Full day school is an educational system that try to explore of student’s potentials comprehensiv... more Full day school is an educational system that try to explore of student’s potentials comprehensively, combination between playing and studying, provide additional lessons, especially religious so that the students feel happy to be in the school, so that the children are more creative and innovative by a day school begining at 07.00 AM to 16.00 PM. The object of this research is Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif NU Sunan Drajat (MI Murni) Lamongan and YPPI 1945 Babat Lamongan. This object was chosen because these two educational institutions are icon full day school in regency of Lamongan. The approach which is used in this study is a qualitative and phenomenological approach that is research that seeks to multiply, understanding and interpreting the meaning of events, phenomenas and its relationship with people in certain situations, trying to understand the meaning of an event. With this approach will be able to answer the problem formulation: a). How to implementing full day school in ed...
Full day school is an educational system that try to explore of student’s potentials comprehensiv... more Full day school is an educational system that try to explore of student’s potentials comprehensively, combination between playing and studying, provide additional lessons, especially religious so that the students feel happy to be in the school, so that the children are more creative and innovative by a day school begining at 07.00 AM to 16.00 PM. The object of this research is Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Maarif NU Sunan Drajat (MI Murni) Lamongan and YPPI 1945 Babat Lamongan. This object was chosen because these two educational institutions are icon full day school in regency of Lamongan. The approach which is used in this study is a qualitative and phenomenological approach that is research that seeks to multiply, understanding and interpreting the meaning of events, phenomenas and its relationship with people in certain situations, trying to understand the meaning of an event. With this approach will be able to answer the problem formulation: a). How to implementing full day school in ed...
Papers by Fuad Ah Zakki