Papers by Jaume Canela-soler
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 30, 2023
Background: SARS-CoV-2 is a new type of coronavirus that causes COVID-19. It is affecting the ent... more Background: SARS-CoV-2 is a new type of coronavirus that causes COVID-19. It is affecting the entire planet. Despite the widespread use of ecologic analysis in epidemiologic research and health planning, health scientists and practitioners have given little attention to the methodological aspects of this approach. The study of risk factors linked to the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most current and exciting topics for epidemiologists. These risks in many cases are unknown. This research covers the study of risk factors in the case of COVID-19 and proposes the use of an ecologic method known to epidemiologists in the case of aggregated data. The present study aims to compute a model that allows to easily calculate the risk of infection in different types of populations, using aggregated data to approximate the individual risk of COVID-19 transmission by a person. Methods: The case of Catalonia, in Spain, is presented as an example, as it is one of the areas where the incidence of the virus among the population is being higher. The proposed method is known as an ecological study and is based on the statistical regression model between the incidence (or variable that represents it) and the risk factors but using aggregated data and obtaining a risk ratio (RR). Results: The results obtained have made it possible to find the risk of contracting COVID-19 concerning risk factors for high family income (RR=1.157491), more mobility (RR=1.065475), and high density of population (1.00002). Conclusions: This method could be used to design an app that predicts how the risk will evolve and calculate the risk of contagion in one area or another to take the proper action. The calculated RR can help us to understand how the variables become risks or protective factors at an ecological level (understanding aggregate data).
Pediatria catalana: butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Pediatria, 1991
espanolSe presentan los resultados de la evaluacion de las medidas aplicadas en 1986 para mejorar... more espanolSe presentan los resultados de la evaluacion de las medidas aplicadas en 1986 para mejorar la distribucion y utilizacion del Carnet de Salut infantil (C.S.) en Catalunya: El metodo utilizado ha sido la comparacion de los resultados de 2 encuestas telefonicas realizadas en 1986 y 1988 en madres con hijos de 6 meses. Los resultados reflejan una mejora en el nivel de utilizacion, pero no en la distribucion del C.S. catalaEs presenten els resultats de l'avaluacio de les mesures endegades l'any 1986 per a millorar la distribucio i la utilitzacio del Carnet de Salut infantil (C.S.) a Catalunya. El metode utilitzat ha estat la comparacio dels resultats de 2 enquestes telefaniques realitzades l'any 1986 i l'any 1988 en mares de fills de 6 mesos. Els resultats reflecteixen una millora en el nivell d'utilitzacio, pern no en la distribucio del C.S. EnglishThe results of the evaluation of the measures applyed in 1986 to improve the distribution and use of infant Health Chart in Catalunya are presented. The results of two telephone inquiries carried out in 1986 and 1988 among mothers of 6 months old children are compared. The results show an improvement concerning the level of utilization, but not for the distribution.
Pediatria catalana: butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Pediatria, 1998
espanolIntroduccion. La finalidad de este trabajo es hacer un estudio bibliometrico del organo de... more espanolIntroduccion. La finalidad de este trabajo es hacer un estudio bibliometrico del organo de expresion escrita de la Sociedad Catalana de Pediatria, desde su inicio, en el ano 1928, hasta 1997. Los objetivos han sido describir la actividad social y cientifica de la Sociedad a traves de los articulos originales publicados por los pediatras, y proporcionar la informacion bibliometrica del periodo de tiempo establecido. No se ha pretendido especificar relaciones en cuanto a calidad, productividad o impacto que una investigacion de este tipo podria tener implicitos. Metodo. Los articulos publicados durante el periodo 1928-1997 constituian la poblacion objeto de investigacion (N= 1017). Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo y se establece como criterio de inclusion los articulos publicados que tuvieran formato de articulo original de manera implicita o explicita. Sobre el total de revistas que publican articulos originales (278), se escogen 253 a partir de un muestrario aleatorio simple en una sola etapa y sin estratificacion. De estos se excluyeron 14 ya que pertenecian a jornadas o reuniones de la Societat. Las variables objeto de estudio fueron Numero de autores, Numero de referencias bibliograficas, Numero de paginas que ocupaban los articulos evaluados, Tema que trataban, Metodos estadisticos explicitados en el articulo, Idioma utilizado en el articulo. En el analisis estadistico se utilizaron los procedimientos descriptivos e inferenciales univariantes y bivariantes. El nivel de significacion estadistico se ha fijado en el 5%, y no se ha tenido en cuenta el riesgo de segunda especie. El procesamiento informatico se realizo a traves de los paquetes estadisticos SPSS-X y EPINFO. Resultados. Se han incluido 239 articulos. La media global de autores es de 2.66. La media global de numero de paginas publicadas por articulo es de 9.71. Las referencias bibliograficas presentan una media de 13.54. En el 33% de los casos no se utiliza metodologia estadistica; en el 57% se identifica estadistica descriptiva, y en el resto, el 10% se utiliza estadistica inferencial. Los temas sobre los que se ha escrito mas son: infecciosos (18%), gastroenterologia y neurologia (12%) y pediatria general (11%). El castellano es el idioma mas utilizado; el catalan queda en segundo lugar seguido del frances y del ingles. catalaIntroduccio. La finalitat d’aquest treball es fer un estudi bibliometric de l’organ d’expressio escrita de la Societat Catalana de Pediatria, des del seu inici, l’any 1928, fins al 1997. Els objectius han estat descriure l’activitat social i cientifica de la Societat a traves dels articles originals publicats pels pediatres, i proporcionar la informacio bibliometrica del periode de temps establert. No s’ha pretes especificar relacions pel que fa a qualitat, productivitat o impacte que una investigacio d’aquest tipus podria tenir implicits. Metode. Els articles publicats durant el periode 1928-1997 constituiren la poblacio objecte d’investigacio (N=1017). Es realitza un estudi retrospectiu i s’establi com a criteri d’inclusio els articles publicats que tinguessin format d’article original de manera implicita o explicita. Sobre el total de numeros que publiquen articles originals (278), se’n tria 253 a partir d’un mostreig aleatori simple en una sola etapa i sense estratificacio. D’aquests se n’exclouen 14 que no corresponen a numeros ordinaris de la revista ja que pertanyen a jornades o reunions de la Societat. Les variables objecte d’estudi foren Nombre d’autors, Nombre de referencies bibliografiques, Nombre de pagines que ocupaven els articles avaluats, Tema que tractaven, Metodes estadistics explicitats en l’article, Idioma utilitzat a l’article. Per a l’analisi estadistica s’utilitzaren els procediments descriptius i inferencials univariants i bivariants. El nivell de significacio estadistic s’ha fixat en el 5%, i no s’ha tingut en compte el risc de segona especie. Per al processament informatic s’han emprat els paquets estadistics SPSS-X i EPINFO. Resultats. S’han inclos 239 articles. La mitjana global d’autors es de 2.66. La mitjana global de nombre de pagines publicades per article es de 9.71. Les referencies bibliografiques presenten una mitjana de 13.54. En el 33% dels casos no s’utilitza metodologia estadistica; en el 57% s’identifica estadistica descriptiva, i en la resta, el 10% s’utilitza estadistica inferencial. Els temes sobre els quals s’ha escrit mes son: infeccioses (18%), gastroenterologia i neurologia (12%) i pediatria general (11%). El castella es l’idioma mes utilitzat; el catala queda en un segon lloc seguit del frances i de l’angles. EnglishIntroduction. The aim of this report was to perform an analysis of the journal of the Catalan Society of Pediatrics since its origin in 1928, until 1997. The objectives were to describe the social and scientific activities of the society through the original articles published by the pediatricians, as well as to provide bibliometric information related…
Pediatria catalana: butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Pediatria, 1998
espanolObjetivos. En el presente estudio se pretende describir y analizar las lesiones que se pro... more espanolObjetivos. En el presente estudio se pretende describir y analizar las lesiones que se producen durante la practica castellera y, si cabe, proponer lineas preventivas. Metodos. Se analizan los comunicados de lesion emitidos por las Colles Castelleres desde 1993 hasta 1996. Resultados. Les tasas de siniestralidad acumulada no han variado significativamente en el periodo estudiado y, en el caso de los ninos castellers, se cifra en 44 lesiones/100.000 horas/individuo, lo que representa 97 lesiones/1.000 ninos/ano. Estas cifras son similares o inferiores a las observadas en otras actividades. En cuanto a la zona del cuerpo mas afectada se observa que, mientras en los adultos son los brazos y la columna cervical, en los menores de 15 anos son las extremidades inferiores y el craneo. La lesion mas frecuente