Papers by H. Yavuz Hakyemez
Bulletin of the mineral research and exploration, Feb 1, 1989
Bulletin of the mineral research and exploration, Sep 1, 1994
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2021
Central-west Turkey is a transition zone both tectonically and climatically between the quite dif... more Central-west Turkey is a transition zone both tectonically and climatically between the quite different central and western regions of Anatolia. Central Anatolia represents the seismically quiet part of the otherwise highly active Turkey. On the other hand, this region has some of the lowest precipitation and highest evaporation ratios of Turkey. Conversely, west Anatolia is one of the most rapidly extending regions of the world and seismically very active. The climate is very different from the central part of Turkey and more humid. The zone between these two regions is also known geologically as the Isparta Angle. This reverse-V-shaped fold and thrust belt has several lake basins today, which have archived the geological and geomorphological history of this tectonic and climatic transition zone. The Beyşehir-Suğla basin is located on the eastern part of this zone. This NW–SE trending basin includes the largest natural freshwater lake of the Mediterranean region: Lake Beyşehir. Lakes Beyşehir and Suğla are located in this tectonic depression that discharge into an incised river gorge opening to the Konya closed basin. In order to shed light on the development of the Beyşehir-Suğla basin, our study was mainly conducted within the Neogene and Quaternary units of the region. Our structural results indicate that the depression was probably formed by a transtensional regime in the middle Miocene, which is controlled by extensional tectonics since the early Quaternary. Also, the current depression has mainly embodied the structures that are the products of these tectonic phases. According to our sedimentary data and palaeoecological interpretation of available palaeontological data, the Beyşehir-Suğla basin was developed initially under a humid and warm climate in the middle Miocene; then since the late Miocene-Pliocene it was controlled by a relatively more arid and, at times, humid climate more like the central Anatolian basins. Although the Beyşehir-Suğla basin is hydrologically connected to the Konya closed basin in central Anatolia, it was protected from arid climatic conditions for over millions of years as evidenced by the lack of evaporites in the studied basin and surrounding basins located in the interior part of the Isparta Angle. While the regional climate seems to have changed consistently with the geomorphic response to large-scale tectonics (i.e. orographic barrier development), the Beyşehir-Suğla basin seems to be protected from hydrological closure by the existence of karstic features in the surrounding carbonate basement rocks.
Stratigraphy of the pre-Jurassic blocky sedimentary rocks to the south of Bursa, NW Turkey Orhan ... more Stratigraphy of the pre-Jurassic blocky sedimentary rocks to the south of Bursa, NW Turkey Orhan Kay a; Orhan Özkoçak and Alvis Lisenbee 15 The stratigraphy and geological development of the carbonate platform in the Pozantı-Karsantı-Karaisalı (East Taurus) area Cavit Demirkol 25 Geology of the Menderes massif and the Lycian nappes south of Denizli, Western Taurides Aral I. Okay 37 Evolution of the post-collisional cratonic basins in Eastern Turkey Ergün Akay 53 Sedimentary petrography and origin of phosphate peloids of the Mazıdağ-Derik area (Mardin, Southeast Turkey) Baki Varol 65 A rapid decomposition method for analyzing zirkonia Bahattin Ayranct
In order to carry out the plaser investigation on a coastal zone, it is necessary 1° to define th... more In order to carry out the plaser investigation on a coastal zone, it is necessary 1° to define the sedimentary sub-basins and source area of these basins, 2° to differentiate the geomorphtc units and sedimentary facies, and 3° to collect the representative samples from these facies By this way it is possible to find where the tenof increases; in which coastal sub-zone and sedimentary sub-basin fed by which source area This method has been carried out in the Thracian coastal zone of the Black Sea So it has been understood that the plaser rutile is concentrated in winter-beach and that the higher percentage of rutile defined in the coastal zone near the Ormanlı village fed by a source area mainly composed of the upper Miocene aged Ergene formation
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 2019
