Papers by Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si
Library and Information Science, 2019
In 2020 the library will increasingly become a cyber library. Cyber library is a library that use... more In 2020 the library will increasingly become a cyber library. Cyber library is a library that uses internet information technology devices in every management activity and information service to users. Thus, if the information technology device becomes its main tool. Cyber libraries will be the purpose of library services for users with various ease of access to information with the synergy between the library and the internet, but the printed collection will always be served to users, not to be eliminated. Of course, libraries make cyber services only limited to duplication of printed bibliographic data, if you want cyber-oriented services, the library must procure collections in the form of e-books or e-journals whose source of information is full text that is the content we can get not limited to document representative. Cyber libraries can exchange information with other libraries through the hyperlink format to update the contents of more actual information. To build the first stage of a cyber library is the availability of a library information management system or commonly referred to as a library automation system which of course the automation system is prepared to manage and organize digital documents. This automation system is in the form of library automation software. This software library is usually obtained by libraries by buying or making their own with the help of software developers in accordance with library needs. However, methods like this if not studied in depth by the library will cause problems when implementing software to be served immediately. A wise way to get library automation software oriented toward cyber services is to use open source software, which is obtained free of charge. The library only downloads from the internet and can directly implement it for the library. PAGE 17
Library and Information Science, 2019
Maintenance of library materials is needed to support the function of the library in carrying out... more Maintenance of library materials is needed to support the function of the library in carrying out library services by making the condition of library materials maintained as well as possible and ready to use. In general, the media used in library materials are paper, both in the form of books, newspapers, manuscripts, maps, drawings, documents and other printed materials, in addition to that there is also a library that has a collection of photos and photo negatives. With the development of science and technology, for libraries that have advanced already complete the collection with micro form (microfilm and micro fish), sound recordings, films, electronic data storage, CD-ROM and others. All collections will surely suffer damage. Various properties of library materials and their historical backgrounds, factors that cause damage to library materials and how to overcome them, conservation efforts and preservation of library collections, digital library preservation, fumigation, deasidification, lamination and ecapulation, binding, and maps, slides,
Library and Information Science, 2019
Library Repositories are very important to be managed and developed for specialized libraries. Re... more Library Repositories are very important to be managed and developed for specialized libraries. Repository library which should be a valuable asset for the institution of its owner, is not only a supplementary material collected by the library. Behind it all, it turns out that the Repository Library has become an important level of need for library users. This paper will examine the management of the Repository Library, which also looks at advancing open access programs in libraries, specifically for the Repository Library collection. In addition, the Repository Library is now a mainstay for various universities to raise the image of universities in terms of developing science and technology. The approach is on the ease of library users in accessing this collection. Therefore, the idea of Open Access began to be raised to open the width of information that can be accessed by library users. This paper will explain the flow of Repository Library management activities. Every institution in Indonesia may build and develop a repository system, but the most important thing is to work together to integrate digital information access between institutions and improve the quality of national scientific publications. Repositories contribute to increasing institutional webometry repositories in national and international indexing databases. In the future, all special libraries of tertiary institutions should develop and develop an integrated national scientific repository system. This is the basis for determining national science and technology policies, including: (1) leading research priorities; (2) maping the results of scientific publications; (3) collaboration system between researchers/institutions; (4) database library interoperability repository; (5) targets of national scientific publications; and 6) dissemination of scientific information to the public. The purpose of building a repository is to: (1) store and preserve intellectual assets (preservation); (2) providing open access to the institution's intellectual work to the public; (3) increasing the accessibility of local content of institutions in the global index; and (4) facilitate information retrieval in one integrated system. The repository functions as a system of PAGE 16
Library and Information Science, 2019
