Prevention of pregnancy by various contraceptive methods remains an important part of medical pra... more Prevention of pregnancy by various contraceptive methods remains an important part of medical practice and can occur during any reproductive cycle. The more types of contraceptive methods available, the more choices of contraceptive methods available for people. Many determinant factors cause women of childbearing age to choose contraceptives that suit their needs. This study aims to determine the determinants affecting women of childbearing age using contraceptives in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The design of this study is an analytical study (descriptive analysis) with a cross-sectional approach using secondary data from the 2019 SKAP Family Planning and Family Development Population Accountability Performance Survey (KKBPK) in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Data were analyzed using bivariate analysis using Chi-Square and multivariate with logistic regression. The results showed that the determinants that affect women of childbearing age in using contraceptive methods ...
The birth rate in Indonesia is still high at 2.45 in 2019 because couples of childbearing age do ... more The birth rate in Indonesia is still high at 2.45 in 2019 because couples of childbearing age do not take advantage of the family planning program (unmet need) which reaches 12.4%. West Nusa Tenggara province ranks second with the highest incidence of unmet needs, 17.4%, due to unwanted pregnancy. This study aims to investigate the determinants of factors that influence women of childbearing age in determining the use of contraceptive methods in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The present research design with a cross-sectional approach uses secondary data from the Family Planning and Family Development Program Accountability Performance Survey (SKAP 2019) in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Bivariate analysis employed chi-square test and multivariate with logistic regression. Determinant factors that affect women of childbearing age in using contraceptives are Unmet Need of women of childbearing age (<0.01), age (<0.01), number of living children (<0.0...
Persalinan dengan tindakan seksio sesarea menyebabkan ketidaknyaman akibat luka bekas operasi seh... more Persalinan dengan tindakan seksio sesarea menyebabkan ketidaknyaman akibat luka bekas operasi sehingga kualitas tidur yang di peroleh ibu nifas terganggu. Aromaterapi lavender dapat memberikan kenyamanan serta rileksasi, dengan diberikannya aromaterapi lavender pada ibu nifas mengakibatkan peningkatan kualitas tidur pada ibu nifas SC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aromaterapi lavender terhadap kualitas tidur ibu postpartum SC. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest postest design dan populasi penelitian adalah seluruh ibu postpartum normal di ruang nifas RSUD Kota Mataram dan sampel sebanyak 30 orang dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji paired t Test. Hasil: sebagian besar ibu postpartum dengan umur 20-35 tahun, pekerjaan terbanyak sebagai ibu rumah tangga (tidak bekerja), Riwayat SC masing-masing sebanyak 28 orang (93,33%) dan paritas sebagian besar multipara sebanyak 17 ...
Lansia di Provinsi NTB dalam dua tahun terakhir meningkat menjadi 413.630 jiwa (8,25%). Data dari... more Lansia di Provinsi NTB dalam dua tahun terakhir meningkat menjadi 413.630 jiwa (8,25%). Data dari Kabupaten Lombok Barat jumlah menopause sebesar 53.026 jiwa. Wanita menopause dengan usia rata-rata 58,7 tahun diperoleh 82,7% mengalami gangguan kualitas hidup yang disebabkan antara lain fungsi fisik, peran fisik, vitalitas dan nyeri badan. Wanita yang memasuki masa menopause sebesar 58,3% mengalami gangguan fisik dan psikologis. Kegiatan pengabmas yang dilaksanakan di Desa Karang Bayan Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sigerongan Sigerongan bertujuan mengurangi keluhan pada ibu premenopause melalui senam SENIORITA (Senam Aerobik Low Impact dan Senam Tera). Setelah dilaksanakan senam seniorita peserta menunjukkan respon positif dan merasakan manfaat dari kegiatan senam ini dari 60 peserta 86% peserta mengalami keluhan pre menopause setelah melaksanakan senam sebanyak 80% peserta menyatakan keluhan yang dirasakannya berkurang. Diharapkan senam ini dapat menjadi program rutin masyarakat desa deng...