Terrestrial fossil records from the SW Anatolian basins are crucial both for regional correlation... more Terrestrial fossil records from the SW Anatolian basins are crucial both for regional correlations and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. By reassessing biostratigraphic constraints and incorporating new fossil data, we calibrated and reconstructed the late Neogene and Quaternary palaeoenvironments within a regional palaeogeographical framework. The culmination of the Taurides in SWAnatolia was followed by a regional crustal extension from the late Tortonian onwards that created a broad array of NE-trending orogen-top basins with synchronic associations of alluvial fan, fluvial and lacustrine deposits. The terrestrial basins are superimposed on the upper Burdigalian marine units with a c. 7 myr of hiatus that corresponds to a shift from regional shortening to extension. The initial infill of these basins is documented by a transition from marginal alluvial fans and axial fluvial systems into central shallow-perennial lakes coinciding with a climatic shift from warm/humid to arid conditions. The basal alluvial fan deposits abound in fossil macro-mammals of an early Turolian (MN11-12; late Tortonian) age. The Pliocene epoch in the region was punctuated by subhumid/humid conditions resulting in a rise of local base levels and expansion of lakes as evidenced by marsh-swamp deposits containing diverse fossil mammal assemblages indicating late Ruscinian (late MN15; late Zanclean) age. A second pulse of extension, accompanied by regional climatic This article is a contribution to the special issue "Taking the Orient Express? The role of Anatolia in Mediterranean Neogene palaeobiogeography"
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni / Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 2015
ÖZ Batı Anadolu'da, kısa süreli bir sıkışma fazını izleyerek yaklaşık 5 my önce yeniden etkinleşe... more ÖZ Batı Anadolu'da, kısa süreli bir sıkışma fazını izleyerek yaklaşık 5 my önce yeniden etkinleşen ve D-B uzanımlı grabenlerin açılımını sağlayan K-G genişleme sürecinde Kemalpaşa Pliyo-Kuvaterner havzası oluşmuştur. Gediz Grabeni'nin batıya çatallanan kolunu oluşturan havzanın Neojen temelini, bölgesel ölçekte açılı uyumsuzlukla birbirinden ayrılan Alt-Orta Miyosen ve Üst Miyosen-en Alt Pliyosen karasal tortul istifleri oluşturur. Alt-Orta Miyosen dolgularını kapsayan Kemalpaşa grubu, yelpaze deltası ortamında çökelmiş Dereköy, gölsel Örnekköy, flüviyal Topçutepe formasyonları ve kalkalkali andezitik Yukarıkızılca volkaniti ile simgelenir. Geç Miyosen-erken Erken Pliyosen tortullaşmasını yansıtan Çiçekliköy grubu ise, altta alüviyal Ulucak formasyonu ile üstte yer alan gölsel Yaka kireçtaşından oluşur. Kemalpaşa havzasının birbirini izleyen iki evreli dolgulanma süreci, geç Erken Pliyosen-Pleyistosen ve Holosen istiflerine ayrılan Gediz grubu ile temsil edilir. Gediz Grabeni ana sıyrılma fayının tavan bloğu üzerinde geç Erken Pliyosen-Pleyistosen döneminde çökelen birinci evre istifi, egemen gölsel Çiniliköy alüviyal Kızılca ve Armutlu formasyonlarından oluşur. Yüksek açılı Kemalpaşa verev-normal fayı tarafından birinci evre dolguları üzerinde bakışımsız açılan Holosen havzasında, ikinci evreyi simgeleyen alüvyon yelpazesi ve akarsu çökelleri dolgulanmaktadır.
Tectonophysics, 2017
Comment on "Miocene to Quaternary tectonostratigraphic evolution of the middle section of the Bur... more Comment on "Miocene to Quaternary tectonostratigraphic evolution of the middle section of the Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone, southwestern Turkey: Implications for the wide inter-plate shear zones. Tectonophysics 690, 336-354" by İ. Elitez & C. Yaltırak
Geological Bulletin of Turkey
Batı Anadolu'nun en genç ve önemli yapısal elemanlarından biri olan Gediz Grabeni havzası, Kuvate... more Batı Anadolu'nun en genç ve önemli yapısal elemanlarından biri olan Gediz Grabeni havzası, Kuvaterner döneminde dikkat çekici jeolojik ve jeomorfolojik aşamaları olan bir evrim geçirmiştir. Kuvaterner başından bu yana akmış olan eski ve yeni Gediz nehirleri ile değişik boyutlardaki göller, K-G genişleme rejimi içinde gelişen tektonik denetimli bir havza evrimi sürecinde çökellerini dolgulamıştır. Bu çalışmada Gediz havzasının erken ve geç Kuvaterner sırasında sinsedimanter tektonizmayla değişen karakteristikleri çökel fasiyesleri ve ortamsal özellikleri tanıtılmakta, nehrin denizle buluşma serüveninin Kuvaterner sonlarında, olasılıkla Holosen ortalarında gerçekleştiği vurgulanmakta ve havzanın Kuvaterner boyunca geçirdiği jeolojik-jeomorfolojik evrim yorumlanmaktadır.
