Papers by Ingvar Svanberg
In recent decades, the number of Muslims in the West has increased rapidly, and interesting trans... more In recent decades, the number of Muslims in the West has increased rapidly, and interesting transformations of Islam have taken place-to some extent with repercussions in Islamic or predominantly Muslim countries in Asia and Africa. This new Major Work from Routledge helps to make sense of the burgeoning scholarship in this area.Volume III ('Culture and Education') deals with Islam in cultural fields like music and art, as well as with the production of various kinds of Muslim literature, such as poetry and theology. And studies on educational issues cover both specifically Islamic schooling (e.g. Quranic schools and the education of Imams) and how Islam is taught in state schools.
In recent decades, the number of Muslims in the West has increased rapidly, and interesting trans... more In recent decades, the number of Muslims in the West has increased rapidly, and interesting transformations of Islam have taken place-to some extent with repercussions in Islamic or predominantly Muslim countries in Asia and Africa. This new Major Work from Routledge helps to make sense of the burgeoning scholarship in this area.Volume I ('History and Regional Overviews') includes studies on the historical development of Islam, as well as key work on the current situation in various regions and countries.
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, 2012
Munvigen: tidskrift för muntligt berättande, 2010
Utifran ett etnologiskt perspektiv ges en utforlig redogorelse for det kazakstanska nationsbygget... more Utifran ett etnologiskt perspektiv ges en utforlig redogorelse for det kazakstanska nationsbygget och dess komponenter. Dessutom behandlas landets olika minoriteter, deras inbordes relationer och deras situation. Avsnittet innehaller ocksa en oversikt ove
Kapitlet ger en aktuell oversikt av de olika turkiska sprak som talas av folk bosatta fran Polen ... more Kapitlet ger en aktuell oversikt av de olika turkiska sprak som talas av folk bosatta fran Polen och Balkanhalvon i vaster till Mongoliet, Xinjiang och Heilongjiangprovinsen i oster, fran Iran, Syrien och Turkiet i soder till ishavskusten i norr. Dessutom
Kanariefagelns svenska historia: ett forbisett 400-arsjubileum : Summary: History of the Canary i... more Kanariefagelns svenska historia: ett forbisett 400-arsjubileum : Summary: History of the Canary in Sweden: a neglected 400th anniversary
Papers by Ingvar Svanberg