RESUMO: Foram utilizados 120 suinos mestic;os de ambos os sexos, sendo 60 ma-chos castrados e 60 ... more RESUMO: Foram utilizados 120 suinos mestic;os de ambos os sexos, sendo 60 ma-chos castrados e 60 femeas, com 0 objetivo de estudar niveis de inclusao de raspa integral de mandioca (RIM) seca ao so@ em rac;oes de suinos em crescimento. 0 delineamento utilizado foi blocos completos ao acaso, em que 0 bloqueamento foi feito pelo peso inicial, em urn esque-ma fatorial (5 niveis de RIM x 2 sexos) com cada bloco contendo quatro repetic;oes. Cada parcela experimental foi constituida de tres animais, machos ou femeas. A RIM foi incluida em niveis crescentes de 0; 16; 32; 48 e 64%. As rac;oes isoproteicas continham 16,8% de proteina bruta. DL-metionina foi adicionada as rac;oes para atender as exigencias desse aminoacido. Nao houve diferenc;a significativa (P>0,05) para as variaveis de desempenho. Concluiu-se que a RIM pode ser utilizada ate 0 nivel de 64% nas rac;oes de suinos na fase de crescimento. Palavras-chave: mandioca; suino. ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to evaluate the effe...
O presente trabalho busca refletir sobre o recrudescimento lento e dinâmico da condição sócio-eco... more O presente trabalho busca refletir sobre o recrudescimento lento e dinâmico da condição sócio-econômica da classe trabalhadora brasileira; reafirmada, sobretudo, a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Uma das formas deste fenômeno, e que expõe determinados segmentos da força de trabalho a situações ainda mais complexas, é o processo de precarização das relações/condições de trabalho recente. É nesse cenário que se encontra a juventude brasileira, afirmando, e ao mesmo tempo reconstruindo, com a forma em que lhe é condicionada sua inserção no mercado de trabalho, o subdesenvolvimento brasileiro.
186 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985.In a series of studies, I ... more 186 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985.In a series of studies, I investigated the relation of a broad-base allocentrism-idiocentrism to self-conciousness, self-monitoring, self-esteem, social desirability, and several scales of the Personality Research Form (PRF). I found allocentrism-idiocentrism to be unrelated to any of the non-PRF scales in a direct way. Multiple regression analyses showed the covariates of idiocentrism to differ among men and women. Idiocentric men reported low affiliative needs, high autonomy needs, and were low in private self-consciousness. Idiocentric women were low in succorrance needs.In further studies, I examined the relation of allocentrism-idiocentrism to person perception, and to both interpersonal behavior and attraction. I found scarce evidence, in partner descriptions, of identity-consistent behavior during brief interactions for both allocentrics and idiocentrics. Furthermore, allocentrics and idiocentrics did not appear to differ in their person-perception abilities, but men tended to consider others to be similar to themselves. The attractiveness of experimental partners was unrelated to their allocentrism or idiocentrism, or to their levels of private and public self-consciousness. Instead, their attractiveness was influenced by the ways they were perceived by their partners. Some evidence indicated that persons who are perceived as similar to oneself are better liked. However, people who were perceived as cooperative, flexible, attentive, independent, and self-reliant were better liked than either selfish or dependent individuals.Descriptions and evaluations of experimental partners suggested that allocentrism and idiocentrism may be opposite poles in a multidimensional space. Specifically, these descriptions suggested three dimensions (Affiliation, autonomy, and a fuzzier dimension best characterized as extension vs. delimitation of one's self) to be major components of allocentrism and idiocentrism.The relation of these results to various theories, as well as some avenues for future research and practical applications are discussed.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD
Sugarcane is a semi-perennial crop that is cultivated for five or six harvest cycles before repla... more Sugarcane is a semi-perennial crop that is cultivated for five or six harvest cycles before replanting. Following annual mechanized harvest, nitrogen (N) fertilizer is commonly applied during the ratoon cane sprouting phase through furrows along the side of plant rows (subsurface application) or banded on the surface. With subsurface application, mechanical operations are hampered by the trash coverage that remains after harvest; furthermore, opening furrows can partially damage roots. However, with soil surface application, nutrient uptake efficiency is decreased as a result of microbial immobilization and losses through ammonia volatilization and runoff. Thus, to achieve subsurface application for ratoon cane with minimal mobilization of the system (soil, straw and roots), this work aimed to (i) develop and evaluate a mechanical prototype that enables a soil punching process in ratoon