Papers by Mehmet Ali Durur
Kesit Akademi, 2021
Durur, M. A. (2021). En-Nisâ Sûresi 34. âyette geçen اللة حفظ بما cümlesinin kırâat vecihle... more Durur, M. A. (2021). En-Nisâ Sûresi 34. âyette geçen اللة حفظ بما cümlesinin kırâat vecihleri ve Ebû Ca'fer kırâatinde mansub okunmasıyla oluşan anlam muğlaklığının tespiti, getirilen öneri ve çözüm yolları. Kesit Akademi Dergisi, 7 (29), 485-502. Durur, M. A. (2021). Determination of the ambiguity of the sentence اللة حفظ بما mentioned in verse 34 of the time of en-Nisâ and reading in Abu Ca'fer kırâat and suggestions given and solutions.
Hikmet Yurdu Dusunce-Yorum Sosyal Bilimler Arastirma Dergisi, 2015
Kur'an'ı Kerimde insanın hem iyiliğe hem de kötülüğe meyyal bir varlık olarak yaratıldığı belirti... more Kur'an'ı Kerimde insanın hem iyiliğe hem de kötülüğe meyyal bir varlık olarak yaratıldığı belirtilir. Böyle olmasına rağmen Allah (c.c) İnsanı bu iki zıt kabiliyet arasında şaşkın ve perişan bırakmamış ona akıl gibi temyiz edici bir meleke vermişir. Allah (c.c) Kitabında insanın önüne ilahî gerçekleri sererek onu devamlı surette aklını kullanmaya davet etmiştir. Aklını kullanmayanlar Allah (c.c) tarafından yerilirken akıl sahipleri yani bahşedilen akıl nimetini yerinde kullananlar da methedilmiştir. Kur'an'ı Kerim'de insanları akletmeye sevk eden âyetler olduğu gibi, akletme işini kalbin yaptığını belirten âyetler de mevcuttur. Çünkü Kalp, insanı gerçek bilgiye götüren bir menba'dır. İnsanın varlığını ancak tezahürleriyle anlayabildiği akıl ve düşünen kalp, olabilirliği kabul edilen fakat mişahhas olmayan kavramlardır. Bu çalışmada, kullanıldığı takdirde insana diğer varlıklardan ayrı ir özellik kazandıran, onu yaratıcı karşısında sorumlu yapan ve istikamet sunan; dolayısıyla da insanın ilerlemesine, kurtuluşuna vesile olan akıl semantik olarak incelenecek, insan zihninde çağrıştırdığı anlam ortaya konulacaktır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada muhtelif bilim dallarının akla yaklaşımı ortaya koyulacaktır.
Semantic Analysis of the word of “A-K-L” in Holy Qur’an ( ل ق ع ) and A Comparison With the Consc... more Semantic Analysis of the word of “A-K-L” in Holy Qur’an ( ل ق ع ) and A Comparison With the Consciousness Approach That Occured in Islamic Thought It indicates in the Holy Qur'an, that a human is created with the liability of being both good and bad. However, Allah has not left manking confused and distraught between these two contrasting abilities. Allah has given them mind with intelligence and wisdom. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah has always encourage mankind to use their mind by providing them with divine truths so that it may helps them. While those who don’t use their minds in the right way are being reviled by Allah The Almighty, those who use their minds in the right way- who use their gifts accordingly- are being praised by the Almighty. As there are verses in the Holy Qur'an which encourages people to use their minds accordingly, there are also verses which indicates that the process of using the mind is controlled by the heart. Because heart is like an upstream wh...
The Journal of Social Sciences, 2019
The Holy Quran has shaped people's lives since the day it became a shape and shaped their daily l... more The Holy Quran has shaped people's lives since the day it became a shape and shaped their daily lives. Muslim scholars have made comments on the Qur'an that will facilitate and shape the lives of people who have studied in different fields. The legal rules of social life have also been established within the framework of the provisions that are referred to from the Qur'an. Abu Hanifah and his students also tried to establish the rules of social life in the social life within the framework of the Qur'an and succeeded in this. In other words, they interpreted the verses of the Qur'an containing the provisions in accordance with the conditions and place of time, without contradicting the spirit of the Qur'an. The origins of the principles on which the Abu Hanif school was based on the interpretation of the Qur'an are based on the views and jurisprudence of the natural and the Companions. Although Abu Hanifa is not the work he personally wrote, we can see the origins of the school in the exegesis of the school in the books written by his students such as Imam Muhammad and Imam Yusuf. The school of Abu Hanifa became famous in fiqh rather than the science of tafsir. This has caused the school's exegesis activities not to be recognized or underrecognized. After identifying these origins in the article, some of the studies we have chosen about the commentary science written by the sect imams are included in the IV. We will try to show the efforts of the school in the field of Qur'anic exegesis and try to remove the ambiguity.
Papers by Mehmet Ali Durur