Papers by Filomena Jaseviciene
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 2013
... Paskola vertinama ją suteikiant ir visą paskolos suteikimo laikotarpį. Pasikeitus paskolos ko... more ... Paskola vertinama ją suteikiant ir visą paskolos suteikimo laikotarpį. Pasikeitus paskolos kokybei, bankai turi i naujo įvertinti paskolą, taip pat pripainti nuostolį, jeigu tikėtina, kad jie nesugebės atgauti paskolos dalies ir (arba) palūkanų sutartyje numatytomis sąlygomis. ...
Vilniaus universiteto leidykla eBooks, 2013
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2012
![Research paper thumbnail of Credit Unions’ Activity and Factors Determining the Choice of Them in Lithuania](
Ekonomika, 2014
In the recent years, the role of credit unions in the financial sector of Lithuania has gradually... more In the recent years, the role of credit unions in the financial sector of Lithuania has gradually become more significant. The number of credit unions grew together with their assets, number of members, and depo sits. The beginning of a rapid process of credit unions' establishment and development caused unmeasured risks which led to a suspended activity of several credit unions in 2013. This caused an insignificant migration of credit unions' shareholders (members) from one union to another, retirements, etc. Although residents haven't lost the confidence, this fact demands to investigate and analyse the factors determining the choice of a credit union. After a survey of credit union members in Lithuania, the factors most significant for shareholders were determined. Also, the factors least significant for the choice of a credit union were determined, and conclusions and recommendations for managers of credit unions were given. Conclusions and recommendations can help the management to choose the strategy which would result in a higher level of new members' involvement in the union.
![Research paper thumbnail of Main Risks in the Lithuanian Banking Sector: Analysis and Evaluation](
Ekonomika, 2013
There are a number of different financial market institutions such as banks, credit unions, leasi... more There are a number of different financial market institutions such as banks, credit unions, leasing and insurance companies, as well as capital market players in Lithuania. The bank sector makes the largest part of the financial market (more than 80%). Thus, the bank sector has a considerable influence on the country's economy. Banks are not specialized in Lithuania, i.e. they are universal banks which seek to provide quite a wide range of financial services. The successful performance of a bank mostly depends on how it succeeds to manage the risks. The problems of risk management are becoming an object of exceptional attention while enhancing the variety of analysed risks as well as developing the investigation instruments both in the whole world and in Lithuania. Loans make the largest part of bank assets. So, the loan risk management is one of the most important guarantees of safe banking. To manage effectively the bank credit risk, it should be adequately evaluated.
![Research paper thumbnail of The New Capital Adequacy Framework (Basel III) Options and Issues in Commercial Banks of Lithuania](
Ekonomika, 2015
Currently, banking is one of the most regulated activities in the world, because banks are the mo... more Currently, banking is one of the most regulated activities in the world, because banks are the most important institutional units engaged in financial intermediation and affects not only the whole national economy of the country, but the global financial market as well. One of the key components of banking regulation are requirements expected for the bank capital, which prevent the bank from various unforeseen risks incurring substantial losses and are a sort of guarantee to maintain the financial system stability. For this reason, it is useful to find out what factors affect the capital adequacy ratio, and what measures the banks are going to take in order to meet the new capital requirements. The present research reveals the options of the implementation of the new system and the main problems faced by banks. The paper consists of four main parts: review of theory and literature, the research methodology of the factors influencing the capital adequacy, the study of factors influencing the capital adequacy ratio, and the capital adequacy management problem areas according to the Basel III requirements and conclusions.
![Research paper thumbnail of Commercial Banks Performance 2008–2012](
Business, management and education, Sep 13, 2013
A country's image, economic development process and GDP growth is significantly influenced by its... more A country's image, economic development process and GDP growth is significantly influenced by its banking sector performance. Banking's success largely depends on public confidence. Only a small part of the banking services customers understand the indicators and ratios which are used to assess bank's activities. Therefore, there is a need to analyze banks performance results in Lithuania. The paper presents a principal component analysis model applied on banks performance ratios in Lithuania. The main purpose of this article is to analyze basic indicators used in banks performance evaluation by principal component method. The obtained results represent the main components with the highest influence on Lithuanian commercial banks performance results in 2008-2012 year period. The main findings of the study indicate that commercial banks in Lithuania have been affected by different factors during 2008-2012 periods. It has been noted that Scandinavian capital commercial banks' performance results have been influenced by similar factors, have had similar structure of the factors, which has been more stable in comparison with small and/or Lithuanian capital banks. Conclusions and recommendations help banks' board to improve their competitiveness and financial results, thus it also helps them to make appropriate decisions. It is also useful for an academic community to understand the structure of main components in banking sector.
In recent years, the role of credit unions (credit cooperatives) has gradually become more and mo... more In recent years, the role of credit unions (credit cooperatives) has gradually become more and more significant in financial sector of Lithuania. The number of credit unions grew as well as their assets, number of members and deposits. The beginning of rapid process of credit unions establishment and development caused unmeasured risks, which led to suspended activity of several credit unions in 2013. In order to assess factors that affect stability of credit unions, the study using the economicalstatistical methods was performed.