cane and (ii) evaluate the cane yield using the soil punching method for liquid N fertilizer injection compared to liquid N fertilizer applied alongside of plant rows on the surface and subsurface (through furrows). To evaluate the punching mechanism, we performed a kinematic simulation (puncher tip displacement and injection time interval), tests in a soil bin and ratoon cane field. Based on prototype operations, the average distance between applications was 300 mm, with an average depth up to 90 mm, which was similar to the design requirements. Regarding results of liquid N fertilization methods in a ratoon cane field, we found that the incorporation treatments (soil punching and subsurface application through furrows) achieved slightly better cane yield (98-96 Mg ha À1) when compared to the surface application (91 Mg ha À1) and control treatment (75 Mg ha À1). In general, the soil punching was considered as a promising alternative method for supplying liquid fertilizer at the subsurface using low-energy power (approximately 745 W) with minimal environmental impact. 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
RESUMENObjetivo. Comparar las características morfológicas de células normales y cancerosas deriv... more RESUMENObjetivo. Comparar las características morfológicas de células normales y cancerosas derivadas de glándulas mamarias de las especies humana y canina. Materiales y métodos. Fueron colectadas 10 muestras de parénquima mamario normal y 14 de parénquima tumoral de la especie canina, así como seis muestras de parénquima mamario normal y tres de parénquima tumoral de la especie humana. Para el cultivo de células fue utilizada la técnica de cultivo de células de mamíferos y para la histoquímica la técnica de la avidina- biotina- peroxidasa, con utilización del anticuerpo monoclonal 32-2B (anti-desmogléina-1). Resultados. A los estudios histológicos y morfológicos las células de la glándula mamaria normal humana demostraron semejanzas con las células de la glándula mamaria normal canina. Se observó adhesión y proliferación de células normales en ambas especies por aproximadamente tres meses de cultivo. Las células normales de las especies humana y canina mostraron baja actividad de p...
Background: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) and carotid endarterectomy (CEA) are alternative strate... more Background: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) and carotid endarterectomy (CEA) are alternative strategies for stroke prevention in patients with atherosclerotic carotid disease. CEA has been considered the first-line treatment for carotid stenosis worldwide, and the safety and efficacy of CAS compared to CEA remains in question. Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the practice and outcomes of CAS and CEA in a real-world setting within public university hospitals in Brazil. Methods: This study will be a prospective 5-year analysis of treatment for atherosclerotic carotid stenosis with CEA and CAS performed at 5 centers affiliated with the Vascular Study Group at public university hospitals in Brazil. The indications for the procedures will be determined by each surgeon's individual discretion, in accordance with preoperative risk evaluation. The primary outcome measures will be (1) any in-hospital stroke or death, and (2) any per-procedural stroke, death, or myocardial infarction (MI). Patients undergoing CEA in conjunction with cardiac surgery will be excluded from the study. Multivariate logistic regression will be performed to identify predictors of stroke or death in patients undergoing CEA and CAS. All tests of significance will be performed at the .05 level. This study was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research at the University Hospital of Ribeirao Preto Medical School, and in all other participating institutions linked to National Research System and National Board of Health in Brazil (Process 15695/2011). Results: This study is currently in the recruitment phase, and the final patient is expected to be enrolled by the end of 2018. We hope to recruit approximately 800 patients to the study. Analyses will focus on primary end points for patients that are allocated to each treatment group. During the per-procedural period, the occurrence of the primary end point components (stroke, MI, or death) for CAS and CEA will be analyzed for symptomatic or asymptomatic subjects. Conclusions: The analyses of the primary endpoints (and all others variables of the study) are expected to be published in 2019 in a peer reviewed journal, and results will be presented at scientific meetings, with summary results published online. This study will obtain new data related to the quality of treatment for carotid disease in Brazil at the primary training centers of future vascular surgeons, but the initial data that will be obtained and published (with the outcomes and complications) are restricted to the first 30 days postprocedure. This time restriction limits the comparison of the results that relate to the main goal of treatment, which is to decrease the risk of stroke over 5 years. The purpose of the study group is to continue the monitoring of patient records, and
