Papers by Maja Martinović
Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci : časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, Dec 27, 2023
Due to the growing importance of new generations in upcoming market trends, attitudes, and behavi... more Due to the growing importance of new generations in upcoming market trends, attitudes, and behaviors of the young generation (Millennials and Z generation) towards the use of the sharing economy (SE) concept in Croatia were explored. The literature that connects SE and sustainability, and the Millennials and Z generation, with economic, social, technological, and environmental SE factors, was examined. A survey on a sample of 181 respondents was also conducted. The results present the attitudes of the young generation on SE factors, which SE concepts they use, and which they intend to use. Good command of new technologies, ratings and comments on the Internet are important. SE brings benefit to individuals and the economy and helps in preserving the environment. The biggest disadvantages of SE are pricing and socialization, while the advantage is accessibility. Those who use it least often have a significantly lower perception of the safety. The Z generation values influencer recommendations in SE usage more than Millennials. Also, younger participants, those who are more of a Z generation, had a lower perception that sharing helps in waste reduction. Booking. com and Uber are most often used, and apps for food delivery and skill sharing *
Obnovljeni život
U radu je analizirana poveznica između Smithovih načela i odgovornoga vođenja poslovanja suvremen... more U radu je analizirana poveznica između Smithovih načela i odgovornoga vođenja poslovanja suvremenih gospodarstvenika te strateških odrednica suvremenih globalnih poslovnih procesa i modela. Smithova važnost u neiscrpnom je izvoru postavki koje danas predstavljaju konkurentsku prednost i očituju se u konceptima holističkoga upravljanja, društveno odgovornoga poslovanja uključujući okolišne, društvene i upravljačke standarde, etičkim kodeksima te modelima cirkularne ekonomije i ekonomije dijeljenja.
Balkans Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, 2020
The banking industry is currently at the forefront of the development of technolo¬gy-based servic... more The banking industry is currently at the forefront of the development of technolo¬gy-based service delivery, and the survival of banks depends on their ability to deal with the environmental challenges. Due to these challenges, many banks are faced with an identity crisis and increased customer migration rates that negatively affect the levels of business profitability. Croatian market ads additionally challenge almost 30 banks currently operating with customers that are extremely price sensitive. Research shows that in the banking sector, a favorable image is considered a critical aspect of a company’s ability to maintain its market position, as the image has been related to core attributes of organizational success. This paper studies the dimensions of corporate image, focusing on the corporate image concept in the Croatian banking industry as perceived by consumers and its possible impact on their choice of banks. The purpose of this study is to give an insight and provide a deep...
Specificity of marketing in dentistry comes from the difficulty of defining the services, due to ... more Specificity of marketing in dentistry comes from the difficulty of defining the services, due to a combination of tangible, concrete, visible work of the dentist and the intangible, additional service, experienced by patient. Dental care cannot be separated from the subject of service-provider or object-user. Additionally, each service performance is unique and cannot be identically repeated. Services have many characteristics of the experience, which can be determined after use, and beliefs, which cannot be determined, even after use. Marketing tools and techniques are used to render the intangible tangible, to keep the quality of services and affect the movement of demand. In fact, the vast difference in patients' satisfaction , which can be related to the physical enviroment or the process performed by dentist proffesional, can affect the credibility of particular dental practice. In this study, a field study has been conducted through a survey of one sixth of all private den...
The application of marketing to the domain of politics has become relevant in recent times. With ... more The application of marketing to the domain of politics has become relevant in recent times. With this article the authors wanted to explore the issue of the current political engagement among young people in Croatia. The question is what makes young people (age 18-30) politically active in young democracies such as that of the Republic of Croatia. Therefore, the objective of this study was to discover the real or hidden motivations behind the decision to actively participate in politics among young members of the two largest political parties in the country – the Croatian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party of Croatia. The study expected to find that the motivation for political engagement of young people is often connected with a possible achievement of individual goals and egoistic needs such as: self-acceptance, social success, financial success, prestige, reputation, status, recognition from the others etc. It was also expected that, due to the poor economic and soc...
