Teaching Documents by Hana Hodzic
Water purification using bentonite clay. Very cheap, easy and available way to purifie water. I s... more Water purification using bentonite clay. Very cheap, easy and available way to purifie water. I still haven't finished the project and need more informations about materials and methods.
Papers by Hana Hodzic

Ever since the ancient time humans have been consuming water and using it as source to produce di... more Ever since the ancient time humans have been consuming water and using it as source to produce diferent kinds o energy. Unortunately, today we can without doubt say that water on Earth is being etensively polluted. !uring last several years there has been growing inerest in using natural materials as cheap resources in process o water puri"cation. #n this pro$ect, the aim is to use bentonite and pillar clay as water puri"ers. %lay is very widespread in our country and all around the world, what makes it inepensive and easily accessible. &entonite clays have diferent applications in environmental protection and they are rich'layered with minerals rom the group o swelling smectite. (hey are used in the protection o land, detoi"cation o drinking water, waste water treatment,etc. )ith organic modi"cation, this clay becomes very efective solvent o organic contaminants such as dyes. *urthermore, pillar clay plays important role in environmental protection as catalyst, especially in process o water puri"cation. (hese two clays have proven to be prospective solution or the removing o organic and toic contaminants rom water by catalytic oidation in the presence o hydrogen peroide +%)P-. %)P is an efective method or partial degradation o these pollutants or their complete conversion to carbondioide. # we take into account that the other water puri"cation methods lack efective degredation o pollutants and consider the act that there is an astonishingly rapid development o new catalytic techniues, clay minerals indeed can play important role in water pollution reduction.
Teaching Documents by Hana Hodzic
Papers by Hana Hodzic