This chapter discusses the complementary role of Techno-Anthropological methodologies in relation... more This chapter discusses the complementary role of Techno-Anthropological methodologies in relation to classical quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The chapter addresses the importance of evidencing the problems in health informatics and how these problems are framed in order to find appropriate solutions. It is the claim that problem based learning approaches (PBL) and inter-disciplinary teamwork is paramount in order to meet the current challenges of development and implementation of health informatics in the health care system. The triple aim of providing better health, better care at lower cost on a societal level is complemented by similar aims on an institutional and individual level in order to frame health informatics on a more holistic level. In order to achieve this goal we have to embrace concepts like co-creation and co-construction with users and actors. The aim of the chapter is condensed in methodological recommendations for Techno-Anthropological work in health informatics contexts.
The paper will elaborate on the discussions that the American historian of technology Rosalind Wi... more The paper will elaborate on the discussions that the American historian of technology Rosalind Williams introduced in: "Retooling. A Historian Confronts Technological Change" (2002), and furthermore frame the provocative stance of: 'The End of Engineering' in a critical Post-Phenomenological perspective where I mainly draw on the ideas and concepts of Don Ihde, Andrew Feenberg, Carl Mitcham and Andrew Jamison. Williams wrote: "Engineering is 'ending' only in the sense that nature is ending: as a distinct and separate realm. The two processes of disintegration are linked" (Williams 2002:31). What is meant is that for engineering to become a new it has to engage and intertwine with the social and cultural context. The paper will discuss how this is possible in a critical and post-phenomenological perspective, where actions and assessments are made with an outset in what has been coined as: 'hybrid imagination of technology' (Jamison 2011). A 'hybrid imagination of technology' that becomes through construction of curricula and practice where the cultural and societal context is taken seriously. There is in the construction of the 'imagination' a focus on learning from practice in context and the ability to reflect on the actual and situational learning. The notion of practical and critical hermeneutics is central in the possible resurrection and regeneration of engineering.
This paper deals with data handling in health care on three distinct and different levels. The th... more This paper deals with data handling in health care on three distinct and different levels. The three levels can be classified in the following way: ethical level based on principles, political level based on negotiations and relations, and phenomenological level based on relation in between the physical and digital world. The paper takes an outset in a recent report, published in October 2021, from the Lancet and Financial Times Commission on governing health futures 2030 (ethical level), and a recent publication (2020) and exhibition at the Biennale of Architecture in Venice (2021) on Data Publics (political level), and finally makes an attempt to frame our being with digital technology on a philosophical and phenomenological level. It is the assumption that all these levels are needed the moment we try to appropriate and incorporate data in different arenas and worlds, might they be global, national, institutional, or/and individual.
... Contents Acknowledgements vii Contributors xv 1. A phenomenological perspective on clinical c... more ... Contents Acknowledgements vii Contributors xv 1. A phenomenological perspective on clinical communication and interaction: the case of electronic health records Lars Botin 1 2 Information technology, ethics and pharmacy medicine sales Richard Cooper 15 3 Changing ...
