Papers by Laishram dabashini devi
Deleted Journal, Feb 15, 2024
![Research paper thumbnail of A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program Regarding the Management of the Breast Problems among the Postnatal Mothers in the Selected Hospitals, Bangalore, Karnataka](
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 1, 2020
Introduction: During the postnatal period the mothers should be offered information to enable the... more Introduction: During the postnatal period the mothers should be offered information to enable them to promote their own and their babies' health and well-being and to recognize and respond to problems. The mothers should be advised of the signs and symptoms, and appropriate action for potentially life-threatening conditions. All maternity care providers should encourage breastfeeding. The aim is for the midwife to visit the woman when she most likely to need assistance. If further postnatal care or lactation consultation (for any ongoing breastfeeding problems) is required additional visits can be arranged. Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge, effectiveness of planned teaching program and association with selected demographic variables regarding management of the breast problems among the postnatal mothers. Material and methods: A Quasi experimental one group pretest-posttest design is adopted for the present study. The study was conducted in K.C. General Hospital, Bangalore with 450 bedded hospital. The sample size of the study consists of 60 postnatal mothers who fulfil the inclusion criteria. Non-probability convenience sampling technique was adopted to select the sample. Results: The data is organized, analyzed and presented in two parts. The findings revealed that the gain in mean score of overall level for knowledge of postnatal mothers between pre-test with post-test was 44.06% with 't' test value of 31.70 which was highly significant at 5%. It revealed that the PTP was effective and hence research hypothesis H1 was accepted. Conclusion: The study concluded that the PTP which was prepared was effective. Hence the postnatal mothers should be encouraged to attend teaching sessions, health education programme, workshops etc. will be more receptive to improve their knowledge level.
![Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls in Selected Colleges, Bangalore](
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 2, 2020
Menstrual hygiene is important to be practiced by the school girls to promote their health and pr... more Menstrual hygiene is important to be practiced by the school girls to promote their health and prevent illness. Inadequate menstrual hygiene management is connected with the use of cloth, ashes and husk sand during menstruation, thereby it causes severe reproductive health problem 1 . According to World Health Organization (2015) there are about 74% of school girls had suffered with reproductive tract infection due to improper menstrual hygiene 2 . The poor menstrual hygienic practices also leads to several problems among school going which include dropped out from the school, inability to continue the education and reduction of self-esteem 3 . The objectives of the study were to assess the pre-test and post-test knowledge scores regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls. To determine the effectiveness of STP regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls 4 . The research approach was evaluative. 30 adolescent girls from Dayananda Sagar Institute of polytechnic were selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique 5 . Data collection tools were socio demographic variables to collect the baseline data and self-administered structured questionnaire to assess the level of knowledge of adolescent girls regarding menstrual hygiene 6 . The tool was validated by experts from respective fields and reliability was assessed by split half method. Knowledge scores of adolescent girls were assessed. Data analysis revealed that there was significant improvement in the level of knowledge of postnatal mothers after structured teaching programme at (P= 0.05) 7 .
![Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge and Practice about Placental Stem Cell and its Utilisation among Various Health Professionals](
Nursing Journal of India
This study intended to assess the knowledge and practice about placental stem cell and its associ... more This study intended to assess the knowledge and practice about placental stem cell and its association. The study design was a descriptive survey research type. The sample consisted of 300 respondents. The sampling technique adopted was non-probability purposive sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the information. The validity and the reliability of the tool was done and checked by the test-retest reliability method using Karl Pear-ysis, among the demographic variables accounted for association. The variables age in years ( 2 =10.795, df=3), gender ( 2 2 =7.763, df=3), previous knowledge regarding placental stem cell collection ( 2 =10.795, df=3), and source of information ( -Chi-square test analysis in this study was carried out to determine the association between practice about placental stem cell and its utilisation among health professionals and the selected demographic variables. The variables age in years ( ( 2 =15.252, df=3), previous knowledge regarding placental stem cell collection ( 2 =3.870, df=3), and source of information ( with practice (p<0.05). The demographic variable like gender and work experience were not sta- The author is Professor,
![Research paper thumbnail of A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Risk Factors and Prevention of Suicidal Behaviour Among Adolescents in A Selected …](
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reprod... more ABSTRACT:
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. The
disease affecting as many as 7 to 10 out of 100 women of child bearing age (15-45 years).To assess the level of
awareness regarding early identification and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome in experimental and
control group.To evaluate the effectiveness of the video assisted teaching programme on awareness and attitude
