы силы над переменной массой,в функцию изменения которой входит скорость внешнего генезиса (скорость «с»). Рассмотрены примеры работы реактивной силы, работы силы давления струи, работы силы над переменной массой электрона («формула Эйнштейна»). При указанном условии, работа силы представляет собой аддитивную величину, состоящую из двух слагаемых: функциональной и постоянной вида: М0с2 .
2. Во всех примерах, смысл М0с2 является математическим и не может быть интерпретирован, как «внутренняя» энергия начальной массы тела («массы покоя»)
3. Рассмотрен вопрос о связи понятий: «механическая работа» и «кинетическая энергия» в динамике переменной массы. Автор пришел к выводу, что в динамике переменной массы понятие кинетической энергии тела теряет свою расчетную ценность и становится излишним.
4. Формула работы силы над «продольной» массой электрона, корректно выведенная Эйнштейном,не может быть интерпретирована, как кинетическая энергия электрона. Эта формула не может быть выведена для «поперечной» массы электрона, с помощью обобщения формы записи «Основного уравнения динамики» на случай переменной массы.
5. Энергия тела, как функция от изменения его «релятивисткой» массы, не имеет отношения к формуле «энергии связи» нуклонов в ядре атома- это разные физические явления. Изменение массы в «формуле Эйнштейна» и «дефект массы» в формуле «энергии связи» имеют только внешнее сходство по форме используемой символики (проявление феномена «математической мимикрии»)
1. This work is not a scientific article, it is an arbitrary presentation by the author (a physics teacher at a university) his research in the field of variable mass dynamics. The author considered three cases of calculating the work of a force on a variable mass, the function of which changes includes a constant velocity of external genesis (velocity "c"). Under this condition, the work of the force is an additive quantity consisting of two terms: functional: f(V), f(M) or f (∆M) and a constant of the same form: М0с2. The meaning of the constant М0с2 is purely mathematical.
2. In the courses of theoretical mechanics, the existence of kinetic energy in a variable mass is postulated, and its calculation is performed according to the formula for calculating the energy of a constant mass. In "relativistic" mechanics, the kinetic energy of a variable mass is defined as the work of external forces on a body of variable mass. The latter approach seems to be more correct. However. In this study, the author came to the conclusion that in the dynamics of a variable mass, the very concept of kinetic energy completely loses its calculated value and becomes superfluous. Work can be performed on a body of variable mass, but it cannot be qualified as the kinetic energy of a variable mass.
3. It follows from this that the formula of the working on the variable mass of an electron, correctly derived by A. Einstein, cannot be interpreted as the kinetic energy of a" relativistic " variable mass. Accordingly, the constant term М0с2, in the "Einstein formula", cannot be interpreted as a certain "internal" energy of the initial mass of the body ("rest mass"). In addition, calculating the work of an external force on a given body, it is impossible to obtain information about the internal characteristics of the body and evaluate its "internal" energy.
4. The formula of the working on the" longitudinal "mass of an electron (the" Einstein formula") cannot be obtained for the" transverse "mass of an electron by" generalizing "the form of writing the" Basic Equation of Dynamics " for the case of a variable mass. Classical mechanics states that a variable mass cannot be "brought" under the sign of the differential and the force not can be determined as a derivative (in time) of the "total" momentum of a body of variable mass.
5. For this reason, it is impossible to present the "Einstein formula "in the form of the work of force as a function of the change in mass (a record that looks similar to the formula of the" binding energy " of nucleons in the nucleus of an atom). The" energy "of a moving body as a function of changes in its "relativistic" mass and the formula of the "binding energy" of nucleons are different physical phenomena. The mass change in the "Einstein formula" and the "mass defect" in the "binding energy" formula have only an external similarity in the form of the symbolism used (a manifestation of the phenomenon of "mathematical mimicry")
Это исследование-не научная статья. Это рассказ автора о своей попытке идентификации природы богов древнего Шумера. Кем же были боги Шумера? На этот вопрос автор и попытался ответить в этом небольшом исследовании. Автор этих строк (преподаватель физики и математики в вузе) предлагает читателю посмотреть на шумерских богов не как на «олицетворение сил природы», а как на реальную зоологическую загадку.
1 Из школьного курса физики (механика) известна формула расчета времени свободного падения тел,брошенных горизонтально вблизи поверхности Земли (формула 1 в тексте статьи). Согласно этой формуле, время свободного падения тел не зависит от скорости броска. При начальной скорости броска, равной круговой скорости (около 8 км/с) время свободного падения становится бесконечно-большим, а само тело превращается в искусственный спутник Земли. Этот факт не следует из формулы (1), так она не предполагает наличие предельного перехода от случая малых начальных скоростей броска к случаю броска тела с круговой скоростью. Это ситуация не отвечает, известному в физике, методологическому Принципу соответствия.
2. Автор предлагает новую формулу для расчета времени свободного падения тел, брошенных горизонтально, вблизи поверхности Земли. Эта формула (формула (6) в тексте статьи) является более общей, так как она учитывает скорости броска, близкие круговой. При выводе формулы автор учел шарообразность формы Земли и центральность поля сил тяготения. По новой формуле, время свободного падения тел, зависит от начальной скорости броска и увеличивается с ее ростом. Новая формула имеет предельные переходы. При малых скоростях броска, она превращается в школьную формулу, а при скорости броска, равной круговой скорости, время падения тела становится бесконечно большим (брошенное тело становится искусственным спутником Земли). Таким образом, новая формула расчета времени свободного падения тел отвечает методологическому Принципу соответствия.