Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö käsitleb kaasaegsete eesti... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö käsitleb kaasaegsete eestikeelsete õigeusklike uskumusi ja kogemusi. Andmed on pärit religioonisotsioloogilisest kvalitatiivsest uuringust, kus osales 57 õigeusu kiriku vaimulikku ja koguduse liiget. Uuringu tulemusena selgus, et enamik eestikeelseid õigeusklikke on kirikusse jõudnud oma perekondade või „olulise teise“ kaudu. Teine ühine omadus eestikeelsete õigeusklike juures on müstiline, ratsionaalse mõistuse väline ja seletamatu religioosne kogemus (85% informantidest). Müstilise kogemuse puhul ei mängi vanus, sugu, haridus või kirikusse sattumise viis mingit rolli. Valdav enamus eestikeelsetest õigeusklikest usuvad ka imedesse (inglitesse, pühakutesse ja/või imet tegevatesse ikoonidesse). Imetegude kogemused olid enamasti meeldivad, kuid oli ka painavaid ja hirmutavaid kogemusi. Ime kogemisel on teatud roll usul, et midagi imelist võib juhtuda. Samas leidus hulgaliselt ka nn argipäeva imesid, mis juhtusid ig...
Projekti eesmärgiks oli eeltöö metsageneetiliste ressursside säilitamise ning metsa-kultiveerimis... more Projekti eesmärgiks oli eeltöö metsageneetiliste ressursside säilitamise ning metsa-kultiveerimismaterjali kasutamise ja tootmise strateegia koostamiseks. Projekti taotluse koostamise ja täitmise vahelisel ajal projekti eesmärk veidi muutus kuid sisu jäi sisuliselt samaks, samuti pöörati põhirõhk metsageneetiliste ressursside säilitamist reguleerivate õigusaktide loomiseks ja täiendamiseks vajalike põhjenduste ning ettepanekute väljatöötamisele
Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investig... more Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investigated by studying the phenotypic plasticity of leaf and root traits in response to different irradiance levels at low nutrient supply. Two congeneric grasses with contrasting light requirements, Dactylis glomlerata and D. polygama, were used. The aim was to analyze phenotypic covariation in components of leaf area and root length in response to above- and belowground resource limitation and the consequences of this variation for resource acquisition and plant growth. At intermediate shading (30 and 20% of full sunlight) the plants were able to maintain their total root length, despite a strongly increased total leaf area and a reduced biomass allocation to roots. This was associated with an unaltered or slightly increased nutrient uptake and growth. At 5.5% relative irradiance, growth was severely reduced, especially in the shade-tolerant D. polygamna. The results show that constraints on...
The BONUS symposium “Science delivery for sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources” hel... more The BONUS symposium “Science delivery for sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources” held in Tallinn, Estonia, in October 2017 was an opportunity for the presentation and discussion of 107 papers that examined the state and dynamics of living resources of the Baltic Sea, and associated management challenges. The symposium included a half-day stakeholder panel discussion that addressed the main challenges related to sustainable management and matching research and policy/management needs. Based on the five symposium papers published in this Special Issue as well as the stakeholder panel discussion, it can be concluded that (i) new observations about the feeding ecology of clupeids supports a more complete understanding of trophic interactions in the pelagic realm and improved calibration of ecosystem models, (ii) to safequard sustainable and diverse fisheries resources, one should take into account the specific local characteristics of the fish community, (iii) to safeguard ...
Teesid: Artiklis kirjeldatakse, mida peavad eesti keelt kõnelevad õigeusklikud õigeusu keskme kõi... more Teesid: Artiklis kirjeldatakse, mida peavad eesti keelt kõnelevad õigeusklikud õigeusu keskme kõige olulisemateks aspektideks. Tulemused on saadud religioonisotsioloogilise uuringu käigus. Artiklis on hulgaliselt tsitaate intervjuudest selle kohta, mis teeb õigeusu inimeste silmis eriliseks ja teistest konfessioonidest eristuvaks. Vastuste kategoriseerimisel on kasutatud Ninian Smarti religiooni dimensioonide klassifikatsiooni. Tulemustes ei eristunud ükski tüüpiline aspekt, mida enamik eestikeelseid õigeusklikke näeksid olevat õigeusu keskmes. Välja toodi erinevaid olulisi aspekte ning uuringus mainiti kõiki seitset religiooni dimensiooni, kuigi mitte võrdsel määral. Enim esindatud olid kogemuslik ja emotsionaalne ning rituaalne dimensioon, kuid mainiti ka materiaalset ja filosoofilist. Artiklis vaadeldakse ka arvamuse kujunemist õigeusu kohta, selle seost religioosse identiteediga ning teistele konfessioonidele vastandumise rolli selles.