Achieving the need for sleep is an effort that affects the baby's growth. Many millions of ch... more Achieving the need for sleep is an effort that affects the baby's growth. Many millions of children suffer from growth and development problems. In Indonesia, babies who have cases of poor sleep quality wake up a lot at night. Rice kencur boreh is made from rice, and kencur has the benefit of providing warmth and comfort when applied to the body. The people of Bima used to use boreh rice kencur to maintain the health of their babies and make babies sleep soundly. This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of baby massage with rice kencur boreh on improving the quality of baby sleep. This research is a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test with the control group. The study population in this study were infants aged 3-6 months. The sample consisted of 31 people with a treatment group of 16 people and a comparison group of 15 people-data analysis using Mann Whitney. The results showed an increase in the quality of infant sleep after infant massage with VCO ...
Background: Delivery by caesarean section causes discomfort due to surgical scars so that the qua... more Background: Delivery by caesarean section causes discomfort due to surgical scars so that the quality of sleep obtained by postpartum mothers is disturbed. Lavender aromatherapy can provide comfort and relaxation, by giving lavender aromatherapy to postpartum mothers resulting in improved sleep quality in postpartum mothers. Objective: To determine the effect of lavender aromatherapy on sleep quality for postpartum mothers in SC. Methods: This study is a pre-experimental study with a one group pretest-posttest design approach and the study population was all normal postpartum mothers in the postpartum ward of Mataram City Hospital and a sample of 30 people using purposive sampling technique. This study uses a paired t test. Results: The characteristics of postpartum mothers are mostly 20-35 years old, most of them work as housewives (not working), history of SC each is 28 people (93.33%) and parity is mostly multiparous as many as 17 people (56, 66%). The average value of sleep qual...
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 2021
ABSTRAKFaktor penyebab tingginya angka pernikahan usia dini adalah rendahya pengetahuan dan pemah... more ABSTRAKFaktor penyebab tingginya angka pernikahan usia dini adalah rendahya pengetahuan dan pemahaman remaja, dampak pernikahan usia dini dan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Pemahaman masyarakat tentang dampak yang akan ditimbulkan, faktor kemiskinan, faktor pendidikan, kultur sosial dan budaya serta adanya pengaruh media dan lingkungan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan sikap dan perilaku remaja. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan informasi dan edukasi kepada remaja tentang Pendewasaan Usia Perkawinan (PUP) dalam merencanakan keluarga, aspek yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan berkeluarga, kesiapan fisik, mental, emosional, pendidikan, sosial, ekonomi, menentukan jumlah dan jarak kelahiran di masa Covid-19. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Lingkungan Tegal Sejahtera Kelurahan Selagalas Kecamatan Sandubaya. Metode kegiatan dengan metode ceramah dan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan. Penilaian dari pengabdian masyarakat ini dari hasil jawaban remaja dalam mengisi kuesioner pretest...
Efek samping yang mungkin sering terjadi pasca pemberian imunisasi salah satunya demam pada bayi ... more Efek samping yang mungkin sering terjadi pasca pemberian imunisasi salah satunya demam pada bayi pasca pemberian vaksin DPT-HB (Combo). Demam merupakan reaksi alamiah dari tubuh sebagai mekanis pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi, karena demam hanyalah suatu gejala. Demam pada bayi atau anak balita merupakan kasus yang tidak dapat diabaikan karena dapat mengganggu rasa nyaman dan tumbuh kembang bayi dan balita. Pijat ditinjau dari segi kesehatan sangat banyak manfaatnya, berbagai macam teknik canggih dan obat – obatan mutakhir digunakan untuk penghilang rasa sakit. Pijat sebaiknya dilakukan secara teratur, sesuai tata cara dan teknik pemijatan bayi, dan sebaiknya dilakukan oleh orang tuanya sendiri. Promosi kesehatan adalah strategis dalam upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat, melalui penyuluhan kesehatan kepada para ibu, dapat diketahui bagaimana sikap ibu bayi tentang manfaat pijat bayi untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh pada bayi yang diimunisasi DPT-HB (Combo). Tujuan Peneliti...
Indonesia has a double burden, which is besides facing the problem of malnutrition and other micr... more Indonesia has a double burden, which is besides facing the problem of malnutrition and other micronutrient deficiencies, Indonesia also faced the problem of obesity. Prevalence of short-fat status nutrition in Indonesia amounted to 6.8% in 2013. This study aimed at determining the risk factors for short-fat status nutrition in children aged 12-23 months in Indonesia.The design of this study was a cross-sectional study using secondary data from basic health Research (RISKESDAS) 2013, with a sample size of 378,308 children aged 12-23 months. the dependent variable in this study is short-fat nutrition status and the independent variables are exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, neonatal visit, immunization, and Giving of Vitamin A. Further analysis of the data in several steps include univariate, bivariate (chi -Square), and multivariate (logistic regression). Sample of this study is mostly male 204,030 (53.9%) with the nutritional status based on the combined height/age and...
