Papers by Isabel Maldonado
Todas as empresas têm problemas de qualidade, sendo estes mais visíveis e quiçá mais críticos ao ... more Todas as empresas têm problemas de qualidade, sendo estes mais visíveis e quiçá mais críticos ao nível da produção, sentido lado. Apesar de os problemas de qualidade se colocarem em os todos processos, isto é, ao .longo de toda a cadeia de valor, é na produção, entendida aqui como o núcleo do sistema de criação de valor da organização, que a não qualidade assume maior relevância. Do ponto de vista da gestão de custo, esta importância justificasse quer ocupação de capacidade produtiva, quer pela perda de recursos variáveis que a não qualidade implica, isto é, agrava os custos de produção (matérias-primas, mão de obra, energia, entre outros). Neste contexto, esta problemática é de interesse capital para a competitividade de qualquer empresa e, consequentemente, é o foco permanente da preocupação da gestão. O tratamento desta problemática exige a correta conceituação dos produtos com e sem qualidade e dos vários tipos em que esta última produção se pode distinguir (n-ésima escolha, ree...
Journal of Risk and Financial Management
The objective of this paper is to empirically examine the relationship between the firms’ ownersh... more The objective of this paper is to empirically examine the relationship between the firms’ ownership and control structure, in particular the presence of foreign capital, and their internationalization levels, measured in terms of intensity and diversification. The international performance of Portuguese SMEs, which is crucial for the domestic economy’s growth, depends on a multitude of factors, with the existence of foreign investment inflows directed to industrial SMEs being a usually forgotten factor. This paper fills that gap using a balanced panel data of 5722 firms for the period from 2010 to 2017, researching if the presence of foreign capital influences the level and scope of internationalization, and controlling the effects of other variables such as profitability, age, size, indebtedness and sector of activity. The origin of foreign capital is also considered, being researched if issues of institutional or development differences exert any influence over firms’ internationa...
Financial Innovation
The slippery slope framework explains tax compliance along two main dimensions, trust in authorit... more The slippery slope framework explains tax compliance along two main dimensions, trust in authorities and power of authorities, which influence taxpayers’ compliance attitudes. Through frequentist and Bayesian analyses, we investigated the framework’s assumptions on a sample of 2786 self-employed taxpayers from eleven post-communist and non-post-communist countries doing business in five economic branches. After using scenarios that experimentally manipulated trust and power, our results confirmed the framework’s assumptions regarding the attitudes of the self-employed taxpayers; trust and power fostered intended tax compliance and diminished tax evasion, trust boosted voluntary tax compliance, whereas power increased enforced tax compliance. Additionally, self-employed taxpayers from post-communist countries reported higher intended tax compliance and lower tax evasion than those from non-post-communist countries. Our results offer tax authorities insights into how trust and power m...
2019 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
This paper aims to identify the determinant factors of external audit opinion modification in Por... more This paper aims to identify the determinant factors of external audit opinion modification in Portuguese municipalities that integrate the metropolitan areas of Porto and Lisbon, covering 65 municipalities. The defined time horizon was from 2013 to 2017. The analysis allows to identify six predominant factors related with: non-current assets, amortizations, investment subsidies, debts to receive, equity investments and provisions as reasons to modified opinions. The study also highlights the fact that approximately one-third of modified opinions are related to the identification, classification, measurement and assets registration.
Sustainability, 2022
In the last decades, the academic literature has devoted considerable attention to the determinan... more In the last decades, the academic literature has devoted considerable attention to the determinants of export performance. In result of those research efforts in identifying and examining the influence of such determinants, the literature presents a wide set of variables associated with higher levels of exports. This paper provides a contribution to that literature by trying to evidence the impact of firm certification—namely, in terms of the firm’s quality, environmental, and health and safety management systems—on export performance. The paper analyses an unbalanced sample of 1684 Portuguese industrial SMEs for the period 2010 to 2020, uses other determinants of internationalization as control variables, and explores the possibility of moderating effects on the certification–internationalization relationship. Two alternative econometric methods are employed: a random-effects model and a Tobit model. The results evidence the importance for firms, especially in the low or medium–low...
EnglishBased on an exhaustive review of the literature, this research aims to investigate the imp... more EnglishBased on an exhaustive review of the literature, this research aims to investigate the importance assigned to several factors considered as drivers of the internationalization process by companies that internationalize early in their life cycle, using the assessment of the entrepreneurs' own opinions. Factors such as the relational networks, the specific skills of entrepreneurs and the international experience of employees are considered. In addition to determining the drivers of the internationalization strategy of these companies, this research aims to assess, through a comparative study between the entrepreneurs' perspectives in 2014 and 2019, the possible oscillations in the international strategies of Portuguese entrepreneurs, during the period of economic crisis (2014) and a post-crisis period (2019). To achieve these objectives, we used data from a questionnaire sent to "exporting companies and/or companies interested in exporting" from the AICEP - Po...