Objective. Compare the morphological characteristics of normal and cancer cells derived from mamm... more Objective. Compare the morphological characteristics of normal and cancer cells derived from mammary glands of human and canine species. Materials and methods. 10 samples were collected of normal breast parenchyma and 14 from tumor parenchyma of the canine species, as well as six samples of normal breast parenchyma and three-tumor parenchyma of the human species. For the cell culture, a mammal cell culture technique was used, and, an avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique was used for the histochemical culture, with the use of monoclonal antibody 32-2B (anti-desmoglein-1). Results. With histological and morphological studies, the cells of the normal human mammary gland showed similarities with cells of normal canine mammary gland. Adhesion and proliferation of normal cells was observed in both species bin approximately three months of culture. Normal cells of human and canine species showed low proliferative activity when compared with cancerous cells of the species under study. Groups of epithelioid cells that adhered to the substrate of the two cultures had dependence on stromal cells, because as the fibroblastoid cells were removed, epithelioid cells stopped their growth. Conclusions. Comparing the results obtained by immuno-histochemical analysis of normal cells of women and bitches, it was possible to observe changes in the pattern of staining in cancer cells in both species, demonstrating that the structures related to cell adhesion (desmosomes) may be altered.
O presente estudo investiga a adequação de uma metodologia de previsão de preços para a manga Tom... more O presente estudo investiga a adequação de uma metodologia de previsão de preços para a manga Tommy e a uva Itália, produzidas e comercializadas no Vale do São Francisco, através da utilização das técnicas de Análise de Séries Temporais. Foram coletados e calculados, junto aos registros da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado da Bahia, os preços médios mensais destes produtos entre 2002 e 2008, totalizando uma amostra de 84 períodos. Para a interpretação dos resultados, foram utilizados os modelos de previsão Holt-Winters e ARIMA. Os resultados indicam, dentre outras coisas, uma estacionariedade no preço da manga e uma tendência de aumento no preço da uva. A metodologia desenvolvida pôde ser considerada válida, pois forneceu os menores erros quadráticos de previsão por meio da suavização exponencial aditiva para a uva Itália (Holt-Winters) e o modelo ARIMA(2,0,1) para a manga Tommy. Sugestões de novos estudos são elaboradas ao final do artigo.
Este exemplar foi revisado e alterado em relação à versão original, sob responsabilidade única do... more Este exemplar foi revisado e alterado em relação à versão original, sob responsabilidade única do autor e com a anuência de seu orientador. São Paulo, de junho de 2008. Assinatura do autor ___________________________ Assinatura do orientador _______________________ FICHA CATALOGRÁFICA José, Marcelo Archanjo Reconstrução tridimensional de baixo custo a partir de par de imagens estéreo / M.A. José.-ed.rev.-São Paulo, 2008. 135 p. Dissertação (Mestrado)
The gastrointestinal tract houses a complex and diverse community of microbes. In recent years, a... more The gastrointestinal tract houses a complex and diverse community of microbes. In recent years, an increased understanding of the importance of intestinal microbiota for human physiology has been gained. In the steady state, commensal microorganisms have a symbiotic relationship with the host and possess critical and distinct functions, including directly influencing immunity. This means that recognition of commensal antigens is necessary for the development of complete immune responses. Therefore, the immune system must face the challenge of maintaining mucosal homeostasis while dealing with undue passage of commensal or pathogenic microbes, as well as the host nutritional status or drug use. Disruption of this fine balance has been associated with the development of several intestinal inflammatory diseases. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms involved in the modulation of host-microbe interactions and how the breakdown of this homeostatic association can lead to intestinal i...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2014
ABSTRACT A 3D stereoscopic high definition game technique developed for Smart television sets is ... more ABSTRACT A 3D stereoscopic high definition game technique developed for Smart television sets is presented. Despite its limited processing power and low memory, the technique takes advantage of embedded television set streaming feature and user-controlled 2D objects. In order to test the technique, we developed a game for a commercial television. As a result, a new technique and an immersive challenging 3D stereoscopic racing game for Interactive Smart TVs are presented.
