Papers by Katarina Adamicova
![Research paper thumbnail of Multiple idiopathic external cervical root resorption in patient treated continuously with denosumab: a case report](
BMC Oral Health
Background External root resorption is an irreversible loss of dental hard tissue as a result of ... more Background External root resorption is an irreversible loss of dental hard tissue as a result of odontoclastic action. Multiple external cervical root resorptions in permanent teeth are rare. The exact cause of external cervical root resorption is unclear. It is currently well established that RANK/RANKL signaling is essential for osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Denosumab is an anti-RANKL antibody used for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. RANK/RANKL pathway suppression by denosumab is expected to suppress the activity of clastic cells responsible for hard tissue resorption involving both osteoclasts and odontoclasts. Case presentation This case report demonstrates aggressive and generalized idiopathic external cervical root resorption that started and advanced during ongoing antiresorptive therapy with the human monoclonal RANKL-blocking antibody denosumab without discontinuation of therapy in a 74-year-old female patient treated for postmeno...
![Research paper thumbnail of Multiple idiopathic external cervical root resorption in patient treated continuously with denosumab: a case report](
BMC Oral Health, Apr 15, 2022
Background: External root resorption is an irreversible loss of dental hard tissue as a result of... more Background: External root resorption is an irreversible loss of dental hard tissue as a result of odontoclastic action. Multiple external cervical root resorptions in permanent teeth are rare. The exact cause of external cervical root resorption is unclear. It is currently well established that RANK/RANKL signaling is essential for osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Denosumab is an anti-RANKL antibody used for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. RANK/RANKL pathway suppression by denosumab is expected to suppress the activity of clastic cells responsible for hard tissue resorption involving both osteoclasts and odontoclasts. Case presentation: This case report demonstrates aggressive and generalized idiopathic external cervical root resorption that started and advanced during ongoing antiresorptive therapy with the human monoclonal RANKLblocking antibody denosumab without discontinuation of therapy in a 74-year-old female patient treated for postmenopausal osteoporosis. The extent of resorptive defects was too large and progressively led to fractures of the teeth. The number of teeth involved and the extend of destruction excluded conservative treatment. The affected teeth had to be extracted for functional prosthetic reconstruction. This finding suggests that treatment with denosumab may be associated with severe and aggressive odontoclastic resorption of multiple dental roots despite an adequate inhibitory effect on osteoclasts in the treatment of osteoporosis. The RANKL-independent pathways of clastic cell formation are likely to be involved in this pathological process.
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Oct 1, 2010
The Publisher regrets that this article is an accidental duplication of an article that has alrea... more The Publisher regrets that this article is an accidental duplication of an article that has already been published, The duplicate article has therefore been withdrawn.
![Research paper thumbnail of The efficiency of polyphenolic compounds on allergen induced hyperreactivity of the airways](
Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition, Oct 1, 2011
Abstract The results of some epidemiologic studies have suggested that the consumption of the foo... more Abstract The results of some epidemiologic studies have suggested that the consumption of the food containing polyphenolic compounds might reduce the occurrence of asthma symptoms. The aim of our experiments was to evaluate the effect of the 21-day red-wine polyphenolic compounds (Provinol) administration on allergen (OVA) induced inflammation of the airways in experimental conditions. The allergic inflammation of the airways was induced in guinea pigs by 21-day ovalbumin sensitization. The tracheal smooth muscle reactivity was examined by in vitro method to bronchoconstricting mediator histamine (10 −8 –10 −3 mol/L); the changes in airways resistance were examined by in vivo method by exposure to nebulized histamine (10 −6 mol/L). The histological investigation of the tracheal tissue and BALF levels of IL-4, IL-5 were used as parameters of the airway inflammation. A 21-day administration of Provinol caused a significant decrease of the specific airway resistance after the histamine nebulization and the decline in tracheal smooth muscle contraction amplitude to this bronchoconstrictor. Provinol minimized the degree of inflammation estimated on the basis of eosinophil calculation and levels of inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL5. In conclusion, the administration of Provinol leads to bronchodilating and anti-inflammatory effects in ovalbumin-sensitized guinea pigs, suggesting their possible use in the therapy of allergic inflammatory conditions of the airways.