Teoretisk baggrund: Erfaringer i såvel ind som udland har vist, at implementering af nye it-syste... more Teoretisk baggrund: Erfaringer i såvel ind som udland har vist, at implementering af nye it-systemer sjaeldent foregår problemfrit (1-3). EPJ-Observatoriets 1 undersøgelser af udviklingen af EPJ i Danmark har således vist, at mange EPJ-projekter er blevet forsinkede, og at projekternes målsaetning i de fleste tilfaelde er blevet reduceret i forhold til de oprindelige planer. En vaesentlig årsag hertil har vist sig at vaere modstand blandt organisationens medarbejdere mod de forandringer af organisatorisk natur, som en sådan implementering medfører (4). Man har derfor interesseret sig for at udvikle metoder, der kan imødegå en eventuel medarbejdermodstand på en konstruktiv måde. (Det skal understreges, er det den negative-destruktive modstand og ikke den dynamiske konstruktive modstand, der taenkes på, idet det er helt essentielt, at der findes modsaetninger og konflikter i en organisation. I modsat fald vil den blive statisk og ret hurtigt uddø). EPJ-Observatoriet, Aalborg Universitet har som resultat af et langvarigt metodeudviklingsarbejde udviklet den såkaldte forandringsparathedsundersøgelsesmetode-FPU. Metoden består dels af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse, dels af en efterfølgende dialog mellem organisationens ledelse og dens øvrige medlemmer omkring forhold, som resultatet af spørgeskema undersøgelsen har vist kan vaere kritiske for en vellykket implementering af et nyt it-system. Som teoretisk fundament for FPU'en har EPJ-Observatoriet valgt en metode udviklet af to amerikanske forskere; Nancy Lorenzy og Robert T. Riley (5), da denne er udviklet på grundlag af undersøgelser udført indenfor sundhedsvaesenet, og man har i EPJ-Observatoriet i en årraekke arbejdet med at videreudvikle/tilpasse denne metode til danske forhold. Processen startede i 1999, idet et team bestående af medarbejdere fra EPJ-Observatoriet med dels sundhedsfaglig-, dels sundhedsinformatisk baggrund konstruerede et dansk spørgeskema på baggrund af et skema konstrueret af Lorenzi og Riley. Spørgeskemaet er siden blevet testet og afprøvet på adskillige sygehusafdelinger i Danmark, og senest er det tilpasset den kliniske validering af G-EPJ i GEPKA-projektet 2. Denne tilpasning er foretaget af EPJ-Observatoriets GEPKA arbejdsgruppe, der består af et team af medarbejdere med dels klinisk-, dels sundhedsinformatisk baggrund. For yderligere information om udvikling og afprøvning af metoden henvises til (6). Baggrund: FPU før og efter på Amager Hospital er en del af den kliniske validering af G-EPJ (i GEPKA projektet), der bl.a. omfatter formålet: at afdaekke organisatoriske forudsaetninger og konsekvenser af G-EPJ. Formål: En forandringsparathedsundersøgelse kan betragtes som et ledelses-vaerktøj udviklet med henblik på at afdaekke organisationens holdning til forestående/indførte aendringer i forbindelse med implementering/udvikling af nye it-systemer indenfor sygehusvaesenet. Organisationen får gennem resultatet af undersøgelsen mulighed for at udøve en målrettet indsats mod specifikke områder af organisatorisk natur, som medlemmerne af organisationen ifølge undersøgelsens resultater betragter som problematiske. Målet med en forandringsparathedsundersøgelse er således at bidrage til at sikre en vellykket implementering/udvikling af nye itsystemer på eksempelvis en sygehusafdeling. Et saerligt mål med efterundersøgelsen er dels at Version 1.0 Side 8(22) Bilag 3: specifikation af indikatorer i GEKPA projektet 2: Ønskelige Indikatorer i kategori 1 pålaegges hovedprojekterne at levere vaerdier for. Kategori 2 indikatorer kraeves ikke umiddelbart, men vil dog vaere ønskelige. Hvis indikatorerne ikke bliver anvendt i den nuvaerende evaluering, vil de evt. kunne anvendes i ved en senere evaluering.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2015
This chapter discusses the complementary role of Techno-Anthropological methodologies in relation... more This chapter discusses the complementary role of Techno-Anthropological methodologies in relation to classical quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The chapter addresses the importance of evidencing the problems in health informatics and how these problems are framed in order to find appropriate solutions. It is the claim that problem based learning approaches (PBL) and inter-disciplinary teamwork is paramount in order to meet the current challenges of development and implementation of health informatics in the health care system. The triple aim of providing better health, better care at lower cost on a societal level is complemented by similar aims on an institutional and individual level in order to frame health informatics on a more holistic level. In order to achieve this goal we have to embrace concepts like co-creation and co-construction with users and actors. The aim of the chapter is condensed in methodological recommendations for Techno-Anthropological work in healt...