Na região dos Campos Gerais (PR), a cultura do milho ocupa aproximadamente um terço das áreas sob... more Na região dos Campos Gerais (PR), a cultura do milho ocupa aproximadamente um terço das áreas sob plantio direto no verão. Visando a manejos diferenciados, faz-se necessário conhecer as variáveis que influenciam no rendimento do milho. Este trabalho teve como objetivo correlacionar variáveis químicas e físicas de solo e antrópicas com a resposta da cultura do milho, considerando-se variabilidade espacial regional. As variáveis antrópicas estudadas foram: pressão de população, índice de pressão populacional, profundidade de semeadura e desvio padrão da profundidade de semeadura. As variáveis de solo estudadas foram: profundidade do horizonte A, areia, silte, argila, matéria orgânica, pH, boro e manganês para a profundidade de 0-20cm, e areia, silte, argila, matéria orgânica, manganês e cobre para a profundidade 20-40cm. Para representar o rendimento da cultura, a variável resposta avaliada foi a massa de grãos da espiga por planta. Para redução do número de variáveis, utilizaram-se o...
In this chapter we will describe several approaches to develop video analysis and segmentation sy... more In this chapter we will describe several approaches to develop video analysis and segmentation systems based on visual sensor networks using computational intelligence. We review the types of problems and algorithms used, and how computational intelligence paradigms can help to build competitive solutions. computational intelligence is used here from an “engineering” point of view: the designer is provided with tools which can help in designing or refining solutions to cope with real-world problems. This implies having an “a ...
5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2014
Power wheelchairs have high costs in developing countries, making its access difficult to the phy... more Power wheelchairs have high costs in developing countries, making its access difficult to the physically impaired, its main target audience, and to groups that develop assistive technologies, such as researchers, independent developers and entrepreneurs. Free software and open hardware have been successfully used to bridge access gap in areas where cost was a problem, democratizing the innovation process. This paper presents an open hardware and software platform developed for power wheelchairs, which aims to contribute to research and development in this area and stimulate local industry to implement affordable assistive technologies. We believe this work can be used as model for future research on open electronics platforms.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2015
Lip control system is an innovative human-computer interface specially designed for people with t... more Lip control system is an innovative human-computer interface specially designed for people with tetraplegia. This paper presents an evaluation of the lower lip potential to control an input device, according to Fitts' law (ISO/TS 9241-411:2012 standard). The results show that the lower lip throughput is comparable with the thumb throughput using the same input device under the same conditions. These results establish the baseline for future research studies about the lower lip capacity to operate a computer input device.
Este trabalho apresenta uma visão geral sobre a programação quântica, de maneira acessível a alun... more Este trabalho apresenta uma visão geral sobre a programação quântica, de maneira acessível a alunos de graduação em Física. Inicia-se com um breve histórico sobre a computação quântica. São tratados os modelos que servem de base para a programação quântica, seguidos de descritivo resumido sobre as principais linguagens de programação quântica. Completando a apresentação, o funcionamento de um programa quântico é discutido, contextualizando-se a importância da programação, no âmbito da computação quântica.
