Papers by Hana Hajduchova
PubMed, 2022
Drug administration is one of the riskiest areas of healthcare provision, accompanied by several ... more Drug administration is one of the riskiest areas of healthcare provision, accompanied by several possible mistakes. Patient and family involvement is crucial for patient safety in a hospital environment. The research study aimed to evaluate the subjective perception of the safety of the drug administration process from hospitalized patients point of view and their involvement in drug administration. A structured questionnaire of its own design was used to obtain data. Three hundred twenty-nine respondents from 4 hospitals in the South Bohemian Region in the Czech Republic were included in the research, including patients hospitalized in the internal medicine, surgery, and follow-up and rehabilitation care departments. We found different perceptions and individual understandings of the safety of the drug delivery process by other groups of patients. Interest in participating in drug administration also varies between groups of patients. Women control the medication given to them by the nurse to a much greater extent than men. Patients under the age of 60, patients with higher professional and university education, and patients from the surgical department would like to be more involved in deciding which aplikovadrugs to use. Patients with a low level of education want to involve their family members more in their treatment decisions. Both healthcare professionals and patients should be led by hospital management to increase patient involvement in the hospitalization process.
Česká a slovenská farmacie, 2022
Medycyna Pracy, May 19, 2023
Background: Medication administration errors (MAE) are a worldwide issue affecting the safety of ... more Background: Medication administration errors (MAE) are a worldwide issue affecting the safety of hospitalized patients. Through the early identification of potential causes, it is possible to increase the safety of medication administration (MA) in clinical nursing. The study aimed to identify potential risk factors affecting drug administration in inpatient wards in the Czech Republic. Material and Methods: A descriptive correlation study through a non-standardized questionnaire was used. Data were collected from September 29 to October 15, 2021, from nurses in the Czech Republic. For statistical analysis, the authors used SPSS vers. 28 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Results: The research sample consisted of 1205 nurses. The authors found that there was a statistically significant relationship between nurse education (p = 0.05), interruptions, preparation of medicines outside the patient rooms (p < 0.001), inadequate patient identification (p < 0.01), large numbers of patients assigned per nurse (p < 0.001), use of team nursing care and administration of generic substitution and an MAE. Conclusions: The results of the study point to the weaknesses of medication administration in selected clinical departments in hospitals. The authors found that several factors, such as high patient ratio per nurse, lack of patient identification, and interruption during medication preparation of nurses, can increase the prevalence of MAE. Nurses who have completed MSc and PhD education have a lower incidence of MAE. More research is needed to identify other causes of medication administration errors. Improving the safety culture is the most critical challenge for today's healthcare industry. Education for nurses can be an effective way to reduce MAEs by enhancing their knowledge and skills, mainly focusing on increasing adherence to safe medication preparation and administration and a better understanding of medication pharmacodynamics. Med Pr. 2023;74(2):85-92
Kontakt, Mar 15, 2022
Objective: Administering medication is one of the key nursing processes in hospitals. Unfortunate... more Objective: Administering medication is one of the key nursing processes in hospitals. Unfortunately, there are many mistakes in drug administering that arise from human error and interfere with all activities related to drug management. Methods: This qualitative research aimed to analyse the process of administering drugs by nurses at selected South Bohemian hospitals using SWOT analysis and SWOT risk analysis. We studied medication processes in selected South Bohemian hospitals. The research was conducted at selected inpatient departments of these hospitals (surgery, internal medicine, and aftercare department). Top management representatives and a nurse manager also attended. Results: The analysis of the drug administration process provided the basis for creating SWOT analysis and SWOT risk analysis for selected hospitals. We identified key factors influencing the quality of the nurse drug administration process and constructed strategic recommendations for improving this process. The improvements included a transition to comprehensive electronic documentation, connection of the hospital pharmacy system with the hospital information system (HIS), increasing the number of staff members according to the situation of the hospital, higher use of clinical pharmacists, and sharing experience between hospitals. The SWOT risk analysis was also used to identify the risk areas of the studied medication processes. Conclusions: The results of this study include an analysis of the key factors that influence the quality of the drug administration process for nurses using SWOT analysis and SWOT risk analysis. Based on the analyses, we defined recommendations for hospital management to improve and reduce the risks of this process.
