Papers by Feny Rita Fiantika
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 2, 2022
Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research, Jan 25, 2024
Math Didactic: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
This article aims to describe the transformation of the knowledge process, namely the gambyok sit... more This article aims to describe the transformation of the knowledge process, namely the gambyok site into an indicator of mathematics learning tools with a Pancasila student profile. The research used is descriptive qualitative research. The instrument is an interview sheet that is used to gather information from cultural actors, mathematical concepts, learning outcomes and learning objectives (ATP). Transformation process data obtained from interviews with informants, cultural actors studied by collecting information by translating interview scripts, data reduction by classifying information that is relevant to what is needed in such a way that the transformation process variables can apply to the indicators indicator . The results shown in this article are indicators that can be used to develop mathematics learning tools with a Pancasila student profile.
Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Matematika (JUMADIKA)
Spatial thinking is a skill to remember, operate, manipulate, predict, combine, interpret, transf... more Spatial thinking is a skill to remember, operate, manipulate, predict, combine, interpret, transform, explore an object to solve problems in various life contexts. Spatial thinking requires three related components, namely: the concept of space, spatial representation methods, and spatial reasoning. The difficulty of students for representing ideas encourages researchers to observe the spatial reasoning of elementary teacher training program’s student. Visual learning style is closely related to exact mathematical soul. Therefore, this study focuses on describing elementary teacher training program’ student’s visual learning style. The subjects of this research are students of class 2019 A and 2019 B as many as 70 elementary teacher training program’s student who are taking elementary school mathematics learning courses at a University in Surabaya and have been grouped into high, medium groups. and below. Medium group elementary teacher training program’s student were selected to be...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa laki-laki... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa laki-laki dan perempuan kelas VII SMP Negeri 24 Surabaya. Subyek meliputi 4 siswa yang berbeda gender yaitu terdiri dari 2 siswa laki-laki dan 2 siswa perempuan yang kesemuanya diambil dari tingkat akademik sedang. Pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah model pembelajaran pengajuan pemecahan masalah atau yang disingkat menjadi “Jucama”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Instrument yang digunakan adalah soal tes pemecahan masalah untuk materi Himpunan dan lembar wawancara. Indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis subjek yang dianalisis meliputi : (1) Memfokuskan pertanyaan ; (2) Mempertimbangkan apakah sumber dapat dipercaya atau tidak; (3) Mengobservasi dan mempertimbangkan ; (4) Menginduksi dan mempertimbangkan hasil induksi; (5) menentukan suatu tindakan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa laki-laki adalah mampu memenuhi 3 dari 4 indikator. Tingkat ke...
This paper describe about Fatigue, Motivation, Attitude, Productivity, and expand to small busine... more This paper describe about Fatigue, Motivation, Attitude, Productivity, and expand to small business (UMKM) owner of Krecek krupuk rambak in producing. Krecek krupuk rambak is cracker snack that they have Employees play the crucial role in the production process, including if there is a target to achieve. Employees are given with assignments based on the proportional task that matches their expertise, however, the orientation of to-be-achieved targets and internal loads of employees can become problems that may potentially cause fatigue, decreased motivation and attitude, therefore, the productivity decreases. Such issues motivate the researcher to conduct an in-depth identification towards the analysis of fatigue, motivation, and attitude on work productivity with attitude as the intervening variable on employees of UMKM krupuk krecek rambak. This study used quantitative approach as the research method in which data analysis was performed towards 100 samples by using the backward me...
Data for classification indicator of spatial thinking. The change of paradigms in national assess... more Data for classification indicator of spatial thinking. The change of paradigms in national assessment began in 2021 became a particular issue for teachers in improving student competencies. The main issue encountered by teachers is the way to improve student competencies in mathematic learning, especially in geometry. This writing is aimed to outline spatial-thinking indicators with six relevant background components of realistic geometry, and to describe students' spatial-thinking design to acquire a geometric comprehension by using google Sketch-Up. The spatial-thinking indicators are outlined with six background components of realistic geometry by using Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) with JAPS software version The acquired research results show the correlations between sighting and projecting, orientating and locating, transforming, constructing and drawing, measuring and calculation, and spatial reasoning variables. Spatial-thinking indicators are outlined in si...
