This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of referen... more This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of reference to interpret supererogatory actions and suggests that identity of companies can be a driving force behind these actions. Companies may perform actions against the narrow sense of economic rationality if those actions serve purposes of high importance for them. The climate crisis and the more recent COVID‐19 crisis call for supererogatory actions by companies more than ever before.
Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, 2018
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
St. Francis was hostile to money and material wealth. He was also against exploitation or misuse ... more St. Francis was hostile to money and material wealth. He was also against exploitation or misuse of natural creatures and promoted voluntary poverty, sharing, and universal brotherhood. This paper examines the implications of St. Francis’s views for economics. It is argued that St. Francis’s views imply the substantive notion of the term “economic” and favor material sufficiency instead of financial efficiency. Pope Francis’s encyclical letter “Laudato si’” is consistent with and supports St. Francis’s views, which emphasize the frugality of consumption and acknowledging the intrinsic value of nature. The overall vision of St. Francis can be characterized as “The Commonwealth of Life” based on a God-centered, spiritual way of living and acting. The paper suggests that the models of a sufficiency-oriented community economy are relevant for realizing St. Francis’s legacy in today’s reality of climate change described by climate scientists as the “Hothouse Earth” pathway.
Over the centuries, Buddhist monks applied economic models in the operations of their monasteries... more Over the centuries, Buddhist monks applied economic models in the operations of their monasteries to make them sustainable while also observing Buddhist principles. The large variety of economic practices observed demonstrate the creativity of monastics in acquiring the resources to support their large monasteries in a way that was viewed as compatible with Buddhist ethics embodied in the Noble Eightfold Path. Researchers have analyzed the integration of faith-based and financially related monastic needs for different countries in different eras. The Buddhist economics approach as it has been developed in the last 40-50 years aims to create an alternative worldview that challenges the main underlying assumptions of Western economics. The mainstream Western economics model is originally based on the following assumptions: rational, selfish behavior; profit-maximization; competitive markets; and instrumental use of the environment. Buddhist economics is based on a different set of assumptions: dependent origination ("pratityasamutpada"), where people are interdependent with each other and with Earth; people are aware of enlightened selfinterest based on interdependence and thus are altruistic; firms care about the well-being of workers, customers, shareholders, and community; and all activities include caring for the environment. With these assumptions, the Buddhist economic model has shared prosperity in a sustainable world with minimal suffering as its goal.
Full bibliographic details must be given when referring to, or quoting from full items including ... more Full bibliographic details must be given when referring to, or quoting from full items including the author's name, the title of the work, publication details where relevant (place, publisher, date), pagination, and for theses or dissertations the awarding institution, the degree type awarded, and the date of the award. If you believe that any material held in the repository infringes copyright law, please contact the
Purpose – This paper aims to argue that there is a strong imbalance in business education between... more Purpose – This paper aims to argue that there is a strong imbalance in business education between providing abstract, rational concepts and opportunities for personal growth. Introducing spirituality in business education seems to be desirable if we want to prepare students for the complexities and challenges of the workplace today. Design/methodology/approach – The paper gives an example of how techniques from voice and drama therapy can be used for enabling students to look beyond the rational and the material. Findings – By engaging with their “true self”, students may discover dormant qualities in themselves and start to find their purpose, meaning and spirituality. Originality/value – The paper shows that by introducing some new approaches in business education, we can provide opportunities for students to connect their rational thoughts with conscience and the “true self”. When students make an integrated use of our mental, emotional and spiritual resources, they are better eq...
In our technological age business is one of the greatest destroyers of the natural environment. A... more In our technological age business is one of the greatest destroyers of the natural environment. At present, we do not have any appropriate theory of business that would be consistent with ecology, that is, contains a well‐articulated ecological point of view. This article is an attempt to meet this need.
This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of referen... more This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of reference to interpret supererogatory actions and suggests that identity of companies can be a driving force behind these actions. Companies may perform actions against the narrow sense of economic rationality if those actions serve purposes of high importance for them. The climate crisis and the more recent COVID-19 crisis call for supererogatory actions by companies more than ever before.