![Research paper thumbnail of Gossypiboma mimicking recurrent mandibular tumor: case report](
PubMed, 2020
Gossypiboma is not a commonly known surgical complication. It is a tumorous lesion usually caused... more Gossypiboma is not a commonly known surgical complication. It is a tumorous lesion usually caused by hemostatic material used in surgery. Such lesions are most commonly described after abdominal surgery. In this case report, the authors describe a case of a 17 year old female patient, operated for a mandible tumor. Histopathologically it was an ameloblastoma. The patient was treated lege artis, with the use of Surgicel® felt (Surgicel FibrillarTM Absorbable Hemostat). After two months, the young woman returned to clinics with a tumorous lesion at the same location. On the CT scan the lesion appeared to be a recurrence of the originally diagnosed ameloblastoma. Histopathologically, the lesion consisted of a foreign material with surrounding granulation tissue and massive inflamation. The foreign material had an atypical structure. Subsequent consultations and consensus at the clinic confirmed that it was a haemostatic foreign material with a surrounding hyper-inflammatory response mimicking a tumor, known in the literature under various names, most often as gossypiboma or textiloma.
![Research paper thumbnail of Gorlinov-Goltzov syndróm – kazuistika](
Východiska: Gorlinov-Goltzov syndrom je autozomovo dominantne dedicne ochorenie charakteristicke ... more Východiska: Gorlinov-Goltzov syndrom je autozomovo dominantne dedicne ochorenie charakteristicke predispoziciou k roznym typom nadorov. Klinicko-patologicke nalezy syndromu su veľmi pestre, pricom mnohe symptomy sa zacinaju prejavovať až v urcitom obdobi života. Pripad: Autori opisuju pripad muža, ktorý sa vo veku 34 rokov dostavil na dermatologicke vysetrenie s mnohopocetnými tumoroznymi leziami kože. Ich vývoj zacal pozorovať približne od 30 roku života a odvtedy sa ich pocet zvysoval. Histologicky islo o bazocelularne karcinomy (BCC) superficialneho, superficialno-nodularneho a nodularneho typu. Celkovo mal chirurgicky odstranených a mikroskopicky vysetrených 11 primarnych BCC. Ostatne boli liecene lokalne imiquimodom a kryoterapiou. Okrem toho mal z ceľuste a sanky exstirpovane viacpocetne odontogenne keratocysty a extrahovane retinovane a nadpocetne zuby. Ďalsie klinicke a zobrazovacie vysetrenia potvrdili makrocefaliu, hypertelorizmus, kalcifikaciu falx cerebri a abnormality krcných stavcov. Spektrum chorobných zmien spĺňalo diagnosticke kriteria Gorlinovho-Goltzovho syndromu. Zaver: Hoci je Gorlinov-Goltzov syndrom v bežnej praxi veľmi zriedkavý, vacsinou predstavuje zavažnu chorobnu jednotku s multiorganovým postihnutim. Z prognostickeho hľadiska je kľucova jeho vcasna diagnostika a zahajenie adekvatnej terapie. V pripade potvrdenia diagnozy je nevyhnutna celoživotna dispenzarizacia pacienta s medziodborovou lekarskou spolupracou.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Skin cell response after jellyfish sting]](
PubMed, 2016
Introduction: Jellyfish burning is not commonly part of the professional finding in the central E... more Introduction: Jellyfish burning is not commonly part of the professional finding in the central Europe health care laboratory. Holiday seaside tourism includes different and unusual presentations of diseases for our worklplaces. Sea water-sports and leisure is commonly connected with jellyfish burning and changes in the skin, that are not precisely described. Aim: Authors focused their research on detection of morphological and quantitative changes of some inflammatory cells in the skin biopsy of a 59-years-old woman ten days after a jellyfish stinging. Because of a comparison of findings the biopsy was performed in the skin with lesional and nonlesional skin. Methods: Both excisions of the skin were tested by imunohistochemical