Papers by Ligia Garcia Labrador
El interés sobre las glicoproteínas séricas, incluyendo las muco proteínas, se reflejan en la gra... more El interés sobre las glicoproteínas séricas, incluyendo las muco proteínas, se reflejan en la gran cantidad de publicaciones que existen sobre el tema. La mayoría de ellas se refiere a personas adultas no encontrándose ningún estudio completo sobre estos compuestos durante la niñez y la adolescencia En la presente investigación se cuantificó el contenido sérico de las muco proteínas en 320 escolares en buen estado de salud; 160 niños y 160 niñas, entre 7y 14 años de edad, procedentes de la ciudad de Mérida Venezuela). Las mucoproteínas alcanzaron un promedio de 15±4 mg/dl (rango=8-18), no demostrándose ninguna variación significativa en este valor en relación con la edad o con el sexo de los escolares sometidos al estudio.

It is a descriptive and comparative study for a year at the Institute of Social Welfare and the N... more It is a descriptive and comparative study for a year at the Institute of Social Welfare and the National Estadal Magisteriums Merida in order to establish morbidity registered on principal areas of inquiry in both institutions and for this we used the program EPI-INFO for probabilistic selection of a systematic sample. In 1168 came the IPAS Estadal patients, they will take a systematic random sample of 182 patients, representing 15.5% of the population indicated. In the National 906 IPAS users who consulted a sample of 174 patients representing 19.2%. At both institutions benefi ciaries attended by more that affi liates, especially successive queries female. between 15-64 years and were referred to ophthalmology and dentistry. The main causes of morbidity were hypertension, pharyngitis, back pain, bronchitis viral syndromes. There was greater involvement of eye diseases, respiratory and digestive system, while the National IPAS predominated among 45-64 years and referred to Dermatol...

It is a prospective descriptive investigation made in 22 preschool children who regularly go to p... more It is a prospective descriptive investigation made in 22 preschool children who regularly go to preschool EU Eleazar Lopez. Contreras of Merida in order to establish the relationship between socio-economic aspects with nutritional status using the indicators weight-length, weight-age and height-age, following the WHO methodology. The following results were obtained. Male dominated preschool 3 years old. Most showed a normal nutritional status desnutricion.Los followed by overweight and socioeconomic factors contributing to infant malnutrition were: Only 35% received breastfeeding after six months, 30.4% of the population under study They had a history of previous hospitalizations for various reasons, 47.7% of family group own more than 4 members and 86.9% of mothers work outside the home but met the vaccination, housing and adequate sanitation share attending wellchild controls. According to the general nutritional status of preschool 45.4% recorded Normal nutritional status, 31.8% ...
Para determinar la presencia de enteroparasitos en hortalizas expendidas en tres mercados de la c... more Para determinar la presencia de enteroparasitos en hortalizas expendidas en tres mercados de la ciudad de Merida (Venezuela ), se realizo un estudio descriptivo, donde se analizaron en forma aleatoria 120 muestras de 10 hortalizas procedentes de los tres mercados de la ciudad de Merida. La observacion se realizo en forma directa con solucion salina y lugol. Se encontraron entero parasitos en un 12% de las muestras procesadas. Los helmintos encontrados en un 79% de las muestras fueron larvas de nematodos y Toxocara sp. Entre los protozoos aislados se encontraron: Blastocystis hominis, y Entamoeba sp. Las hortalizas que presentaron el mayor porcentaje de contaminacion fueron: el rabano, la cebollino y la zanahoria
Medula Revista De La Facultad De Medicina, 2011
Papers by Ligia Garcia Labrador