RESUMO: Foram utilizados 120 suinos mestic;os de ambos os sexos, sendo 60 ma-chos castrados e 60 ... more RESUMO: Foram utilizados 120 suinos mestic;os de ambos os sexos, sendo 60 ma-chos castrados e 60 femeas, com 0 objetivo de estudar niveis de inclusao de raspa integral de mandioca (RIM) seca ao so@ em rac;oes de suinos em crescimento. 0 delineamento utilizado foi blocos completos ao acaso, em que 0 bloqueamento foi feito pelo peso inicial, em urn esque-ma fatorial (5 niveis de RIM x 2 sexos) com cada bloco contendo quatro repetic;oes. Cada parcela experimental foi constituida de tres animais, machos ou femeas. A RIM foi incluida em niveis crescentes de 0; 16; 32; 48 e 64%. As rac;oes isoproteicas continham 16,8% de proteina bruta. DL-metionina foi adicionada as rac;oes para atender as exigencias desse aminoacido. Nao houve diferenc;a significativa (P>0,05) para as variaveis de desempenho. Concluiu-se que a RIM pode ser utilizada ate 0 nivel de 64% nas rac;oes de suinos na fase de crescimento. Palavras-chave: mandioca; suino. ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to evaluate the effe...
O presente trabalho busca refletir sobre o recrudescimento lento e dinâmico da condição sócio-eco... more O presente trabalho busca refletir sobre o recrudescimento lento e dinâmico da condição sócio-econômica da classe trabalhadora brasileira; reafirmada, sobretudo, a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Uma das formas deste fenômeno, e que expõe determinados segmentos da força de trabalho a situações ainda mais complexas, é o processo de precarização das relações/condições de trabalho recente. É nesse cenário que se encontra a juventude brasileira, afirmando, e ao mesmo tempo reconstruindo, com a forma em que lhe é condicionada sua inserção no mercado de trabalho, o subdesenvolvimento brasileiro.
186 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985.In a series of studies, I ... more 186 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985.In a series of studies, I investigated the relation of a broad-base allocentrism-idiocentrism to self-conciousness, self-monitoring, self-esteem, social desirability, and several scales of the Personality Research Form (PRF). I found allocentrism-idiocentrism to be unrelated to any of the non-PRF scales in a direct way. Multiple regression analyses showed the covariates of idiocentrism to differ among men and women. Idiocentric men reported low affiliative needs, high autonomy needs, and were low in private self-consciousness. Idiocentric women were low in succorrance needs.In further studies, I examined the relation of allocentrism-idiocentrism to person perception, and to both interpersonal behavior and attraction. I found scarce evidence, in partner descriptions, of identity-consistent behavior during brief interactions for both allocentrics and idiocentrics. Furthermore, allocentrics and idiocentrics did not appear to differ in their person-perception abilities, but men tended to consider others to be similar to themselves. The attractiveness of experimental partners was unrelated to their allocentrism or idiocentrism, or to their levels of private and public self-consciousness. Instead, their attractiveness was influenced by the ways they were perceived by their partners. Some evidence indicated that persons who are perceived as similar to oneself are better liked. However, people who were perceived as cooperative, flexible, attentive, independent, and self-reliant were better liked than either selfish or dependent individuals.Descriptions and evaluations of experimental partners suggested that allocentrism and idiocentrism may be opposite poles in a multidimensional space. Specifically, these descriptions suggested three dimensions (Affiliation, autonomy, and a fuzzier dimension best characterized as extension vs. delimitation of one's self) to be major components of allocentrism and idiocentrism.The relation of these results to various theories, as well as some avenues for future research and practical applications are discussed.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD
Sugarcane is a semi-perennial crop that is cultivated for five or six harvest cycles before repla... more Sugarcane is a semi-perennial crop that is cultivated for five or six harvest cycles before replanting. Following annual mechanized harvest, nitrogen (N) fertilizer is commonly applied during the ratoon cane sprouting phase through furrows along the side of plant rows (subsurface application) or banded on the surface. With subsurface application, mechanical operations are hampered by the trash coverage that remains after harvest; furthermore, opening furrows can partially damage roots. However, with soil surface application, nutrient uptake efficiency is decreased as a result of microbial immobilization and losses through ammonia volatilization and runoff. Thus, to achieve subsurface application for ratoon cane with minimal mobilization of the system (soil, straw and roots), this work aimed to (i) develop and evaluate a mechanical prototype that enables a soil punching process in ratoon