The purpose of the special library was established to support the vision and mission of special i... more The purpose of the special library was established to support the vision and mission of special institutions and function as a special information center especially related to research and development. Usually this library is under a body, institution, institution or organization of business, industry, scientific, government, and education such as universities, companies, departments, professional associations, government agencies and so forth. Special libraries usually have special characteristics when viewed from functions, subjects handled, collections managed, users served, and their position. So that it will be clearly seen the difference with the library in general. The special library also functions as a referral and research center, facilitates the implementation of the tasks of the parent institution which houses it, and functions as a referral and research center as well as a means to facilitate the implementation of the tasks of the institution or agency concerned. There is also that special library as specificity in terms of information that is packaged, collections owned, users, and also how to manage them. The difference between special libraries and other types of libraries, especially in the type of library collections and users. Collections in special libraries are limited to one or a few subjects. This is different from public libraries or national libraries that provide literature on all subjects. Because of the nature of the collection, users of specialized libraries are also limited to people who have a deep interest in certain subjects. Deepening of the subject of this collection can not be done in public libraries that have the breadth of the subject. Function and Purpose of Special Libraries, the success of a special library is closely related to the quality of library management. Special library management of part of the library can serve and provide information needs for the parent organization in achieving its objectives. This is closely related to the function and purpose of special libraries created to assist the activities of the parent organization. So a special library is a library that functions as a reference and research center. The special library also functions to facilitate the implementation of the tasks of the parent institution that houses it. What distinguishes PAGE 17
Library and Information Science, 2019
Preservation of library materials, in general, has two main elements, namely preservation in phys... more Preservation of library materials, in general, has two main elements, namely preservation in physical form and preservation of the value of information. The process of preservation in physical form is usually done by means of maintenance, care, preservation and repair. While preserving the value of information is done through letter transfer, language transfer and media transfer. Library media transfer is usually done on library materials that are of historical value, ancient manuscripts, rare books or library materials that have fragile physical conditions. However, the process of transferring conventional media by photocopying will usually further damage the physical library material so the library must have a policy of making copies in the form of digital media transfer in order to preserve the library material information. In addition, the transfer of media also has the potential to cause infringement of copyright, but it is important to remember that libraries as public institutions not only provide information services but also have the task of preserving human creations so that the works of copyright can be empowered throughout the ages. In order to preserve the value of information contained in library materials, the library must be able to protect and protect one's copyrights by implementing policies that favor the public interest while respecting the intellectual property rights of individuals and the community. PAGE 16
Library and Information Science, 2019
The development of information and communication technology has made a transfer of knowledge easi... more The development of information and communication technology has made a transfer of knowledge easier. This makes the younger generation begin to leave physical books and start switching to e-books that can be accessed anywhere online. Therefore, in this digital age, the function of libraries as providers of information and knowledge services must change. The library must change its paradigm to be based on information technology and further develop itself, so that as a source of library learning it remains the backbone of the nation in gaining knowledge and deepening knowledge. Libraries must remain one of the important pillars of education in universities and the general public. Therefore, the public should pay important attention to the management and development of libraries, both in terms of the availability of books, access to international scientific journals, application of information technology and reliable human resource librarians. The way to get this nation out of ignorance is the library. The librarian's challenge now is whether he can stand up and tell library users that their needs can be found in the library. The quality of libraries must have an important role in supporting the advancement of science by providing relevant references to support research needs. At present research publications in Indonesia are still far behind even other countries in Southeast Asia. In fact, Indonesia's scientific dignity can be seen only from research publications. Therefore, we have to get out of the concepts that confine us to not want to change. What's wrong, let's peel it and fix it. Related to librarians, Indonesia still lacks librarians with a library background. In fact, the ability and skills of librarians are important for the sustainability and usefulness of a library, including in understanding the needs of the community where the library is located. PAGE 12
Library and Information Science, 2019
