The teaching of History and Government should serve to enable a country meet its needs and aspira... more The teaching of History and Government should serve to enable a country meet its needs and aspirations. One such need in Kenya, which has remained largely elusive, is national cohesion and integration. The objectives of teaching History and Government are; to demonstrate an understanding of how people and events of the past have influenced the ways in which people lived and behaved; appreciate the need for an importance of mutual responsibility, and to develop a sense of patriotism and national pride through participation in various development activities in the country. Research has revealed that the teaching of History and Government contributes to the development of an individual by increasing his/her propensity to be tolerant. Learning has a strong influence on the development of shared norms and the value placed on tolerance and understanding within a community. Integration is the process by which immigrants become accepted into society, both as individuals and as groups. The s...
This paper explores teacher preparedness for the competency-based curriculum in Kenya. Competency... more This paper explores teacher preparedness for the competency-based curriculum in Kenya. Competency based curriculum was introduce to Kenya’s Education system in 2016 as a pilot of curriculum to be rolled out under 2-6-33-3 education system that is replacing the three decades old 8-4-4 system. The new curriculum is seen by many as a panacea to the problem of graduate employability in Kenya. The 8-4-4 graduates have been blamed for lacking relevant job skills. Competency based curriculum aims at engaging learners in applying knowledge through demonstration as opposed to content overload. This study focused on early grade primary teacher’s preparedness to successfully implement the competency-based curriculum. Concerns have been raised at the pilot stages on the capacity of those implementers. StuffleBeam’s CIPP curriculum Evaluation model was used to interrogate the CBC as currently implemented. The objectives of the study were to find out early grade Education teacher’s understanding ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of students’ age on academic motivation a... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of students’ age on academic motivation and academic performance among secondary school students attending day schools within Nakuru municipality. The objectives specific to this study were to investigate how students’ age affected academic motivation and academic performance. The study adapted the ex-post facto research design. The target population comprised all Form two and Form four students in the sixteen secondary schools in Nakuru municipality from which seven day schools were sampled using the stratified random sampling technique. The sample was made up of 489 students. Data was collected using a students’ questionnaire and the academic performance scores were obtained from the school records of the previous year. The major statistical methods used in this study were: Pearson’s r, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Descriptive statistics, means, frequencies, percentages and standard deviations were used for data presenta...
Agricultural productivity in Kenya, as in many developing countries, is significantly affected by... more Agricultural productivity in Kenya, as in many developing countries, is significantly affected by rainfall variability. The reliability of the rain for agricultural purposes has reduced in the recent years due to climate variability and change. In the study area, there is a continued trend of more frequent and intense climate related disasters which is expected to have significant impacts on the livelihood activities. Most studies on the impact of climate variability on farming practices and the response strategies have mainly focused on arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya and have used community level data. Information on actual dynamics of lowest possible level such as a household in high potential areas like Kisii is scanty. This study was aimed at identifying the weather shocks associated with rainfall in Kisii Central Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya. Structured questionnaires were administered to a proportionate random sample of 120 households from the four administrative divis...
The paper provide a theoretical paradigm of available classical theories be linked to an empirica... more The paper provide a theoretical paradigm of available classical theories be linked to an empirical environment through a review of fundamentals in 3- associative economic and dynamics. The key methodology passes across by scrutinizing questionable values and interpretation aiming at social reengineering to social economic re-engineering based on economic argument of the current platform. Therefore attracts more scientific and theoretical thought provoking attitude to re-orient our thinking mechanics on the 3-associative variables being growth unemployment and inflation. The core aspects of the theoretician are to stimulate a representative model and structure on the behavior of reality . . . .the present literature stimulates readers though reflections on “questioning aspect” of available theories as reflected to the present interpretation of 3-associate variables briefly to capture the ground to be rethinked and be contributed by future scholars.
The current literature review the dynamics of value creation and recreation (v = B/c) in the cont... more The current literature review the dynamics of value creation and recreation (v = B/c) in the context of gender – F and Gender – M. Models are generated to review association and dissociations summarized in table 3 and figure 2 networks as expressed by Msaki (2011) models and re-evaluated through wealth re-engineering arithmetic, whereby gender balance is needed through value –redistribution association between gender – F and gender – M. The spirit of dominance needs to be diffused through cost – benefit approach, so as to empower gender – F and promote gender equity. The dynamics behind gender – F, motivates gender – M to act towards positive direction, with reflection from past, present and future dimensions (fig. 3). Experience through association dissociation in gender roles, recreate valuable and experienced gender balanced economy and society, strategically through behavior and attitude transformations, qualitatively with technology and skills in place (G-M1:R1) viz society B. ...
