Papers by Luis Carlos Galán
“Como homenaje a la memoria de Luis Carlos Galan, Fedesarrollo ha querido reproducir en esta entr... more “Como homenaje a la memoria de Luis Carlos Galan, Fedesarrollo ha querido reproducir en esta entrega de Coyuntura Economica el texto de un discurso suyo publicado en la revista Nueva Frontera el pasado mes de abril. Dentro de pocos meses terminara el decenio de los anos ochenta, un periodo durante el cual Colombia ha vivido profundos cambios en su evolucion politica, economica y social. No es nuestro proposito hacer hoy el balance de estos anos aun cuando en el curso de las deliberaciones surgiran referencias a elementos estructurales de la vida colombiana que han adquirido especial complejidad y significado en los ultimos tiempos. Lo que nos interesa es proponer un marco de reflexion sobre las perspectivas de la vida nacional en el decenio que se avecina para buscar la mas completa identificacion de objetivos capaces, de aglutinar a todos los colombianos y anticipar las principales caracteristicas de los procesos mas importantes que tendran lugar en la vida institucional, la economia, la cultura y la sociedad. Tenemos el proposito de multiplicar estos dialogos con los demas sectores politicos, los sindicatos, los comunicadores, los educadores y en fin, todas las fuerzas sociales. Deseamos no solo presentar algunas ideas y aportar la informacion que tenemos a nuestro alcance sino, sobre todo, escuchar a quienes como ustedes tienen observaciones, preguntas y proposiciones que se fundamentan en sus propios escenarios de accion. Estamos seguros que el ejercicio de pensar en el futuro nos proporcionara a todos orientaciones validas y mejores instrumentos para planificar acciones eficaces ante las innumerables y complejas responsabilidades que nos esperan ahora y en los proximos anos…”
Index on Censorship, 1990
The long winding road to the The Colombian government declared a 'war on drugs' last August follo... more The long winding road to the The Colombian government declared a 'war on drugs' last August following the murder of the man who was likely to become the nation's next President, Luis Carlos Galán. Colombia goes to the polls on 27 May. Candidates promise to stop the drug barons' armies and the paramilitary groups.
Harvard Deusto Business Review, 1981
Revista Ahciet Revista De Telecomunicaciones, 2008
Tierras De Castilla Y Leon Ganaderia, 2007
Boletín Geológico y Minero
We have analysed the geochemical (element analysis), mineralogical and sedimentary facies to char... more We have analysed the geochemical (element analysis), mineralogical and sedimentary facies to characterize the sedimentary record in Fuentillejo maar-lake in the central Spanish volcanic field of Campo de Calatrava and thus be able to reconstruct the cyclicity of the sedimentary and paleoclimatic processes involved. The upper 20 m of core FUENT-1 show variations in clastic input and water chemistry in the lake throughout the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The temporal framework provided by 14C accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating indicates that the sequence covers the last 47 ka cal BP. Normalized geochemical TiO2 and CaO records were used to carry out a spectral analysis that revealed the millennial cyclicity present in the sequence. with major periodicities of 15.1 ka; 10 ka; 5.4 ka; 3.4 ka; 2.3 ka; 1.8 ka; 1.5 ka; 910, 863 and 606 years. All these peaks also appear in the power spectrum of the Vostok record (10, 8.2, 4.9, 3.4, 2.1, 1.9 and 1.1 ka) and NGRIP record (3.3 ka, 1...
We have analysed the geochemical (element analysis), mineralogical and sedimentary facies to char... more We have analysed the geochemical (element analysis), mineralogical and sedimentary facies to characterize the sedimentary record in Fuentillejo maar-lake in the central Spanish volcanic field of Campo de Calatrava and thus be able to reconstruct the cyclicity of the sedimentary and paleoclimatic processes involved. The upper 20 m of core FUENT-1 show variations in clastic input and water chemistry in the lake throughout the last 50 ka cal BP. Being a closed system, the water level in this maar-lake depends primarily on the balance between precipitation and evaporation. The system is consequently very sensitive to changes in the regional hydrological balance and these changes should be reflected by the geochemical proxy parameters TiO2, an indicator of major detrital input related to arid and cold climates, and CaO, an indicator of carbonate precipitation favored by warm, dry environmental conditions. In this case, analysis of the geochemical component was found to be the best way to...
