Papers by Katarína Stachová
International Education Studies, 2015
In spite of turbulent urbanisation in Slovakia we assume that the 21 st century is also a period ... more In spite of turbulent urbanisation in Slovakia we assume that the 21 st century is also a period of differences in value criteria of people living in rural and urban areas. The level of urbanisation, i.e. inhabitant movement from the countryside to towns and the level of suburbanisation, i.e. inhabitant movement from towns to the countryside, are essential urbanisation processes that must be in the centre of our attention in order to understand the individual behaviour in our society more effectively. School and education plays a key role in life of almost all people. This environment affects pupils as well as teachers. Teachers are significant members of the society and influence its further development. Teaching strategies, organisation and management of classroom activities, the use of activation procedures and effective tools for the assessment of educational progress depend greatly on teachers that must be prepared professionally with appropriate qualification. In the paper we deal with the issue of motivational differences of teachers at primary schools (sampling unit consists of 2151 teachers) in Slovakia due to work location (countryside-town). Result of the research, despite small significant differences, is the statement that unified motivation programme for primary school staff can be created.
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, 2014
Sustainability, 2018
Quality human resources are an integral part of corporate strategy. Human capital development is ... more Quality human resources are an integral part of corporate strategy. Human capital development is an essential step towards the success of the business on the market. This paper fills the hole by providing the information about the ways how to motivate employees in terms of occupational classification and the age. The aim of the research was to determine whether there are statistically significant differences in the level of importance of employee motivation in terms of occupational classification and the age of respondents and the studied areas of motivation. A total of 3720 employees in small and medium-sized enterprises were analysed all over Slovakia using the method of simple random sampling. Descriptive statistics were used to describe sampling units. The differences in the values of the importance of motivation factors of individual groups were tested using the method of Tukey’s HSD at the level of significance α = 5%. Following the results, the fact that there are significant...
E+M Ekonomie a Management
The objective of this research study is to identify the degree of implementation of innovations i... more The objective of this research study is to identify the degree of implementation of innovations in the field of job digitalization and to identify whether jobs allow employees to maximum autonomy in the performance of their work. This study uses Computer Assisted Self Interviewing (CASI) to meet this objective and to test the hypotheses. Data distribution and collection were conducted throughout the year 2020; the research sample includes 841 companies from the EU 27 international environment. The holistic finding is that economic sector does not show significant differences in current levels of or expectations for innovations in the field of digitalization. This finding demonstrates that digitalization is a phenomenon that is not only linked to certain specific industries of the economy, but that affects the economy as a whole. The authors’ research demonstrates that EU 27 businesses, regardless of the sector in which they operate, are aware of the need to innovate in digitalizatio...
Management Trends in the Context of Industry 4.0, 2021
In today's technologically driven world, data is essential for decision making process. A compreh... more In today's technologically driven world, data is essential for decision making process. A comprehensive data analysis is needed to review past practices to improve business performance in the future. The use of data science is found in every prominent domain today and human resources management is one of them. The departure of qualified employees is costly for companies, so it is necessary for them to be able to estimate in advance the probability of their departure and take preventive measures (Jaffara et al., 2019). Once companies have this information, they know how to change their strategy to retain key employees or start hiring new employees in time. For company executives, it is important to link such an analysis of employee departures with the creation of a strategy, and thus obtain cost-effective human resources management. We focused on predicting employee turnover through the Python programming language. Using a correlation matrix that shows the relationships between the various reasons for leaving and decision trees, we provide a management tool to determine the probability of employee turnover. One of the strongest reasons for employee turnover was exhaustion at work, where more than 54% of retired workers worked overtime. Another was income discrepancies between departments. The data analysis points to several differences in the treatment of employees.
Management Trends in the Context of Industry 4.0, 2021
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by the onset of radical changes associated with... more The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by the onset of radical changes associated with the advent of new technologies that enable the dissemination and sharing of innovation much faster than ever before. The question arises, what will be the future of work, and how will the competencies of the employees and employers emerge in today’s digital era? Study from the 2017 Manyika et al. claims that by 2030, 75 million to 375 million workers (3 to 14 percent of the global work force) will have to switch their actual job positions and their occupational cate-gories. In the sample of 50 Slovak companies, we have analyzed the expected focus of companies for the following 5-10 years. The most expected trend (48% of com-panies) is greater focus on services. Further, one third of the analyzed companies expect to focus on expansion of business activities, creation of new additional services, expansion of company ́s operations and transition to digital way of providing services. More t...