... Though diversity may, in some cases, promote pro-ductivity (Kareiva 1994) the common understa... more ... Though diversity may, in some cases, promote pro-ductivity (Kareiva 1994) the common understanding is that diversity tends at least in medium to fertile condi-tions to decrease with productivity (Grime 1979; Moore & Keddy 1989; Gough et al.1994). ...
... treated with additional illumination, fertilization and mowing Liina Eek and Kristjan Zobel E... more ... treated with additional illumination, fertilization and mowing Liina Eek and Kristjan Zobel Eek, L. and Zobel, K. 2001. ... Phytocoenologica 11: 385–388. Jonsson, L. 1995. Effects of restoration on wooded meadows in southeastern Sweden. – Lund Univ., Sweden. ...
Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investig... more Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investigated by studying the phenotypic plasticity of leaf and root traits in response to different irradiance levels at low nutrient supply. Two congeneric grasses with contrasting light requirements, Dactylis glomerata and D. polygama, were used. The aim was to analyze phenotypic covariation in components of leaf area and root length in response to above-and belowground resource limitation and the consequences of this variation for resource acquisition and plant growth. At intermediate shading (30 and 20% of full sunlight) the plants were able to maintain their total root length, despite a strongly increased total leaf area and a reduced biomass allocation to roots. This was associated with an unaltered or slightly increased nutrient uptake and growth. At 5.5% relative irradiance, growth was severely reduced, especially in the shade-tolerant D. polygama. The results show that constraints on acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources, caused by biomass allocation, may be alleviated by plasticity in other traits such as tissue-mass density and thickness of roots and leaves. The results also suggest different adaptive constraints for phenotypic plasticity and for genetically determined interspecific variation. Phenotypic plasticity tends to maximize resource acquisition and growth rate in the short term, whereas the higher tissue-mass density and the longer leaf life-span of shade-tolerant species indicate reduced loss rates as a more advantageous speciesspecific adaptation to shade in the long term.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö käsitleb kaasaegsete eesti... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö käsitleb kaasaegsete eestikeelsete õigeusklike uskumusi ja kogemusi. Andmed on pärit religioonisotsioloogilisest kvalitatiivsest uuringust, kus osales 57 õigeusu kiriku vaimulikku ja koguduse liiget. Uuringu tulemusena selgus, et enamik eestikeelseid õigeusklikke on kirikusse jõudnud oma perekondade või „olulise teise“ kaudu. Teine ühine omadus eestikeelsete õigeusklike juures on müstiline, ratsionaalse mõistuse väline ja seletamatu religioosne kogemus (85% informantidest). Müstilise kogemuse puhul ei mängi vanus, sugu, haridus või kirikusse sattumise viis mingit rolli. Valdav enamus eestikeelsetest õigeusklikest usuvad ka imedesse (inglitesse, pühakutesse ja/või imet tegevatesse ikoonidesse). Imetegude kogemused olid enamasti meeldivad, kuid oli ka painavaid ja hirmutavaid kogemusi. Ime kogemisel on teatud roll usul, et midagi imelist võib juhtuda. Samas leidus hulgaliselt ka nn argipäeva imesid, mis juhtusid ig...
Projekti eesmärgiks oli eeltöö metsageneetiliste ressursside säilitamise ning metsa-kultiveerimis... more Projekti eesmärgiks oli eeltöö metsageneetiliste ressursside säilitamise ning metsa-kultiveerimismaterjali kasutamise ja tootmise strateegia koostamiseks. Projekti taotluse koostamise ja täitmise vahelisel ajal projekti eesmärk veidi muutus kuid sisu jäi sisuliselt samaks, samuti pöörati põhirõhk metsageneetiliste ressursside säilitamist reguleerivate õigusaktide loomiseks ja täiendamiseks vajalike põhjenduste ning ettepanekute väljatöötamisele
Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investig... more Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investigated by studying the phenotypic plasticity of leaf and root traits in response to different irradiance levels at low nutrient supply. Two congeneric grasses with contrasting light requirements, Dactylis glomlerata and D. polygama, were used. The aim was to analyze phenotypic covariation in components of leaf area and root length in response to above- and belowground resource limitation and the consequences of this variation for resource acquisition and plant growth. At intermediate shading (30 and 20% of full sunlight) the plants were able to maintain their total root length, despite a strongly increased total leaf area and a reduced biomass allocation to roots. This was associated with an unaltered or slightly increased nutrient uptake and growth. At 5.5% relative irradiance, growth was severely reduced, especially in the shade-tolerant D. polygamna. The results show that constraints on...