Využití měřicích nástrojů v ošetřovatelství, 2021
Nurse Education in Practice, Jul 1, 2023
Ceska a Slovenska farmacie : casopis Ceske farmaceuticke spolecnosti a Slovenske farmaceuticke spolecnosti, 2021
A medication error is one of the most common causes of patients complications or death in healthc... more A medication error is one of the most common causes of patients complications or death in healthcare facilities. In the United States, 7,000 out of 9,000 patients die because of medication errors each year. Known factors are generally divided into four groups - human factor, intervention, technical factor, and system. Our study includes 17 studies from the OVID, Web of Science, Scopus, and EBSCO databases, in the range of 2015-2020. After a selection of professional publications, 2 categories were created - factors leading to medication errors and interventions to reduce medication error and testing their effectiveness. It has been found that human factor always plays a role, often supported by a poorly set-up system. The most mistakes are made in documentation, administration technique or accidental interchange of patients. The most frequently mentioned factors include nurses overload, high number of critically ill patients, interruptions in the preparation or in the administration of medications, absence of the adverse event reporting system, non-compliance with guidelines, fear, and anxiety. Another evidence of medication error is in the application of intravenous drugs, where an interchange of drugs or patients due to interruption occurs as well. Sufficient education of nurses and an adequate system of preparation and administration of drugs, for example using bar codes, are considered as an appropriate intervention.
Česká a slovenská farmacie, 2021
A medication error is one of the most common causes of patients’ complications or death in health... more A medication error is one of the most common causes of patients’ complications or death in healthcare facilities. In the United States, 7,000 out of 9,000 patients die because of medication errors each year. Known factors are generally divided into four groups – human factor, intervention, technical factor, and system. Our study includes 17 studies from the OVID, Web of Science, Scopus, and EBSCO databases, in the range of 2015–2020. After a selection of professional publications, 2 categories were created – factors leading to medication errors and interventions to reduce medication error and testing their effectiveness. It has been found that human factor always plays a role, often supported by a poorly set-up system. The most mistakes are made in documentation, administration technique or accidental interchange of patients. The most frequently mentioned factors include nurses’ overload, high number of critically ill patients, interruptions in the preparation or in the administration of medications, absence of the adverse event reporting system, non-compliance with guidelines, fear, and anxiety. Another evidence of medication error is in the application of intravenous drugs, where an interchange of drugs or patients due to interruption occurs as well. Sufficient education of nurses and an adequate system of preparation and administration of drugs, for example using bar codes, are considered as an appropriate intervention.
Onkologie, Sep 1, 2021
Cílem: studie bylo identifikovat a vyhodnotit rizika v procesu podávání léčiv sestrou. Metodika: ... more Cílem: studie bylo identifikovat a vyhodnotit rizika v procesu podávání léčiv sestrou. Metodika: Design empirického šetření byl tvořen kvalitativní metodou, technikou focus groups. Skupinových rozhovorů se zú častnilo 22 vedoucích pracovníků ze čtyř nemocnic Jihočeského kraje. Pomocí metody FMEA multidisciplinární týmy odborníků analyzovaly proces podávání léků sestrou. Výsledky: V procesu podávání léčiv expertní týmy identifikovaly 28 možných způsobů selhání, s 12 rozpoznanými konkrétními příčinami. Průměrná hodnota rizikového čísla (RPN) byla 97, u šesti způsobů selhání bylo rizikové číslo větší než 125. Šlo o riziko záměny léku, nepodání léku, chybné ústní ordinace léku, generické záměny léku sestrou, neprovedení kontroly shody ID pacienta se zdravotnickou dokumentací a neprovedení hygieny rukou. Mezi preventivní opatření minimalizující rizika v procesu podávání léčiv patří zavedení úplného systému elektronické preskripce léčiv, který je zároveň propojený s Pozitivním listem léčiv nemocnice, zavedení pravidelných interních auditů úplnosti a komplexnosti vedení medikačních záznamů ve zdravotnické dokumentaci. Klíčová slova: management, metoda FMEA, podávání léčiv/léků, riziko, zdravotní péče. FMEA used for the risk control in healthcare The goal of the study was to identify and assess the risks in the process of medicament administration by nurses. Methodology: The empiric study was designed as a quantitative method using focus groups. 22 managers from 4 hospitals in South Bohemia took part in the focus groups. The process of medicament administration by nurses was analyzed using the FMEA method. Results: In the process of drug administration, 28 possible failure modes with 12 identifiable causes were identified. The mean value of the Risk Priority Number (RPN) was 97, the RPN was higher than 125 in six failure modes. They included the risk of medication errors, missed out drug administration, wrong ordering of oral drug administration, missed out comparison of the patient`s ID with the healthcare records, generic medication error made by a nurse, and missed out hand hygiene. The preventive measures minimalizing the risks associated with drug administration include the introduction of a complete system of electronic medica ment prescription which is, at the same time, interconnected with the Positive List of Hospital Medicaments, the introduction of regular internal audits of keeping complete records on medicaments in the healthcare records.