Vìsnik. Kiïvsʹkogo Nacìonalʹnogo Unìversitetu ìmenì Tarasa Ševčenka. Ekonomìka, 2015
Статья посвящена возможностям применения Закона о банкротстве физических лиц в Литве. Детальный а... more Статья посвящена возможностям применения Закона о банкротстве физических лиц в Литве. Детальный анализ позволяет раскрыть факторы влияния банкротства физических лиц, а также предусмотреть привлечение дополнительных средств для предотвращения неплатежеспособности и банкротства физических лиц. Таким образом, проведение тщательной оценки весомых факторов влияния на банкротство необходимо не только в Литве, но и в других странах.
![Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Budget Deficit and Its Problems in Lithuania](
Vìsnik. Kiïvsʹkogo Nacìonalʹnogo Unìversitetu ìmenì Tarasa Ševčenka. Ekonomìka, 2015
категорій результатів: з одного боку, проводиться якісний теоретичний синтез моделей оцінки темпу... more категорій результатів: з одного боку, проводиться якісний теоретичний синтез моделей оцінки темпу окупності, з іншого боку, це визначається співвідношення між фінансовою та економічною рентабельністю в сільському господарстві. Ключові слова: економічні темпи повернення, фінансові ставки прибутковості, коефіцієнт кореляції Пірсона, сільського господарства. С. Бумбеску, асп. Университет 1 декабря 1918 года, Альба Юлия, Румыния АНАЛИЗ МОДЕЛИ РЕНТАБЕЛЬНОСТИ В СЕЛЬСКОМ ХОЗЯЙСТВЕ В этой статье мы разработали синтетическую теоретическую основу анализа рентабельности через экономические и финансовые нормы прибыли с использованием различных моделей, а также сделали тематическое исследование сходств и различий между различными моделями скоростей обратного анализа в сельском хозяйстве. Мотивация выбора этой темыопределение взаемозвьязи между финансовой и экономической рентабельностью, используя коэффициент корреляции Пирсона. Проведенное исследование, приводит к двум основным категориям результатов: с одной стороны, проводится качественный теоретический синтез моделей оценки темпа окупаемости, с другой стороны, это определяется соотношением между финансовой и экономической рентабельностью в сельском хозяйстве. Ключевые слова: экономические темпы возвращения, финансовые ставки доходности, коэффициент корреляции Пирсона, сельского хозяйства.
Vilniaus universiteto leidykla eBooks, 2012
Ekonomika, 2012
With the banking business developing, the system of bank values is becoming increasingly relevant... more With the banking business developing, the system of bank values is becoming increasingly relevant. Adherence to the norms of the bank’s ethics helps developing and improving ties among the bank’s employees as well as relations with the clients. Appropriate behaviour and social culture on the part of the staff shape the image of the bank and stimulate loyalty in the clients. The sophisticated and reliable operation of banks can be judged both in terms of its legal and economic aspects, and ethics. The article addresses the ethics requirements for banks’ staff, deals with the analysis and assessment of the application of ethical norms in the process of rendering financial services, and reveals the principal provisions laid down in banks’ codes of ethics and estimations.
![Research paper thumbnail of Bank Liquidity Risk: Analysis and Estimates](
Business, Management and Education, 2012
In today’s banking business, liquidity risk and its management are some of the most critical elem... more In today’s banking business, liquidity risk and its management are some of the most critical elements that underlie the stability and security of the bank’s operations, profit-making and clients confidence as well as many of the decisions that the bank makes. Managing liquidity risk in a commercial bank is not something new, yet scientific literature has not focused enough on different approaches to liquidity risk management and assessment. Furthermore, models, methodologies or policies of managing liquidity risk in a commercial bank have never been examined in detail either. The goal of this article is to analyse the liquidity risk of commercial banks as well as the possibilities of managing it and to build a liquidity risk management model for a commercial bank. The development, assessment and application of the commercial bank liquidity risk management was based on an analysis of scientific resources, a comparative analysis and mathematical calculations.
![Research paper thumbnail of Commercial Banks Performance 2008–2012](
Business, Management and Education, 2013
A country’s image, economic development process and GDP growth is significantly influenced by its... more A country’s image, economic development process and GDP growth is significantly influenced by its banking sector performance. Banking’s success largely depends on public confidence. Only a small part of the banking services customers understand the indicators and ratios which are used to assess bank’s activities. Therefore, there is a need to analyze banks performance results in Lithuania. The paper presents a principal component analysis model applied on banks performance ratios in Lithuania. The main purpose of this article is to analyze basic indicators used in banks performance evaluation by principal component method. The obtained results represent the main components with the highest influence on Lithuanian commercial banks performance results in 2008–2012 year period. The main findings of the study indicate that commercial banks in Lithuania have been affected by different factors during 2008–2012 periods. It has been noted that Scandinavian capital commercial banks‘ performa...
![Research paper thumbnail of Bank Liquidity Risk: Analysis and Estimates](
Business, management and education, Dec 20, 2012
In today's banking business, liquidity risk and its management are some of the most critical elem... more In today's banking business, liquidity risk and its management are some of the most critical elements that underlie the stability and security of the bank's operations, profit-making and clients confidence as well as many of the decisions that the bank makes. Managing liquidity risk in a commercial bank is not something new, yet scientific literature has not focused enough on different approaches to liquidity risk management and assessment. Furthermore, models, methodologies or policies of managing liquidity risk in a commercial bank have never been examined in detail either. The goal of this article is to analyse the liquidity risk of commercial banks as well as the possibilities of managing it and to build a liquidity risk management model for a commercial bank. The development, assessment and application of the commercial bank liquidity risk management was based on an analysis of scientific resources, a comparative analysis and mathematical calculations.
Papers by Filomena Jaseviciene