Papers by Joanne Labrecque

Gestion, Sep 1, 2001
Les producteurs et les distributeurs ont de tout temps essaye a divers degres de convaincre l’«in... more Les producteurs et les distributeurs ont de tout temps essaye a divers degres de convaincre l’«individu-client» d’acheter leurs produits. Aujourd’hui, cette affirmation est toujours d’actualite, si ce n’est que nous assistons peut-etre a la prise du pouvoir du client et a un changement fondamental des relations commerciales et de leur organisation. A la suite d’un marketing strategique de l’offre exerce tour a tour par le fabricant et le distributeur, nous croyons que, desormais, c’est le client qui a les moyens de definir «son marketing» et d’influencer celui des entreprises. Dans cet article, nous faisons un survol de l’essor du commerce de l’Antiquite au XXe siecle et de l’evolution des formes de vente constatees au cours des deux derniers siecles en France et en Amerique du Nord. L’evolution strategique du management et du marketing des industriels comme des distributeurs est egalement discutee. Enfin, nous presentons ce que nous pensons etre l’evolution future de la relation marchande en incitant le lecteur a reflechir aux adaptations qu’elle demandera au commerce de detail, ce qui correspond au marketing de la demande.
results from experiments using nudges in a restaurant setting

British Food Journal, Oct 24, 2008
PurposeTo draw the frontiers of the functional food universe, to identify concepts that should be... more PurposeTo draw the frontiers of the functional food universe, to identify concepts that should be included in a broadly accepted functional food definition and to propose a definition.Design/methodology/approachBased on a review of the literature and the Delphi technique with a group of North American and European experts.FindingsFour concepts were identified: the nature of food, health benefits, functions and regular consumption. Two dimensions, physiological effects and functional intensity, were developed to define the frontiers of the functional food universe and a definition is suggested.Practical implicationsA large number of definitions as well as great variations within definitions make it difficult to provide industry partners with robust information on market trends and market potential, or to appropriately protect consumers through legislation. This paper should contribute to the debate surrounding the type of food that should be considered a functional food and surrounding the lack of a common definition for functional foods.Originality/valueThis paper is the first one, to our knowledge, that attempts to conceptually define the frontiers of the functional food universe and to provide a definition of functional food which is not sensitive to cultural differences, can accommodate temporal variations and rely on previous knowledge (definition) as well as experts' opinions.
Revue française d'économie, 2011
CIRANO Le CIRANO est un organisme sans but lucratif constitué en vertu de la Loi des compagnies d... more CIRANO Le CIRANO est un organisme sans but lucratif constitué en vertu de la Loi des compagnies du Québec. Le financement de son infrastructure et de ses activités de recherche provient des cotisations de ses organisations-membres, d'une subvention d'infrastructure du Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche, de même que des subventions et mandats obtenus par ses équipes de recherche. CIRANO is a private non-profit organization incorporated under the Québec Companies Act. Its infrastructure and research activities are funded through fees paid by member organizations, an infrastructure grant from the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche, and grants and research mandates obtained by its research teams.
Food Quality and Preference, Apr 1, 2019
Using a controlled experiment in a restaurant with naturally occurring clients, this study invest... more Using a controlled experiment in a restaurant with naturally occurring clients, this study investigates how nudging can be used to design menus that guide consumers to make healthier choices. It examines the use of default options, focusing specifically on two types of defaults that can be found when ordering food in a restaurant: automatic and standard defaults. Both types of defaults significantly affected choices, but did not adversely impact the satisfaction of individual choices. The results suggest that menu design could effectively use non-informational strategies such as nudging to promote healthier individual choices without restricting the offer or reducing satisfaction.
Foods, Oct 5, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

British Food Journal, Jan 30, 2007
Purpose-Technology influences market growth and productivity, and the food industry has seen majo... more Purpose-Technology influences market growth and productivity, and the food industry has seen major technological and productivity method changes in recent years. The debate on genetically modified (GM) food, in particular, has been led on multiple levels in both Europe and North America. Studies to date have described the structural differences between the North American and European regulatory agencies as reasons for differing attitudes towards GM foods. The purpose of this paper is to establish a conceptual framework that puts forward a systemic view on the interconnections between corporate marketing strategies (i.e. tool makers), public policies (i.e. rule makers), and science (i.e. fact makers) when a dominant design emerges in the food industry. Design/methodology/approach-This paper begins by describing the fundamental elements of the dominant design concept and the actor-network theory (ANT). This is followed by the presentation of levers that permit the emerging agrifood dominant design to be successful. Third, these theories are applied to the appearance of GM foods in both North American and European markets. Finally,a framework is presented outlining actors' tasks associated with the emergence of an agrifood dominant design. Findings-This research uncovered the reality that technology developers, policy makers, and research protagonists all have the capacity to change the outcome of a dominant design in the food industry. All operate under a strict set of values and objectives and may influence the adoption process. The model in this paper presents a macro perspective of the institutional dynamics of a dominant design in the food industry when it appears in any given market around the world. Originality/value-This study is one of the first to systemically examine the development of technological change as a dominant design within the unique reality of the food industry. As such it makes a number of contributions which should be the subject of further study.