ha sido la contusion. El 66% de las lesiones de los ninos castellers son consideradas leves y el 8.5% importantes, y no muestran ninguna tendencia a aumentar durante el periodo estudiado. El traumatismo craneoencefalico ha estado presente, normalmente como diagnostico acompanante, en un 27.1% de los ninos lesionados (el 89.5% fueron grado I) de los cuales presentaron conmocion cerebral recuperada un 13.1%. Las variaciones estacionales de las lesiones se corresponden con el calen- dario de actuaciones castelleres, y es el tercer trimestre del ano el que registra mas actuaciones y mas lesiones. Conclusiones. Se concluye que las tasas de siniestralidad no han variado a lo largo del periodo estudiado, que hacer castells no comporta un peligro mas elevado de sufrir lesiones graves que otras actividades deportivas y que los ninos castellers generan mas consultas medicas y ingresan mas a menudo que los adultos probablemente debido a que participan en mayor proporcion en el castell, a una actitud de prudencia, a la dificultad de hacer una evaluacion precisa de la gravedad de la lesion por la poca fiabilidad de la opinion del propio nino, por un mayor componente emocional asociado y un posible factor de predisposicion por parte del medico. catalaObjectius. En el present estudi es preten descriure ianalitzar les lesions que es produeixen durant la practica castellera i, si s'escau, proposar linies preventives. Metodes. S'analitzen els comunicats de lesio emesos per les Colles Castelleres durant els anys 1993 a 1996. Resultats. Les taxes de sinistralitat acumulada no han variat significativament en el periode estudiat i, en el cas dels nens castellers, es xifra en 44 lesions/100.000 hores/ individu, la qual cosa representa 97 lesions/1.000 nens/any. Aquestes xifres son similars o inferiors a les observades en altres activitats. Quant a la zona del cos mes afectada s'observa que, mentre en els adults son els bracos i la columna cervical, en els menors de 15 anys ho son les extremitats inferiors i el crani. La lesio mes frequent ha estat la contusio. El 66% de les lesions dels nens castellers son considerades greus i el 8.5% importants, i no mostren cap tendencia a augmentar durant el periode estudiat. El traumatisme craneoencetalic ha estat present, normalment com a diagnostic acompanyant, en un 27.1% dels nens lesionats (el 89.5% van ser grau I) dels quals presentarencommocio cerebral recuperada un 13.1%. Les variacions estacionals de les lesions es corresponen amb el calendari d'actuacions castelleres, i es el tercer trimestre de l'any el que enregistra mes actuacions i mes lesions. Conclusions. Es conclou que les taxes de sinistralitat no han variat al Hang del periode estudiat, que fer castells no comporta un perill mes elevat de patir lesions greus que altres activitats esportives i que els nens castellers generen mes consultes mediques i ingressen mes sovint que els adults probablement degut que participen en major proporcio al castell, a una actitud de prudencia, a la dificultat de fer una avaluacio acurada de la gravetat de la lesio per la poca fiabilitat de l'opinio del propi nen, per un major component emocional associat i un possible factor predisposant per part del metge. EnglishObjectives. To describe the most common injuries se- condary to the practice of human towers and to define preventive measures. Methods. Analysis of all the certificates of injuries is- sued by the organizations of human towers during the years 1993 to 1996. Results. The incidence of accidents did not increase during the studied period and, in the case of children is 44 injuries/100.000 hours/participant, which represents 97 lesions/1.000 children/year. This incidence is similar to the incidence of injuries in other sports. The most commonly injured areas in children younger than 15 years of age were the legs and head, which constrasts with adults, where the most frequently injured areas are arms and cervical spine. The most frequent injury was contusion. 66% of the inju- res vvere considered mild, and 8.5% vvere considered se- vere. These frequencies remained stable during the studied period. The head injury was part of the…
PubMed, Apr 1, 1989
A seroepidemiological survey was carried out to evaluate the immune status against tetanus in a r... more A seroepidemiological survey was carried out to evaluate the immune status against tetanus in a representative sample of pregnant women in Catalonia. Only 21.2% of females from the evaluated sample had immunity against tetanus. The observed rate of protection in women below 25 years of age (40.6%) was significantly higher than in those aged 25-45 years (17.8%). The results of the study show that the risk of neonatal tetanus is still present in Catalonia, and that it is necessary to enhance tetanus vaccination, particularly among the adult population.