The BONUS symposium “Science delivery for sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources” hel... more The BONUS symposium “Science delivery for sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources” held in Tallinn, Estonia, in October 2017 was an opportunity for the presentation and discussion of 107 papers that examined the state and dynamics of living resources of the Baltic Sea, and associated management challenges. The symposium included a half-day stakeholder panel discussion that addressed the main challenges related to sustainable management and matching research and policy/management needs. Based on the five symposium papers published in this Special Issue as well as the stakeholder panel discussion, it can be concluded that (i) new observations about the feeding ecology of clupeids supports a more complete understanding of trophic interactions in the pelagic realm and improved calibration of ecosystem models, (ii) to safequard sustainable and diverse fisheries resources, one should take into account the specific local characteristics of the fish community, (iii) to safeguard ...
Teesid: Artiklis kirjeldatakse, mida peavad eesti keelt kõnelevad õigeusklikud õigeusu keskme kõi... more Teesid: Artiklis kirjeldatakse, mida peavad eesti keelt kõnelevad õigeusklikud õigeusu keskme kõige olulisemateks aspektideks. Tulemused on saadud religioonisotsioloogilise uuringu käigus. Artiklis on hulgaliselt tsitaate intervjuudest selle kohta, mis teeb õigeusu inimeste silmis eriliseks ja teistest konfessioonidest eristuvaks. Vastuste kategoriseerimisel on kasutatud Ninian Smarti religiooni dimensioonide klassifikatsiooni. Tulemustes ei eristunud ükski tüüpiline aspekt, mida enamik eestikeelseid õigeusklikke näeksid olevat õigeusu keskmes. Välja toodi erinevaid olulisi aspekte ning uuringus mainiti kõiki seitset religiooni dimensiooni, kuigi mitte võrdsel määral. Enim esindatud olid kogemuslik ja emotsionaalne ning rituaalne dimensioon, kuid mainiti ka materiaalset ja filosoofilist. Artiklis vaadeldakse ka arvamuse kujunemist õigeusu kohta, selle seost religioosse identiteediga ning teistele konfessioonidele vastandumise rolli selles.
... Though diversity may, in some cases, promote pro-ductivity (Kareiva 1994) the common understa... more ... Though diversity may, in some cases, promote pro-ductivity (Kareiva 1994) the common understanding is that diversity tends at least in medium to fertile condi-tions to decrease with productivity (Grime 1979; Moore & Keddy 1989; Gough et al.1994). ...
... treated with additional illumination, fertilization and mowing Liina Eek and Kristjan Zobel E... more ... treated with additional illumination, fertilization and mowing Liina Eek and Kristjan Zobel Eek, L. and Zobel, K. 2001. ... Phytocoenologica 11: 385–388. Jonsson, L. 1995. Effects of restoration on wooded meadows in southeastern Sweden. – Lund Univ., Sweden. ...
Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investig... more Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investigated by studying the phenotypic plasticity of leaf and root traits in response to different irradiance levels at low nutrient supply. Two congeneric grasses with contrasting light requirements, Dactylis glomerata and D. polygama, were used. The aim was to analyze phenotypic covariation in components of leaf area and root length in response to above-and belowground resource limitation and the consequences of this variation for resource acquisition and plant growth. At intermediate shading (30 and 20% of full sunlight) the plants were able to maintain their total root length, despite a strongly increased total leaf area and a reduced biomass allocation to roots. This was associated with an unaltered or slightly increased nutrient uptake and growth. At 5.5% relative irradiance, growth was severely reduced, especially in the shade-tolerant D. polygama. The results show that constraints on acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources, caused by biomass allocation, may be alleviated by plasticity in other traits such as tissue-mass density and thickness of roots and leaves. The results also suggest different adaptive constraints for phenotypic plasticity and for genetically determined interspecific variation. Phenotypic plasticity tends to maximize resource acquisition and growth rate in the short term, whereas the higher tissue-mass density and the longer leaf life-span of shade-tolerant species indicate reduced loss rates as a more advantageous speciesspecific adaptation to shade in the long term.
Papers by Liina Eek