The European Journal of Educational Sciences, Aug 31, 2017
This paper purposed to establish if there was a significant influence of discipline strategies on... more This paper purposed to establish if there was a significant influence of discipline strategies on student academic performance based on the gender and academic level of students in Homabay County, Kenya. Over the years, students in Rachuonyo North Sub County have continued to perform poorly in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E). The objective of this study is to determine the influence of discipline strategies on academic performance by gender and academic level. The research design used was causal comparative. The researcher used simple random sampling to select 23 schools. Purposive sampling was used to identify students at different academic levels who had received any of the three discipline strategies that is suspension, manual labour, and sending students home to call their parent. The quantitative data was analyzed using paired sample t-test and repeated measures ANOVA at .05 level of significance. The study findings indicated that girls performed poorly after discipline strategies had been used on them. However, there was no significant difference in the academic performance of boys after the discipline strategies. It emerged that these discipline strategies influenced students' academic performance differently depending on the academic level of the student with the form two and four students registering a decline and the form three students showing a slight improvement. The study recommends discipline strategies other than the three used in the study for girls. Further research is required to determine the influence of these discipline strategies in other counties.
The purpose of the study was to therefore evaluate the factors affecting loaning of small busines... more The purpose of the study was to therefore evaluate the factors affecting loaning of small businesses. The objectives of this study were to find out how interest rate fluctuations affect loaning of small businesses, to establish the extent to which financial literacy affect loaning of SMEs and to determine how collateral security affect loaning of small businesses. The study therefore recommends that: For commercial banks, with due regard to the ever-increasing desire to have credit empowerment for SMEs in Kenya, there is need to invest in proper credit access strategies so as to meet these expectations. This should be done in a manner in which all the stakeholders are happy. This therefore calls for embracing proper credit access strategies which are acceptable, accessible, ethically sound, have a positive perceived impact, relevant, appropriate, innovative, efficient, sustainable and replicable.
The teaching of History and Government should serve to enable a country meet its needs and aspira... more The teaching of History and Government should serve to enable a country meet its needs and aspirations. One such need in Kenya, which has remained largely elusive, is national cohesion and integration. The objectives of teaching History and Government are; to demonstrate an understanding of how people and events of the past have influenced the ways in which people lived and behaved; appreciate the need for an importance of mutual responsibility, and to develop a sense of patriotism and national pride through participation in various development activities in the country. Research has revealed that the teaching of History and Government contributes to the development of an individual by increasing his/her propensity to be tolerant. Learning has a strong influence on the development of shared norms and the value placed on tolerance and understanding within a community. Integration is the process by which immigrants become accepted into society, both as individuals and as groups. The s...
This paper explores teacher preparedness for the competency-based curriculum in Kenya. Competency... more This paper explores teacher preparedness for the competency-based curriculum in Kenya. Competency based curriculum was introduce to Kenya’s Education system in 2016 as a pilot of curriculum to be rolled out under 2-6-33-3 education system that is replacing the three decades old 8-4-4 system. The new curriculum is seen by many as a panacea to the problem of graduate employability in Kenya. The 8-4-4 graduates have been blamed for lacking relevant job skills. Competency based curriculum aims at engaging learners in applying knowledge through demonstration as opposed to content overload. This study focused on early grade primary teacher’s preparedness to successfully implement the competency-based curriculum. Concerns have been raised at the pilot stages on the capacity of those implementers. StuffleBeam’s CIPP curriculum Evaluation model was used to interrogate the CBC as currently implemented. The objectives of the study were to find out early grade Education teacher’s understanding ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of students’ age on academic motivation a... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of students’ age on academic motivation and academic performance among secondary school students attending day schools within Nakuru municipality. The objectives specific to this study were to investigate how students’ age affected academic motivation and academic performance. The study adapted the ex-post facto research design. The target population comprised all Form two and Form four students in the sixteen secondary schools in Nakuru municipality from which seven day schools were sampled using the stratified random sampling technique. The sample was made up of 489 students. Data was collected using a students’ questionnaire and the academic performance scores were obtained from the school records of the previous year. The major statistical methods used in this study were: Pearson’s r, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Descriptive statistics, means, frequencies, percentages and standard deviations were used for data presenta...