This chapter discusses the complementary role of Techno-Anthropological methodologies in relation... more This chapter discusses the complementary role of Techno-Anthropological methodologies in relation to classical quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The chapter addresses the importance of evidencing the problems in health informatics and how these problems are framed in order to find appropriate solutions. It is the claim that problem based learning approaches (PBL) and inter-disciplinary teamwork is paramount in order to meet the current challenges of development and implementation of health informatics in the health care system. The triple aim of providing better health, better care at lower cost on a societal level is complemented by similar aims on an institutional and individual level in order to frame health informatics on a more holistic level. In order to achieve this goal we have to embrace concepts like co-creation and co-construction with users and actors. The aim of the chapter is condensed in methodological recommendations for Techno-Anthropological work in health informatics contexts.
The paper will elaborate on the discussions that the American historian of technology Rosalind Wi... more The paper will elaborate on the discussions that the American historian of technology Rosalind Williams introduced in: "Retooling. A Historian Confronts Technological Change" (2002), and furthermore frame the provocative stance of: 'The End of Engineering' in a critical Post-Phenomenological perspective where I mainly draw on the ideas and concepts of Don Ihde, Andrew Feenberg, Carl Mitcham and Andrew Jamison. Williams wrote: "Engineering is 'ending' only in the sense that nature is ending: as a distinct and separate realm. The two processes of disintegration are linked" (Williams 2002:31). What is meant is that for engineering to become a new it has to engage and intertwine with the social and cultural context. The paper will discuss how this is possible in a critical and post-phenomenological perspective, where actions and assessments are made with an outset in what has been coined as: 'hybrid imagination of technology' (Jamison 2011). A 'hybrid imagination of technology' that becomes through construction of curricula and practice where the cultural and societal context is taken seriously. There is in the construction of the 'imagination' a focus on learning from practice in context and the ability to reflect on the actual and situational learning. The notion of practical and critical hermeneutics is central in the possible resurrection and regeneration of engineering.
This paper deals with data handling in health care on three distinct and different levels. The th... more This paper deals with data handling in health care on three distinct and different levels. The three levels can be classified in the following way: ethical level based on principles, political level based on negotiations and relations, and phenomenological level based on relation in between the physical and digital world. The paper takes an outset in a recent report, published in October 2021, from the Lancet and Financial Times Commission on governing health futures 2030 (ethical level), and a recent publication (2020) and exhibition at the Biennale of Architecture in Venice (2021) on Data Publics (political level), and finally makes an attempt to frame our being with digital technology on a philosophical and phenomenological level. It is the assumption that all these levels are needed the moment we try to appropriate and incorporate data in different arenas and worlds, might they be global, national, institutional, or/and individual.
... Contents Acknowledgements vii Contributors xv 1. A phenomenological perspective on clinical c... more ... Contents Acknowledgements vii Contributors xv 1. A phenomenological perspective on clinical communication and interaction: the case of electronic health records Lars Botin 1 2 Information technology, ethics and pharmacy medicine sales Richard Cooper 15 3 Changing ...