Proceedings of The 7th International Virtual Scientific Conference, 2018
In this paper we present a study of the predictive ability of the term structure of interest rate... more In this paper we present a study of the predictive ability of the term structure of interest rates over future recessions in Portugal. The analysis will be based on factor models in which the term structure of interest rates is determined by latent factors, corresponding to their level, slope and curvature. Simple and modified probit and logit models will be used to examine the forecasting ability of term structure in predicting economic crises (recessions). Recession periods were determined based on the methodology proposed by Bry and Boschan. Our results suggest that all term structure of interest rates components allow to predict recessions in one-year time horizons, with an increase in adjustment quality when we include an autoregressive term as the explanatory variable.
Polish Journal of Management Studies, 2021
A forma como sao tratados os dados esta a mudar radicalmente a gestao e os processos organizacion... more A forma como sao tratados os dados esta a mudar radicalmente a gestao e os processos organizacionais. A quantidade de informacao disponivel atualmente e inumera e continua a crescer, as maquinas produzem mais informacao util que o ser humano, e podemos vivenciar isso atraves do fenomeno Big Data. O objetivo deste artigo, por um lado, e abordar o conceito de Big Data nas varias areas da sociedade e o que este implica na auditoria financeira analisando as varias vantagens e desafios apresentados por diversos autores e profissionais. Por outro lado, atraves de estudo empirico baseado em inquerito e entrevistas, e tratar a necessidade que a profissao apresenta de utilizar Big Data nos procedimentos de auditoria e as principais barreiras apontadas pelos auditores. Tambem se pretende estabelecer bases para impulsionar pesquisas futuras, pois e um tema muito pouco tratado em Portugal, e com uma dimensao significativa no mercado. O estudo empirico permitiu concluir que Big Data e fundamenta...
Based on an exhaustive review of the literature, this research aims to investigate the importance... more Based on an exhaustive review of the literature, this research aims to investigate the importance assigned to several factors considered as drivers of the internationalization process by companies that internationalize early in their life cycle, using the assessment of the entrepreneurs' own opinions. Factors such as the relational networks, the specific skills of entrepreneurs and the international experience of employees are considered. In addition to determining the drivers of the internationalization strategy of these companies, this research aims to assess, through a comparative study between the entrepreneurs' perspectives in 2014 and 2019, the possible oscillations in the international strategies of Portuguese entrepreneurs, during the period of economic crisis (2014) and a post-crisis period (2019). To achieve these objectives, we used data from a questionnaire sent to "exporting companies and/or companies interested in exporting" from the AICEP Portugal Gl...
International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2023
INTED proceedings, 2017
Companies are currently required to continually innovate and restructure their operations in orde... more Companies are currently required to continually innovate and restructure their operations in order to respond to the requirements of national and international competition. Companies have to find new ways to develop competitive advantages and acquire new skills, resources and capabilities. Since the 90's, the research on international new ventures (INV) contested the idea that new or small companies can't be early internationalized or that they would only do so incrementally. Since then, a growing flow of research into international new ventures has tried to understand the causes, processes, and outcomes of the decision to early enter foreign markets. A common thread concerns the role of learning and knowledge. Organizational knowledge, or its absence, was a central explanation for internationalization in original stage-based models (Uppsala School), but INV theory recognized that individual factors such as international experience can also influence the pace and specially the beginning of internationalization. More specifically, some recent empirical evidence offers important insights into the internationalization of new business, showing that younger companies are able to compensate for their limited experiential learning through previous individual experiences of the top management team and through inter-organizational relationships. Based on our literature review we intend to evaluate entrepreneurs' opinions, in order to ascertain whether factors such as a relational network, worker's specific skills and "worker's international experience, can act as enhancing agents or inducers of the company internationalization process. Moreover we intend to investigate if there are differences in the importance of these factors to those companies that internationalize early in their life cycle (maturity level). An empirical study was carried out with 320 Portuguese companies through Exploratory Analysis and Univariate Statistical Inference methodologies. We found evidence that allows us to say that companies that internationalize early in their life cycle are those which most value the importance of worker's specific skills and worker's international experience. However relational networks don't depend on companies' maturity level.
Proceedings of The 6th International Virtual Scientific Conference, May 8, 2017
In this paper we aim to assess the dynamics of commodities ad stock markets at time-frequency dom... more In this paper we aim to assess the dynamics of commodities ad stock markets at time-frequency domain. Our data set consists of monthly IMF commodity price indices and sub-indices, and the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) World Stock Index between January 1993 and March 2016. Among others, our results indicate a significant increase in synchronization of procyclical pattern, with periodicities of one to four years, during the recent subprime and financial crisis. The results presented in the paper could help investors to design investment strategies in commodity markets.
Papers by Isabel Maldonado