Papers by Marilou Bruchon-Schweitzer
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Feb 1, 2002
The 19-item Body-Image Questionnaire, developed by our team and first published in this journal i... more The 19-item Body-Image Questionnaire, developed by our team and first published in this journal in 1987 by Bruchon-Schweitzer, was administered to 1,222 male and female French subjects. A principal component analysis of their responses yielded an axis we interpreted as a general Body Satisfaction dimension. The four-factor structure observed in 1987 was not replicated. Body Satisfaction was associated with sex, health, and with current and future emotional adjustment.
Ejc Supplements, Mar 1, 2004
Revue francophone de psycho-oncologie, Dec 1, 2005
European Review of Applied Psychology-revue Europeenne De Psychologie Appliquee, 2000
Cette epreuve conceme les predicteurs de l'insatisfaction professionnelle et du bumout chez l... more Cette epreuve conceme les predicteurs de l'insatisfaction professionnelle et du bumout chez les medecins generalistes francais. Cinq questionnaires, evaluant le type A, le stress professionnel, les strategies de coping, la satisfaction professionnelle et le bumout, ont ete adresses par courrier a 498 generalistes (nous avons recu 232 reponses dont 200 utilisables). L'analyse factorielle de chacun des outils a permis d'obtenir un facteur de stress professionnel, quatre facteurs de coping, un facteur de satisfaction professionnel et trois facteurs de bumout. Une analyse structurale, realisee grâce a LISREL 8 sur ces facteurs, souligne la pertinence d'un modele transactionnel pour predire le bumout chez les medecins. Deux des strategies de coping obtenues (coping centre sur le probleme et recherche de soutien social) s'averent fonctionnelles : elles predisent la satisfaction professionnelle et l'accomplissement personnel. En revanche, le stress percu est nocif Il induit l'epuisement professionnel, epuisement qui a un effet sur l'insatisfaction professionnelle.
Psychosomatics, May 1, 2007
A longitudinal study enrolled 75 women with primary breast cancer. Before the confirmation of dia... more A longitudinal study enrolled 75 women with primary breast cancer. Before the confirmation of diagnosis, authors measured trait-anxiety and body satisfaction. Three weeks after diagnosis, coping strategies and state-anxiety were evaluated. The number of days of survival was measured 10 years after diagnosis. In Cox proportional-hazards models adjusting for severity of disease and age, high social support and low state-anxiety predicted an increased risk of death from breast cancer. A significant increased risk of death in women with low scores on the Body Image Questionnaire appeared only in the univariate model.
Dunod eBooks, Jun 1, 2014
Dunod eBooks, Jun 1, 2014
Dunod eBooks, Jun 1, 2014
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Oct 1, 1983
Summwy.-The present series of experiments used either musical excerpts which subjects listened to... more Summwy.-The present series of experiments used either musical excerpts which subjects listened to and then associated to verbal categories (Exp. I) or videotape recordings of body expression sequences which subjects watched and associated with the same verbal categories. These videotapes were recorded by "actors" under two conditions, (a) after the actors had listened to the musical excerpts (Exp. 11) and (b) following the induction in actors of the verbal categories which had been associated to the excerpts in Exp. I (Exp. 111). The results demonstrate a partial equivalence between the verbal categories associated with the music in Exp. I and those associated with the videotape recording of Exps. I1 and 111. This partial equivalence of the verbal categories is explained by the existence of a bodily core to musical expression.
L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, Jun 15, 2007
Rôle de certains facteurs psychosociaux dans la réussite universitaire d'étudiants de première an... more Rôle de certains facteurs psychosociaux dans la réussite universitaire d'étudiants de première année Role of psychosocial factors in academic success of freshmen Students
Recherche en soins infirmiers, Dec 1, 2001
Distribution électronique pour Association de Recherche en Soins Infirmiers. Distribut... more Distribution électronique pour Association de Recherche en Soins Infirmiers. Distribution électronique pour Association de Recherche en Soins Infirmiers. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur
Annales médico-psychologiques, Dec 1, 2003
Les auteurs présentent les concepts de Stress et de Coping et leur approche dimensionnelle en Psy... more Les auteurs présentent les concepts de Stress et de Coping et leur approche dimensionnelle en Psychologie de la santé. Ils représentent un modèle heuristique pour les recherches empiriques en Psychiatrie clinique.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Dec 1, 1987
A body-image questionnaire was administered to 619 French subjects between the ages of 10 and 40 ... more A body-image questionnaire was administered to 619 French subjects between the ages of 10 and 40 yr. A principal factor analysis of item correlations yielded four meaningful factors. Some of them are associated with personality traits of the Eysenck Personality Inventory, age, and sex.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Aug 1, 1978
A French translation of the Fisher Body Focus Questionnaire has been made with a population of 94... more A French translation of the Fisher Body Focus Questionnaire has been made with a population of 94 female and 24 male subjects. Distributions of scores were largely normal. Some differences in body perception. a p peared between males and females. The test-retest reliability of the scales for 1 mo. was generally significant. Independence of scales has not been verified, while a factorial analysis yielded two meaningful factors. Cross-validation was attempted with personality traits. Some variables link with personality. 'More details about the questionnaire are available elsewhere (Fisher, 1970). 'In ten different Sam les explored by Fisher (1970), Mouth was positively correlated with Stomach five times (Prom .Ol to. l o) .
Psychological Reports, Jun 1, 2011
The purpose of this research was to demonstrate that a specific psychosocial intervention changes... more The purpose of this research was to demonstrate that a specific psychosocial intervention changes reactions to cancer and quality of life. This study was carried out on 66 patients with a first breast cancer. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: a specific intervention group (G1, 8 sessions) or a support group (G2, 8 sessions). A control group (G3) was composed of patients who refused to participate in psychological intervention. Social support, perceived control, repression of emotions, coping strategies, emotional distress, and quality of life were assessed one week before (T1) and at the end (T2) of the psychological intervention. Results showed that G1 did not have significantly modified quality of life or psychological scores. Patients of G2 had poorer emotional quality of life, use of internal causal attributions, and minimized their illness at T1 as compared to patients of G3. At Time 2 these differences were not observed.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Apr 1, 1985
S u m m~y .-A semantic analysis of the 108 items and 8 scales of the Body Focus Questionnaire has... more S u m m~y .-A semantic analysis of the 108 items and 8 scales of the Body Focus Questionnaire has previously suggested that 11 items depress correlations involving G of the scales. Empirical correlations, established for regular and for revised scores obtained by leaving out the 11 items, show an average increase for the latter of .ll and .17 for the six scales. Correlation matrices for the six revised scales yield two eigenvalues larger than 1.00 for men and only one for women. Independence of the regular scales appears artifactual.
Papers by Marilou Bruchon-Schweitzer