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS Proceedings
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS Proceedings
Nurse Education in Practice
Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention
Objective: Care of handicapped or elderly by the family members in the home environment brings no... more Objective: Care of handicapped or elderly by the family members in the home environment brings not only many positives for the care recipients, but can also impose a significant burden on the caregiver. The goal of the study was to assess the caregiver burden, burnout syndrome and the effect of caregivers’ sociodemographic characteristics. Design: Cross-sectional study. Participants: The sample consisted of 168 caregivers who took care of disabled children or seniors. Methods: Zarit Burden Interview identifying the subjective burden of informal caregivers, and Maslach Burnout Inventory assessing the burnout syndrome were used. Results: A higher level of caregiver burden and the development of burnout syndrome occurring most frequently in the dimensions of Emotional Exhaustion and Personal Accomplishment was observed. The caregiver burden was found to be lower in men, in caregivers living alone, and in the respondents from higher income households; it increased with the weekly amount...
Vnitřní lékařství
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, Ústav ošetřovatelství, p... more Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, Ústav ošetřovatelství, porodní asistence a neodkladné péče 2 Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, Ústav humanitních studií v pomáhajících profesích 3 Farmaceutická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové, Katedra sociální a klinické farmacie Úvod: Zdravotní péče je inherentně spojena s rizikem poškození zdraví pacientů. Především pochybení spojené s farmakoterapií je častým typem hlášených nežádoucích událostí. Analýzou kořenových příčin medikačních chyb lze navrhnout efektivní preventivně nápravná opatření snižující pravděpodobnost jejich výskytu. Cílem studie bylo identifikovat důvody pochybení při podávání léčiv sestrami, popsat bariéry v jejich hlášení a přinést odhadovaný počet skutečně nahlášených pochybení. Metodika: Design empirického šetření byl založen na kvantitativní metodě, prostřednictvím standardizovaného dotazníku Medication Administration Error Survey (MAE survey). Výzkumné studie se zúčastnilo 112 sester ze čtyř nemocnic Jihočeského kraje. Výsledky: Mezi rizikové faktory, které zvyšují pravděpodobnost pochybení při podávání léčiv sestrami, patří podobnost názvů (3,7 ± 1,3) a balení léků (3,9 ± 1,5), časté změny medikací (3,2 ± 1,5), nečitelnost (3,1 ± 1,6) a nejasnost lékařských záznamů (2,6 ± 1,5). Jen část těchto pochybení je sestrami nahlášeno (16 % až 21 %). Důvodem nízké motivace sester hlásit pochybení při podávání léčiv je strach z obviňování za zhoršení zdravotního stavu pacienta (3,3 ± 1,7), strach z reakce lékaře na medikační pochybení (2,6 ± 1,4) nebo represivní odpověď vedení nemocnice na hlášení pochybení (2,9 ± 1,5). Závěr: Mezi opatření snižující pravděpodobnost výskytu pochybení při podávání léčiv sestrami patří budování netrestajícího systému hlášení nežádoucích událostí, zavedení elektronické preskripce léčiv, podpora otevřené týmové komunikace, zapojení klinických farmaceutů do procesu farmakoterapie a pravidelné komplexní školení ošetřovatelského personálu. Klíčová slova: podávání léčiv, lékové pochybení, hlášení nežádoucích událostí, sestra. Evaluation of medication errors in the hospital environment Introduction: Healthcare is inherently associated with a risk to patient health. One risk is associated with medication-related errors, which are commonly reported adverse events. By analyzing the root causes of medication errors, effective preventive measures can be proposed to reduce their likelihood. This study aimed to identify the reasons of medication administration errors, determine the number of medication administration errors reported, and describe the barriers hindering reporting. Methodology: The study used a standardized Questionnaire Medication Administration Error Survey (MAE survey) that was quantitatively analyzed. The study involved 112 nurses from four hospitals in the South Bohemian Region. Results: Risk factors that increase the likelihood of medication administration errors include similarity of drug names (3.7 ± 1.3) and packaging (3.9 ± 1.5), frequent prescription changes for patients (3.2 ± 1.5), illegibility of written prescriptions (3.1 ± 1.6),
Kontakt, 2021