PubMed, 1987
The seroepidemiological study carried out on a random sample of pregnant females aged between 15 ... more The seroepidemiological study carried out on a random sample of pregnant females aged between 15 and 45 in Catalonia (Spain) showed that the prevalence of antibodies found in the survey (97.5 +/- 2) varies from that shown by studies performed in continental areas of Europe and North America in the pre-vaccination era (80-90%) and is similar to that currently found in certain continental areas of Asia and Africa (about 95%) where the prevalence of the virus seems to be very high, and in certain industrialized countries which have implemented effective vaccination programmes (95-97%). Although 28.8% of the females surveyed stated that they had been vaccinated against rubella, it has not been possible to find any statistically significant differences as regards the prevalence of antibodies between vaccinated and nonvaccinated females. This suggests that the high prevalence of anti-rubella antibodies shown by the survey is due not so much to the existence of effective vaccination programmes as to the fact that the wild virus is extremely widespread among the Catalonian population, similar to certain continental areas of Asia and Africa.
PubMed, Aug 1, 1990
The objectives of this paper were to study the association between the prevalence of uncontrolled... more The objectives of this paper were to study the association between the prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension (PUHT) and stroke mortality at the ecological level, in nine geographical areas of Catalonia (Spain); to develop an ecological regression model and to assess its ability to predict crude stroke mortality rate (CMR) from the PUHT. The regression equation obtained for the population older than 25 yrs was CSMR x 10(3) = 0.67035 + 4.94752 PUTH x 10(-2). The ecological risk ratio was 8.38 and the ecological attributable proportion 71.1%. The CSMR estimation obtained by applying the model in a concrete case was close to that observed. The results support an ecological association between the studied variables. The ecological model can be useful in the assessment of observed changes in health problems and risk factor levels in the community. It could also be used in the evaluation of intervention programmes.
Pediatria catalana: butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Pediatria, 1993
espanolSe ha efectuado un estudio transversal de crecimiento en una muestra de 5.472 escolares de... more espanolSe ha efectuado un estudio transversal de crecimiento en una muestra de 5.472 escolares de 4 a 17 anos. La muestra es representativa de la poblacion catalana. Se presentan los resultados de la talla, del peso y de la edad de la menarquia. Las curvas transversales percentilares de talla y peso se han construido utilizando metodos no parametricos. La talla de los ninos catalanes se compara con la de los ninos del Reino Unido, Francia, Grecia y Pais Vasco. Hasta la pubertad, los ninos catalanes presentan tallas similares a las de los griegos y superiores a las de los otros paises citados. No se encuentran diferencias en las tallas finales. El lugar de nacimiento de los padres y la profesion del padre se asocian con la talla. El 9robit analisis» revela que la edad media de aparicion de la menarquia (12.31 anos) es similar a la de otros paises mediterraneos e inferior a la de otros puntos del Estado Espanol y paises del norte de Europa. Aparecen diferencias en la edad de la menarquia segun la profesion paterna. La tendencia secular de la talla de los ninos varones catalanes presenta un fuerte incremento en este siglo, alcanzando mas de 2 cms por decada. catalaS'ha efectuat un estudi transversal de creixement en una mostra de 5.472 escolars de 4 a 17 anys. La mostra es representativa de la poblacio catalana. Es presenten els resultats de la talla, del pes i de l'edat de la menarquia. Les corbes transversals percentilars de talla i pes s'han construit utilitzant metodes no parametrics. La talla dels nens catalans es compara amb la dels nens del Regne Unit, Franca, Grecia i Pais Basc. Fins a la pubertat els nens catalans presenten talles similars a les deis grecs, i superiors a les dels altres paisos citats. No es van trobar diferencies en les talles finals. El lloc de naixement dels pares i la professio del pare s'associen amb la talla. El « probit analisi» revela que l'edat mitjana de la menarquia (12.31 anys) es similar a la d'altres paisos mediterranis i inferior a la d'altres punts de l'Estat espanyol i de paisos del nord d'Europa. Hi ha diferencies en l'edat de la menarquia segons la professio paterna. La tendencia secular de la talla deis nens catalans ha experimentat un fort increment en aquest segle, ja que s'han assolit mes de 2 cm per decada. EnglishA cross-sectional grovvth study was undertaken on a sample of 5.472 schoolchildren aged 4 to 17. The sample was representative of the Catalan population. Results on height, weight and age at menarche are presented. Cross-sectional percentile curves on height and vveight were designed using non-parametric methods. The height of Catalan children is compared to that of children from the United Kingdom, France, Greece and the Basque country (Spain). Until puberty Catalan children are similar in height to Greek children and taller than children from the countries previously mentioned. We detected no difference in the final height. Parents place of birth and the fathers profession influence in height. « Probit analysis » reveals that the average age of menarche (12.31 years) is similar to that of other Mediterranean countries and lower than in other parts of Spain and Northern European countries. There are age differences at menarche according to the fathers professional occupation. The secular trend of height of the Catalan child population has increased dramatically during the twentieth century, more than 2 cm per decade.