Abstrak: Hiperemesis gravidarum di definisikan sebagai mual muntah yang berlebihan atau tidak t... more Abstrak: Hiperemesis gravidarum di definisikan sebagai mual muntah yang berlebihan atau tidak terkendali selama masa hamil, yang menyebabkan dehidrasi, ketidak seimbangan elektrolit, atau defisiensi nutrisi, dan kehilangan berat badan. Berdasarkan catatan Register di RSUP NTB Tahun 2012-2013, pada tahun 2012 angka kejadian Hiperemesis Gravidarum sebanyak 25 kasus, tahun 2013 meningkat menjadi 26 kasus, baik yang disertai dengan berbagai penyakit dan tanpa penyakit. Metode penelitian ini bersifat Survey analitik dengan desain cross secsional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil trimester I yang tercatat di Register Ruang poli hamil sejumlah 120 orang. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 120 orang. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan Non Probability sampling dengan total sampel jenuh yaitu pengambilan sampel dari keseluruhan populasi. Hasil penelitian : Karakteristik: sebagian besar sampel berada pada kelompok umur 20-35 tahun sebanyak 69 i...
Abstrak: Kondisi ibu sebelum masa kehamilan (berat badan, tinggi badan) dan gizi merupakan salah ... more Abstrak: Kondisi ibu sebelum masa kehamilan (berat badan, tinggi badan) dan gizi merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya stunting. Menurut Profil Kesehatan NTB Tahun 2017, kejadian kehamilan resiko tinggi pada kabupaten Lombok Barat sebesar 100,45%. Berdasarkan data dari Profil Puskesmas Sigerongan, Desa Karang Bayan pada Tahun 2018 jumlan ibu hamil (K1) dan K4 masing – masing berjumlah 93 orang (101,1%), data BBLR berjumlah 4 orang (4,7%), sedangkan Juni 2019 ibu hamil (K1) berjumlah 50 orang (48,08%) dan K4 berjumlah 49 orang (47,12%). Data ibu hamil dalam pelayanan komplikasi maternal dan ditangani ibu hamil sejumlah 15 (71,43%), ibu hamil anemia berjumlah 1 orang (0.96) dan ibu hamil KEK sejumlah 2 orang (1.92%). Pengetahuan merupakan salah satu komponen faktor predisposisi yang penting untuk perilaku kesehatan. Sasaran kegiatan adalah ibu hamil resti yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Karang Bayan (Dusun Karang Bayan Barat dan Timur) Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sigeron...
Indonesia mempunyai beban ganda atau double burden yaitu selain menghadapi masalah gizi kurang da... more Indonesia mempunyai beban ganda atau double burden yaitu selain menghadapi masalah gizi kurang dandefisiensi gizi mikro lainnya Indonesia juga mulai menghadapi masalah kegemukan. Prevalensi balita pendekgemuk di Indonesia sebesar 6,8% pada tahun 2013. Berdasarkan hal ini perlu dikaji faktor risiko pendek gemukpada anak usia 12-23 bulan di Indonesia. Disain penelitian adalah cross sectional, dengan besar sampel 378308anak usia 12-23 bulan. Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah anak pendek gemuk dan variabel bebasadalah ASI eksklusif, pemberian MPASI, pelayanan kunjungan neonatal, pelayanan imunisasi dan pemberianvitamin A. Data diperoleh dari data riskesdas 2013. Selanjutnya analisis data dilakukan secara bertahap meliputianalisis univariat, bivariat (chi-square) dan multivariat (regresi logistik). Sampel penelitian sebagian besarberjenis kelamin laki-laki 204030 (53,9%) dengan status gizi berdasarkan gabungan TB/U dan BB/TB tidakpendek gemuk 352450 (93,2%). Hasil uji bivariat...