methods to detect CD68, CD163, CD30, CD4, CD3, CD8, CD20 a CD1a, to detect histiocytes, as well as several clones of lymphocytes and Langerhans cells (antigen presenting cells of skin), CD 117, toluidin blue and chloracetase esterase to detect mastocytes and neutrophils. Material was tested by immunofluorescent methods to detect IgA, IgM, IgG, C3, C4, albumin and fibrinogen. Representative view-fields were documented by microscope photocamera Leica DFC 420 C. Registered photos from both samples of the skin were processed by morphometrical analysis by the Vision Assistant software. A student t-test was used for statistical analysis of reached results. Results: Mean values of individual found cells in the sample with lesion and without lesion were as follows: CD117 -2.64/0.37, CD68-6.86/1.63, CD163-3.13/2.23, CD30-1.36/0.02, CD4-3.51/0.32, CD8-8.22/0.50, CD3-10.69/0.66, CD20-0.56/0.66, CD1a-7.97/0.47 respectively. Generally mild elevation of eosinofils in lesional skin was detected. Increased values of tested cells seen in excision from lesional skin when compared with nonlesional ones were statistically significant in eight case at the level p = 0.033 to 0.001. A not statistically significant difference was found only in the group of CD163+ histiocytes. Conclusion: Authors detected numbers of inflammatory cells in lesional skin after the stinging by a jellyfish and compared them with the numbers of cells in the nonlesional skin of the same patient. Statistically significant differences were seen in the level of selected inflammation cells and numerically documented changes of cellularity in the inflammatory focus were caused by a hypersensitivity reaction after jellyfish injury in the period of 10 days after attack.
![Research paper thumbnail of Microvascular changes in relation to inflammation and epidermal hyperplasia in chronic cutaneous lesions of psoriasis vulgaris](
PubMed, May 1, 2017
Epidermal proliferation, inflammatory changes and microvascular augmentation are prominent featur... more Epidermal proliferation, inflammatory changes and microvascular augmentation are prominent features of chronic cutaneous psoriatic lesions. The objective of this study was the investigation of blood and lymphatic microvascular changes in relation to epidermal changes and inflammatory infiltration in dermis. Immunohistochemical analysis with antibodies to CD34, podoplanin, vascular endothelial growth factors - A and C (VEGF-A and C) and morphometric software were used for quantification of the following parameters: blood and lymphatic vessel area (BVA and LVA), VEGF - A and VEGF-C positive area, inflammatory cell infiltration in dermis (CIA) and epidermal area (EA). In comparison to healthy skin psoriatic lesions showed remarkable elevation of all measured parameters with the following average increase: BVA (2.8-times increased), LVA (2.6-times increased), VEGF-A and VEGF-C area (in epidermis 29-times and 19- times increased, in dermis 25-times and 15- times increased, respectively ), and EA (3-times increased). Statistical analysis revealed significant positive correlation between CIA and EA in psoriatic samples. Blood vessels area and VEGF - A expression in epidermis showed mild positive correlation with epidermal hyperplasia and weak positive correlation with dermal inflammatory infiltration. VEGF - A expression in epidermis also significantly correlated with blood vessels area. As for the lymphatic microcirculation we found a statistically significant positive correlation between lymphatic vessels area and the cellular infiltration in dermis but only weak correlation with epidermal hyperplasia. We hypothesize that angiogenesis in psoriasis is to a greater extent responding to epidermal hyperplasia and in a lesser way to inflammatory infiltration in dermis. However, lymphangiogenesis is significantly related to dermal inflammatory infiltration.