Sustainability, 2019
The new challenges that will currently affect the existence and sustainability of businesses stem... more The new challenges that will currently affect the existence and sustainability of businesses stem from the dramatic changes that come from the fourth industrial revolution. Based on the concept of intellectual capital management as a resource-based strategic management approach, which leads to the management of structural, human, and relational capital, sustainable human resource management underlines the involvement of partnerships and external relations in learning and personal development processes. Industry 4.0 expects major changes in human resource management and processes such as education. Organizations will benefit from the new knowledge in the near future that will need to be brought into the internal environment of the organization constantly. However, this will require cooperation with the external environment, and the resulting new education opportunities built on cooperation with external partners, organizations, and educational institutions. Innovations as essential f...
Naše more, 2018
The paper´s objective is to analyse a certain influence of using creative potential of employees ... more The paper´s objective is to analyse a certain influence of using creative potential of employees on the innovation processes management in the transportationlogistics companies. An important part is the presentation of partial results of a survey (conducted between 2013 and 2016) regarding particular development of orientation towards the level of motivation and support of employee creativity in Slovak companies with over 50 employees. These results revealed significant deficiencies in the employees' motivation to be creative and in the extent of their involvement in innovations. In the process of creating an appropriate environment, a particular point evaluation is then provided recognizing the actual level of the organizations' orientation towards the discussed issue. In order to identify certain barriers to improve the innovation processes, a case study was also used to classify the current state of the three selected transportation-logistics companies operating in the Slovak Republic.
Business: Theory and Practice, 2018
Distinguishing an organisation from the competition, and building a position noticeably ahead of ... more Distinguishing an organisation from the competition, and building a position noticeably ahead of it entails the identification, attracting, education, development, and especially retaining of quality and talented employees. The objective of the article is to analyse the link between the region of operation of the organisation and its focus on the activities related to talent management, and to specify the overall change in the focus of organisations on talent management in time. Several partial objectives, such as a questionnaire survey conducted in Slovak organisations between 2013 – 2017, were fulfilled in order to accomplish this objective. Statistical hypothesis testing aimed at specifying the relationship between the region of operation of the given organisation and the execution of activities related to talent management in it, and the focus of the organisation on career planning of all the categories of employees, confirmed a link between the analysed variables. Positive chan...
REFLEXIE Kompendium teórie a praxe podnikania
At the beginning of the pandemic an involuntary implementation of work from home practices was co... more At the beginning of the pandemic an involuntary implementation of work from home practices was considered a short-term solution. The continuous pandemic has resulted in a work from home phenomenon. It is assumed that work from home can create substantial savings. The question is, therefore, whether work from home can reduce labour cost and be a cost saving tool for more efficient business. This paper analyzes the link between work from home and labour cost in 29 European countries. Analyzed data from Eurostat for the period 2019-2021 suggest a strong link between work from home and labour cost regardless of the frequency of use (sometimes or usually). We can observe an increasing dependence of these two variables, which will be apparently reflected as a trend in the nearest future. Growing inputs in the form of an increase in the price of electricity and gas forces us to reconsider the strict functioning of the on site work.
Based on the OECD research from 2020, tourism is one of the biggest and fast-growing sectors of t... more Based on the OECD research from 2020, tourism is one of the biggest and fast-growing sectors of the world economy. Tourism plays a key role in job creation as well as in added value creation. In 2018, the revenue from tourism in Slovakia totaled EUR 2.7 billion, which is EUR 4.7% more than the year before, where the mentioned refers to 3% GDP and 27.6% of the services-related exports. The authors drew their attention to identifying some marketing communication tools’ impact on the castle museum attendance in Slovakia and analyzed the degree and dynamics of the communication structure implementation in the context of cultural heritage. In general, 5840 cultural tourists were interviewed during three restricted cycles: 2006–2009, 2011–2014, and 2016–2019; the interviewing was held through the questionnaires only during the summer seasons. The study herein shows that the quality perception of the carried out offline marketing communication activities and the visit intention itself have...
Flexible organisational structure is characterised by the creation of temporary units (teams) wit... more Flexible organisational structure is characterised by the creation of temporary units (teams) within a basic departmental structure to solve a particular difficult task, important for the organisation and limited by time. It can be stated on its grounds that team work is the basis of innovative organisation operation. However, fact that organisations most often use individuals and not the creation of a team specialised in the given issue in solving of new, important and demanding projects and tasks sounds negative. If organisations want to create so called innovative environment, it is necessary to focus on organisational structure, while it is necessary to realise that different organisational structures are appropriate for different types of organisations. Presumption which was the basis of our analysis of organisational structure flexibility was the fact that organisational flexibility results from its ability to respond to changing conditions and new situations. Therefore, we mo...