Introduction: Mothers can immediately recognize the strength of their child’s development process... more Introduction: Mothers can immediately recognize the strength of their child’s development process, thereby, providing early stimulation to the child’s physical, mental, and social aspects of growth and development. Therefore, mothers and their skills play a beneficial role in the child’s overall development and growth process. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of the mother’s independent stimulation on the growth and development of infants. Materials and Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a nonrandomized pretest-posttest design. The study population included mothers and their 0- to 12-month-old infants with a history of Low Birth Weight (LBW) who met the inclusion criteria. The study was conducted in Karang Pule Health Center’s service area in Mataram City, Indonesia. The length measuring tools and digital infant scale were used to measure the developmental factors. Also, the prescreening development questionnaire was used to assess the infants’ dev...
This research objective is to analyze the effect of children under five year mother class program... more This research objective is to analyze the effect of children under five year mother class program to mother’s knowledge and attitude to detect the children growth and development. The research is dummy experiment with nonrandomized pretest posttest design. The research is applied to mothers having children age 0 – 59 months in Puskesmas (Community Health Service Center) Gunungsari work region as many as 30 persons. The result is there are improvement of average knowledge and attitude score after the class. Previous average score of the mothers knowledge is 0.33 point and attitude 1.8367 point. After one month of the class, average score of the mothers knowledge become 0.67 point and attitude 2.1334 point. Statistic test result that there is effect of children under five year mother class program in mother’s knowledge and attitude to detect the children growth and development. There is no effect of the class implementation to mothers knowledge and there is effect of the class impleme...
High-risk pregnant women is a period where pregnant women can experience a variety of risks that ... more High-risk pregnant women is a period where pregnant women can experience a variety of risks that are influenced by various factors. If a pregnant woman has more knowledge about the high risk of pregnancy then it is likely that mothers will think of overcoming the problem of risk of pregnancy. High-risk pregnant class mothers with a Healthy Food Diet High Risk Pregnant Women (AMARIS). is one of the means to increase mothers' knowledge and attitudes about pregnancy care. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of high-risk classes of pregnant women on the level of knowledge and attitudes of mothers about pregnancy care. This study used a pre-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest, with a total sample of 30 people. The results of the study showed an increase in the average score of knowledge and attitudes after being given a class of resting pregnant women. The average knowledge score before resti pregnant women class was 71.77, while thereafter ...
Efek samping yang mungkin sering terjadi pasca pemberian imunisasi salah satunya demam pada bayi ... more Efek samping yang mungkin sering terjadi pasca pemberian imunisasi salah satunya demam pada bayi pasca pemberian vaksin DPT-HB (Combo). Demam merupakan reaksi alamiah dari tubuh sebagai mekanis pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi, karena demam hanyalah suatu gejala. Demam pada bayi atau anak balita merupakan kasus yang tidak dapat diabaikan karena dapat mengganggu rasa nyaman dan tumbuh kembang bayi dan balita. Pijat ditinjau dari segi kesehatan sangat banyak manfaatnya, berbagai macam teknik canggih dan obat – obatan mutakhir digunakan untuk penghilang rasa sakit. Pijat sebaiknya dilakukan secara teratur, sesuai tata cara dan teknik pemijatan bayi, dan sebaiknya dilakukan oleh orang tuanya sendiri. Promosi kesehatan adalah strategis dalam upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat, melalui penyuluhan kesehatan kepada para ibu, dapat diketahui bagaimana sikap ibu bayi tentang manfaat pijat bayi untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh pada bayi yang diimunisasi DPT-HB (Combo). Tujuan Peneliti...
: The incidence of preterm labor in the province General Hospital in 2012 amounted to 203 cases, ... more : The incidence of preterm labor in the province General Hospital in 2012 amounted to 203 cases, increased to 369 cases in 2013 in NTB Province in 2012 infant death case 57/1000 live births is greater when compared with the results of Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS ) in 2012, which is 32 deaths / 1,000 live births. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors - factors related to the incidence of preterm labor in the province in 2013 RSU type analytic study with cross sectional desaen. Entire population in this study who experienced maternal complications in labor amounted to 1534, the number of 317 samples, using a systematic random sampling technique sampling. The data used secondary data to search through medical records. Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate chi-square test and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression. The results of the bivariate analysis study of 5 variables, 3 variables were significantly associated with the in...