The development and innovation of library collections cannot be separated from service satisfacti... more The development and innovation of library collections cannot be separated from service satisfaction. Strategic in the effort to achieve this is related to many things, for example whether the adequacy of the number and quality of existing human resources, whether the library collection is very adequate, sufficient to support adequate facilities and facilities, whether the policy supports the creation of a supportive situation, whether networking is well established in at the local, regional, national and even international level, does the multi-stakeholder have concern for the existence of the library, whether the community can feel the benefits of the existence of a library or the community and the library feels attached. Does every program that runs have mutual continuity ?. Scientific studies need to be done to get a role model so that everything that is done is appropriate for the community and certainly sustainable. Library Development Innovation and Library Empowerment are examined in two issues. The first is how the Library Collection Development Innovation and the second is Library Empowerment. We try to examine one, in prospective and insight based on practitioners in the field and experience. Innovation The development of library collections has been thought by many people, the library is certainly a space in which there are many books, people come welcomed by officers, served and visitors will look for collections, read them or bring them home, until here is finished. Not many people know that the Library has a lot to do, a lot can be done both in the service process by providing facilities or partnerships for customer satisfaction. Not only satisfying customers but also how customers can come back and bring ideas, practice ideas, and ultimately bring benefits not just books, information, and knowledge but the application of science and technology, and ultimately will advance the country PAGE 11
Library and Information Science, 2019
According to Law No. 43 of 2007, libraries are institutions that manage the collection of written... more According to Law No. 43 of 2007, libraries are institutions that manage the collection of written works, printed works, and recorded works in a professional manner with a standardized system to meet the education, research, preservation, information, and recreation needs of the library users. The library is held based on the principles of lifelong learning, democracy, justice, professionalism, openness, measurement, and partnership. The library functions as a vehicle for education, research, preservation, information, and recreation to increase the intelligence and empowerment of the nation. The library aims to provide services to users, increase reading fondness, and expand insight and knowledge to educate the nation's life. From the description above, there is one common thread that can be drawn that the library is a place to serve information through the collection of library materials that it has. The existence of a library is to empower people to have good information awareness. Awareness of the importance of information is what is commonly referred to as information literacy. The absence of a unified library structure is evidence that the institutional aspects of the library are very fragile. As is known together between the national library, provincial library, and public library there is no structural coordination, but limited to functional coordination. Not to mention the school and tertiary libraries which are under the authority of the Department / Department of National Education. The weak institutional aspect will have an impact in the form of a minimum budget allocated by the government in the library field. In fact, not a few PAGE 12
Library and Information Science, 2019
The compact disk cataloging is the process of making a catalog as a means of retrieving informa... more The compact disk cataloging is the process of making a catalog as a means of retrieving information about the compact source electronic library information, wherein the catalog contains important data contained in library collection materials both physical characteristics (descriptive cataloging) and intellectual content (cataloging subjects). So cataloging is a process of decision making that requires the ability of catalogers to interpret and applicable standards so that important data from recorded library material becomes a catalog. Rules for cataloging Compact disks in the AACR2 regulations are part of the electronic cataloging rules, which include data, programs, or a combination of both data and programs. Electronic source Generally include components with characteristics commonly found in various materials, so it is often necessary to check compliance with other material cataloging regulations. For cataloging purposes, electronic sources can be treated in one of two ways, depending on whether the access is direct or remote (in the network). Direct understanding is the physical material can be described (eg CD) the material can be read by a computer. While the understanding of remote access is that the physical cannot be described, but can be handled by connecting a computer network system.
The role of libraries as the dissemination and provider of library and information materials requ... more The role of libraries as the dissemination and provider of library and information materials requires librarians as one of the resources capable of making active and positive contributions. Recognition of functional positions in the librarian of civil servants does not make private librarians less active and creative in their work. Publication of library standardization as a reference for librarians in their work has made a difference so far. Through librarian certification, librarian competencies are tested regardless of whether they are public or private employees. The existence of the librarian profession is able to answer doubts and insecurities that always interfere with librarians. The benefits of librarian certification are indeed not directly felt by librarians. Because of the status stated in the librarian certification certificate, he can provide added value to other parties who have used library services and products. Librarian certification is able to improve the librarian's self-image as one of the competent professions. Librarian certification is based on, namely: namely: 1.
