Papers by Marian-Lucian Achim
Annals of the University of Petrosani Economics, 2012
Annals of the University of Petrosani Economics, 2012
By economical and at the same time ecological reasons, industrial refuses (ashes) are being trans... more By economical and at the same time ecological reasons, industrial refuses (ashes) are being transported in waste dumps like offal’s .To reduce the storage surfaces these offal’s are incinerated and results a new refuse - the ash.(Ex. paper factories, thermo power stations).It's very important to find solutions to turn to good account the ash.
In developed countries, insurance is a part of education, tradition and even of life, while in Ro... more In developed countries, insurance is a part of education, tradition and even of life, while in Romania, now, we can talk on education at the population level in this area. The extent of all risks that affect an increasing number of persons and legal entities, requires the strict necessity to increase the business of insurance. Share phenomena or events may
One of the ways to overcome, to some extent, the budgetary restrictions on the state's financ... more One of the ways to overcome, to some extent, the budgetary restrictions on the state's financial resources for investment in transport infrastructure is a public-private partnership. Thus, we considered it useful to express our own opinions as well as reiterating the presentation of world and European experiences by experts in the field of benefits and risks of public-private partnership, and
An allmost complete review of the Sun's eclipse from 4 January 2011 in Romania is given with ... more An allmost complete review of the Sun's eclipse from 4 January 2011 in Romania is given with a great number of astrophotographs, including the photo by Catalin Paduraru, which won the nomination from the "Sky and Telescope" of best photography of the Eclipse. A wide discussion of the circumstances and meteo conditions in various zones of Romania is given.
A number of photographs and a film of the Total eclipse of the Moon from 15 June 2011 are given. ... more A number of photographs and a film of the Total eclipse of the Moon from 15 June 2011 are given. They are realized from Romania and Italy.

In the context of a bright economy towards we aim the insurances represent are activity branch a ... more In the context of a bright economy towards we aim the insurances represent are activity branch a services department with a financial character and with many valences. Beyond of the essential role of these is that the protection of the properties and the persons too between the various risks, the insurances accomplish many socio-economic functions like as attending as an offeror on the loan capital’s market the achievement of investment by resources or on the value document’s market, the creation of P.I.B. and the creation of jobs. The specialized bearers of risk are presented in any national economy in nowadays and they always take over them the risks which threaten the physical persons and the juridical persons, offering them a high level of certainty in change of the insurance’s prices. Consequently these specialized societies which accomplish the insurant role just unload of their contact partners which are the insurants by material consequences of the risks which threaten them....

The permanent adaptation of the organization to the changes from the intern and extern environmen... more The permanent adaptation of the organization to the changes from the intern and extern environment is done through the managerial activity which essentially represents an ensemble of interdependent decisions. The functionality and viability of the organizations cannot be conceived outside an adequate process of decision. Nowadays there is a tendency of increasing the risks because of the intense amplification, diversification, dinamization and innovation of the ensemble of activities and factors which influence the organization and its environment. To counteract this tendency the management of risks developed. This has in view the reduction of risks correlated with the realization of the objectives of the firm that means changes in the perspective and the structure of decisions. This means that a thoroughly evaluation of reality and intense anticipatory efforts are necessary providing this way vast and precise information that allow, using adequate instruments, the endorsement of ef...