Indonesia has a double burden, which is besides facing the problem of malnutrition and other micr... more Indonesia has a double burden, which is besides facing the problem of malnutrition and other micronutrient deficiencies, Indonesia also faced the problem of obesity. Prevalence of short-fat status nutrition in Indonesia amounted to 6.8% in 2013. This study aimed at determining the risk factors for short-fat status nutrition in children aged 12-23 months in Indonesia.The design of this study was a cross-sectional study using secondary data from basic health Research (RISKESDAS) 2013, with a sample size of 378,308 children aged 12-23 months. the dependent variable in this study is short-fat nutrition status and the independent variables are exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, neonatal visit, immunization, and Giving of Vitamin A. Further analysis of the data in several steps include univariate, bivariate (chi -Square), and multivariate (logistic regression). Sample of this study is mostly male 204,030 (53.9%) with the nutritional status based on the combined height/age and...
Prevention of pregnancy by various contraceptive methods remains an important part of medical pra... more Prevention of pregnancy by various contraceptive methods remains an important part of medical practice and can occur during any reproductive cycle. The more types of contraceptive methods available, the more choices of contraceptive methods available for people. Many determinant factors cause women of childbearing age to choose contraceptives that suit their needs. This study aims to determine the determinants affecting women of childbearing age using contraceptives in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The design of this study is an analytical study (descriptive analysis) with a cross-sectional approach using secondary data from the 2019 SKAP Family Planning and Family Development Population Accountability Performance Survey (KKBPK) in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Data were analyzed using bivariate analysis using Chi-Square and multivariate with logistic regression. The results showed that the determinants that affect women of childbearing age in using contraceptive methods ...
The birth rate in Indonesia is still high at 2.45 in 2019 because couples of childbearing age do ... more The birth rate in Indonesia is still high at 2.45 in 2019 because couples of childbearing age do not take advantage of the family planning program (unmet need) which reaches 12.4%. West Nusa Tenggara province ranks second with the highest incidence of unmet needs, 17.4%, due to unwanted pregnancy. This study aims to investigate the determinants of factors that influence women of childbearing age in determining the use of contraceptive methods in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The present research design with a cross-sectional approach uses secondary data from the Family Planning and Family Development Program Accountability Performance Survey (SKAP 2019) in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Bivariate analysis employed chi-square test and multivariate with logistic regression. Determinant factors that affect women of childbearing age in using contraceptives are Unmet Need of women of childbearing age (<0.01), age (<0.01), number of living children (<0.0...
Persalinan dengan tindakan seksio sesarea menyebabkan ketidaknyaman akibat luka bekas operasi seh... more Persalinan dengan tindakan seksio sesarea menyebabkan ketidaknyaman akibat luka bekas operasi sehingga kualitas tidur yang di peroleh ibu nifas terganggu. Aromaterapi lavender dapat memberikan kenyamanan serta rileksasi, dengan diberikannya aromaterapi lavender pada ibu nifas mengakibatkan peningkatan kualitas tidur pada ibu nifas SC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aromaterapi lavender terhadap kualitas tidur ibu postpartum SC. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest postest design dan populasi penelitian adalah seluruh ibu postpartum normal di ruang nifas RSUD Kota Mataram dan sampel sebanyak 30 orang dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji paired t Test. Hasil: sebagian besar ibu postpartum dengan umur 20-35 tahun, pekerjaan terbanyak sebagai ibu rumah tangga (tidak bekerja), Riwayat SC masing-masing sebanyak 28 orang (93,33%) dan paritas sebagian besar multipara sebanyak 17 ...
Lansia di Provinsi NTB dalam dua tahun terakhir meningkat menjadi 413.630 jiwa (8,25%). Data dari... more Lansia di Provinsi NTB dalam dua tahun terakhir meningkat menjadi 413.630 jiwa (8,25%). Data dari Kabupaten Lombok Barat jumlah menopause sebesar 53.026 jiwa. Wanita menopause dengan usia rata-rata 58,7 tahun diperoleh 82,7% mengalami gangguan kualitas hidup yang disebabkan antara lain fungsi fisik, peran fisik, vitalitas dan nyeri badan. Wanita yang memasuki masa menopause sebesar 58,3% mengalami gangguan fisik dan psikologis. Kegiatan pengabmas yang dilaksanakan di Desa Karang Bayan Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sigerongan Sigerongan bertujuan mengurangi keluhan pada ibu premenopause melalui senam SENIORITA (Senam Aerobik Low Impact dan Senam Tera). Setelah dilaksanakan senam seniorita peserta menunjukkan respon positif dan merasakan manfaat dari kegiatan senam ini dari 60 peserta 86% peserta mengalami keluhan pre menopause setelah melaksanakan senam sebanyak 80% peserta menyatakan keluhan yang dirasakannya berkurang. Diharapkan senam ini dapat menjadi program rutin masyarakat desa deng...