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Nusantara (JPPNu), Jul 31, 2020
Seminar Nasional Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Ke-2, Sep 3, 2018
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Indonesia is archipelago country that has many heritages of culture and legacy. In the pandemic e... more Indonesia is archipelago country that has many heritages of culture and legacy. In the pandemic era, we need creative teacher to develop innovative learning. This research takes innovation from local culture, namely “Relief temple” that is used to be source of alternative study during pandemic. Innovative temple relief learning aims to grow up sense of nationalism pride and to strengthen self-awareness as a nation based on Pancasila. Tegowangi’s Temple Relief is used as media of learning that is managed in such a way to dig the mathematics concept of student. this is a descriptive and qualitative research. the subject of this research is fourth grade of elementary school student. the result of this research is description of Tegowangi’s temple relief. the subjects name the type of motif at the relief and mention type of geometry’s shape at the relief. this research found a connection towards multi discipline science in learning hat used the Tegowangi’s relief among mathematics, hist...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
The aim of this study is to find out the spatial thinking process of students in transforming 3-d... more The aim of this study is to find out the spatial thinking process of students in transforming 3-dimensional (3D) object to 2-dimensional (2D) representation. Spatial thinking is helpful in using maps, planning routes, designing floor plans, and creating art. The student can engage geometric ideas by using concrete models and drawing. Spatial thinking in this study is identified through geometrical problems of transforming a 3-dimensional object into a 2-dimensional object image. The problem was resolved by the subject and analyzed by reference to predetermined spatial thinking indicators. Two representative subjects of elementary school were chosen based on mathematical ability and visual learning style. Explorative description through qualitative approach was used in this study. The result of this study are: 1) there are different representations of spatial thinking between a boy and a girl object, 2) the subjects has their own way to invent the fastest way to draw cube net.
Representasi matematik merupakan syarat yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa, karena representasi matem... more Representasi matematik merupakan syarat yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa, karena representasi matematik sangat diperlukan dalam pemahaman konsep maupun penyelesaian masalah matematika. Pembelajaran disekolah guru bisa menggunakan salah satu model pembelajaran discovery learning untuk mengetahui kompetensi representasi matematik yang dimiliki siswanya dan juga agar para siswa mampu aktif dan kreatif. Dalam pembelajaran discovery learning bisa saja mengkolaborasikan dengan kebudayaan yang ada dilingkungan sekitar melalui media yaitu gamelan. Subyek pada penelitian ini yaitu 3 siswa dengan masing-masing kemampuan representasi matematik tinggi, sedang maupun rendah yang diambil dari 4 sekolah dasar yang berbeda dari hasil tes tulis mereka, serta dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dimana mendeskripsikan peristiwa serta peneliti berperan aktif untuk mendapatkan data yang diinginkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan masing-masing kemampuan representasi...
Abstrak: Rendahnya hasil PISA dan TIMSS siswa Indonesia kontradiktif dengan motivasi belajar mate... more Abstrak: Rendahnya hasil PISA dan TIMSS siswa Indonesia kontradiktif dengan motivasi belajar matematika dan sains mereka yang berada di atas Singapura dan Malaysia. Permasalahan tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya MCK khususnya domain penalaran di setiap Mathematical Content. Mereka perlu penguatan kemampuan mengintegrasikan informasi, menarik kesimpulan, serta menggeneralisasikan pengetahuan yang dimiliki. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan menghasilkan Buku Kerja Siswa (BKS) yang valid, praktis dan memiliki efek potensial bagi literasi matematika siswa SMP. Penelitian ini mengacu pada modifikasi model 4-D Thiagarajan yaitu Define, Design dan Develop. Prosedur penelitiannya adalah: 1) menganalisis MCK awal siswa SMP di Kota Kediri berdasarkan domain TIMSS dan literasi matematika PISA; 2) mengembangkan BKS yang valid, praktis dan layak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan BKS yang dikembangkan termasuk dalam kriteria sangat layak, ditinjau dari kelayakan isi sebesar ...