Bulletin of The Mineral Research and Exploration
The Lake Beyşehir basin is represented by an area of 4200 km2 in central-west Anatolia region. Th... more The Lake Beyşehir basin is represented by an area of 4200 km2 in central-west Anatolia region. The region, where the basin situated, is considered geographically as western Taurus. On the other hand, this region was correspond to an area where nap emplacements occurred within the Taurid orogenic belt in the paleotectonic period. In the neotectonic period, this region is representing the Isparta Angle, which is a seismically active region consist of a serie of grabens like the Lake Beyşehir and horsts between those grabens. The eastern portion of the basin is generally bounded by the Sultan Mountains and Erenler Mount, while the western portion is delimited by the Anamas Mount. In addition, these portions are represented by Paleozoic, Neogene and Mesozoic aged rock units, respectively. In order to shed light on the development of the lake basin, our studies, which conducted in the Neogene and Quaternary units of the region, indicate that the region controlled by a different tectonic ...
Quaternary Science Reviews, 1999
The Gediz and the Bu¨yü k Menderes Graben basins, two of the most important structural elements o... more The Gediz and the Bu¨yü k Menderes Graben basins, two of the most important structural elements of western Anatolia, markedly differ in their palaeogeographic evolution during the Holocene. On the basis of the study of the facies and the geomorphological characteristics of the youngest sedimentary fills it is suggested that the evolution of the Bu¨yü k Menderes basin has a simple progradational history while the Gediz River basin has shown a complex evolution mainly controlled by intense tectonic periods. Comparison between the palaeogeographic evolution of these basins points to the fact that tectonism has been more effective in the Gediz basin during the Holocene.
AAPG Bulletin, 1988
The continental and shallow marine clastics and carbonates exposed around the towns of Kale and A... more The continental and shallow marine clastics and carbonates exposed around the towns of Kale and Acipayam in southwestern Anatolia were investigated to interpret the depositional environments in the northern margin of the Mediterranean in terms of lithofacies and biozones. These deposits include Miogypsina intermedia and M. irregularis, indicating Burdigalian age when correlated with the same species in the different parts of the Tethys Sea and Indian-Pacific Oceans. The clastic lower part of the succession is characterized by sheet flow and braided-stream deposits of an alluvial-fan/fan-delta complex. Marine carbonates overlie these deposits, but in some places a transgressive lag deposit lies between the unconformity surface and the carbonates. The lag deposit unit corresponds to the Gastropoda biozone, including Ostrea, Terebralia, and Pecten. Four carbonate facies are recognized: (1) Clayey limestones with ahermatypic corals, ostracods, macrofossils, and foraminifers. This facies corresponds to the Textularia-Rotalia biozone. (2) Packstones and grainstones with abundant nearshore and some offshore foraminifers, corresponding to the Miliolidae biozone. (3) Packstones and wackestones with offshore foraminifers. This facies includes the Miogypsina irregularis-Miogypsina intermedia biozone. (4) Boundstones and very poorly sorted reef-talus conglomerates including hermatypic corals, foraminifers, and binding foraminifers. This facies is the coral biozone. These sediments define the northernmore » extent of the Tethys Sea in the investigated area during the Burdigalian. They were deposited in a shallow carbonate platform at the southern margin of the Anatolian mainland, which had a steep coast characterized by an alluvial-fan/fan-delta complex.« less
Papers by H. Yavuz Hakyemez