Papers by Juliana Ferreira
Patientâ s ventilatory parameters at baseline. Ventilatory parameters for each study participant ... more Patientâ s ventilatory parameters at baseline. Ventilatory parameters for each study participant immediately before entering the trial. (DOCX 19Â kb)
Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 2018
Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital de Estudos Judaicos da UFMG, 2019
Esse artigo busca entender como os palestinos e os judeus foram representados nas páginas das rev... more Esse artigo busca entender como os palestinos e os judeus foram representados nas páginas das revistas semanais Veja, Istoé e Carta Capital em julho de 2014, quando se deu a operação conhecida como Margem Protetora. Para isso, foram trabalhadas as noções acontecimento (a partir das ideias de Louis Queré) e de enquadramento (Erwin Goffman). Ao operacionalizar tais conceitos, utilizamos como ferramenta uma análise imagética e textual baseada nos princípios de Erwin Panofsky e Roland Barthes, além do conceito de pathosformeln que Aby Warburg desenvolveu para compreender como uma imagem é capaz de sobreviver no universo simbólico de uma certa sociedade. O artigo conclui que as quatro revistas apresentaram diferentes narrativas para o mesmo acontecimento, assim como identidades distintas para os atores envolvidos nesse acontecimento. Todas as revistas utilizaram imagens que evocam a iconografia cristã.
BMC pulmonary medicine, Jan 7, 2017
Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) is a proportional ventilatory mode that uses the elec... more Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) is a proportional ventilatory mode that uses the electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi) to offer ventilatory assistance in proportion to patient effort. NAVA has been increasingly used for critically ill patients, but it has not been evaluated during spontaneous breathing trials (SBT). We designed a pilot trial to assess the feasibility of using NAVA during SBTs, and to compare the breathing pattern and patient-ventilator asynchrony of NAVA with Pressure Support (PSV) during SBTs. We conducted a crossover trial in the ICU of a university hospital in Brazil and included mechanically ventilated patients considered ready to undergo an SBT on the day of the study. Patients underwent two SBTs in randomized order: 30 min in PSV of 5 cmH2O or NAVA titrated to generate equivalent peak airway pressure (Paw), with a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cmH2O. The ICU team, blinded to ventilatory mode, evaluated whether patients passed each SBT...
Veterinary research, Oct 10, 2017
Commercial production of swine often involves raising animals in large groups through the use of ... more Commercial production of swine often involves raising animals in large groups through the use of multi-stage production systems. In such systems, pigs can experience different degrees of contact with animals of the same or different ages. Population size and degree of contact can greatly influence transmission of endemic pathogens, including influenza A virus (IAV). IAV can display high genetic variability, which can further complicate population-level patterns. Yet, the IAV transmission in large multi-site swine production systems has not been well studied. The objectives of this study were to describe the IAV circulation in a multi-source nursery facility and identify factors associated with infection in nursery pigs. Pigs from five sow herds were mixed in one all-in/all-out nursery barn, with 81 and 75 pigs included in two longitudinal studies. Virus isolation was performed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and serology was performed using hemagglutination inhibition assays. Ris...
Anais Do Salao De Ensino E De Extensao, Oct 21, 2013
A partir da disciplina de Literatura Infantojuvenil, ministrada pela professora Ângela Fronckowia... more A partir da disciplina de Literatura Infantojuvenil, ministrada pela professora Ângela Fronckowiak, durante o primeiro semestre do ano de 2013, pensamos e elaboramos este trabalho, que tem por objetivo analisar alguns aspectos recorrentes nas obras de Roald Dahl, escritor britânico, a saber, A fantastica fabrica de chocolates , James e o pessego gigante , O BGA , As bruxas e O remedio maravilhoso de Jorge . Anteriormente, no momento da primeira apresentacao para disciplina, haviamos incluido em nossa abordagem a colaboracao de Quentin Blake como ilustrador das historias de Dahl, porem, levando em consideracao a brevidade da situacao, nessa reapresentacao decidimos nos basear principalmente no escritor que da titulo ao nosso trabalho. Ao estudarmos as obras de Dahl, destacamos a presenca de planos vingativos e sorrateiros, elaborados pelas proprias vitimas de maus tratos, como ocorre, por exemplo, em O remedio maravilhoso de Jorge . A personagem principal dessa obra, o menino chamado Jorge, apos ser severamente humilhado e castigado pela avo na ausencia dos pais e motivado por um desejo de vinganca, prepara uma pocao para dar-lhe uma licao. Outra caracteristica que ressaltamos nas obras de Dahl e a predominância de criancas protagonistas, aspecto que pode ser percebido, especialmente, em James e o pessego gigante . Aqui, James, apesar de viver com as tias, e responsavel pela propria subsistencia, ja