The permanent adaptation of the organization to the changes from the intern and extern environmen... more The permanent adaptation of the organization to the changes from the intern and extern environment is done through the managerial activity which essentially represents an ensemble of interdependent decisions. The functionality and viability of the organizations cannot be conceived outside an adequate process of decision. Nowadays there is a tendency of increasing the risks because of the intense amplification, diversification, dinamization and innovation of the ensemble of activities and factors which influence the organization and its environment. To counteract this tendency the management of risks developed. This has in view the reduction of risks correlated with the realization of the objectives of the firm that means changes in the perspective and the structure of decisions. This means that a thoroughly evaluation of reality and intense anticipatory efforts are necessary providing this way vast and precise information that allow, using adequate instruments, the endorsement of efficient decisions. The world that we live in, seen as an ensemble is a closed world which is in a permanent change and at a closer look we can a certain that it is also very different from the point of view of regions, civilized countries, historic periods etc. knowledge represents the solution for the future existence of this world and for approaching from all aspects of the segments that is made of. Knowledge is the chance that appears now and must not be wasted to rediscover later, after the negative effects of this lack of intuition will have been finished. 1.1 Risc şi incertitudine în activitatea umană Tranziţia la economia de piaţă, în fostele ţări cu o economie excesiv centralizată, a reprezentat un proces complex care a adus schimbări esenţiale asupra condiţiilor de desfăşurare a activităţii agenţilor economici, care au fost obligaţi să-şi adapteze dimensiunile, structurile şi chiar eficienţa activităţii economice la condiţiile şi "jocurile" stabilite de economia de piaţă. Creşterea complexităţii relaţiilor structurate, stimulatoare şi perturbării ale întregului sistem economicosocial, la care se adaugă dezvoltarea ştiinţei şi tehnologiei, a creat mutaţii importante în modul de abordare a aspectelor teoretice şi practice ale noţiunilor de risc şi incertitudine.[1] 1.1.1 Definiţii şi caracteristici Universul economic, social, politic şi natural în care trăiesc, acţionează şi evoluează oamenii este încărcat de incertitudini. În prezent se recunoaşte tot mai mult că un sistem care funcţionează pentru a obţine un rezultat viitor, operează prin definiţie, într-o sferă de incertitudine, chiar dacă situaţiile concrete se caracterizează prin grade diferite de risc, de incertitudine sau chiar de nedeterminare. Riscul şi incertitudinea nu sunt însă subiecte de opţiune, ele fac parte pur şi simplu din condiţia umană. Incertitudinile incită agenţii economici să-şi efectueze propriile determinări după principii economice, funcţie de speranţele lor, adică îi provoacă să aprecieze mai întâi gradul de probabilitate al realizării scopurilor şi obiectivelor propuse. Planul oferă o imagine a viitorului, însă al cărui viitor, pentru că planificatorul construieşte mai mulţi viitori, şi anume: un viitor dorit, un viitor necesar şi un viitor posibil. Fiecare dintre aceste forme de viitor are determinările şi nedeterminările sale. Strategia, politica şi planul economic, bine fundamentate, apar, ca instrumente eficiente care întregesc mecanismul global de funcţionare şi evoluţie a sistemului economic cu un mecanism parţial constituit din pârghii conştiente, sau contribuie la integrarea viitorului în prezent, la apropierea celor trei forme de viitor, ceea ce ar atrage forma ideală dacă ele s-ar suprapune până la identificare, în prezent, lucru imposibil de realizat; însă, cu toate acestea, reducând incertitudinea, strategia, politica şi planul conţin elemente care determină agenţii economici să acţioneze în prezent în numele şi spiritul cerinţelor viitoare, instrumentele previzionale respective incitând la căutări, la invocări, la invenţii, modernizări şi raţionalizări. Termenii risc şi incertitudine sunt folosiţi de multe ori pentru a exprima acelaşi lucru, dar, aşa cum se susţine în literatura de specialitate [2], între ei există o diferenţă clară. Incertitudinea reprezintă faptul de a nu şti ce se va întâmpla în viitor, iar riscul este considerat ca o caracterizare a gradului de incertitudine; cu cât este mai mare incertitudinea cu atât este mai pronunţat riscul şi invers; majoritatea acţiunilor umane prezintă o anumită doză de incertitudine şi risc, care se datorează, pe de-o parte, celui care acţionează, iar pe de altă parte,

La globalisation représente l'intégration plus étroite entre les pays et les peuples du monde par... more La globalisation représente l'intégration plus étroite entre les pays et les peuples du monde par l'intermédiaire de laquelle on réalise, d'une part, la considérable réduction des coûts de transport et des communications et, d'autre part, la barrières artificielles qui bloquent la circulation des bien, des services, du capital, des connaissances et, dans une plus petite mesure, des personnes. Dans les conditions de l'existence réelle du risqué et de l'incertitude, la fondamentation des décision va supposer la connaissance profonde et en temps utile des deux milieux, intérieur et extérieur, où les agents économiques déroulent leur activité et la rationalisation des actions et des décisions humaines consistant non seulement dans l'évitation des risques et l'éloignement des incertitudes, mais aussi dans le contrôle des risques et de leurs conséquences et dans la réduction de l'incertitude et du manqué de détermination aux niveaux acceptables dans les situations donnés.
Papers by Marian-Lucian Achim