DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of t... more DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement:
Modal shift in freight transport entails moving freight from road to rail, inland waterways, and ... more Modal shift in freight transport entails moving freight from road to rail, inland waterways, and short sea shipping. In current Dutch and European freight transport policy, modal shift is foreseen to play an important role to mitigate external effects of freight transport. Policy efforts on modal shift are legitimate because the size of the external costs of freight transport are considerable. But can modal shift policies also be effective? In other words, can policy efforts on modal shift result in a decrease of external costs and infrastructure costs due to freight transport? Our research approach falls apart into three steps. In the first step we analyse the transported weight by road on four international freight corridors in North-western Europe that could be transported against at least 10% lower private costs by rail or inland waterways. The share of road transport (transported weight) on the corridors in total road transport in the Netherlands is about 10%. The weight of the...
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of t... more DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement:
Citation for published version (APA): Boer, den, A., Bonekamp, J. G., Brand, P., du Croo De Jongh... more Citation for published version (APA): Boer, den, A., Bonekamp, J. G., Brand, P., du Croo De Jongh, R. J. H., Hendriksen, A. H. M., Herczog, A., ... Tijink, P. J. A. (1994). A collection of modelling problems carried out in the academic year 1991-1992 by the ECMI-students at the Eindhoven University of Technology. (Opleiding wiskunde voor de industrie Eindhoven : student report; Vol. 9401). Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology.
In this paper we will present the progress we made in the past few years by extracting mobility i... more In this paper we will present the progress we made in the past few years by extracting mobility information from Mobile Phone Data (MPD). MPD is collected continuously, 24-hours a day and every day of the year (24/7/365). Using these data (more than 12 billion location-based events monthly in the Netherlands) both regular and irregular traffic patterns can be determined at local, regional and national scales for any time period, and of course the average working day, which is commonly used for transport policy purposes.MPD-data shows reliable information that can be used for monitoring of traffic, improving the quality of origin-destination matrices (OD-matrices) in transport models but also in direct use determining traffic flows. Regarding the improvement of OD-matrices in transport models, we showed in several studies that the distribution, i.e. the structure of the synthetic OD-matrix of transport models can be improved significantly using MPD-data. For example, MPD data perform...
Reliable and accurate short-term traffic state prediction can improve the performance of real-tim... more Reliable and accurate short-term traffic state prediction can improve the performance of real-time traffic management systems significantly. Using this short-time prediction based on current measurements delivered by advanced surveillance systems will support decision-making processes on various control strategies and enhance the performance of the overall network. By taking proactive action deploying traffic management measures, congestion may be prevented or its effects limited. An approach of short-term traffic state prediction is presented and implemented in a real life case for the city of Assen in the Netherlands. This prediction is based on connecting online traffic measurements with a real time traffic model using the macroscopic dynamic traffic assignment model StreamLine in a rolling horizon implementation. Different monitoring data sources consisting of both fixed-point and floating car data are used. The advantage of the rolling horizon approach is that no warming-up period is needed for the dynamic traffic assignment taking less computation time while keeping results consistent. Further, the current traffic state estimation is done by combining model estimates of previous predictions and current measurements. The results of predictions made in the real life case are presented as well as several tested methods for improving the current state estimations showing promising results.
In the Dutch municipality Assen, a large national R&D project on sensor networks is going on. The... more In the Dutch municipality Assen, a large national R&D project on sensor networks is going on. The main goal is to improve traffic flow and environment in the city centre and surrounding region, by developing real-time intelligent traffic management systems making use of different sensing sources of real-time traffic data. For this purpose, a realtime traffic estimation and prediction model will be developed and deployed. A novel calibration approach is developed using a macroscopic model of a larger region. Different monitoring data sources consisting of both fixed-point and floating car data are used. This offers new opportunities, such as better estimation of origin-destination matrices and simulation in urban environments, which will be used to give better travel information towards travellers concerning the traffic situation in the Assen region. This paper presents the implementation of the on-line forecasting model structures and the first findings on the model system design.