Europe is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, in which tourism occupies a ... more Europe is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, in which tourism occupies a significant place among the most relevant economic activities, and this applies to the Republic of Croatia as well. Based on this study, the authors intended to encourage and support the creation of an effective tourism policy in Croatia that would be based on the profiling of certain target groups. Another objective was to compare the results obtained from the customer analysis with the market analysis of the tourism industry in Croatia. The objective is to adapt the current tourist offer according to the identified needs and expectations of a particular tourist group in order to increase the attractiveness of Croatia as a tourist destination and motivate greater attendance of the targeted tourist groups. The current research was oriented towards the Russian market as the target group. Therefore, the authors wanted to encourage a discussion on how to attract more Russian guests. Consequ...
Abstract. The research deals with the perception of health products and the trends of online shop... more Abstract. The research deals with the perception of health products and the trends of online shopping and promotion of health products in Croatia. Apart from the surveyed market segments, the consumer behaviour patterns and the sales and online marketing promotions, a primary survey was conducted on a sample of 155 respondents, all Croatian citizens. The data shows that the level of awareness on purchasing health products is growing exponentially. In addition, health products are also expensive products. Along with the information at the point of sale, online promotional activities are the strongest channel in communicating such products. The buyers also place significant value on user reviews, and the collection of information on health products online is also increasing. Keywords: Online selling, online promotion, new trends, health products, consumer perception.
Dobar temelj za buduce djelovanje nakladnika predstavlja istraživanje za potrebe segmentacije cij... more Dobar temelj za buduce djelovanje nakladnika predstavlja istraživanje za potrebe segmentacije ciji je cilj dobiti razlicite segmente kako bi se nakladnik mogao opredijeliti za jedan ili vise njih, te na taj nacin ostvari(va)ti tržisni uspjeh. U tome im može pomoci predloženi model segmentacije tržista u nakladnistvu koji je univerzalno primjenjiv i koristan svim nakladnicima, bez obzira na njihovu velicinu ili specijalizaciju. Model zapocinje spoznajom problema koji se želi istražiti, a zatim slijedi izviđajno istraživanje. Kada se vec dovoljno zna o problemu koji se istražuje postavljaju se ciljevi i hipoteze istraživanja. Potom dolazi opisno (deskriptivno) istraživanje koje u svojoj prvoj fazi ima projektiranje instrumenta istraživanja. To se odnosi na kreiranje anketnog upitnika pomocu kojega se podaci prikupljaju direktno sa terena. Nakon toga se pristupa kontroli i sređivanju, te obradi i analizi podataka. Po zavrsenoj analizi podataka moguce je provjeriti hipoteze u odnosu na ...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 2017
Marketing u Hrvatskoj znanstvena je knjiga i udžbenik koji predstavlja važan temelj za dublje raz... more Marketing u Hrvatskoj znanstvena je knjiga i udžbenik koji predstavlja važan temelj za dublje razmatranje marketinske znanosti i osmisljavanje prakticnih strategija, ne samo za preživljavanje, vec i za uspjeh. Napisana je s namjerom da prikaže dobre i manje dobre primjere iz hrvatske marketinske prakse, te da na određeni nacin prezentira rezultate dobrih i losih poslovnih odluka. Njihovom analizom može se uciti na iskustvima iz kojih se izvlaci pouka. Nadalje, knjiga je opremljena dragocjenim primjerima tvrtki koje su uspjesne u ovim vremenima ispunjenim rizikom i neizvjesnoscu, ali i nekim primjerima tvrtki koje nisu spremno docekale tržisne promjene i nisu znale kako se prilagoditi novonastalim tržisnim okolnostima. Upoznavanje s dobrim i losim poslovnim scenarijima koji se u njoj nalaze, povecati ce ucinkovitost svakog tko odlucuje. Osim poslovnim slucajevima, knjiga je opremljena teoretskim okvirom obzirom na svaku od prezentiranih cjelina i uvodi citatelja prvenstveno u znanstv...