Sustainability, May 21, 2020
Adaptability has emerged in management/entrepreneurship literature as a business strategy to inno... more Adaptability has emerged in management/entrepreneurship literature as a business strategy to innovate, perform, and respond in a flexible manner to ever-changing contexts. Contemporary culture blurs boundaries between physical, biological, and digital domains, accelerating what entrepreneurship in sectors such as agri-food contributes to societal-scale solutions to problems at the convergence of social and commercial activities. In this study, we build upon the adaptability of biological systems to propose an approach to innovation, anchored in a tight, dynamic alignment between the strategic DNA of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the contexts in which they evolve. Our model employs interviews and supporting archival research on the health-promoting innovation practices of 37 SMEs in the agri-food sector. A two-year, single firm analysis illustrates its relevance and operational feasibility. Evidence suggests that the strategic DNA of SMEs, seen through the entrepreneurs' identity, informs behavior at various stages of the innovation process and the enterprise's evolution. Shifting identity prioritization is a reality, and interaction between entrepreneurial organizations and the environment is best understood as an interaction between the DNA of the entrepreneur/enterprise and the environment. This is valuable and will help agri-food and other SMEs to improve their ability to make the internal and external strategic adjustments required in a rapidly changing landscapes to create viable health-promoting food products.
CIRANO Project Reports, 2020

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, May 25, 2016
Addendum en date du 2 juin 2016 au document APPROVISIONNEMENT DU MARCHE QUEBECOIS : DES STRATEGIE... more Addendum en date du 2 juin 2016 au document APPROVISIONNEMENT DU MARCHE QUEBECOIS : DES STRATEGIES GAGNANTES A la page 26, dernier paragraphe de la section Section 4.1.1 :Remplacer : « Le groupe envisage de demenager celui-ci vers Varennes et d’y installer du meme coup son siege social. » Par : « Le groupe envisage de demenager celui-ci vers Varennes. »ResumeL’analyse des donnees existantes situe la demande de biens et services alimentaires et de boissons au Quebec a 39,9 milliards de dollars pour l’annee 2013. Dans un marche ouvert, ou les producteurs et les transformateurs quebecois concurrencent directement avec ceux d’autres pays pour acceder aux tablettes des distributeurs-detaillants, il est imperatif d’avoir une bonne connaissance de la chaine d’approvisionnement, des grands reseaux de distribution alimentaire et des tendances dans les pratiques commerciales pour garantir, voire augmenter, la part des achats d’aliments quebecois dans la chaine d’approvisionnement. Dans cette perspective, le CIRANO a realise une etude pour actualiser les connaissances sur les enjeux de l’approvisionnement dans les reseaux de distribution alimentaire au detail au Quebec et suggerer des pistes d’actions potentielles, dont la creation d’une plateforme de commerce electronique permettant de saisir l’opportunite pour les fournisseurs-grossistes de creer un lien direct avec le consommateur et de recuperer, surtout pour ceux de taille moyenne et modeste, un pouvoir de negociation vis-a-vis les distributeurs-detaillants.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Sep 1, 2011
CIRANO Le CIRANO est un organisme sans but lucratif constitué en vertu de la Loi des compagnies d... more CIRANO Le CIRANO est un organisme sans but lucratif constitué en vertu de la Loi des compagnies du Québec. Le financement de son infrastructure et de ses activités de recherche provient des cotisations de ses organisations-membres, d'une subvention d'infrastructure du Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche, de même que des subventions et mandats obtenus par ses équipes de recherche. CIRANO is a private non-profit organization incorporated under the Québec Companies Act. Its infrastructure and research activities are funded through fees paid by member organizations, an infrastructure grant from the Ministère du Développement économique et régional et de la Recherche, and grants and research mandates obtained by its research teams.
Journal of family and economic issues, Dec 1, 1996
... value. Respondents re-corded their expenditures and coupon savings for a one-week period. The... more ... value. Respondents re-corded their expenditures and coupon savings for a one-week period. The study included 98 respondents from the US sample, 266 from the France-phone sample, and 62 from the Anglophone sample. ...