Achieving the need for sleep is an effort that affects the baby's growth. Many millions of ch... more Achieving the need for sleep is an effort that affects the baby's growth. Many millions of children suffer from growth and development problems. In Indonesia, babies who have cases of poor sleep quality wake up a lot at night. Rice kencur boreh is made from rice, and kencur has the benefit of providing warmth and comfort when applied to the body. The people of Bima used to use boreh rice kencur to maintain the health of their babies and make babies sleep soundly. This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of baby massage with rice kencur boreh on improving the quality of baby sleep. This research is a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test with the control group. The study population in this study were infants aged 3-6 months. The sample consisted of 31 people with a treatment group of 16 people and a comparison group of 15 people-data analysis using Mann Whitney. The results showed an increase in the quality of infant sleep after infant massage with VCO ...
Background: Delivery by caesarean section causes discomfort due to surgical scars so that the qua... more Background: Delivery by caesarean section causes discomfort due to surgical scars so that the quality of sleep obtained by postpartum mothers is disturbed. Lavender aromatherapy can provide comfort and relaxation, by giving lavender aromatherapy to postpartum mothers resulting in improved sleep quality in postpartum mothers. Objective: To determine the effect of lavender aromatherapy on sleep quality for postpartum mothers in SC. Methods: This study is a pre-experimental study with a one group pretest-posttest design approach and the study population was all normal postpartum mothers in the postpartum ward of Mataram City Hospital and a sample of 30 people using purposive sampling technique. This study uses a paired t test. Results: The characteristics of postpartum mothers are mostly 20-35 years old, most of them work as housewives (not working), history of SC each is 28 people (93.33%) and parity is mostly multiparous as many as 17 people (56, 66%). The average value of sleep qual...
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 2021
ABSTRAKFaktor penyebab tingginya angka pernikahan usia dini adalah rendahya pengetahuan dan pemah... more ABSTRAKFaktor penyebab tingginya angka pernikahan usia dini adalah rendahya pengetahuan dan pemahaman remaja, dampak pernikahan usia dini dan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Pemahaman masyarakat tentang dampak yang akan ditimbulkan, faktor kemiskinan, faktor pendidikan, kultur sosial dan budaya serta adanya pengaruh media dan lingkungan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan sikap dan perilaku remaja. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan informasi dan edukasi kepada remaja tentang Pendewasaan Usia Perkawinan (PUP) dalam merencanakan keluarga, aspek yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan berkeluarga, kesiapan fisik, mental, emosional, pendidikan, sosial, ekonomi, menentukan jumlah dan jarak kelahiran di masa Covid-19. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Lingkungan Tegal Sejahtera Kelurahan Selagalas Kecamatan Sandubaya. Metode kegiatan dengan metode ceramah dan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan. Penilaian dari pengabdian masyarakat ini dari hasil jawaban remaja dalam mengisi kuesioner pretest...
Efek samping yang mungkin sering terjadi pasca pemberian imunisasi salah satunya demam pada bayi ... more Efek samping yang mungkin sering terjadi pasca pemberian imunisasi salah satunya demam pada bayi pasca pemberian vaksin DPT-HB (Combo). Demam merupakan reaksi alamiah dari tubuh sebagai mekanis pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi, karena demam hanyalah suatu gejala. Demam pada bayi atau anak balita merupakan kasus yang tidak dapat diabaikan karena dapat mengganggu rasa nyaman dan tumbuh kembang bayi dan balita. Pijat ditinjau dari segi kesehatan sangat banyak manfaatnya, berbagai macam teknik canggih dan obat – obatan mutakhir digunakan untuk penghilang rasa sakit. Pijat sebaiknya dilakukan secara teratur, sesuai tata cara dan teknik pemijatan bayi, dan sebaiknya dilakukan oleh orang tuanya sendiri. Promosi kesehatan adalah strategis dalam upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat, melalui penyuluhan kesehatan kepada para ibu, dapat diketahui bagaimana sikap ibu bayi tentang manfaat pijat bayi untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh pada bayi yang diimunisasi DPT-HB (Combo). Tujuan Peneliti...