regarding early identification and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome in experimental group.To find
out the association between the pretest level of awareness and attitude regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome
with their selected demographic variable in experimental and control group.Quasi- experimental pretest-posttest
control group design was used to collect the data. A total of 60 students in were selected as control group (n=30)
and experimental group (n=30) through non-probability convenience sampling technique. Structured
questionnaire and modified attitude scale regarding early identification and management of PCOS were used as
the tool. Video teaching was telecasted to the experimental group. After seven days, posttest was done by
using structured questionnaire and modified attitude scale. The obtained data was analyzed by using descriptive
and inferential statistics. In control group, pretest mean score of awareness was 11.43 ±3.07 the posttest mean
score was 12.27±SD 2.65, the mean difference was 0.84. The obtained “t” value was 1.85, which was not
statistically significant. In experimental group, pretest mean score of awareness was 11.70 ±2.48 the posttest
mean score was 21.03±SD 1.42, the mean difference was 9.33. The obtained “t” value was 29.90, which was
statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control group posttest mean score of awareness was
12.26±2.65. In experimental group posttest mean score was 21.03±1.42, the mean difference was8.77. The
obtained “t” value was 15.95, which was statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control group,
pretest mean score of attitudes was 52.00 ±5.87 the posttest mean score was 53.27±SD 5.48, the mean difference
was 1.26. The obtained “t” value was 1.92, which was not statistically significant. In experimental group, pretest
mean score of attitude was 52.83±6.93 the posttest mean score was 73.77±SD 4.94, the mean difference was
20.93. The obtained “t” value was 15.35 which was statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control
group posttest mean score of attitude was 53.27±5.48. In experimental group posttest mean score was
73.77±4.94, the mean difference was 20.50. The obtained “t” value was 15.20, which was statistically highly
significant at p<0.001***level. The present study findings concluded that, video teaching is effective by
improving the awareness and attitude among adolescent girls.
KEYWORDS: Pcod, Awareness, Adolescent.
![Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding Prevention of Pneumonia among mothers of under-five children in selected rural area at Bangalore](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
This study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding prevention of p... more This study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding prevention of pneumonia among mothers of under five children in selected rural area at Bangalore to assess the existing knowledge regarding prevention of pneumonia among mothers of under five children. An evaluative research approach with one group pretest posttest design in quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the STP. This study was conducted in Jeetipalya and Thavereker at Bangalore. The population for this study consisted of mothers of under five children. Random sampling technique by lottery method was used to select 60 samples. The tool used for the data collection was structured knowledge interview questionnaire which comprised of 11 items on demographic data and 30 items on prevention of pneumonia among mothers of under five children. The reliability of the tool was established by Split Half technique, with ‘r’=0.88. Major findings of the study were: Regarding the...
![Research paper thumbnail of A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude regarding Breastfeeding and Weaning Practices among Post-natal Mothers in Channasandra Urban, Bangalore City](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude re... more A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding breast feeding and weaning practices among post-natal mothers in channasandra urban, Bangalore city. The Research approach adopted for this study is evaluative Approach. The research design adopted for the study was quasi experimental, one group pre-test and post-test design was applied. The non-probability convenient cluster sampling was used to select the sample for the study. The sample consists of the 40 post-natal mothers who are in channasandra urban area in Bangalore city. Karnataka. The instrument used for the data collection was self-administered questionnaire. Analysis result showed that overall knowledge pre-test mean was 24.65, mean% 62.20% with SD 4.60518. And post-test knowledge mean was 30.175, and mean% 77.37% with SD 05.13853. An overall attitude pre-test mean was 10.575, mean% 66.09% with SD 2.06171.and post-test attitude mean12.625, mean% 78.90% with SD2.30593....
![Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge regarding Constipation and its Management during Pregnancy among Care Givers of Antenatal mothers in selected hospitals](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
This is an attempt to assess the knowledge of constipation and its management during pregnancy am... more This is an attempt to assess the knowledge of constipation and its management during pregnancy among antenatal mothers in selected hospitals. And to prepare a learning package which may be used as a study aid to improve the knowledge level of antennal mothers. The approach used for this study was evaluative one. Pre experimental study one group pre test and post test design is used to collect the data. The independent variable of the study is Computer assisted teaching programme and dependent variable is Knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding constipation and its management. The tool used to collect data was structured knowledge questionnaire. 60 subjects the subject was selected by convenient sampling technique. The results of the study showed that the overall mean pre test knowledge of antenatal mothers was 59.48% with the standard deviation of 2.37. The mean knowledge gain by the antenatal mothers was 78.33% with the standard deviation of 1.59. The obtained "t" value ...