![Research paper thumbnail of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome](
Klinická onkologie, Apr 15, 2019
Východiská: Gorlinov-Goltzov syndróm je autozómovo dominantne dedičné ochorenie charakteristické ... more Východiská: Gorlinov-Goltzov syndróm je autozómovo dominantne dedičné ochorenie charakteristické predispozíciou k rôznym typom nádorov. Klinicko-patologické nálezy syndrómu sú veľmi pestré, pričom mnohé symptómy sa začínajú prejavovať až v určitom období života. Prípad: Autori opisujú prípad muža, ktorý sa vo veku 34 rokov dostavil na dermatologické vyšetrenie s mnohopočetnými tumoróznymi léziami kože. Ich vývoj začal pozorovať približne od 30. roku života a odvtedy sa ich počet zvyšoval. Histologicky išlo o bazocelulárne karcinómy superficiálneho, superficiálno-nodulárneho a nodulárneho typu. Celkovo mal chirurgicky odstránených a mikroskopicky vyšetrených 11 primárnych bazocelulárnych karcinómov. Ostatné boli liečené lokálne imiquimodom a kryoterapiou. Okrem toho mal z čeľuste a sánky exstirpované viacpočetné odontogénne keratocysty a extrahované retinované a nadpočetné zuby. Ďalšie klinické a zobrazovacie vyšetrenia potvrdili makrocefáliu, hypertelorizmus, kalcifikáciu falx cerebri a abnormality krčných stavcov. Spektrum chorobných zmien spĺňalo dia gnostické kritériá Gorlinovho-Goltzovho syndrómu. Záver: Hoci je Gorlinov-Goltzov syndróm v bežnej praxi veľmi zriedkavý, väčšinou predstavuje závažnú chorobnú jednotku s multiorgánovým postihnutím. Z prognostického hľadiska je kľúčová jeho včasná dia gnostika a zahájenie adekvátnej terapie. V prípade potvrdenia dia gnózy je nevyhnutná celoživotná dispenzarizácia pa cienta s medziodborovou lekárskou spoluprácou.
Der Chirurg, Apr 1, 2002
ABSTRACT Weichteiltumoren stellen ein häufiges Krankheitsibld in jeder chirurgischen Abteilung da... more ABSTRACT Weichteiltumoren stellen ein häufiges Krankheitsibld in jeder chirurgischen Abteilung dar. In der Kasuistik beschreiben die Autoren den seltenen Fall eines Riesentumors, dessen makroskopisches Aussehen ein Liposarkom simuliert hat. Soft tissue tumors are commonly encountered in all surgical departments. The authors present a case of a very rare large tumor lesion, with macroscopic signs of liposarcoma.
World Journal of Clinical Cases, Sep 26, 2020
Author contributions: Prídavková D participated in the conception and design of the report and wr... more Author contributions: Prídavková D participated in the conception and design of the report and wrote the paper; Kyčina R, Adamicová K, Kalman M, Belicová M and Mokáň M made substantial contributions to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the patient data; Samoš M and Belicová M were involved in the coordination and design of the report and revision of the manuscript; all authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Acta Medica Martiniana, Sep 1, 2015
The authors report an interesting case of dangerous complications during dental hygienist treatme... more The authors report an interesting case of dangerous complications during dental hygienist treatment. Soft tissue emphysema during, and after stomatological procedures is described in several works. Such a complication after "airflowing" has not yet been published in literature.
Case Reports in Dermatology, Dec 7, 2021
The authors present a rare case of a patient with telangiectasia macular eruptiva perstans, with ... more The authors present a rare case of a patient with telangiectasia macular eruptiva perstans, with confirmed D816V mutation which later progressed to systemic mastocytosis confirmed by trepanobiopsy. First-line treatment-phototherapy-had to be stopped, and systemic treatment with interferon alpha-2a was initiated. The treatment was successful with regression of skin lesions as well as mast cell infiltrates in the bone marrow. However, the treatment was complicated by the onset of psoriasis lesions.