que elas, tanto por negligencia quanto por pura maldade, nao se preocupam com o bem estar do garoto e ate mesmo o obrigam a realizar trabalhos forcados. Alem disso, durante a viagem no pessego gigante, James e quem resolve todos os problemas, tornando-se responsavel por todos os companheiros. Essas tematicas percebidas nas obras de Dahl sao frequentemente mal compreendidas por muitos leitores que pensam que isso poderia influenciar negativamente as criancas. Por esse motivo, chegam mesmo a solicitar a retirada dos livros de Dahl das bibliotecas da Gra Bretanha. Entretanto, queremos destacar que as obras de Dahl, assim como toda a literatura infanto-juvenil, sao emancipatorias, ou seja, nao tem o objetivo de educar a partir de conceitos morais, pois acreditamos que as criancas sabem distinguir a realidade da ficcao. Esse aspecto sombrio que envolve as historias de Dahl (aqui nos referimos as tematicas da vinganca, da maldade e do abandono, por exemplo) e fundamental para a formacao da crianca, visto que e capaz de ajuda-las a reconhecer e lidar com os proprios sentimentos, sejam eles de raiva, odio, rancor, bem como de amor e amizade. Contudo, e imprescindivel ressaltar que a obra de Dahl, embora represente temas polemicos, e marcada pelo humor, o que faz com que a leitura seja divertida e agradavel, tanto para a crianca quanto para o adulto. Concluimos que, especialmente no que se refere a crianca, questoes como o protagonismo, a orfandade e a "punicao" merecem destaque na obra de Dahl nao pelo valor moral que sao a elas atribuidos, mas pela forma emancipatoria como sao representadas pelo autor. A crianca, longe de significar um ser totalmente dependente do adulto, tanto fisica quanto psicologicamente, e capaz de avaliar as situacoes que lhe sao impostas pela sociedade e tomar as proprias decisoes. Nos livros de Dahl, como percebemos, essa e uma realidade recorrente. E, portanto, a respeito desse aspecto que se constroem as bases de nosso trabalho.
Revista Neurociências, 2015
Objetivo. Investigar os efeitos e a segurança da mobilização funcional para ganho de flexibilidad... more Objetivo. Investigar os efeitos e a segurança da mobilização funcional para ganho de flexibilidade em crianças com Síndrome de Werdnig-Hoffman ventiladas cronicamente. Método. Este trabalho é um relato de casos. Trata-se de crianças com diagnóstico de Síndrome de Werdnig-Hoffman, internadas em UTI Pediátrica, utilizando ventilação mecânica invasiva sob traqueostomia. As crianças foram submetidas ao protocolo de mobilização funcional por oito semanas, durante 30 minutos, cinco vezes por semana, baseado no método de neurodesenvolvimento. A flexibilidade foi avaliada semanalmente por meio de medidas goniométricas para flexão dos cotovelos, extensão dos joelhos e dorsiflexão dos tornozelos. A segurança da mobilização foi avaliada antes durante e após o procedimento através das medidas da frequência cardíaca, respiratória e a saturação de oxigênio. Resultados. Foram incluídas duas crianças com Síndrome de Werdnig Hoffman. Na avaliação inicial a criança (A) com cinco anos e a criança (...
We have developed a Combined Semiotic-Cognitive method (CSCmethod) to evaluate software interacti... more We have developed a Combined Semiotic-Cognitive method (CSCmethod) to evaluate software interaction design because we believe that an inspection combining both perspectives provides more comprehensive and powerful results compared to when we use semiotic and cognitive evaluation methods separately. Originally, the CSCmethod combined the Semiotic Inspection Method (SIM), which evaluates the communicability of interaction design, and an analysis based on the CDN framework (CDNf), which evaluates design usability. The original combination produced insightful results regarding both usability and communicability issues. Recently, however, we have been asking ourselves further questions. For example, does the order of execution matter? Could a “light version” of SIM be used in the combined method? This report presents a detailed account of the data and the evaluation process, using what we called “SIM light”, instead of the complete version of the method. We evaluated a popular software m...
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2006
This paper has the objective to analyze the cellular aspects of liver regeneration (LR). Upon dam... more This paper has the objective to analyze the cellular aspects of liver regeneration (LR). Upon damage in this organ, the regenerative capacity of hepatocyte is sufficiently able to reestablish the parenchyma as a whole. Taking into account the regenerative capacity of hepatocyte, the need of a progenitor or a liver trunk cell was not obvious. Nowadays it is well-established that precursor cells take part in the liver regenerative process. The liver trunk cell, oval cell, acts as a bypotential precursor, contributing for the liver restoration, mainly when the hepatocytes are unable to proliferate. Another precursor, trunk cell of hematopoetic origin (HSC), takes part in the regenerative process, originating cells of the hepatocitic lineage and colangiocytes, as well as the oval cell. The way the trans-differentiation takes place is not established yet. A number of studies must be undertaken in order to clarify questions, such as the possible occurrence of cellular fusion process betwe...