This paper argues that identity economics and social
psychology provide a useful frame of referen... more This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of reference to interpret supererogatory actions and suggests that identity of companies can be a driving force behind these actions. Companies may perform actions against the narrow sense of economic rationality if those actions serve purposes of high importance for them. The climate crisis and the more recent COVID-19 crisis call for supererogatory actions by companies more than ever before.
A geológusok által antropocénnek nevezett korunk az elmúlt ötven-hatvan év emberi tevékenységeine... more A geológusok által antropocénnek nevezett korunk az elmúlt ötven-hatvan év emberi tevékenységeinek kumulatív következménye. A Föld ökológiai rendszereinek drámai romlása az emberiség jelenlegi termelési és fogyasztási mintáinak és gyakorlatának az eredménye. Az üzleti tevékenységek mára dominánssá váltak a társadalom szinte minden életszférájában a Föld legtöbb országában. Az ökológiai rendszerek eltartóképességének figyelmen kívül hagyása komoly károkat okoz az emberi és a természeti életformákra mind a jelenben, mind pedig a jövőben. A gazdasági etikának komoly szerep jut a fenntartható üzleti szervezetek kialakításában. Ennek részeként, különösen fontos a jelenlegi uralkodó menedzsmentelméletek és üzleti gyakorlatok meghaladása. A fő feladatok (i) a frugális (mértéktartó, takarékos) termelési és fogyasztási modellek kidolgozása és terjesztése, és (ii) a természeti létezők önértékűségének az érvényre juttatása. Ehhez új, progresszív üzletek szükségesek, amelyek által az üzleti szervezetek-a profit-termelés mellett-a társadalom, a természet és a jövő generációk közös javát szolgálhatják.
This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of referen... more This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of reference to interpret supererogatory actions and suggests that identity of companies can be a driving force behind these actions. Companies may perform actions against the narrow sense of economic rationality if those actions serve purposes of high importance for them. The climate crisis and the more recent COVID‐19 crisis call for supererogatory actions by companies more than ever before.
Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, 2018
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
St. Francis was hostile to money and material wealth. He was also against exploitation or misuse ... more St. Francis was hostile to money and material wealth. He was also against exploitation or misuse of natural creatures and promoted voluntary poverty, sharing, and universal brotherhood. This paper examines the implications of St. Francis’s views for economics. It is argued that St. Francis’s views imply the substantive notion of the term “economic” and favor material sufficiency instead of financial efficiency. Pope Francis’s encyclical letter “Laudato si’” is consistent with and supports St. Francis’s views, which emphasize the frugality of consumption and acknowledging the intrinsic value of nature. The overall vision of St. Francis can be characterized as “The Commonwealth of Life” based on a God-centered, spiritual way of living and acting. The paper suggests that the models of a sufficiency-oriented community economy are relevant for realizing St. Francis’s legacy in today’s reality of climate change described by climate scientists as the “Hothouse Earth” pathway.
Over the centuries, Buddhist monks applied economic models in the operations of their monasteries... more Over the centuries, Buddhist monks applied economic models in the operations of their monasteries to make them sustainable while also observing Buddhist principles. The large variety of economic practices observed demonstrate the creativity of monastics in acquiring the resources to support their large monasteries in a way that was viewed as compatible with Buddhist ethics embodied in the Noble Eightfold Path. Researchers have analyzed the integration of faith-based and financially related monastic needs for different countries in different eras. The Buddhist economics approach as it has been developed in the last 40-50 years aims to create an alternative worldview that challenges the main underlying assumptions of Western economics. The mainstream Western economics model is originally based on the following assumptions: rational, selfish behavior; profit-maximization; competitive markets; and instrumental use of the environment. Buddhist economics is based on a different set of assumptions: dependent origination ("pratityasamutpada"), where people are interdependent with each other and with Earth; people are aware of enlightened selfinterest based on interdependence and thus are altruistic; firms care about the well-being of workers, customers, shareholders, and community; and all activities include caring for the environment. With these assumptions, the Buddhist economic model has shared prosperity in a sustainable world with minimal suffering as its goal.