Resumen: El maar de Fuentillejo está localizado en la Región Volcánica Central de Campo de Calatr... more Resumen: El maar de Fuentillejo está localizado en la Región Volcánica Central de Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). Es un sistema cerrado y tiene 142 m de sedimentos lacustres, organizados en 23 unidades sedimentarias. Se ha realizado el estudio polínico, mineralógico y el análisis de facies para el intervalo temporal entre 167 a 120 ka del sondeo FUENT-1 (67 a 48 m de profundidad). Estos proxies han permitido reconstruir las oscilaciones paleoambientales y paleoclimáticas que controlaron los patrones de la vegetación y la sedimentación lacustre en la región de estudio. El último interglaciar se sitúa entre 133 y 120 ka. Las facies lacustres están formadas por dolomicritas de color negro-marrón finamente laminadas y capas de sapropel. La vegetación está caracterizada por una gran diversidad de taxones polínicos, con un gran desarrollo del bosque mediterráneo y los taxones mesófilos y una reducción de taxones xéricos (fundamentalmente Artemisia), Pinus y Juniperus. También destaca un...
Resumen: La laguna de Alboraj (provincia de Albacete, SE de España) está limitada en su borde sur... more Resumen: La laguna de Alboraj (provincia de Albacete, SE de España) está limitada en su borde sur por la falla normal de Pozohondo, que forma parte de una zona transtensiva asociada a una cuenca pull-apart y que influye directamente en la sedimentación lacustre. El registro sedimentario del Holoceno superior está formado por sedimentos sin litificar y embebidos en agua, sin evidencias de exposición subaérea, con láminas (1 a 5 mm) y capas de espesor centimétrico de margas, arenas, limos, arcilla y restos vegetales. Se han identificado en ellos estructuras de deformación que han sido originadas por el movimiento de la falla de Pozohondo durante los siglos I a IV AD. Las más comunes aparecen en los taludes de la laguna, con formación de microfallas normales por distensión, simples y conjugadas (fault-graded beds), formación de microescalonado y estructuras de escape de fluidos en gota y en llama. Como consecuencia directa de los terremotos se produjo la resedimentación de la materia o...
In disaster situations, where ad hoc mobile networks are normally used, the location and quantity... more In disaster situations, where ad hoc mobile networks are normally used, the location and quantity of existing obstacles is random. Most existing mobility models have not been developed with consideration of the obstacles that exist in a disaster environment. This paper proposes two methods of mobility that realistically represent movement in an environment with obstacles. Unmarked Point Model (UPM) uses a high granularity strategy and Adjacency Vertex Model (AVM) uses a method that selects the shortest pathway. UPM consumes more resources than AVM to generate node mobility patterns in an ad hoc network, on a real map area of an urban area, where obstacles have been placed to simulate an emergency and rescue scenario. In addition, a comparative analysis of both models in its routing performance is done using AODV [18].
The objective of this abstract is to present the HOLOANTAR project, a multidisciplinary research ... more The objective of this abstract is to present the HOLOANTAR project, a multidisciplinary research funded by the Portuguese Government. The project integrates 16 researchers from different international institutions (Portugal, Spain, Brazil and Uruguay).. The main purpose of HOLOANTAR is to infer the palaeoenvironmental evolution and associated climate variability occurred over the last millennia in ice-free areas of the Maritime Antarctica based on the study of lake sediments. The South Shetland Islands (SSI) are located in the northwestern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the Earth's regions that have experienced a stronger warming signal during the second half of the 20th century. In the ice-free areas of this archipelago the terrestrial ecosystem is supported by permafrost, though its reaction to climate change is still poorly known. However, in the recent years a very important effort took place to monitor the thermal state and characteristics of permafrost in order to ...
Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo, 2014
In many countries, the work of mining, quarrying, construction of tunnels and galleries, abrasive... more In many countries, the work of mining, quarrying, construction of tunnels and galleries, abrasive jet cleaning and smelting continue to present significant risks of silica exposure and silicosis epidemics still occur, even in developed countries. Patients with silicosis are particularly susceptible to opportunistic lung infections such as aspergillosis and tuberculosis. Occasionally silicosis is associated with scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, nephritis and cancer. Early detection of silicosis is made by chest X-ray method, being the presence of rounded opacities the main sign of illness. However, no systematic information is available that allows use as a standard method of evaluation because their interpretation remains operator dependent both conventional radiological technique, digital and interpretation of computed tomography with high resolution.
Gut and Liver, 2014
Background/Aims: Many parasites induce changes in the lipid profiles of the host. Cholesterol inc... more Background/Aims: Many parasites induce changes in the lipid profiles of the host. Cholesterol increases the virulence of Entamoeba histolytica in animal models and in vitro culture. This study aimed to determine, in patients with an amebic liver abscess, the correlation between cholesterol and other features, such as the size and number of abscesses, standard hematological and serum chemistry profiles, liver tests, and duration of hospital stay. Methods: A total of 108 patients with an amebic liver abscess and 140 clinically healthy volunteers were investigated. Cholesterol and triglycerides were measured in the sera. The data from medical observations and laboratory tests were obtained from the clinical records. Results: A total of 93% of patients with an amebic liver abscess showed hypocholesterolemia not related to any of the studied parameters. Liver function tests correlated with the size of the abscess. The most severe cases of amebic liver disease or death were found in patients whose cholesterol levels continued to decrease despite receiving antiamebic treatment and hospital care. Conclusions: Our results show that the hypocholesterolemia observed in patients with an amebic liver abscess is not related to any of the clinical and laboratory features analyzed. This is the first study relating hypocholesterolemia to severity of hepatic amebiasis. (Gut Liver 2014;8:415-420
Sedimentary Geology, 2009
In the Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field (CCVF, Central Spain), the eruption of Pliocene-Pleistoc... more In the Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field (CCVF, Central Spain), the eruption of Pliocene-Pleistocene maar craters into two clearly distinct types of pre-volcanic rocks allows the observation and comparison of hardsubstrate and soft-substrate maar lakes. Hard-substrate maars formed when phreatomagmatic processes affected the jointed, Paleozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks (hard substrate), giving rise to funnel-like maar lake basins. Soft-substrate maars resulted from phreatomagmatic volcanic processes affecting poorlyconsolidated Pliocene sediments, forming bowl-like maar lake basins. Pre-volcanic bedrock determined the post-eruptive lacustrine architecture in the craters and favored a higher preservation of hard-substrate maars in comparison to soft-substrate maars. This is because the hard-substrate maars, surrounded by a deep stable crater wall, are more capable of collecting sediments in their basins. These sediments could be preserved for longer than similar deposits in broad, shallow maars with a soft substrate. Ancient soft-substrate maars do not usually preserve their original morphology well and can be identified only by their lacustrine deposits. Carbonate lacustrine/palustrine deposits surrounding a bowl-like depression are the remnants of this second type of maar lake, and allow reconstruction of the original morphology of ancient soft-substrate maar craters. Geophysical (electrical tomography ground surveys) and geomorphologic-geologic mapping techniques were combined with fieldwork and facies analysis in order to locate and accurately characterize the Pliocene-Pleistocene soft-substrate maar volcanic structures of the CCVF.
Papers by Luis Carlos Galán