Papers by Jessica Righi de Oliveira
The environmental crisis, the product of the mechanistic and economist development model, blocked... more The environmental crisis, the product of the mechanistic and economist development model, blocked the ideal conditions for the advent of the COVID–19 pandemic that is now plaguing human society. Seizing the necessary change in the development model and, consequently, rural development, Biodynamic Agriculture sought to contribute to the construction of a sustainable rural development project, guided by the principles of agroecology, in order to harmoniously reconnect human beings with nature. Thus, a bibliographic review was carried out on topics such as zoonoses, COVID-19, sustainable rural development, Agroecology and Biodynamic Agriculture, among others. The importance of the harmonious relationship with nature for the prevention of zoonoses was evidenced, as well as the environmental aspect of the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating through biodynamic agriculture the possibility of holistic and systematic reconstruction of a post-pandemic world.
Mesa de abertura: Perspectivas sobre o rural brasileiro O objetivo dessa mesa é apresentar aos pa... more Mesa de abertura: Perspectivas sobre o rural brasileiro O objetivo dessa mesa é apresentar aos participantes do evento quais são os principais pontos que a entidade e movimentos sociais têm debatido e atuado, sobre o cenário atual e o futuro do campo brasileiro. A metodologia será de falas expositivas dos componentes da mesa, com posteriores questionamentos do público, considerações e finalização dos componentes da mesa. Mediador: Prof. Marcos Piccin (UFSM) e Jana Rossato Gonçalves (Discente PPGExR) Palestrantes: Cedei Oliveira/MST; Rosiéle Ludtke/MPA; Rodrigo Mariano (Estudante Indígena da UFSM); Carlos Joel da Silva/FETAG RS; Rui Alberto Valença/ FETRAF/RS.
Papers by Jessica Righi de Oliveira