2011 International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2011
It is impossible to execute a complete and total preventive evacuation of coastal areas in the Ne... more It is impossible to execute a complete and total preventive evacuation of coastal areas in the Netherlands within the available 48-hour time span in case of a storm surge [1,2]. This is mainly due to the limitations of the road capacity in proportion to the number of inhabitants in the threatened area. A flexible triage is proposed to set the target areas and target groups for those circumstances where it is impossible to evacuate all. The routing of all highway traffic (evacuation as well as not-evacuation) was derived from the National Concept Traffic Management (NCTM). In order to reduce the lead-time of the study a mix of static and macroscopic dynamic assignments is used.
Samenvatting Prognoses van verkeersmodellen leveren in het algemeen een puntschatting van de verw... more Samenvatting Prognoses van verkeersmodellen leveren in het algemeen een puntschatting van de verwachte waarde op een bepaald wegvak. Deze puntschatting hangt echter van zeer veel factoren af die op complexe wijze weer van elkaar afhankelijk zijn. Tot op heden is er weinig informatie beschikbaar om een inschatting te geven van de betrouwbaarheid van de puntschatting, terwijl dit wel steeds belangrijker aan het worden is. De verkeersprognoses worden voor velerlei doeleinden gebruikt. Bijvoorbeeld om alternatieven met elkaar te vergelijken, om te onderzoeken of een situatie aan gestelde normen qua luchtkwaliteit voldoet of om de te verwachten opbrengsten te bepalen bij een tolproject. Bij het maken van keuzes op basis van de verkeersprognoses is het daarom goed om te beseffen dat er een onzekerheidsmarge bij de opgestelde prognose hoort. Er is geen eenduidige methode beschikbaar om bij het opstellen van verkeersprognoses tegelijkertijd de onzekerheid in kaart te brengen. In dit artikel...
In Assen wordt een meetnetwerk gerealiseerd van internationale allure. Op circa 200 locaties in e... more In Assen wordt een meetnetwerk gerealiseerd van internationale allure. Op circa 200 locaties in en rond wordt door middel van sensoren continu de verkeersdrukte gemeten. Aangevuld met floating car data (FCD) – informatie van mobiele telefoons en de navigatiesystemen van de verkeersdeelnemers – wordt een compleet monitoringssysteem gerealiseerd. Alle meetpunten leveren gezamenlijk zeer gedetailleerde informatie op waardoor de ontwikkeling van de reistijden in en rondom Assen nauwkeurig kan worden bepaald en voorspellingen voor de korte termijn kunnen worden gedaan. Bovendien kan het verkeer adequaat worden gedirigeerd. In geval van stremmingen kunnen automobilisten via navigatie of mobiel het advies krijgen om aan de rand van de stad te parkeren en verder te reizen met het openbaar vervoer. Onderzocht wordt of men vanuit de auto online een plek in de bus kan reserveren en afrekenen via de telefoon. Als er geen sprake is van stremmingen wordt men geleid naar een vooraf gereserveerde p...
... Klaas Friso1, Kasper van Zuilekom2, Bas Kolen3, Stephanie Holterman3 ... The reason for this ... more ... Klaas Friso1, Kasper van Zuilekom2, Bas Kolen3, Stephanie Holterman3 ... The reason for this splitting is the shape of the river area which can lead to long unrealistic routes through the area from west to north, because the number of inhabitants in the northern part of the river ...
On May 30th 2008, the Dutch government informed parliament about the possibility regarding preven... more On May 30th 2008, the Dutch government informed parliament about the possibility regarding preventive evacuation of coastal and river areas in case of flooding [1]. Case studies show that it is impossible to execute a complete and total preventive evacuation of coastal areas in an unrealistic 48hour time span preceding a possible flood caused by a storm surge [2-4]. This is mainly due to the limitations of the road capacity in proportion to the number of inhabitants in the threatened area. For river areas it seems that 72 hours is a realistic time span for completing a preventive evacuation. Initiating an evacuation requires detection, recognition and assessment (sense making) of the threat as well as decision-making by both the government and the public. The case study shows alternative strategies such as evacuating to shelters and it even supports hiding as an attractive option. These strategies require different measures (methods of approach) and different crisis management processes. The preparation of the crisis managers and decision makers should be flexible so they can compare, evaluate and decide on the different strategies of evacuation combining preventive evacuation, vertical evacuation or seeking of shelters in the threatened area.