Agricultural productivity in Kenya, as in many developing countries, is significantly affected by... more Agricultural productivity in Kenya, as in many developing countries, is significantly affected by rainfall variability. The reliability of the rain for agricultural purposes has reduced in the recent years due to climate variability and change. In the study area, there is a continued trend of more frequent and intense climate related disasters which is expected to have significant impacts on the livelihood activities. Most studies on the impact of climate variability on farming practices and the response strategies have mainly focused on arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya and have used community level data. Information on actual dynamics of lowest possible level such as a household in high potential areas like Kisii is scanty. This study was aimed at identifying the weather shocks associated with rainfall in Kisii Central Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya. Structured questionnaires were administered to a proportionate random sample of 120 households from the four administrative divis...
The paper provide a theoretical paradigm of available classical theories be linked to an empirica... more The paper provide a theoretical paradigm of available classical theories be linked to an empirical environment through a review of fundamentals in 3- associative economic and dynamics. The key methodology passes across by scrutinizing questionable values and interpretation aiming at social reengineering to social economic re-engineering based on economic argument of the current platform. Therefore attracts more scientific and theoretical thought provoking attitude to re-orient our thinking mechanics on the 3-associative variables being growth unemployment and inflation. The core aspects of the theoretician are to stimulate a representative model and structure on the behavior of reality . . . .the present literature stimulates readers though reflections on “questioning aspect” of available theories as reflected to the present interpretation of 3-associate variables briefly to capture the ground to be rethinked and be contributed by future scholars.
The current literature review the dynamics of value creation and recreation (v = B/c) in the cont... more The current literature review the dynamics of value creation and recreation (v = B/c) in the context of gender – F and Gender – M. Models are generated to review association and dissociations summarized in table 3 and figure 2 networks as expressed by Msaki (2011) models and re-evaluated through wealth re-engineering arithmetic, whereby gender balance is needed through value –redistribution association between gender – F and gender – M. The spirit of dominance needs to be diffused through cost – benefit approach, so as to empower gender – F and promote gender equity. The dynamics behind gender – F, motivates gender – M to act towards positive direction, with reflection from past, present and future dimensions (fig. 3). Experience through association dissociation in gender roles, recreate valuable and experienced gender balanced economy and society, strategically through behavior and attitude transformations, qualitatively with technology and skills in place (G-M1:R1) viz society B. ...
The European Journal of Educational Sciences, Aug 31, 2017
This paper purposed to establish if there was a significant influence of discipline strategies on... more This paper purposed to establish if there was a significant influence of discipline strategies on student academic performance based on the gender and academic level of students in Homabay County, Kenya. Over the years, students in Rachuonyo North Sub County have continued to perform poorly in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E). The objective of this study is to determine the influence of discipline strategies on academic performance by gender and academic level. The research design used was causal comparative. The researcher used simple random sampling to select 23 schools. Purposive sampling was used to identify students at different academic levels who had received any of the three discipline strategies that is suspension, manual labour, and sending students home to call their parent. The quantitative data was analyzed using paired sample t-test and repeated measures ANOVA at .05 level of significance. The study findings indicated that girls performed poorly after discipline strategies had been used on them. However, there was no significant difference in the academic performance of boys after the discipline strategies. It emerged that these discipline strategies influenced students' academic performance differently depending on the academic level of the student with the form two and four students registering a decline and the form three students showing a slight improvement. The study recommends discipline strategies other than the three used in the study for girls. Further research is required to determine the influence of these discipline strategies in other counties.
The purpose of the study was to therefore evaluate the factors affecting loaning of small busines... more The purpose of the study was to therefore evaluate the factors affecting loaning of small businesses. The objectives of this study were to find out how interest rate fluctuations affect loaning of small businesses, to establish the extent to which financial literacy affect loaning of SMEs and to determine how collateral security affect loaning of small businesses. The study therefore recommends that: For commercial banks, with due regard to the ever-increasing desire to have credit empowerment for SMEs in Kenya, there is need to invest in proper credit access strategies so as to meet these expectations. This should be done in a manner in which all the stakeholders are happy. This therefore calls for embracing proper credit access strategies which are acceptable, accessible, ethically sound, have a positive perceived impact, relevant, appropriate, innovative, efficient, sustainable and replicable.
Papers by John Momanyi