Introduction: Due to the need and current relevance, informal care as a part of the long-term car... more Introduction: Due to the need and current relevance, informal care as a part of the long-term care system as well as the issue of caregivers are included in the Czech National Strategy for the Development of Social Services between 2016 and 2025. Goal: The goal of this qualitative research was to identify selected areas that informal caregivers encounter in connection with the care of a loved one in the home environment in the South Bohemian Region. The partial goal was to find out what problems informal caregivers face in connection with the use of social or health services. Methods: We analysed 44 in-depth interviews with 45 informal caregivers. Participants were selected using the "snowball sampling" technique and selection through institutions. The interviews were processed in the ATLAS.ti programme, version 9. Results: Barriers to informal care include lack of time, the insufficient possibility of physiotherapy at home, lack of information about the possibilities of use and type of services, and entitlement to benefits. Informal caregivers lack relief services, personal assistance, activation services, leisure activities, and transport services. Conclusions: Due to the complexity of the issue, informal care must be part of a comprehensive approach to caring. We recommend strengthening the competencies of informal caregivers through comprehensive counselling and other services. Individual needs of informal caregivers in the South Bohemian Region must be considered.
Neuro endocrinology letters, 2016
OBJECTIVES This study aimed to map the selected indicators of health literacy in the senior popul... more OBJECTIVES This study aimed to map the selected indicators of health literacy in the senior population via a qualitative survey that focused specifically on its relationship with autonomy in the context of health literacy among seniors. METHODS A qualitative survey focused on the selected indicators of health literacy of seniors living in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic (R1-19). The snowball sampling method was intentionally selected. Completed interviews were transcribed and data was reduced, analyzed, and categorized. The identified categories were 1) information comprehension, 2) decision-making in healthcare, and 3) compliance with nonpharmacologic treatment. RESULTS The 'information comprehension' category clearly shows that the seniors involved in this study rated the comprehensibility of information provided by medical professionals as being good. An especially positive finding was that seniors do seek information through the internet, print sources, o...
Neuro endocrinology letters, 2019
THEORY Patients falls have a multifactorial character and typically have multiple causalities. GO... more THEORY Patients falls have a multifactorial character and typically have multiple causalities. GOAL The goal of the study was to identify risk factors for falls of hospitalized patients. METHODOLOGY This was a case-control study. The study included 222 patients who experienced a fall during their hospitalization (cases) and 1,076 patients who did not fall during their hospitalization (controls). The study involved four hospitals in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. The study took place during the 2017 calendar year. RESULTS The average age of patients who experienced a fall was 77.9 years. The group of cases included 5-times more patients with a history of falls than the controls. Patients who fell were in higher risk of falls than patients in the control group at hospital admission. The group of cases also had a higher prevalence of confused and restless patients; however, the group did not include a statistically significantly higher number of incontinent patients, ...
Ceska a Slovenska farmacie : casopis Ceske farmaceuticke spolecnosti a Slovenske farmaceuticke spolecnosti, 2018
Patient falls represent a significant burden on healthcare facilities, particularly by prolonging... more Patient falls represent a significant burden on healthcare facilities, particularly by prolonging hospitalization and increasing the cost of subsequent healthcare. In most cases, fall is caused by a combination of several modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors. The pharmacotherapy, which is often unreasonably administered in relation to patient health condition and drug combination, belongs among the modifiable risk factors. In this case report, the potential effect of pharmacotherapy on the patient fall-related risk as well as clinical pharmacy service that can contribute to reducing the risk of falls by engaging of clinical pharmacist in a multidisciplinary team with focus on the risks of pharmacotherapy and their management are shown.
Papers by Hana Hajduchova