Full bibliographic details must be given when referring to, or quoting from full items including ... more Full bibliographic details must be given when referring to, or quoting from full items including the author's name, the title of the work, publication details where relevant (place, publisher, date), pagination, and for theses or dissertations the awarding institution, the degree type awarded, and the date of the award. If you believe that any material held in the repository infringes copyright law, please contact the
Purpose – This paper aims to argue that there is a strong imbalance in business education between... more Purpose – This paper aims to argue that there is a strong imbalance in business education between providing abstract, rational concepts and opportunities for personal growth. Introducing spirituality in business education seems to be desirable if we want to prepare students for the complexities and challenges of the workplace today. Design/methodology/approach – The paper gives an example of how techniques from voice and drama therapy can be used for enabling students to look beyond the rational and the material. Findings – By engaging with their “true self”, students may discover dormant qualities in themselves and start to find their purpose, meaning and spirituality. Originality/value – The paper shows that by introducing some new approaches in business education, we can provide opportunities for students to connect their rational thoughts with conscience and the “true self”. When students make an integrated use of our mental, emotional and spiritual resources, they are better eq...
In our technological age business is one of the greatest destroyers of the natural environment. A... more In our technological age business is one of the greatest destroyers of the natural environment. At present, we do not have any appropriate theory of business that would be consistent with ecology, that is, contains a well‐articulated ecological point of view. This article is an attempt to meet this need.
This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of referen... more This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of reference to interpret supererogatory actions and suggests that identity of companies can be a driving force behind these actions. Companies may perform actions against the narrow sense of economic rationality if those actions serve purposes of high importance for them. The climate crisis and the more recent COVID-19 crisis call for supererogatory actions by companies more than ever before.
This paper argues that identity economics and social
psychology provide a useful frame of referen... more This paper argues that identity economics and social psychology provide a useful frame of reference to interpret supererogatory actions and suggests that identity of companies can be a driving force behind these actions. Companies may perform actions against the narrow sense of economic rationality if those actions serve purposes of high importance for them. The climate crisis and the more recent COVID-19 crisis call for supererogatory actions by companies more than ever before.
A geológusok által antropocénnek nevezett korunk az elmúlt ötven-hatvan év emberi tevékenységeine... more A geológusok által antropocénnek nevezett korunk az elmúlt ötven-hatvan év emberi tevékenységeinek kumulatív következménye. A Föld ökológiai rendszereinek drámai romlása az emberiség jelenlegi termelési és fogyasztási mintáinak és gyakorlatának az eredménye. Az üzleti tevékenységek mára dominánssá váltak a társadalom szinte minden életszférájában a Föld legtöbb országában. Az ökológiai rendszerek eltartóképességének figyelmen kívül hagyása komoly károkat okoz az emberi és a természeti életformákra mind a jelenben, mind pedig a jövőben. A gazdasági etikának komoly szerep jut a fenntartható üzleti szervezetek kialakításában. Ennek részeként, különösen fontos a jelenlegi uralkodó menedzsmentelméletek és üzleti gyakorlatok meghaladása. A fő feladatok (i) a frugális (mértéktartó, takarékos) termelési és fogyasztási modellek kidolgozása és terjesztése, és (ii) a természeti létezők önértékűségének az érvényre juttatása. Ehhez új, progresszív üzletek szükségesek, amelyek által az üzleti szervezetek-a profit-termelés mellett-a társadalom, a természet és a jövő generációk közös javát szolgálhatják.
Papers by Laszlo Zsolnai
psychology provide a useful frame of reference to interpret
supererogatory actions and suggests that identity
of companies can be a driving force behind these
actions. Companies may perform actions against the
narrow sense of economic rationality if those actions
serve purposes of high importance for them. The climate
crisis and the more recent COVID-19 crisis call
for supererogatory actions by companies more than
ever before.
psychology provide a useful frame of reference to interpret
supererogatory actions and suggests that identity
of companies can be a driving force behind these
actions. Companies may perform actions against the
narrow sense of economic rationality if those actions
serve purposes of high importance for them. The climate
crisis and the more recent COVID-19 crisis call
for supererogatory actions by companies more than
ever before.