Kada se govori o etici u poslovanju misli se na sve vidove etickog poslovnog ponasanja, od strate... more Kada se govori o etici u poslovanju misli se na sve vidove etickog poslovnog ponasanja, od strateskih odluka do ponasanja prema kupcima i dobavljacima, tj. na moralne principe i vrijednosti koji određuju ponasanje pojedinaca i grupa unutar organizacije. Tu se posebno može izdvojiti marketinska etika kao pridržavanje principa, vrijednosti i standarda marketinske struke. Ti eticki zahtjevi idu dalje od zahtjeva zakonske regulative i ticu se svih poslovnih odluka, postupaka i aktivnosti. U svakodnevnom poslovanju marketinski strucnjaci se susrecu sa situacijama u kojima se pitaju sto je ispravno uciniti, cak i ako poduzimajuci određenu aktivnost nece doci u sukob sa zakonom ili povrijediti pravila tvrtke. Te moralno problematicne poslovne situacije smatraju se etickim dilemama u kojima si treba postaviti pitanja o tome hoce li ucinjeno biti pravedno i jednako dobro za sve ukljucene strane, te je li to uistinu ispravan postupak s kojim se treba ponositi i hvaliti.
UTMS Journal of Economics, 2018
Customer's perception is becoming more crucial for the banks to maintain their market shares,... more Customer's perception is becoming more crucial for the banks to maintain their market shares, profitability and customer's loyalty under highly competitive market conditions. This paper studies the dimensions of customer's perception of the overall banking industry in Croatia, focusing on perception as a potential source of competitive advantage under the recently created negative public opinion towards the local banking industry. The purpose of this study is to provide an insight and deeper understanding how the banks, by developing a high level of positive customer perception while using a total set of available corporate communication activities, proper CRM activities and providing strong service quality, as well as tailor-made products, can develop a positive customer's perception as a strong source of sustainable competitive advantage and influence on customer's end choice, loyalty, profitability and market share during a time of economic crisis. A study was...
Sve tvrtke u svojim marketinskim i strateskim planovima koriste segmentaciju tržista koja se smat... more Sve tvrtke u svojim marketinskim i strateskim planovima koriste segmentaciju tržista koja se smatra prvom pretpostavkom tržisnog uspjeha. Raznolikost i složenost potreba danasnjih potrosaca je velika, a osnovne varijable za segmentaciju tržista koje se tradicionalno korisne po svojoj prirodi su cesto i suvise opcenite da bi imale znacajniju vrijednost za marketinske strucnjake. One opisuju tko je potrosac, no ne otkrivaju osnovni razlog zbog kojeg se potrosac ponasa kao sto se ponasa. Da bi segmentacijska shema bila korisna za marketinski menadžment, ona treba nastojati ne samo opisati razlicitosti kupaca, nego ih također i objasniti. U tome pogledu segmentacija koja se temelji na izvedenim osobinama potrosaca nudi bolje izglede. Stoga su u ovom radu opisane neke od najcescih vrsta segmentacije uz pomoc izvedenih osobina potrosaca, kao sto su: segmentacija prema psihografskim osobinama, segmentacija prema utjecajima na kupnju, prema prigodi, prema traženju koristi, prema statusu kor...
Uslijed globalizacijskih procesa i povecane tržisne konkurencije doveden je u pitanje opstanak hr... more Uslijed globalizacijskih procesa i povecane tržisne konkurencije doveden je u pitanje opstanak hrvatskih proizvođaca poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda, osobito onih manjih, isto kao i tradicijskih i autohtonih proizvoda koje oni proizvode. Hrvatska se nalazi u dinamicnom razdoblju pred ulazak u Europsku Uniju i njezini poljoprivredni proizvođaci, zajedno sa svojim proizvodima, zapocinju tržisnu utakmicu s europskim proizvodima, kako na domacem, tako i na europskim tržistima. Nekonkurentnost hrvatskih proizvođaca rezultat je relativno malog opsega proizvodnje, slabe distributivne mreže i marketinski nedovoljno pripremljenih proizvoda. Osim toga, tržiste poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda preplavljeno je proizvodima podjednake kvalitete i cijene. Sve ovo dovoljni su razlozi za pronalaženje novih nacina i mjera za povecanje konkurentnosti malih proizvođaca, a jedan od njih je kreiranje modela za stvaranje i lansiranje regionalnih marki prehrambenih proizvoda kao sto je to ucinil...
Rad opisuje razvoj tvrtke DONA trgovina d.o.o., te povijest marke DONA. Prikazana je strategija r... more Rad opisuje razvoj tvrtke DONA trgovina d.o.o., te povijest marke DONA. Prikazana je strategija restrukturiranja i oživljavanje marke DONA, te privatne robne marke tvrtke.
Papers by Maja Martinović