![Research paper thumbnail of A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Platelets Transfusion among 3rd Year Basic Bsc Nursing students in selected Nursing College at Hassan District](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Platelets are parts of the blood that help the blood clot. They are smaller than red or white blo... more Platelets are parts of the blood that help the blood clot. They are smaller than red or white blood cells. The study intend to assess the existing knowledge regarding platelet transfusion among 3rd year Basic Bsc nursing students. An evaluative approach with one group pre-test post-test design was used for the study. Convenient sampling technique was used to draw 50 nursing students as the sample. Data was collected by administering a structured knowledge questionnaire on platelets transfusion. After collecting the data, computer assisted teaching programme was administered to the subjects on the same day and on 7th day; post-test was conducted using the same questionnaire. The results showed that the mean post-test knowledge score (78.8%) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (38.2%). The calculated ‘t’ value (20.80*) was higher than the table value (t49=1.96). This shows that the computer assisted teaching programme was effective improving the knowledge of nursing stud...
![Research paper thumbnail of A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Educational Module on Faculty’s Knowledge and Skill in Handling Freshman Adjustment Problems and Coping Strategies in Selected Colleges at Bangalore North](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
A study to assess the effectiveness of Self-Educational Module on faculties Knowledge and Skill i... more A study to assess the effectiveness of Self-Educational Module on faculties Knowledge and Skill in handling Freshman adjustment problems and coping strategies in selected colleges at Bangalore North was undertaken by Ms.Chaitra.B.C in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Nursing under the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. The research approach adopted for this study is evaluative approach. The research design adopted for the study was per- experimental single group (O1XO2) design was applied. The non-probability purposive sampling was used to select the sample for the study. The sample consists of the 60 faculties who are teaching UG students in selected colleges at Bangalore north, Karnataka. The instrument used for the data collection was self-administered questionnaire and observation checklist. Paired t-test analysis used to test the per-test and post-test score of knowledge. The paired‘t’ value of knowledge was 21.33...
![Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Copd patients among Nursing Students in selected Nursing colleges](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Background and Purpose of the study: Pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with COPD is well esta... more Background and Purpose of the study: Pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with COPD is well established and widely accepted as a means to alleviate symptoms and optimize functional status, increase participation, and reduce health care costs by stabilizing or reversing systemic manifestations of the disease. It is a form of rehabilitation dealing with respiratory disorders and limited participation in daily life. Pulmonary rehabilitation includes patient education, exercise training, psychosocial support and advice on nutrition. Pulmonary rehabilitation has been shown to improve exercise capacity, reduce breathlessness, improve health-related quality of life, and decrease healthcare utilization. Pulmonary rehabilitation should be offered to all patients who consider themselves functionally disabled by COPD4. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often decrease their physical activity because exercise can worsen dyspnea. The progressive deconditioning associated...
![Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge of Avaliability and Utilization of Health Care Services](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Educating the rural people regarding availability and utilization of health care services will im... more Educating the rural people regarding availability and utilization of health care services will improve their knowledge and health also. So, this study is intended to assess the knowledge of residents regarding Availability and utilization of health care services with a view to develop information booklet. The objectives are to assess knowledge and associate them with selected demographic variables, develop and provide an information booklet regarding availability and utilization of health care services among residents. Research approach was used is descriptive approach which is an non-experimental design. The target population for the study were selected from PHC, Bengaluru. This population was selected by convenient sampling technique. The total samples under the study were 60 residents (male and female). The data was collected by structured questionnaire schedule which was designed to assess the knowledge of residents regarding availability and utilization of health care services....
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, Nov 14, 2022
![Research paper thumbnail of A Study to assess the knowledge of youths regarding Swine Flu and it’s prevention in selected urban area of Bengaluru south with a view to develop an information booklet](
International Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Swine flu one of the communicable diseases which affected large portion of the general public, it... more Swine flu one of the communicable diseases which affected large portion of the general public, it can be treated and it is a vaccine preventable disease. WHO says that youths are at risk of swine and it is an urban youth syndrome. As studies shown that swine flu cases are found more in urban youths. Education plays a vital role in development of the human potential, through which we can achieve control and prevention of swine flu. Methods: Descriptive approach which is an non-experimental design was adopted. The target population for the study were selected from Kenchanahally area, Bangarappa Nagar PHC, Bengaluru South. This population was selected by non probability purposive sampling technique. The total samples under the study were 100 youths (male and female). The data was collected by structured questionnaire schedule which was designed to assess the knowledge of youths regarding swine flu and it’s prevention. The results were described by using descriptive and inferential stat...
![Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge regarding the ill effects of Grain Dust Exposure on Respiratory System and its Prevention among Flour Mill workers in Bangalore Rural](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Grain dust is the dust produced during harvesting, drying, handling, storage or processing of whe... more Grain dust is the dust produced during harvesting, drying, handling, storage or processing of wheat, oats, rice, barley or maize. Grain dust is composed of a large number of materials including various types of grain and their disintegration products, silica, fungi, insects and mites. The study aims to assess the knowledge and determine the relationship regarding the ill effects of grain dust exposure on respiratory system among flour mill workers. The research approach for this study is explorative and descriptive survey. The researcher planned to explore the knowledge regarding the ill effects of grain dust exposure on respiratory system and its prevention. The structured interview schedules were tried out with flour mill workers in selected flour mill at Bangalore rural. Split half method was done and co- efficient correlation was found (r= 0.82) which indicates high degree of reliability. Finding of the study showed, knowledge score of the flour mill workers 82% of them were hav...
![Research paper thumbnail of A Comparative study to assess the knowledge on Covid-19 and ill effects on the health and prevention among the residence of Bangalore South with a view to develop an Informational pamphlet](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the comm... more Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The study was conducted to compare the knowledge level among community with an aim to know the awareness about covid, its ill effects and the preventive aspects. A research design adopted was comparative design. The target population for the study were selected from PHC Bengaluru by convenient sampling technique. The sample under the study were residents (male and female) of both rural and urban south zone. The data was collected by structured questionnaire schedule which was designed to assess the knowledge of residents regarding availability and utilization of health care services. The result was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The respondents mean knowledge score shown that 18.3% of the respondents had inadequate knowledge, 78.3% of the respondents ...
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
The study intends to assess the knowledge on mosquito borne diseases and its prevention among the... more The study intends to assess the knowledge on mosquito borne diseases and its prevention among the residents of Bengaluru. In this study descriptive approach was used. 60 samples were drawn from population using convenient sampling technique. The data was collected by structured questionnaire schedule. The major findings of the study respondent’s mean knowledge score 2.6% of the respondents had inadequate knowledge,88.3% of the respondents had moderate knowledge and 10% of the respondents had adequate knowledge on mosquito borne diseases and its prevention. The study concluded that there is a need of the hour to control the mosquito borne diseases so that many health problems can be prevented with the involment of the community people.
![Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge regarding Occupational Health Hazards and its Prevention among Flour Mill Workers at selected rural area](
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Many people believe that work is worship, equally important is the place of work because the work... more Many people believe that work is worship, equally important is the place of work because the workplace has significant influence on individual’s health and is a primary site for the delivery of preventive health care. The present study intends to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding occupational health hazards and its prevention among flour mill workers in selected rural area. The objectives are to assess the existing knowledge level on occupational health hazards and its prevention, to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding occupational health hazards and its prevention. Quasi experimental, one group pre test and post test design was adopted. Evaluative approach with selected Flour mill in rural area. 60 Flour mill worker were selected by Random Sampling. The collected data was analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The over all knowledge score obtained by the su...
![Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of tobacco use among females in an urban community in Imphal](
International Journal of Research, Jan 10, 2015
Tobacco use is a growing global public health problem. The adverse effects of tobacco use on heal... more Tobacco use is a growing global public health problem. The adverse effects of tobacco use on health are well known. The objectives of this study was to determine the prevalence of tobacco use and to determine the association of tobacco use with selected variables like age, education, occupation, etc among females in an urban community. Methods: A cross sectional study using personal interviews was carried out on 307 individuals aged 18 years and above. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test was used for analysis. Results: The prevalence of ever use of tobacco use was 58.6% and of which 97.2% were current users. Tobacco was used predominantly in smokeless form (zarda pan, khaini, gutkha) by 85.6% of the users. Only smoked tobacco was used by 4.4% of the users. The commonest influencing factor for tobacco use was peer pressure. Conclusion: Prevalence of tobacco use in this community was high. There is a need to develop effective health education and multifactorial tobacco quitting strategies with focus on help and support for those who wish to quit tobacco.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
ABSTRACT Reduplicated Multiword Expressions (RMWEs) are abundant in Manipuri, the highly agglutin... more ABSTRACT Reduplicated Multiword Expressions (RMWEs) are abundant in Manipuri, the highly agglutinative India language. The Part of Speech (POS) tagging of Manipuri using Support Vector Machine (SVM) has been developed and evaluated. The POS tagger has been updated with identified RMWEs as another feature. The performance of the SVM based POS tagger before and after adding RMWE as a feature have been compared. The SVM based POS tagger has been evaluated with the F-Score of 77.67% which has increased to 79.61% with RMWE as an additional feature. Thus the performance the POS tagger has improved after adding RMWE as an additional feature.