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of t... more DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement:
Modal shift in freight transport entails moving freight from road to rail, inland waterways, and ... more Modal shift in freight transport entails moving freight from road to rail, inland waterways, and short sea shipping. In current Dutch and European freight transport policy, modal shift is foreseen to play an important role to mitigate external effects of freight transport. Policy efforts on modal shift are legitimate because the size of the external costs of freight transport are considerable. But can modal shift policies also be effective? In other words, can policy efforts on modal shift result in a decrease of external costs and infrastructure costs due to freight transport? Our research approach falls apart into three steps. In the first step we analyse the transported weight by road on four international freight corridors in North-western Europe that could be transported against at least 10% lower private costs by rail or inland waterways. The share of road transport (transported weight) on the corridors in total road transport in the Netherlands is about 10%. The weight of the...
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of t... more DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement:
Citation for published version (APA): Boer, den, A., Bonekamp, J. G., Brand, P., du Croo De Jongh... more Citation for published version (APA): Boer, den, A., Bonekamp, J. G., Brand, P., du Croo De Jongh, R. J. H., Hendriksen, A. H. M., Herczog, A., ... Tijink, P. J. A. (1994). A collection of modelling problems carried out in the academic year 1991-1992 by the ECMI-students at the Eindhoven University of Technology. (Opleiding wiskunde voor de industrie Eindhoven : student report; Vol. 9401). Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology.
In this paper we will present the progress we made in the past few years by extracting mobility i... more In this paper we will present the progress we made in the past few years by extracting mobility information from Mobile Phone Data (MPD). MPD is collected continuously, 24-hours a day and every day of the year (24/7/365). Using these data (more than 12 billion location-based events monthly in the Netherlands) both regular and irregular traffic patterns can be determined at local, regional and national scales for any time period, and of course the average working day, which is commonly used for transport policy purposes.MPD-data shows reliable information that can be used for monitoring of traffic, improving the quality of origin-destination matrices (OD-matrices) in transport models but also in direct use determining traffic flows. Regarding the improvement of OD-matrices in transport models, we showed in several studies that the distribution, i.e. the structure of the synthetic OD-matrix of transport models can be improved significantly using MPD-data. For example, MPD data perform...
Reliable and accurate short-term traffic state prediction can improve the performance of real-tim... more Reliable and accurate short-term traffic state prediction can improve the performance of real-time traffic management systems significantly. Using this short-time prediction based on current measurements delivered by advanced surveillance systems will support decision-making processes on various control strategies and enhance the performance of the overall network. By taking proactive action deploying traffic management measures, congestion may be prevented or its effects limited. An approach of short-term traffic state prediction is presented and implemented in a real life case for the city of Assen in the Netherlands. This prediction is based on connecting online traffic measurements with a real time traffic model using the macroscopic dynamic traffic assignment model StreamLine in a rolling horizon implementation. Different monitoring data sources consisting of both fixed-point and floating car data are used. The advantage of the rolling horizon approach is that no warming-up period is needed for the dynamic traffic assignment taking less computation time while keeping results consistent. Further, the current traffic state estimation is done by combining model estimates of previous predictions and current measurements. The results of predictions made in the real life case are presented as well as several tested methods for improving the current state estimations showing promising results.
In the Dutch municipality Assen, a large national R&D project on sensor networks is going on. The... more In the Dutch municipality Assen, a large national R&D project on sensor networks is going on. The main goal is to improve traffic flow and environment in the city centre and surrounding region, by developing real-time intelligent traffic management systems making use of different sensing sources of real-time traffic data. For this purpose, a realtime traffic estimation and prediction model will be developed and deployed. A novel calibration approach is developed using a macroscopic model of a larger region. Different monitoring data sources consisting of both fixed-point and floating car data are used. This offers new opportunities, such as better estimation of origin-destination matrices and simulation in urban environments, which will be used to give better travel information towards travellers concerning the traffic situation in the Assen region. This paper presents the implementation of the on-line forecasting model structures and the first findings on the model system design.