cane and (ii) evaluate the cane yield using the soil punching method for liquid N fertilizer injection compared to liquid N fertilizer applied alongside of plant rows on the surface and subsurface (through furrows). To evaluate the punching mechanism, we performed a kinematic simulation (puncher tip displacement and injection time interval), tests in a soil bin and ratoon cane field. Based on prototype operations, the average distance between applications was 300 mm, with an average depth up to 90 mm, which was similar to the design requirements. Regarding results of liquid N fertilization methods in a ratoon cane field, we found that the incorporation treatments (soil punching and subsurface application through furrows) achieved slightly better cane yield (98-96 Mg ha À1) when compared to the surface application (91 Mg ha À1) and control treatment (75 Mg ha À1). In general, the soil punching was considered as a promising alternative method for supplying liquid fertilizer at the subsurface using low-energy power (approximately 745 W) with minimal environmental impact. 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
RESUMENObjetivo. Comparar las características morfológicas de células normales y cancerosas deriv... more RESUMENObjetivo. Comparar las características morfológicas de células normales y cancerosas derivadas de glándulas mamarias de las especies humana y canina. Materiales y métodos. Fueron colectadas 10 muestras de parénquima mamario normal y 14 de parénquima tumoral de la especie canina, así como seis muestras de parénquima mamario normal y tres de parénquima tumoral de la especie humana. Para el cultivo de células fue utilizada la técnica de cultivo de células de mamíferos y para la histoquímica la técnica de la avidina- biotina- peroxidasa, con utilización del anticuerpo monoclonal 32-2B (anti-desmogléina-1). Resultados. A los estudios histológicos y morfológicos las células de la glándula mamaria normal humana demostraron semejanzas con las células de la glándula mamaria normal canina. Se observó adhesión y proliferación de células normales en ambas especies por aproximadamente tres meses de cultivo. Las células normales de las especies humana y canina mostraron baja actividad de p...
Background: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) and carotid endarterectomy (CEA) are alternative strate... more Background: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) and carotid endarterectomy (CEA) are alternative strategies for stroke prevention in patients with atherosclerotic carotid disease. CEA has been considered the first-line treatment for carotid stenosis worldwide, and the safety and efficacy of CAS compared to CEA remains in question. Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the practice and outcomes of CAS and CEA in a real-world setting within public university hospitals in Brazil. Methods: This study will be a prospective 5-year analysis of treatment for atherosclerotic carotid stenosis with CEA and CAS performed at 5 centers affiliated with the Vascular Study Group at public university hospitals in Brazil. The indications for the procedures will be determined by each surgeon's individual discretion, in accordance with preoperative risk evaluation. The primary outcome measures will be (1) any in-hospital stroke or death, and (2) any per-procedural stroke, death, or myocardial infarction (MI). Patients undergoing CEA in conjunction with cardiac surgery will be excluded from the study. Multivariate logistic regression will be performed to identify predictors of stroke or death in patients undergoing CEA and CAS. All tests of significance will be performed at the .05 level. This study was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research at the University Hospital of Ribeirao Preto Medical School, and in all other participating institutions linked to National Research System and National Board of Health in Brazil (Process 15695/2011). Results: This study is currently in the recruitment phase, and the final patient is expected to be enrolled by the end of 2018. We hope to recruit approximately 800 patients to the study. Analyses will focus on primary end points for patients that are allocated to each treatment group. During the per-procedural period, the occurrence of the primary end point components (stroke, MI, or death) for CAS and CEA will be analyzed for symptomatic or asymptomatic subjects. Conclusions: The analyses of the primary endpoints (and all others variables of the study) are expected to be published in 2019 in a peer reviewed journal, and results will be presented at scientific meetings, with summary results published online. This study will obtain new data related to the quality of treatment for carotid disease in Brazil at the primary training centers of future vascular surgeons, but the initial data that will be obtained and published (with the outcomes and complications) are restricted to the first 30 days postprocedure. This time restriction limits the comparison of the results that relate to the main goal of treatment, which is to decrease the risk of stroke over 5 years. The purpose of the study group is to continue the monitoring of patient records, and