2010 Seventh International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2010
Experiences on the use of business models for ... Rosaria Bittencourt National Nuclear Energy Com... more Experiences on the use of business models for ... Rosaria Bittencourt National Nuclear Energy Commission Organization Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil ... Renata Araujo1, Claudia Cappelli2, Juliana Ferreira2, Priscila Engiel2 Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) Rio ...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015
Photodynamic Therapy: Back to the Future, 2009
The efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) combined with aminolevulinic acid (ALA) or methyl amin... more The efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) combined with aminolevulinic acid (ALA) or methyl aminolevulinate (MAL) in treatment of cancer has been studied for over ten years. However, there is no established dose for the topical use of these drugs in PDT. The purpose of this study was the comparison of induced PDT response of ALAsense (5-aminolevulinic acid - ALA) and Metvix (methyl aminolevulinate - MAL). Depth of necrosis induced by PDT was analyzed in normal liver of male Wistar rats, using different light doses and topical application of both PpIX precursors - ALA and MAL. PDT was performed with a diode laser at 630 nm with different doses of light (20, 50, 100 and 200 J/cm2), and intensity of 250 mW/cm2. Depth of necrosis analysis was used to calculate the threshold dose for each drug. The results showed that MAL-PDT presented a better response than ALA-PDT, mainly due to formulation differences. Moreover, the ability of the ALA PpIX production was more efficient.
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2014
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 2011
Despite significant advances in neurosurgical techniques, the median survival time of patients wi... more Despite significant advances in neurosurgical techniques, the median survival time of patients with glioblastoma has improved little over the past 50 years and remains less than one year. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is presently established as a widely accepted modality for the treatment of a variety of solid tumors. This study evaluated the effect of PDT-Photogem(®) on five glioma cell lines (U87, U138, U251, U343, and T98G). The experiments were carried out in 25-cm(3) flasks with different groups of cells seeded at a density of 1 × 10(5) cells per flask. After 3 h, the medium was removed, and the cells were incubated for 4 h with Photogem (5 μg/mL). After the incubation time, the photosensitizer-containing medium was removed and the cells were irradiated with LED (630 nm, 25 mW/cm(2), 25 J/cm(2)) devices for 17 min. For the final steps of the PDT, the cells were returned to the incubator and kept at 37°C with 5% CO(2) for 24 h, the cell viability assay was assessed using the trypan blue method, and the expression of Caspase 3 mRNA levels was assessed by real-time quantitative PCR. Upon PDT-Photogem(®) treatment, viable cells, as evaluated by the trypan blue dye-exclusion method, decreased in two cell lines (U87 and U138) but not in the other three. Apoptosis, as assessed by the expression of caspase-3 mRNA levels, was at least partly involved in the death mechanism of the cell lines. Collectively, our results indicated that PDT-Photogem(®) can act in glioma cells, thus encouraging new experiments in this field.
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2011
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 2010
Lasers in Medical Science, 2012
The objective of this work was to evaluate photodynamic therapy (PDT) by using a hematoporphyrin ... more The objective of this work was to evaluate photodynamic therapy (PDT) by using a hematoporphyrin derivative as a photosensitizer and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as light source in induced mammary tumors of Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Twenty SD rats with mammary tumors induced by DMBA were used. Animals were divided into four groups: control (G1), PDT only (G2), surgical removal of tumor (G3), and submitted to PDT immediately after surgical removal of tumor (G4). Tumors were measured over 6 weeks. Lesions and surgical were LEDs lighted up (200 J/cm(2) dose). The light distribution in vivo study used two additional animals without mammary tumors. In the control group, the average growth of tumor diameter was approximately 0.40 cm/week. While for PDT group, a growth of less than 0.15 cm/week was observed, suggesting significant delay in tumor growth. Therefore, only partial irradiation of the tumors occurred with a reduction in development, but without elimination. Animals in G4 had no tumor recurrence during the 12 weeks, after chemical induction, when compared with G3 animals that showed 60 % recurrence rate after 12 weeks of chemical induction. PDT used in the experimental model of mammary tumor as a single therapy was effective in reducing tumor development, so the surgery associated with PDT is a safe and efficient destruction of residual tumor, preventing recurrence of the tumor.
Papers by Juliana Ferreira