Annals de medicina, Jun 1, 2007
… però hem viscut per salvar-vos els mots, per recordar-vos els noms de cada cosa, perquè seguíss... more … però hem viscut per salvar-vos els mots, per recordar-vos els noms de cada cosa, perquè seguíssiu el recte camí d'accés al ple domini de la terra"
Anales De Pediatria, Nov 1, 2012
PubMed, Nov 14, 1992
Background: The aim of this study was to know the efficacy of the BCG vaccination campaign of the... more Background: The aim of this study was to know the efficacy of the BCG vaccination campaign of the newborns of Barcelona carried out during the period from 1966-1974. Methods: To achieve this aim an epidemiologic investigation was undertaken by an observational analytical study of paired cases and controls. Two hundred and fifty randomly selected cases were studied between 1978-1988 from between 4-21 years of age during the study period. The cases were paired with 750 controls (1:3) with identical conditions and age, sex and place of residence. Statistical analysis of data was performed by the specific methods for this type of study. Results: The estimated gross odds ratio was 0.68; the interval of confidence 95% and 0.51-0.91 (p < 0.025). The efficacy of this vaccination campaign was estimated as weak at 32%, in the age group and investigation time being greater in males and diminished with time. The percentage of new cases of tuberculosis potentially prevented by this campaign was calculated at 13%. Conclusions: The weak efficacy of the BCG vaccination campaign may be attributed not only to the unforeseen effects of this vaccine but also to the deficient operative aspects of the campaign itself.
PubMed, 1988
The results of the multiple regression and correlation analysis between perinatal mortality and s... more The results of the multiple regression and correlation analysis between perinatal mortality and social and health care variables in Spanish provinces between 1975 and 1979 are presented. Although the perinatal mortality rates of Spanish provinces correlate significantly with a series of socioeconomic variables (family income available per capita, percentage of active population in primary sector, educational level of women at childbearing age) and health care variables (active obstetricians per 1000 live births and active pediatricians per 1000 live births), the multiple correlation and regression analysis has shown that the most important variable is the family income available per capita: 44% of the variability of perinatal mortality in Spanish provinces can be accounted for by this factor. By regression analysis, it is also possible to predict a decrease of 0.065 points in perinatal mortality for every additional 1000 pesetas in the family income available per capita.
International Journal of Epidemiology, 1988
Analytica Chimica Acta, Aug 1, 1974
Analytica Chimica Acta, May 1, 1974
Abstract The extraction of the hexahydrocupferrates of 17 metals (Cu, Pb, Bi, Sb, Al, Ti, Fe, Co,... more Abstract The extraction of the hexahydrocupferrates of 17 metals (Cu, Pb, Bi, Sb, Al, Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, Mn, W, Mo, V, Ca. Sr, Ba and Mg) with chloroform is studied in relation to pH values. The extraction constants are calculated and compared with those of cupferron; these can be used to determine the optimal conditions for the separation of many metals. As examples of analytical applications, extractive separations of trace amounts of Sb(III), Bi and Al from, respectively, Pb, Pb and Co were checked. A single extraction allows the removal of major amounts of some metals (Fe, Th and Zr) which interfere in the compleximetric titration of divalent metals (Mn, Zn. Mg, Cd, Pb and Co).
Papers by Jaume Canela-soler