Papers by Leandro Pereira
![Research paper thumbnail of As Oficinas “Paisagem Sonora – Sons e Silêncios da Quarentena” - Relato de experiência realizada na Mostra Virtual de Artes do CEFET MG](
Rebento, Jan 19, 2021
This work contains a report of a teaching experience stimulated by the Covid-19 pandemics in Braz... more This work contains a report of a teaching experience stimulated by the Covid-19 pandemics in Brazil, in 2020. It refers to the creation of music and technology workshops titled "Soundscape-Sounds and silences from the quarantine", which aim was the creation of musical works with sound sources available in the space restricted to the social isolation of each participant, based on the concept of the soundscape by the Canadian composer, educator and researcher R. Murray Schafer. Due to the fact that the social isolation has provoked forced adaptations to the people´s routines, in a situation in which it was only possible to coexist remotely at any time, including the educational and creative moments, all the learning process was distant. The workshops were offered in a virtual art event, the "Virtual Arts Exhibition from the CEFET MG", and the musical works are now available in the Youtube channel of this exhibition. So, some results, processes, reflections and concepts will be presented, all coming from an experience which brought works full of history and sound reports from the social isolation.
Nesta página muito especial desta tese, gostaria de agradecer a algumas pessoas dentre as muitas ... more Nesta página muito especial desta tese, gostaria de agradecer a algumas pessoas dentre as muitas que me ajudaram a realizá-la.
Conceitos e ferramentas para uma criação musical hipermidiática: o caso 5 elementos, 2014
This paper focuses on the relationships between digital technologies and musical
creation, discu... more This paper focuses on the relationships between digital technologies and musical
creation, discussing some key concepts and ideas such as cyberculture,digital micro-
integration, digital perception and hypermedia / hypertext. Based on these concepts and
ideas, a conceptual tool is proposed, which explores the characteristics of a hypermedia
/ hypertext in the music creation process. We analyse compositional elements of works
on which it was possible to observe hypertext features. a piece developed from
the proposed conceptual tool, called 5 elementos, is also presented and discussed.
This paper deals with the relationship between the concept of hypermedia / hypertext and musical ... more This paper deals with the relationship between the concept of hypermedia / hypertext and musical creation.
Papers by Leandro Pereira
creation, discussing some key concepts and ideas such as cyberculture,digital micro-
integration, digital perception and hypermedia / hypertext. Based on these concepts and
ideas, a conceptual tool is proposed, which explores the characteristics of a hypermedia
/ hypertext in the music creation process. We analyse compositional elements of works
on which it was possible to observe hypertext features. a piece developed from
the proposed conceptual tool, called 5 elementos, is also presented and discussed.
creation, discussing some key concepts and ideas such as cyberculture,digital micro-
integration, digital perception and hypermedia / hypertext. Based on these concepts and
ideas, a conceptual tool is proposed, which explores the characteristics of a hypermedia
/ hypertext in the music creation process. We analyse compositional elements of works
on which it was possible to observe hypertext features. a piece developed from
the proposed conceptual tool, called 5 elementos, is also presented and discussed.