The availability of quality human resources is one of the important factors for the progress of a... more The availability of quality human resources is one of the important factors for the progress of a nation and state. This starts from the awareness that quality human resources will have the ability to build critical awareness of the existence of the self and the environment, which will give birth to innovation and creativity to organize life towards a better direction. Quality human resources are not necessarily obtained genetically or based on biological transmission due to hereditary factors, but must be pursued through a planned, systematic and continuous development process. In the context of state life, the role of the state is very important to strive for the availability of quality human resources will be the subject in order to direct the life that aspired. Here we need a strong political will from the government and a high awareness of the community to see the importance of developing the quality of human resources as one of the basic assets in order to achieve a better life. The total population of Indonesia is 250,000,000 people. But the pattern of book distribution in Indonesia is not evenly distributed. Adequate bookstores are highly concentrated in big cities, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, and others. In fact, if you take into account market absorption, more than 40% of books are absorbed by readers in Jakarta and surrounding areas. UNDP's research on Indonesian people's interest in reading, the position of Indonesian people's interest in reading is ranked 96, parallel to Bahrain, Malta and Suriname. For the Southeast Asian Region, there are only two countries ranked below Indonesia, namely Cambodia and Laos. Each of them is in the order of one hundred. Whatever the reason, Indonesia's position which PAGE 13
The Dutch Revolution against the Habsburgs from Austria, which later gave birth to a new country... more The Dutch Revolution against the Habsburgs from Austria, which later gave birth to a new country, made the Dutch aware of the importance of higher education. The University of Leiden began construction in 1575. The campus stands on the land of the confiscated Catholic monastery. The importance of the book, made the founder immediately started the project of building a library. Plantin Polyglot or King Bibel, printed by Christopher Plantin, was presented by Willem van Orange to the library in the first year of the library's construction. The library was officially opened and operational on October 31, 1587. Shortly until a decade after the library was opened, on June 27, 1596, a Dutch fleet led by Cornelis de Houtman arrived in Banten. After that more Dutch fleets entered the archipelago. Slowly the produce of the archipelago a region was monopolized by the Dutch who founded Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC- Dutch East-India Company) on March 20, 1602. The Portuguese, which had initially succeeded in the Moluccas, had also been driven back by the Dutch through the VOC. Dutch power began to stick in the south of the archipelago. The Dutch fleet group that had just arrived to Asia, almost never returned empty-handed. In addition to selling merchandise such as spices, ship officers also took home the maps they had made on their voyages. Even ancient manuscripts from the land they explored were also brought home. Whatever knowledge the Dutch sailors brought from Indonesia would certainly be valuable to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Not only map of spice islands, but also local languages. However, efforts to create regional language dictionaries in Indonesia only began to be massive carried out in the XIX century. The making of dictionaries often involves zending spiritualists in spreading Christianity. For example Benjamin Matthes who made the Bugis-Makassar language dictionary. It was from Matthes that the great Indonesian "La Galigo" literary act, The manuscripts, was carried to the Netherlands. Other evangelists who helped compile the dictionary, J.H. Neumann, who made the Karo Batak dictionary in Latin script. In addition to Karo, Bugis and Makassar languages, dictionaries of other regional languages were made during the colonial period. These dictionaries will certainly help study ancient Indonesian manuscripts that have been transported to Leiden. The first catalog of this library appeared in 1595. The collection is increasingly growing. This library later has several sections. The Library of The Leiden University it selft is located at Witte Singel 27, then East Asia Library at Arsenaalstraat 1, Law Library at Steenschuur 25, Library of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Wassenaarseweg 52, All are still in the city of Leiden. In addition, this library has a Library Learning Center in The Hague and in Jakarta, there is a KITLV in Rasuna Said Kav S-3, Jakarta. Indonesia.
In general, the library collection in terms of contents consists of two types, namely circulation... more In general, the library collection in terms of contents consists of two types, namely circulation collections (commonly borrowed textbooks) and reference collections. In utilizing a library that users must know and understand is to understand each of the functions of these types of collections so that the search for information in the library runs effectively and efficiently. Circulation collections (textbooks) are generally teaching and science books in which each chapter is a unified interconnected subject. Its use usually must be read in its entirety. Different from the reference collection, this collection is a collection that provides an explanation of certain information. This information is comprehensive in its scope; solid description, functions facilitate the discovery of information quickly, precisely and correctly. This collection is arranged with certain systems: alphabetical systems (dictionaries, encyclopedias), chronological systems (summaries), table systems (statistics), regional systems (atlases, maps), class systems (bibliography, handbooks, almanacs). Reference books are books that are published primarily to be read to get information from to be read in a comprehensive or continuous manner. PAGE 13