Objective. Compare the morphological characteristics of normal and cancer cells derived from mamm... more Objective. Compare the morphological characteristics of normal and cancer cells derived from mammary glands of human and canine species. Materials and methods. 10 samples were collected of normal breast parenchyma and 14 from tumor parenchyma of the canine species, as well as six samples of normal breast parenchyma and three-tumor parenchyma of the human species. For the cell culture, a mammal cell culture technique was used, and, an avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique was used for the histochemical culture, with the use of monoclonal antibody 32-2B (anti-desmoglein-1). Results. With histological and morphological studies, the cells of the normal human mammary gland showed similarities with cells of normal canine mammary gland. Adhesion and proliferation of normal cells was observed in both species bin approximately three months of culture. Normal cells of human and canine species showed low proliferative activity when compared with cancerous cells of the species under study. Groups of epithelioid cells that adhered to the substrate of the two cultures had dependence on stromal cells, because as the fibroblastoid cells were removed, epithelioid cells stopped their growth. Conclusions. Comparing the results obtained by immuno-histochemical analysis of normal cells of women and bitches, it was possible to observe changes in the pattern of staining in cancer cells in both species, demonstrating that the structures related to cell adhesion (desmosomes) may be altered.
O presente estudo investiga a adequação de uma metodologia de previsão de preços para a manga Tom... more O presente estudo investiga a adequação de uma metodologia de previsão de preços para a manga Tommy e a uva Itália, produzidas e comercializadas no Vale do São Francisco, através da utilização das técnicas de Análise de Séries Temporais. Foram coletados e calculados, junto aos registros da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado da Bahia, os preços médios mensais destes produtos entre 2002 e 2008, totalizando uma amostra de 84 períodos. Para a interpretação dos resultados, foram utilizados os modelos de previsão Holt-Winters e ARIMA. Os resultados indicam, dentre outras coisas, uma estacionariedade no preço da manga e uma tendência de aumento no preço da uva. A metodologia desenvolvida pôde ser considerada válida, pois forneceu os menores erros quadráticos de previsão por meio da suavização exponencial aditiva para a uva Itália (Holt-Winters) e o modelo ARIMA(2,0,1) para a manga Tommy. Sugestões de novos estudos são elaboradas ao final do artigo.
Este exemplar foi revisado e alterado em relação à versão original, sob responsabilidade única do... more Este exemplar foi revisado e alterado em relação à versão original, sob responsabilidade única do autor e com a anuência de seu orientador. São Paulo, de junho de 2008. Assinatura do autor ___________________________ Assinatura do orientador _______________________ FICHA CATALOGRÁFICA José, Marcelo Archanjo Reconstrução tridimensional de baixo custo a partir de par de imagens estéreo / M.A. José.-ed.rev.-São Paulo, 2008. 135 p. Dissertação (Mestrado)
The gastrointestinal tract houses a complex and diverse community of microbes. In recent years, a... more The gastrointestinal tract houses a complex and diverse community of microbes. In recent years, an increased understanding of the importance of intestinal microbiota for human physiology has been gained. In the steady state, commensal microorganisms have a symbiotic relationship with the host and possess critical and distinct functions, including directly influencing immunity. This means that recognition of commensal antigens is necessary for the development of complete immune responses. Therefore, the immune system must face the challenge of maintaining mucosal homeostasis while dealing with undue passage of commensal or pathogenic microbes, as well as the host nutritional status or drug use. Disruption of this fine balance has been associated with the development of several intestinal inflammatory diseases. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms involved in the modulation of host-microbe interactions and how the breakdown of this homeostatic association can lead to intestinal i...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2014
ABSTRACT A 3D stereoscopic high definition game technique developed for Smart television sets is ... more ABSTRACT A 3D stereoscopic high definition game technique developed for Smart television sets is presented. Despite its limited processing power and low memory, the technique takes advantage of embedded television set streaming feature and user-controlled 2D objects. In order to test the technique, we developed a game for a commercial television. As a result, a new technique and an immersive challenging 3D stereoscopic racing game for Interactive Smart TVs are presented.