On March 20, 1996, a day known as Black Wednesday to the British beef industry, the British Secre... more On March 20, 1996, a day known as Black Wednesday to the British beef industry, the British Secretary of State of Health announced that a possible link existed between BSE and the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the human variant of mad cow. Seven years later, a somewhat comparable fate struck the Canadian beef industry. In May 2003, the discovery of the first native North American case of BSE in Canada deflated the prospects of the industry across the country, consequently creating environmental uncertainty. This paper conceptually analyses the events that occurred in Britain by considering the beef industry as a political economy. The authors find that socio-political structures, driven by power and dependency relations, socio-political processes, and driven by cooperation and conflicts within a marketing channel greatly influenced channel members' behaviors during this crisis. In addition, even though some changes were made, the authors believe that, based on the conceptual...
Vst - Vie Sociale Et Traitements, 2000

CIRANO Project Reports, 2019
L’introduction et la penetration des appareils mobiles a la fin de la premiere decennie des annee... more L’introduction et la penetration des appareils mobiles a la fin de la premiere decennie des annees 2000 ont agi comme un element declencheur d’une revolution attendue du secteur du commerce de detail. La part des ventes en ligne americaines sur l’ensemble des ventes au detail atteignait pres de 10 % (9,8 %) en 2018 et devrait s’elever a 15,1 % en 2022. Les ventes en ligne canadiennes suivent une progression semblable. Elles totalisaient 9,2 % des ventes au detail en 2018 et devraient se hisser a 15,3 % en 2022. La progression des ventes en ligne de produits alimentaires affiche un decalage en comparaison au portrait de l’ensemble du secteur commerce de detail. Les ventes en ligne americaines de produits alimentaires et d’alcool capturaient 1,8 % des achats alimentaires en 2018 et devraient croitre a 4,4 % en 2020. Puisque le marche canadien suit les tendances americaines, cette croissance de la part des achats alimentaires effectues en ligne accelerera les changements dans les prati...

CIRANO Project Reports, 2016
Addendum en date du 2 juin 2016 au document APPROVISIONNEMENT DU MARCHE QUEBECOIS : DES STRATEGIE... more Addendum en date du 2 juin 2016 au document APPROVISIONNEMENT DU MARCHE QUEBECOIS : DES STRATEGIES GAGNANTES A la page 26, dernier paragraphe de la section Section 4.1.1 :Remplacer : « Le groupe envisage de demenager celui-ci vers Varennes et d’y installer du meme coup son siege social. » Par : « Le groupe envisage de demenager celui-ci vers Varennes. »ResumeL’analyse des donnees existantes situe la demande de biens et services alimentaires et de boissons au Quebec a 39,9 milliards de dollars pour l’annee 2013. Dans un marche ouvert, ou les producteurs et les transformateurs quebecois concurrencent directement avec ceux d’autres pays pour acceder aux tablettes des distributeurs-detaillants, il est imperatif d’avoir une bonne connaissance de la chaine d’approvisionnement, des grands reseaux de distribution alimentaire et des tendances dans les pratiques commerciales pour garantir, voire augmenter, la part des achats d’aliments quebecois dans la chaine d’approvisionnement. Dans cette ...

Foods, 2021
The research presented in this article examines the relationship between consumer perceptions tha... more The research presented in this article examines the relationship between consumer perceptions that a food package is responsible (sustainable) and consumers’ intention to purchase the product that it contains. On the basis of the relevant literature, a conceptual model is proposed where this relationship is hypothesized to be mediated by two variables: the product’s perceived naturalness and healthiness. A first study was conducted with the objective of developing a scale with good psychometric properties to measure the perceived naturalness of a food product. The objective of the second study was to test the validity of the two-mediator conceptual model. The results show that the extent to which a food product package is seen as responsible (i.e., recyclable, reusable, compostable) has a positive and statistically significant impact on consumers’ intention to buy it, and that it is through the sequential mediation of the product’s perceived naturalness and healthiness that this rel...

Sustainability, 2020
Adaptability has emerged in management/entrepreneurship literature as a business strategy to inno... more Adaptability has emerged in management/entrepreneurship literature as a business strategy to innovate, perform, and respond in a flexible manner to ever-changing contexts. Contemporary culture blurs boundaries between physical, biological, and digital domains, accelerating what entrepreneurship in sectors such as agri-food contributes to societal-scale solutions to problems at the convergence of social and commercial activities. In this study, we build upon the adaptability of biological systems to propose an approach to innovation, anchored in a tight, dynamic alignment between the strategic DNA of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the contexts in which they evolve. Our model employs interviews and supporting archival research on the health-promoting innovation practices of 37 SMEs in the agri-food sector. A two-year, single firm analysis illustrates its relevance and operational feasibility. Evidence suggests that the strategic DNA of SMEs, seen through the entrepreneurs’ id...
Papers by Joanne Labrecque