In general, the library collection in terms of contents consists of two types, namely circulation... more In general, the library collection in terms of contents consists of two types, namely circulation collections (commonly borrowed textbooks) and reference collections. In utilizing a library that users must know and understand is to understand each of the functions of these types of collections so that the search for information in the library runs effectively and efficiently. Circulation collections (textbooks) are generally teaching and science books in which each chapter is a unified interconnected subject. Its use usually must be read in its entirety. Different from the reference collection, this collection is a collection that provides an explanation of certain information. This information is comprehensive in its scope; solid description, functions facilitate the discovery of information quickly, precisely and correctly. This collection is arranged with certain systems: alphabetical systems (dictionaries, encyclopedias), chronological systems (summaries), table systems (statistics), regional systems (atlases, maps), class systems (bibliography, handbooks, almanacs). Reference books are books that are published primarily to be read to get information from to be read in a comprehensive or continuous manner. PAGE 13
The library paradigm for millennial generation is a fundamental view of what is the subject of li... more The library paradigm for millennial generation is a fundamental view of what is the subject of library problems of the internet era. The current library paradigm has shifted towards the millennial generation. Millennials is the short name of generation Y, a generation in which the user of the behaving behaves as someone that is hungry for knowledge. This millennial generation library paradigm is characterized by a learning society that always interacts with the internet wherever and whenever it requires information. So library services that are still outdated must change and must be able to accommodate changes in people's behavior in access to information. With advances in information technology , libraries must always look for ways to utilize the latest information technology innovations so that the quality of services continues to increase Internet users always use information technology in their lives are often called gadget generations. PAGE 11
The definition of marketing according to Sigit (1976) is all business activities that are Require... more The definition of marketing according to Sigit (1976) is all business activities that are Required for the transfer of property and services and for conduct physical distribution. Whereas the target of marketing is the transfer stream both physical and ownership of goods or services ranging from producers to consumers last one. Many like-minded people who are called marketing mean advertising and sales. Actual marketing is not a plan to sell business products as much as possible. More than that marketing is an art in identifying and Accept the needs of consumers / prospective consumers and provide a way out with fulfill / meet these needs. The task of the marketing department is development consumers and become a guide for organizations in developing The right offer for prospective customers who are targeted company / organization. However, other parts of the organization Must make decisions that are oriented towards things that support the part marketing. The first step is the conception of modern marketing from the intended customers or market target. Target markets are members of society who have needs and expectations certain benefits, which are expected to be obtained from the products or services offered by organization. After the organization knows who the target market is, then the organization must have accurate and up-to-date information about needs and expectations of the target market. For college libraries, the target market is clear, namely the academics and other universities as side consumers. Target needs and expectations the market is clear, that is, for students is information needs can support their learning process, and for lecturers is information needs can carry out the implementation of their three services to the community in college. However, parties libraries must look for more accurate and up-to-date information about needs and PAGE 11
The library is a source of information, the library is a chain of past historical circuits, as a ... more The library is a source of information, the library is a chain of past historical circuits, as a basis for the present and is a guide in planning and realizing a better future. Library and Information Technology like links that are interrelated, inseparable from one another. Library development aims to open the widest possible access to information that has even been published. The greater the reach and information that can be served to the community, the greater the role of the library in educating the community. The role of libraries that implement information technology must be able to meet the demands of the generation millennial. The use of information technology in the Library in an effective and targeted manner, becomes the basic capital in realizing excellent service for the millennial generation. Paradigm is a fundamental view of what is the subject of matter of a branch of science. The current library paradigm has shifted towards the millennial generation. Millennials is the short name of generation Y, which is a generation where the user behaves as someone who is hungry for science. The paradigm of the millennial generation library is characterized by a learning society that always interacts with the internet wherever and whenever it requires information. So library services that are still "old school" must improve and must be able to accommodate changes in people's behavior in access to information. The progress of science and technology, the library must always look for ways to use the latest information technology innovations so that the quality of services continues to increase. Library users who are always in contact with technological equipment are often termed the generation of gadgets.