2011 International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2011
It is impossible to execute a complete and total preventive evacuation of coastal areas in the Ne... more It is impossible to execute a complete and total preventive evacuation of coastal areas in the Netherlands within the available 48-hour time span in case of a storm surge [1,2]. This is mainly due to the limitations of the road capacity in proportion to the number of inhabitants in the threatened area. A flexible triage is proposed to set the target areas and target groups for those circumstances where it is impossible to evacuate all. The routing of all highway traffic (evacuation as well as not-evacuation) was derived from the National Concept Traffic Management (NCTM). In order to reduce the lead-time of the study a mix of static and macroscopic dynamic assignments is used.
Samenvatting Prognoses van verkeersmodellen leveren in het algemeen een puntschatting van de verw... more Samenvatting Prognoses van verkeersmodellen leveren in het algemeen een puntschatting van de verwachte waarde op een bepaald wegvak. Deze puntschatting hangt echter van zeer veel factoren af die op complexe wijze weer van elkaar afhankelijk zijn. Tot op heden is er weinig informatie beschikbaar om een inschatting te geven van de betrouwbaarheid van de puntschatting, terwijl dit wel steeds belangrijker aan het worden is. De verkeersprognoses worden voor velerlei doeleinden gebruikt. Bijvoorbeeld om alternatieven met elkaar te vergelijken, om te onderzoeken of een situatie aan gestelde normen qua luchtkwaliteit voldoet of om de te verwachten opbrengsten te bepalen bij een tolproject. Bij het maken van keuzes op basis van de verkeersprognoses is het daarom goed om te beseffen dat er een onzekerheidsmarge bij de opgestelde prognose hoort. Er is geen eenduidige methode beschikbaar om bij het opstellen van verkeersprognoses tegelijkertijd de onzekerheid in kaart te brengen. In dit artikel...
In Assen wordt een meetnetwerk gerealiseerd van internationale allure. Op circa 200 locaties in e... more In Assen wordt een meetnetwerk gerealiseerd van internationale allure. Op circa 200 locaties in en rond wordt door middel van sensoren continu de verkeersdrukte gemeten. Aangevuld met floating car data (FCD) – informatie van mobiele telefoons en de navigatiesystemen van de verkeersdeelnemers – wordt een compleet monitoringssysteem gerealiseerd. Alle meetpunten leveren gezamenlijk zeer gedetailleerde informatie op waardoor de ontwikkeling van de reistijden in en rondom Assen nauwkeurig kan worden bepaald en voorspellingen voor de korte termijn kunnen worden gedaan. Bovendien kan het verkeer adequaat worden gedirigeerd. In geval van stremmingen kunnen automobilisten via navigatie of mobiel het advies krijgen om aan de rand van de stad te parkeren en verder te reizen met het openbaar vervoer. Onderzocht wordt of men vanuit de auto online een plek in de bus kan reserveren en afrekenen via de telefoon. Als er geen sprake is van stremmingen wordt men geleid naar een vooraf gereserveerde p...
... Klaas Friso1, Kasper van Zuilekom2, Bas Kolen3, Stephanie Holterman3 ... The reason for this ... more ... Klaas Friso1, Kasper van Zuilekom2, Bas Kolen3, Stephanie Holterman3 ... The reason for this splitting is the shape of the river area which can lead to long unrealistic routes through the area from west to north, because the number of inhabitants in the northern part of the river ...
On May 30th 2008, the Dutch government informed parliament about the possibility regarding preven... more On May 30th 2008, the Dutch government informed parliament about the possibility regarding preventive evacuation of coastal and river areas in case of flooding [1]. Case studies show that it is impossible to execute a complete and total preventive evacuation of coastal areas in an unrealistic 48hour time span preceding a possible flood caused by a storm surge [2-4]. This is mainly due to the limitations of the road capacity in proportion to the number of inhabitants in the threatened area. For river areas it seems that 72 hours is a realistic time span for completing a preventive evacuation. Initiating an evacuation requires detection, recognition and assessment (sense making) of the threat as well as decision-making by both the government and the public. The case study shows alternative strategies such as evacuating to shelters and it even supports hiding as an attractive option. These strategies require different measures (methods of approach) and different crisis management processes. The preparation of the crisis managers and decision makers should be flexible so they can compare, evaluate and decide on the different strategies of evacuation combining preventive evacuation, vertical evacuation or seeking of shelters in the threatened area.
Papers by Klaas Friso