PubMed, 2014
Barts syndrome, in literature also known under the name CLAS (Congenital Localised Absence of Ski... more Barts syndrome, in literature also known under the name CLAS (Congenital Localised Absence of Skin), first described by Bart in 1966 as congenital localized absence of skin, epidermolysis bullosa congenita and nail abnormalities. The authors present a macroscopic and histological findings of a newborn with Barts syndrome, with epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis and atresia pylori, who died 17 days after birth and 13 days after surgery for pyloric stenosis.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Lungs "Hassalloid´s-like" bodies in children with epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis and bart´s syndrome]](
PubMed, Aug 16, 2016
Epidermolysis bullosa and Bart´s syndrome are fairly accurately documented diseases by histopatho... more Epidermolysis bullosa and Bart´s syndrome are fairly accurately documented diseases by histopathology. In the article the authors describe interesting and hitherto undescribed phenomenon in the lungs male infant with epidermolysis bullosa junctionalis and Barts syndrome, who died 17 days after birth and 13 days after surgery for pyloric atresia, on multiorgan failure within basic congenital diseases.Histologically in lung alveoli was found to the massive presence of foamy macrophages and numerous globoid formations resembling morphological and immunohistochemical "Hassall´s" bodies in a thymus of the newborn. It was a acidophillic spherical bodies concentric tracks in the connective tissue with focal presence of fibrin, as a unique proof CKAE1/AE3 and CKHMW positive epithelial cells and CD68-positive histiocytic elements. An interesting finding was the follicular skin structure in the center "hassalloid´s-like" body, which suggests an aspiration components of the skin during intrauterine life.Normal Apgar score at birth of the child (10/10/10 s.) and severe histological features on the death of the child testify for the first pathogenetic formation "hassalloid´s-like" bodies in the lungs during the 17-day life of a disabled child.
![Research paper thumbnail of Extramammary Paget’s Disease Versus Lichen Sclerosus](
Acta Medica Martiniana, Dec 1, 2016
Burning, itching and dyspareunia are typical symptoms of many genital diseases. These subjective ... more Burning, itching and dyspareunia are typical symptoms of many genital diseases. These subjective complaints can be misdiagnosed because of different clinical presentations. We present a case report of a postmenopausal woman treated for genital warts over a period of three years followed by the development of leukoplastic lesions in the whitish area clinical classified as Lichen sclerosus (LS). Histology of this lesion revealed carcinoma in situ. After radical surgical removal, vulvar Paget's disease was histologically verified. LS and extramammary Paget´s disease (EMPD) belong to a group of uncommon dermatoses which mainly affect the skin of the genitals in postmenopausal women. Ulceration, erosions and leukoplastic lesions can signalize the development of squamous cell carcinoma in association of lichen sclerosus, on the other hand, they can be the sign of EMPD after a long period of time using different topical agents. The importance of reaching the correct diagnosis is essential and can influence current patient investigations and invasive or non-invasive treatment.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Quantitative changes in CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes in the skin of patients with psoriasis treated with cyclosporin A]](
PubMed, Nov 1, 2001
Many things are still not clear in the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis. Health workers in various b... more Many things are still not clear in the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis. Health workers in various branches of medicine and even those working in other professions linked with medicine can contribute to gaining more knowledge about its etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis or treatment. This work presents results from observations of 19 patients with a severe form of psoriasis. Material for immunohistopathological examinations was taken from the margins of chronic psoriatic sites twice from each patient: before treatment and after a 4-week treatment by cyclosporin A. Numeric value of CD4+ T lymphocytes, CD8+ T lymphocytes, their ratios and the values of PASI score were followed. Significant decrease in CD4 T lymphocytes and slight decrease in CD8+ T lymphocytes where observed after treatment. The CD4+:CD8+ ratio dropped from the values of 2.10 to 1.68. A dramatic decrease in PASI score was observed--from the average value of 23.34 to the average value of 11.97. The authors compare and discuss the results of similar cytophotometric studies found in the works of other researchers, but this type of results (CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes subpopulations) is very rare in available literature. The decreases found in all studied parametres correspond with clinically well-known treatment effect of cyclosporin A whose immunomodulating effect is targeted mainly at the T lymphocyte inflammatory population.
Acta Medica Martiniana, Apr 25, 2017
Internal malignancy may be presented in the form of paraneoplastic syndromes, which may indicate ... more Internal malignancy may be presented in the form of paraneoplastic syndromes, which may indicate either formation or recurrence of a previously treated malignancy. Furthermore cutaneous paraneoplastic disorders often precede a diagnosis of cancer. We present 2 unique case reports with cutaneous paraneoplastic manifestations. The first one describes a patient with sudden progression of long-term stabilized morphea in connection with newly diagnosed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The second one describes female patient with breast cancer preceded by the development of extragenital lichen sclerosus (LS) with typical sclerotic lesions and hemorrhagic bullae.
Papers by Katarina Adamicova