The internet is an incredible phenomenon. Starting from an experimental US army, the internet has... more The internet is an incredible phenomenon. Starting from an experimental US army, the internet has become a "necessity" for more than tens of millions of people worldwide. This is a consequence of the cheaper cost of information and communication technology and the availability of easy-to-use software. Moreover, of course, because the involvement of the interests of major companies in the development of these technologies. A large number of Internet users and growing are already realizing the habit of working with the Internet. The Internet also has a major influence on library science. By using the search engine Google, users have easy access to the Internet on a variety of information worldwide. So, with the ease of availability of researchers, staff and other users who can use the library, documentation and books as reference material. The availability of this type is increasingly used by all researchers who previously do not have full access to cutting-edge publications in their field. The phenomenon will dominate the role of libraries Library users will be increasingly dependent on the Internet with a number of propositions such as cost, availability and rate of acquisition. Even at a certain level, the dependence on digital material may be higher than on printed materials. Therefore, the paradigm that a library offers only digital information in particular is not in print. Based on the background it is necessary to develop the digital library information system in the form of a library site, Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) web-based. Based on the evolution and growth in demand that the way the library strategy utilizes the internet PAGE 10
Library facilities and technology continue to change, according to Saw and Todd, these changes ar... more Library facilities and technology continue to change, according to Saw and Todd, these changes are driven by technology, protection of users, profiles of the workforce and workforce between generations. Changes must be able to be adapted by librarians well so that users continue to rely on the library as a source of information. Information technology and computers have become one of the dominant change factors. Acquisition, storage, access, dissemination, until the acquisition of information and knowledge are carried out with information technology. With the help of ontology and librarian knowledge management it will be easier to understand the ins and outs of institutional repositories and involve themselves in its development. The ontology component can show the relationship between units in a tertiary institution with knowledge and the various streams of knowledge that occur. There are various obstacles that prevent librarians from becoming involved in the development of institutional repositories, including "autistic syndrome" and weakness in mastering information technology. But with the librarian participation approach in developing institutional repositories it will be possible. The acceleration of changes in information technology globally has an effect on the existence of libraries as information dissemination systems. The acceleration of information occurs because of the flow of digital information through the internet media. Digital technology can receive all information from images, numbers, sounds, text, and audio. These developments affect human needs, namely the demand for information easily and quickly. In the digital world, connectivity has a broader meaning than just allowing two PAGE 11
Papers by Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si
Pada awal abad ke-20, Irian Barat berada di bawah pemerintahan kolonial Belanda. Setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia pada tahun 1945, Indonesia berusaha untuk mengklaim wilayah tersebut sebagai bagian dari negaranya. Namun, Belanda tidak segera menyerahkan kendali penuh atas Irian Barat kepada Indonesia, dan wilayah ini tetap menjadi sengketa antara kedua negara.
Pada tahun 1961, Belanda setuju untuk memberikan otonomi sementara kepada Irian Barat dengan tujuan untuk mempersiapkannya menjadi negara yang merdeka. Namun, pada tahun yang sama, Indonesia mengirim pasukan ke wilayah tersebut dan mendeklarasikan Irian Barat sebagai bagian dari wilayah Republik Indonesia. Tindakan ini memicu konflik dan ketegangan antara Indonesia dan Belanda.
Pada tahun 1962, melalui mediasi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), disepakati agar Irian Barat dikelola oleh PBB selama enam tahun sebagai "Wilayah Otonom Sementara". Setelah masa transisi, pada tahun 1969, dilaksanakan "Plebisit Irian Barat" yang dikenal sebagai "Pepera" (Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat). Namun, plebisit ini telah menjadi sumber kontroversi, dengan banyak pihak yang meragukan keabsahannya dan merasa bahwa kehendak asli masyarakat Papua tidak terwakili dengan adil.
Sejak itu, gerakan separatis dan konflik bersenjata di Irian Barat terus berlanjut. Beberapa kelompok di wilayah tersebut menginginkan kemerdekaan atau otonomi yang lebih besar daripada yang diberikan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Konflik tersebut telah menimbulkan masalah keamanan, pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, dan ketegangan antara pemerintah Indonesia dan sebagian masyarakat Papua.
Pemerintah Indonesia telah berupaya untuk menyelesaikan masalah di Irian Barat melalui pendekatan pembangunan ekonomi dan sosial, serta memberikan otonomi khusus kepada provinsi tersebut. Namun, tantangan yang kompleks terus muncul, termasuk tuntutan untuk mengadakan dialog politik yang lebih inklusif, penyelesaian sengketa tanah, dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia masyarakat Papua.
Permasalahan di Irian Barat sangat kompleks dan membutuhkan pendekatan yang beragam, termasuk dialog, rekonsiliasi, dan partisipasi aktif dari semua pihak yang terlibat, agar dapat mencapai solusi yang berkelanjutan dan adil bagi masyarakat Papua
Salah satu manuskrip yang baru didigitalkan, salinan Bratayuda kawi miring penuturan abad ke-18 dalam bahasa Jawa modern dari Bratayuda, Mahabharata versi Jawa Kuno yang disusun pada abad ke-11. Manuskrip lain yang sekarang dapat diakses secara online, adalah karya sejarah seperti Serat Sakondar yang menceritakan kedatangan Belanda ke Jawa; Serat Jaya Lengakara Wulang, berisi instruksi etis dan mistis yang terjalin dengan kisah pengembaraan Pangeran Jayalengkara; dan primbon, kompilasi pribadi teks-teks tentang masalah-masalah agama, seringkali bersifat esoteric. 75 manuskrip yang akan didigitalkan diidentifikasi oleh Prof. Merle Ricklefs berasal dari Yogyakarta, dan termasuk 61 manuskrip yang diyakini telah diambil dari perpustakaan Kraton Yogyakarta oleh Inggris pada tahun 1812.