Teoretisk baggrund: Erfaringer i såvel ind som udland har vist, at implementering af nye it-syste... more Teoretisk baggrund: Erfaringer i såvel ind som udland har vist, at implementering af nye it-systemer sjaeldent foregår problemfrit (1-3). EPJ-Observatoriets 1 undersøgelser af udviklingen af EPJ i Danmark har således vist, at mange EPJ-projekter er blevet forsinkede, og at projekternes målsaetning i de fleste tilfaelde er blevet reduceret i forhold til de oprindelige planer. En vaesentlig årsag hertil har vist sig at vaere modstand blandt organisationens medarbejdere mod de forandringer af organisatorisk natur, som en sådan implementering medfører (4). Man har derfor interesseret sig for at udvikle metoder, der kan imødegå en eventuel medarbejdermodstand på en konstruktiv måde. (Det skal understreges, er det den negative-destruktive modstand og ikke den dynamiske konstruktive modstand, der taenkes på, idet det er helt essentielt, at der findes modsaetninger og konflikter i en organisation. I modsat fald vil den blive statisk og ret hurtigt uddø). EPJ-Observatoriet, Aalborg Universitet har som resultat af et langvarigt metodeudviklingsarbejde udviklet den såkaldte forandringsparathedsundersøgelsesmetode-FPU. Metoden består dels af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse, dels af en efterfølgende dialog mellem organisationens ledelse og dens øvrige medlemmer omkring forhold, som resultatet af spørgeskema undersøgelsen har vist kan vaere kritiske for en vellykket implementering af et nyt it-system. Som teoretisk fundament for FPU'en har EPJ-Observatoriet valgt en metode udviklet af to amerikanske forskere; Nancy Lorenzy og Robert T. Riley (5), da denne er udviklet på grundlag af undersøgelser udført indenfor sundhedsvaesenet, og man har i EPJ-Observatoriet i en årraekke arbejdet med at videreudvikle/tilpasse denne metode til danske forhold. Processen startede i 1999, idet et team bestående af medarbejdere fra EPJ-Observatoriet med dels sundhedsfaglig-, dels sundhedsinformatisk baggrund konstruerede et dansk spørgeskema på baggrund af et skema konstrueret af Lorenzi og Riley. Spørgeskemaet er siden blevet testet og afprøvet på adskillige sygehusafdelinger i Danmark, og senest er det tilpasset den kliniske validering af G-EPJ i GEPKA-projektet 2. Denne tilpasning er foretaget af EPJ-Observatoriets GEPKA arbejdsgruppe, der består af et team af medarbejdere med dels klinisk-, dels sundhedsinformatisk baggrund. For yderligere information om udvikling og afprøvning af metoden henvises til (6). Baggrund: FPU før og efter på Amager Hospital er en del af den kliniske validering af G-EPJ (i GEPKA projektet), der bl.a. omfatter formålet: at afdaekke organisatoriske forudsaetninger og konsekvenser af G-EPJ. Formål: En forandringsparathedsundersøgelse kan betragtes som et ledelses-vaerktøj udviklet med henblik på at afdaekke organisationens holdning til forestående/indførte aendringer i forbindelse med implementering/udvikling af nye it-systemer indenfor sygehusvaesenet. Organisationen får gennem resultatet af undersøgelsen mulighed for at udøve en målrettet indsats mod specifikke områder af organisatorisk natur, som medlemmerne af organisationen ifølge undersøgelsens resultater betragter som problematiske. Målet med en forandringsparathedsundersøgelse er således at bidrage til at sikre en vellykket implementering/udvikling af nye itsystemer på eksempelvis en sygehusafdeling. Et saerligt mål med efterundersøgelsen er dels at Version 1.0 Side 8(22) Bilag 3: specifikation af indikatorer i GEKPA projektet 2: Ønskelige Indikatorer i kategori 1 pålaegges hovedprojekterne at levere vaerdier for. Kategori 2 indikatorer kraeves ikke umiddelbart, men vil dog vaere ønskelige. Hvis indikatorerne ikke bliver anvendt i den nuvaerende evaluering, vil de evt. kunne anvendes i ved en senere evaluering.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2015
This chapter discusses the complementary role of Techno-Anthropological methodologies in relation... more This chapter discusses the complementary role of Techno-Anthropological methodologies in relation to classical quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The chapter addresses the importance of evidencing the problems in health informatics and how these problems are framed in order to find appropriate solutions. It is the claim that problem based learning approaches (PBL) and inter-disciplinary teamwork is paramount in order to meet the current challenges of development and implementation of health informatics in the health care system. The triple aim of providing better health, better care at lower cost on a societal level is complemented by similar aims on an institutional and individual level in order to frame health informatics on a more holistic level. In order to achieve this goal we have to embrace concepts like co-creation and co-construction with users and actors. The aim of the chapter is condensed in methodological recommendations for Techno-Anthropological work in healt...
Papers by Lars Botin