Abstrak: Tujuan tulisan ini adalah menuliskan laporan rekam jejak pembuatan video animasi 3D Port... more Abstrak: Tujuan tulisan ini adalah menuliskan laporan rekam jejak pembuatan video animasi 3D Portofolio tahap define dan design. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis video 3D portofolio yang digunakan dalam penelitian pengembangan perangkat ini adalah menggunakan teori pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran Thiagarajan (Thiagarajan, Semmel dan Semmel, 1974: 5) yang dikenal dengan Four - D Model atau model 4-D. Model ini terdiri atas empat tahap, yaitu: Define (pendefinisian), Design (perencaaan), Develop (pengembangan), dan Desseminate (pendiseminasian). Adapun alasan penulis memilih model pengembangan Thiagarajan untuk dipakai dalam penelitian ini karena model tersebut terperinci dan sistematis sehingga memudahkan dalam melakukan proses pengembangan perangkat dan instrumen. Namun demikian model tersebut dimodifikasi sehingga yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini hanya memuat: Define, Design, dan Develop. Modifikasi yang dilakukan meliputi: 1) analisis tugas dilakukan setelah ana...
Spatial thinking is a basic skill that can be accessed by everyone to different degrees in differ... more Spatial thinking is a basic skill that can be accessed by everyone to different degrees in different contexts to solve problems in a variety of contexts. To think spatially related needs three components, namely: the concept of space, methods of spatial representation, and spatial reasoning. Some areas of mathematical problem solving related to spatial thinking. One of them is geometry. There are two standards that are used to study the geometry and both relate to the spatial. In resolving the problem geometry everyone has their own way. How is exactly what is called a learning style. The purpose of this study was to determine the student's thinking process in solving the problems of spatial geometry of each learning style. This study is a qualitative research diskriptip. the students selected as the sample under consideration from teachers. Then visits the last student learning outcomes and then classified into 3 groups: high, medium and low. After the selected student groups a...
Berpikir aljabar merupakan penggunaan simbol matematika dan alat untuk menganalisis penyelesaian ... more Berpikir aljabar merupakan penggunaan simbol matematika dan alat untuk menganalisis penyelesaian yang berbeda dengan cara (1) menggali informasi dari permasalahan, (2) menggambarkan atau menunjukkan informasi secara matematis dalam bentuk kata, diagram, tabel, grafik, dan persamaan, (3) mengartikan dan menerapkan temuan matematika, seperti pemecahan yang belum diketahui, menguji dugaan, dan mencari hubungan fungsional dari permasalahan yang sama dan baru yang masih berkaitan (Herbert, 1997: 123). Penggunaan pembelajaran secara berkelompok bertujuan untuk mengembangkan proses berpikir aljabar siswa dalam memahami materi fungsi. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir aljabar siswa dalam penyelesaian masalah matematika materi fungsi pada siswa kemampuan sedang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi, tes kemampuan berpikir aljabar, dan lembar wawancara. Pemilihan subjek dilakukan secara purposive dengan memperti...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
In this article, we review how the mental rotation of students in their internal representation a... more In this article, we review how the mental rotation of students in their internal representation and what is mathematic skill they used. Researchers found three geometry problems in elementary schools in Kediri Indonesia. Students have difficulty to make a cube net from the cube and they have opinion that to make a cube they need parallelogram and square. It is a big problem in geometry to transform 2 dimensional objects to 3 dimensional objects and vice versa. Based on the geometry problem of student in Kediri Indonesia, the researcher gives them a cube to modify as a cube net. Internal process is activities in their mind that they used for make a transformation an object into another object. The form of an object is different in this case 3 dimensional object into 2 dimensional object. They used mental rotation in transformation process. This article describes process mental rotation and mathematic skill student that they used to transform 3 dimensional object to 2 dimensional obje...
Edumatika : Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, Nov 10, 2018
Papers by Feny Rita Fiantika