Papers by Laishram dabashini devi
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. The
disease affecting as many as 7 to 10 out of 100 women of child bearing age (15-45 years).To assess the level of
awareness regarding early identification and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome in experimental and
control group.To evaluate the effectiveness of the video assisted teaching programme on awareness and attitude
regarding early identification and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome in experimental group.To find
out the association between the pretest level of awareness and attitude regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome
with their selected demographic variable in experimental and control group.Quasi- experimental pretest-posttest
control group design was used to collect the data. A total of 60 students in were selected as control group (n=30)
and experimental group (n=30) through non-probability convenience sampling technique. Structured
questionnaire and modified attitude scale regarding early identification and management of PCOS were used as
the tool. Video teaching was telecasted to the experimental group. After seven days, posttest was done by
using structured questionnaire and modified attitude scale. The obtained data was analyzed by using descriptive
and inferential statistics. In control group, pretest mean score of awareness was 11.43 ±3.07 the posttest mean
score was 12.27±SD 2.65, the mean difference was 0.84. The obtained “t” value was 1.85, which was not
statistically significant. In experimental group, pretest mean score of awareness was 11.70 ±2.48 the posttest
mean score was 21.03±SD 1.42, the mean difference was 9.33. The obtained “t” value was 29.90, which was
statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control group posttest mean score of awareness was
12.26±2.65. In experimental group posttest mean score was 21.03±1.42, the mean difference was8.77. The
obtained “t” value was 15.95, which was statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control group,
pretest mean score of attitudes was 52.00 ±5.87 the posttest mean score was 53.27±SD 5.48, the mean difference
was 1.26. The obtained “t” value was 1.92, which was not statistically significant. In experimental group, pretest
mean score of attitude was 52.83±6.93 the posttest mean score was 73.77±SD 4.94, the mean difference was
20.93. The obtained “t” value was 15.35 which was statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control
group posttest mean score of attitude was 53.27±5.48. In experimental group posttest mean score was
73.77±4.94, the mean difference was 20.50. The obtained “t” value was 15.20, which was statistically highly
significant at p<0.001***level. The present study findings concluded that, video teaching is effective by
improving the awareness and attitude among adolescent girls.
KEYWORDS: Pcod, Awareness, Adolescent.
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. The
disease affecting as many as 7 to 10 out of 100 women of child bearing age (15-45 years).To assess the level of
awareness regarding early identification and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome in experimental and
control group.To evaluate the effectiveness of the video assisted teaching programme on awareness and attitude
regarding early identification and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome in experimental group.To find
out the association between the pretest level of awareness and attitude regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome
with their selected demographic variable in experimental and control group.Quasi- experimental pretest-posttest
control group design was used to collect the data. A total of 60 students in were selected as control group (n=30)
and experimental group (n=30) through non-probability convenience sampling technique. Structured
questionnaire and modified attitude scale regarding early identification and management of PCOS were used as
the tool. Video teaching was telecasted to the experimental group. After seven days, posttest was done by
using structured questionnaire and modified attitude scale. The obtained data was analyzed by using descriptive
and inferential statistics. In control group, pretest mean score of awareness was 11.43 ±3.07 the posttest mean
score was 12.27±SD 2.65, the mean difference was 0.84. The obtained “t” value was 1.85, which was not
statistically significant. In experimental group, pretest mean score of awareness was 11.70 ±2.48 the posttest
mean score was 21.03±SD 1.42, the mean difference was 9.33. The obtained “t” value was 29.90, which was
statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control group posttest mean score of awareness was
12.26±2.65. In experimental group posttest mean score was 21.03±1.42, the mean difference was8.77. The
obtained “t” value was 15.95, which was statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control group,
pretest mean score of attitudes was 52.00 ±5.87 the posttest mean score was 53.27±SD 5.48, the mean difference
was 1.26. The obtained “t” value was 1.92, which was not statistically significant. In experimental group, pretest
mean score of attitude was 52.83±6.93 the posttest mean score was 73.77±SD 4.94, the mean difference was
20.93. The obtained “t” value was 15.35 which was statistically highly significant at p<0.001***level. In control
group posttest mean score of attitude was 53.27±5.48. In experimental group posttest mean score was
73.77±4.94, the mean difference was 20.50. The obtained “t” value was 15.20, which was statistically highly
significant at p<0.001***level. The present study findings concluded that, video teaching is effective by
improving the awareness and attitude among adolescent girls.
KEYWORDS: Pcod, Awareness, Adolescent.