Na região dos Campos Gerais (PR), a cultura do milho ocupa aproximadamente um terço das áreas sob... more Na região dos Campos Gerais (PR), a cultura do milho ocupa aproximadamente um terço das áreas sob plantio direto no verão. Visando a manejos diferenciados, faz-se necessário conhecer as variáveis que influenciam no rendimento do milho. Este trabalho teve como objetivo correlacionar variáveis químicas e físicas de solo e antrópicas com a resposta da cultura do milho, considerando-se variabilidade espacial regional. As variáveis antrópicas estudadas foram: pressão de população, índice de pressão populacional, profundidade de semeadura e desvio padrão da profundidade de semeadura. As variáveis de solo estudadas foram: profundidade do horizonte A, areia, silte, argila, matéria orgânica, pH, boro e manganês para a profundidade de 0-20cm, e areia, silte, argila, matéria orgânica, manganês e cobre para a profundidade 20-40cm. Para representar o rendimento da cultura, a variável resposta avaliada foi a massa de grãos da espiga por planta. Para redução do número de variáveis, utilizaram-se o...
In this chapter we will describe several approaches to develop video analysis and segmentation sy... more In this chapter we will describe several approaches to develop video analysis and segmentation systems based on visual sensor networks using computational intelligence. We review the types of problems and algorithms used, and how computational intelligence paradigms can help to build competitive solutions. computational intelligence is used here from an “engineering” point of view: the designer is provided with tools which can help in designing or refining solutions to cope with real-world problems. This implies having an “a ...
5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2014
Power wheelchairs have high costs in developing countries, making its access difficult to the phy... more Power wheelchairs have high costs in developing countries, making its access difficult to the physically impaired, its main target audience, and to groups that develop assistive technologies, such as researchers, independent developers and entrepreneurs. Free software and open hardware have been successfully used to bridge access gap in areas where cost was a problem, democratizing the innovation process. This paper presents an open hardware and software platform developed for power wheelchairs, which aims to contribute to research and development in this area and stimulate local industry to implement affordable assistive technologies. We believe this work can be used as model for future research on open electronics platforms.
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2015
Lip control system is an innovative human-computer interface specially designed for people with t... more Lip control system is an innovative human-computer interface specially designed for people with tetraplegia. This paper presents an evaluation of the lower lip potential to control an input device, according to Fitts' law (ISO/TS 9241-411:2012 standard). The results show that the lower lip throughput is comparable with the thumb throughput using the same input device under the same conditions. These results establish the baseline for future research studies about the lower lip capacity to operate a computer input device.
Este trabalho apresenta uma visão geral sobre a programação quântica, de maneira acessível a alun... more Este trabalho apresenta uma visão geral sobre a programação quântica, de maneira acessível a alunos de graduação em Física. Inicia-se com um breve histórico sobre a computação quântica. São tratados os modelos que servem de base para a programação quântica, seguidos de descritivo resumido sobre as principais linguagens de programação quântica. Completando a apresentação, o funcionamento de um programa quântico é discutido, contextualizando-se a importância da programação, no âmbito da computação quântica.
Papers by Marcelo Jose