Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, 2020
Nanoparticle hyperthermia treatment is progressing with the passage of time, and with the develop... more Nanoparticle hyperthermia treatment is progressing with the passage of time, and with the development in the field of hybrid nanoparticles synthesis. The transient heat transfer in magnetite–graphene nanocomposite in three dimension under conduction is studied during this research. The proposed model is simulated in finite element solver framework. Novel hybrid nanoparticles were synthesized. Their chemical properties and their heat transfer properties were examined. By mathematical modeling results, the effective hybrid nanoparticle is chosen that can be used as a drug in hyperthermia process. Current developments in nanotechnology have improved the ability to precisely modify the features and properties of MNPs for these biomedical applications. The accurate control on the magnetic properties of the particle is the key in hyperthermia applications. By these magnetic particles, wished temperature can be achieved for laser hyperthermia. In this paper, study is done for understanding...
Forecasting the thresholds via the computational analysis of magnetic drug targeting, is a useful... more Forecasting the thresholds via the computational analysis of magnetic drug targeting, is a useful approach since it can help to design the nanoscale experiments to get the best results and efficiency. In such investigations, an artificial intelligence when interlinked with the computational techniques provide better insight specially for rheological problems. In the proposed model mathematical framework for the magnetic drug targeting is adopted while the flow of the ferrofluid, with different concentrations is taken into account. The flow without any obstruction is compared with the flow having obstruction. The nanoscale dynamics sensitive to such obstructions are documented by videographic footage. Nanaoscale approach and the response of the nanomedicine relative to external agents are used. The pressure gradient, the magnetic susceptibility and the velocity profile of the ferrofluid provides useful thresholds to identify the geometry of the obstacle, and to forecast the resulting dynamics.
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, 2020
Nanoparticle hyperthermia treatment is progressing with the passage of time, and with the develop... more Nanoparticle hyperthermia treatment is progressing with the passage of time, and with the development in the field of hybrid nanoparticles synthesis. The transient heat transfer in magnetite–graphene nanocomposite in three dimension under conduction is studied during this research. The proposed model is simulated in finite element solver framework. Novel hybrid nanoparticles were synthesized. Their chemical properties and their heat transfer properties were examined. By mathematical modeling results, the effective hybrid nanoparticle is chosen that can be used as a drug in hyperthermia process. Current developments in nanotechnology have improved the ability to precisely modify the features and properties of MNPs for these biomedical applications. The accurate control on the magnetic properties of the particle is the key in hyperthermia applications. By these magnetic particles, wished temperature can be achieved for laser hyperthermia. In this paper, study is done for understanding...
Forecasting the thresholds via the computational analysis of magnetic drug targeting, is a useful... more Forecasting the thresholds via the computational analysis of magnetic drug targeting, is a useful approach since it can help to design the nanoscale experiments to get the best results and efficiency. In such investigations, an artificial intelligence when interlinked with the computational techniques provide better insight specially for rheological problems. In the proposed model mathematical framework for the magnetic drug targeting is adopted while the flow of the ferrofluid, with different concentrations is taken into account. The flow without any obstruction is compared with the flow having obstruction. The nanoscale dynamics sensitive to such obstructions are documented by videographic footage. Nanaoscale approach and the response of the nanomedicine relative to external agents are used. The pressure gradient, the magnetic susceptibility and the velocity profile of the ferrofluid provides useful thresholds to identify the geometry of the obstacle, and to forecast the resulting dynamics.