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 2014
Abstract: Education of people is among the basic goals as well as outcomes of modern society. It ... more Abstract: Education of people is among the basic goals as well as outcomes of modern society. It is conditioned by the current demanding and turbulent environment requiring constant improvement, enhancement, adaptation and development of the level of education. It means that education needs to be permanent, reflecting all current needs resulting from the reality of changes. Education of employees can be characterised as a permanent process in which adaptation and changes of work behaviour, level of knowledge, skills and motivation of employees of an organisation by means of learning on the grounds of using various methods occurs. It results in reducing the difference between the current competence of employees and requirements posed on them. The objective of the article is to characterise the level of the focus of organisations operating in Slovakia on continuing education and development of employees. This article aims at presenting the results of research conducted in 2012 at the ...
International Review of Management and Marketing, 2017
Flexible organisational structure is characterised by the creation of temporary units (teams) wit... more Flexible organisational structure is characterised by the creation of temporary units (teams) within a basic departmental structure to solve a particular difficult task, important for the organisation and limited by time. It can be stated on its grounds that team work is the basis of innovative organisation operation. However, fact that organisations most often use individuals and not the creation of a team specialised in the given issue in solving of new, important and demanding projects and tasks sounds negative. If organisations want to create so called innovative environment, it is necessary to focus on organisational structure, while it is necessary to realise that different organisational structures are appropriate for different types of organisations. Presumption which was the basis of our analysis of organisational structure flexibility was the fact that organisational flexibility results from its ability to respond to changing conditions and new situations. Therefore, we mo...
Business: Theory and Practice, 2017
Systematic creation and use of human potential enables building and development of strengths of o... more Systematic creation and use of human potential enables building and development of strengths of organisations. If organisations can fully use the potential of their employees it will affect their ability to succeed in competitive environment. Our paper focuses on open and broad communication, as it has a significant impact on both formal and informal labour relations, which, along with information share and knowledge continuity, essentially affect team creation. The questionnaire survey focused on finding out whether and to what extent organisations operating in Slovakia focus on communication. The paper also provides a simple method of evaluating the level of communication and engagement of employees in problem solving in companies. This method is a simple instrument enabling the conduction of analysis in a short time interval, while analysing employees are able to identify a current level of their company on the grounds of results, as well as they are able to identify bottlenecks ...
MEST Journal, 2013
Job analysis is the key function of human resource management, which results from the crosssectio... more Job analysis is the key function of human resource management, which results from the crosssectional character of this function, i.e. it has a direct impact on organisational structure formation and subsequent human resources planning in organisations. The essential fact related to job analysis is its need to carry it out before any activity from the sphere of human resource management functions, since its result has a significant impact on all these functions. It is therefore necessary to summarize the information collected from job analysis in the form of job description and job requirements specification, and ensure their practical implementation in the organisation. Questionnaire research we conducted at School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava over the last two years was focused on finding out whether and in what extent organizations operating in Slovakia focus on job analysis, as comprehensive focus of organisations on job analysis is substantial. The research implied that approximately 40 % of the interviewed organisations do not carry out job analyses at all, while relation comparison implies a significant influence between the size of organisation and job analysis execution.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013
A necessary condition of effective functioning of human resources management in an organisation i... more A necessary condition of effective functioning of human resources management in an organisation is the creation of adequate organisational conditions including the existence of a human resources management department, its size, composition and responsibility, which are formed following particular conditions of the given organisation. Competitive environment of organisations operating in Slovakia and Czech Republic is growing with the process of world economy globalisation, and it brings the need of flexibility in management, and therefore we have to get used to changes also in the sphere of human resources management, and learn to cope with new impulses and situations. At present, that predominantly includes spreading effects of global financial and economic crisis, influencing all spheres of life in Slovakia and in Czech Republic too. Handling this situation presupposes flexibility in assessment of changes in environment where organisations operate, ability to detect all positive a...
... Katarína Stachová School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava, ... more ... Katarína Stachová School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava, Železničná 14, 821 07 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Email: ... 137 p. ISBN 978-80-8078-304-4 Kachaňáková, A.; Nachtmannová, O.; Mulíková, M. 2002. ...
Papers by Katarína Stachová