Papers by Márcia Agustini
Esse ensaio revisa o tema central do conto de William Faulkner, A Rose for Emily(1930). Este cont... more Esse ensaio revisa o tema central do conto de William Faulkner, A Rose for Emily(1930). Este conto apresenta a decadencia da familia aristocratica de Emily que coincide com a falencia de valores tradicionais na pequena cidade ficticia de Jefferson. O interesse em manter a tradicao e personificado pelos moradores desta cidade que, como narradores deste conto, estao em frequente observacao de sua mais ilustre habitante, exigindo dela um comportamento exemplar. A agonia de Emily ao tentar manter essa imagem, a leva a insanidade e criminalidade, tornando-a assim, um simbolo do fim de uma era.
Clare is born in Jamaica, later she emigrates to the United States and finally England. In these ... more Clare is born in Jamaica, later she emigrates to the United States and finally England. In these countries, she experiences racism in three different forms. The British racism; specifically, brings out internal conflicts and Clare, in search of identity/ identification, compares her trajectory with that of two characters in Charlotte Brontë's novel Jane Eyre. Through her reflections, the rational and stable I present in classical autobiographies appears fragmented and unstable in No Telephone to Heaven. As a result, the trajectory of this heroine comes to defy the classic style of these narratives while proposing a review of stylistic and identitarian concepts.
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressã... more Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Florianópolis, 2013.Abstract : The last decades has seen a shift in racial thought in the U.S. The discourses vary from the statement that the U.S. has moved beyond race to the post-racial neoliberalist discourse in which 'essential' identities are fragments of a social past and its continuance has the function of renewing race and racism. As these discourses gain ground in the U.S. society, the issue of fighting racism becomes more slippery. The present investigation analyzes the meanings attached to the rebirth of novels that deals with the concept of passing for white in this period and its relation with the fragmentation of the color line. More specifically, the aim of this dissertation is to unveil the forms through which No Telephone to Heaven, Caucasia, and The Girl Who Fell from the Sky respond to ...
O conto A praia selvagem de Robert Louis Stevenson discute a relacao desigual e simbiotica entre ... more O conto A praia selvagem de Robert Louis Stevenson discute a relacao desigual e simbiotica entre imperio e colonia. Esse artigo propoe-se a realizar um estudo interseccional levando em conta estudos antropologicos e da branquidade. Estudos antropologicos informam a nocao de desestabilizacao identitaria sofrida por aqueles que interagem com realidades diversas enquanto que estudos da branquidade informam a construcao da branquidade como ‘norma’. A contradicao que emerge entre estas duas posturas torna-se visivel nos conflitos pessoais do personagem principal, revelando a proficuidade de estudos similares para o aprofundamento de questoes pos-coloniais que vao alem da dicotomia colonizador/colonizado.
who have somehow helped me to delineate the topic of my thesis with a better understanding of Cri... more who have somehow helped me to delineate the topic of my thesis with a better understanding of Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic Functional Linguistics. • The coordination and administrative department of the 'Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente' at UFSC. I am also very thankful to: • My friends Maria Elisabete Villela Santiago and Márcia Gromoski, for the support and reviews. • My colleagues from 'Tópicos Especiais em Análise do Discurso: Seminars in Teacher Education and Systemic Functional Linguistics'; especially Jair, Sydnéia, and Kátia for the helpful hints into the 'making' of my thesis. • My nieces and nephews, for making any work lighter.
The last decades have seen a shift in racial thought in the U.S. The discourses vary from the sta... more The last decades have seen a shift in racial thought in the U.S. The discourses vary from the statement that the U.S. has moved beyond race to the post-racial neoliberalist discourse in which ‘essential’ identities are fragments of the social past and its continuance has the function of renewing race and racism. As these discourses gain ground in the U.S. society, the issue of fighting racism becomes more slippery. This book seeks to analyze the meanings attached to the rebirth of novels that deal with the concept of passing for white from the 80's on and its relation with the fragmentation of the color line. More specifically, it sought to unveil the forms through which the novels No Telephone to Heaven, Caucasia, and The Girl Who Fell from the Sky responded to the discourses of racial liberalism and Critical Realism. Drawing upon Santiago’s concept of in-betweenness and Butler’s concept of performativity, this study acknowledges the novels chosen as rich sources of insight abo...
Clare is born in Jamaica, later she emigrates to the United States and finally England. In these ... more Clare is born in Jamaica, later she emigrates to the United States and finally England. In these countries, she experiences racism in three different forms. The British racism; specifically, brings out internal conflicts and Clare, in search of identity/ identification, compares her trajectory with that of two characters in Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre. Through her reflections, the rational and stable I present
in classical autobiographies appears fragmented and unstable in No Telephone to Heaven. As a result, the trajectory of this heroine comes to defy the classic style of these narratives while proposing a review of stylistic and identitarian concepts.
Robert Louis Stevenson’ short story The Beach of Falesa discusses the uneven and symbiotic interr... more Robert Louis Stevenson’ short story The Beach of Falesa discusses the uneven and symbiotic interrelationship between empire and colony. This article proposes to conduct an intersectional study which takes into account anthropological research and Whiteness studies. Anthropological research informs the notion of destabilization of identity experienced by those who interact with different realities whereas studies of whiteness inform the construction of whiteness as ‘norm’. The contradiction that emerges from these two stances becomes visible in the personal conflicts of the main character. This disclosure points to the fertility of similar studies for the deepening of postcolonial issues that go beyond the dichotomy colonizer/colonized.
No romance No Telephone to Heaven da escritora caribenha Michelle Cliff, a metáfora da ferida apa... more No romance No Telephone to Heaven da escritora caribenha Michelle Cliff, a metáfora da ferida aparece ligada aos traumas produzidos pelo processo colonizatório. Clare, a personagem principal, é o resultado de processos de mestiçagem – físicos e culturais. Essa característica a coloca na contra-mão da apregoada ‘unidade’ e ‘pureza’ imperialista de que nos fala Silviano Santiago. A identificação de Clare com a ‘ferida aberta’ no tornozelo de seu namorado nos remete a uma associação entre o discurso colonial europeu de superioridade racial e o trauma produzido pelo mesmo. A questão que nos propomos investigar refere-se às relações entre a ferida e o trauma da colonização, principalmente em relação ao racismo. Uma investigação da construção da ferida na literatura caribenha pode nos ajudar a compreender melhor a personificação do
trauma nos corpos racializados do Caribe.
More than one hundred years after its publication, the novel Jane Eyre has one of his most iconic... more More than one hundred years after its publication, the novel Jane Eyre has one of his most iconic characters revisited by a Caribbean writer. Bertha Mason leaves the few lines given to her in Jane Eyre to become the leading figure in Wide Sargasso Sea. Whereas in the first novel, Bertha's madness is an issue relegated to the degeneration of personal traits; in the second, the origins of her madness are linked to the process of imperial domination. The aim of this paper is to confront the representation given to the same character at different times and try to discern the meanings offered in these novels.
Papers by Márcia Agustini
in classical autobiographies appears fragmented and unstable in No Telephone to Heaven. As a result, the trajectory of this heroine comes to defy the classic style of these narratives while proposing a review of stylistic and identitarian concepts.
trauma nos corpos racializados do Caribe.
in classical autobiographies appears fragmented and unstable in No Telephone to Heaven. As a result, the trajectory of this heroine comes to defy the classic style of these narratives while proposing a review of stylistic and identitarian concepts.
trauma nos corpos racializados do Caribe.