Selama beberapa bulan, para konservator, fotografer, kurator dan teknisi digital telah bekerja keras melakuka proyek Digitasi Manuskrip Jawa dari Yogyakarta. Konservator Jessica Pollard telah memeriksa setiap manuskrip, memastikan volume dapat dibuka untuk dipotret tanpa menyebabkan kerusakan apa pun. Kerutan halaman telah diratakan, sobekan diperbaiki dan cetakan diperbaharui untuk memasktikan manuskrip didigitasikan dengan aman. Banyak manuskrip Jawa yang memiliki koreksi atau amandemen atau koreksi tulisan, yang kadang-kadang ditulis pada potongan kertas terpisah yang kemudian dijahit ke halaman pada titik penyisipan yang dimaksud. Halaman-halaman tersebut menghadirkan tantangan bagi para konservator, untuk memotret manuskrip sehingga semua teks dapat dibaca, halaman harus difoto beberapa kali, dengan sisipan yang dijahit dilipat ke berbagai arah untuk mengungkapkan garis di bawahnya. Gambar-gambar tersebut hasil pemotretan kemudian diteruskan bagoian aditing, untuk diperiksa dan diteliti, pengecekan konsistensi warna dan memastikan bahwa urutan gambar ditampilkan dengan benar. Selanjutnya gambar mansukrip tersebut dientri pada katalog, dan manuskrip tersebut diterbitkan secara online ke situs web British Library yang dapat diakses online di seluruh dunia.
Further development of the hybrid cloud, in which several cloud computing services can be used simultaneously in a heterogeneous system architecture. On-demand self-service. Self-assignment of services from the cloud by the user (s) to be out there once required. Broad network access. Services from the cloud is accessed via customary mechanisms via the network. Resources like process power, network or storage square measure shared between totally different comes and customers. Rapid physical property. Virtual resources scale quickly associate degree from a user perspective virtually unlimited and might even be tailored mechanically to load changes. Measured service. Resource usage is measured and monitored.
As an example, for charge or automatic scaling. As a result, cloud computing goes on the far side alternative presently mentioned approaches (such as virtualization). Underneath the condition of public availableness, just like the general public
telephone network, as an example, cloud computing may also be viewed because the total of SaaS and utility computing, counting on the design. History of the cloud computing is one among the oldest symbols of data technology and per se stands for PC networks whose insides square measure insignificant or unknown. Already within the early 1990s, some personalities within the IT trade prophesied that “computers are going to be distributed to the network”, that is, that cloud computing can emerge as shortly because the technology is prepared.
The time had been available the late Nineteen Nineties with the event of multi tenant design. In 1995, GMD (now Fraunhofer FIT) introduced the BSCW, a system that may nowadays be referred to as a cloud. Web-based documents might be uploaded to folders and shared with others. Since 1996, BSCW has been offered commercially by the Fraunhofer by-product Orbi team. When the social network Facebook was launched in 2004, its members got the chance to store photos, videos, etc. on-line and publish.
However, cloud computing has been dominated by variety of invasive net firms, as well as Amazon, Google and Yahoo. Owing to the rise of their user base, these firms were round-faced with the matter of getting to take care of ever-growing systems that provided enough performance even at peak load times (for Amazon, as an example, this might be the Christmas business). For Amazon, this peak load in 2006 was ten times over the bottom load in regular business. To handle this drawback, it absolutely was set to create the (service-oriented) design and also the services that had been designed and established to handle the typically extremely unsteady or perhaps terribly high numbers of users to a product that you simply supply to the skin, d. H. that this issue is distributed to cloud users throughout peak hours. For Amazon, this step was a logical consequence within the early 2000s, as internally at that
time in time, they'd switched to little fast-moving groups (fast-moving “two-pizza teams”), the new functions supported the prevailing cloud infrastructure enforced.
The scaling effects of cloud services therefore became the idea of the merchandise Cloud Computing itself, that from then on wasn't solely offered internally however conjointly outwardly. Amazon is nowadays the world's largest supplier of cloud computing. A compelling requirement for the consumption and dissemination of cloud computing services square measure thus quick broadband connections that it makes no distinction whether or not information is keep regionally on a computer or on remote servers of a cloud. Thus, the increasing connectedness of cloud computing for home users is not to mention the market offer of quick in addition as reliable and cost-efficient digital subscriber line and LTE connections.