Indonesia has a double burden, which is besides facing the problem of malnutrition and other micr... more Indonesia has a double burden, which is besides facing the problem of malnutrition and other micronutrient deficiencies, Indonesia also faced the problem of obesity. Prevalence of short-fat status nutrition in Indonesia amounted to 6.8% in 2013. This study aimed at determining the risk factors for short-fat status nutrition in children aged 12-23 months in Indonesia.The design of this study was a cross-sectional study using secondary data from basic health Research (RISKESDAS) 2013, with a sample size of 378,308 children aged 12-23 months. the dependent variable in this study is short-fat nutrition status and the independent variables are exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, neonatal visit, immunization, and Giving of Vitamin A. Further analysis of the data in several steps include univariate, bivariate (chi -Square), and multivariate (logistic regression). Sample of this study is mostly male 204,030 (53.9%) with the nutritional status based on the combined height/age and...
Abstrak: Hiperemesis gravidarum di definisikan sebagai mual muntah yang berlebihan atau tidak t... more Abstrak: Hiperemesis gravidarum di definisikan sebagai mual muntah yang berlebihan atau tidak terkendali selama masa hamil, yang menyebabkan dehidrasi, ketidak seimbangan elektrolit, atau defisiensi nutrisi, dan kehilangan berat badan. Berdasarkan catatan Register di RSUP NTB Tahun 2012-2013, pada tahun 2012 angka kejadian Hiperemesis Gravidarum sebanyak 25 kasus, tahun 2013 meningkat menjadi 26 kasus, baik yang disertai dengan berbagai penyakit dan tanpa penyakit. Metode penelitian ini bersifat Survey analitik dengan desain cross secsional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil trimester I yang tercatat di Register Ruang poli hamil sejumlah 120 orang. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 120 orang. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan Non Probability sampling dengan total sampel jenuh yaitu pengambilan sampel dari keseluruhan populasi. Hasil penelitian : Karakteristik: sebagian besar sampel berada pada kelompok umur 20-35 tahun sebanyak 69 i...
Abstrak: Kondisi ibu sebelum masa kehamilan (berat badan, tinggi badan) dan gizi merupakan salah ... more Abstrak: Kondisi ibu sebelum masa kehamilan (berat badan, tinggi badan) dan gizi merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya stunting. Menurut Profil Kesehatan NTB Tahun 2017, kejadian kehamilan resiko tinggi pada kabupaten Lombok Barat sebesar 100,45%. Berdasarkan data dari Profil Puskesmas Sigerongan, Desa Karang Bayan pada Tahun 2018 jumlan ibu hamil (K1) dan K4 masing – masing berjumlah 93 orang (101,1%), data BBLR berjumlah 4 orang (4,7%), sedangkan Juni 2019 ibu hamil (K1) berjumlah 50 orang (48,08%) dan K4 berjumlah 49 orang (47,12%). Data ibu hamil dalam pelayanan komplikasi maternal dan ditangani ibu hamil sejumlah 15 (71,43%), ibu hamil anemia berjumlah 1 orang (0.96) dan ibu hamil KEK sejumlah 2 orang (1.92%). Pengetahuan merupakan salah satu komponen faktor predisposisi yang penting untuk perilaku kesehatan. Sasaran kegiatan adalah ibu hamil resti yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Karang Bayan (Dusun Karang Bayan Barat dan Timur) Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sigeron...
Indonesia mempunyai beban ganda atau double burden yaitu selain menghadapi masalah gizi kurang da... more Indonesia mempunyai beban ganda atau double burden yaitu selain menghadapi masalah gizi kurang dandefisiensi gizi mikro lainnya Indonesia juga mulai menghadapi masalah kegemukan. Prevalensi balita pendekgemuk di Indonesia sebesar 6,8% pada tahun 2013. Berdasarkan hal ini perlu dikaji faktor risiko pendek gemukpada anak usia 12-23 bulan di Indonesia. Disain penelitian adalah cross sectional, dengan besar sampel 378308anak usia 12-23 bulan. Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah anak pendek gemuk dan variabel bebasadalah ASI eksklusif, pemberian MPASI, pelayanan kunjungan neonatal, pelayanan imunisasi dan pemberianvitamin A. Data diperoleh dari data riskesdas 2013. Selanjutnya analisis data dilakukan secara bertahap meliputianalisis univariat, bivariat (chi-square) dan multivariat (regresi logistik). Sampel penelitian sebagian besarberjenis kelamin laki-laki 204030 (53,9%) dengan status gizi berdasarkan gabungan TB/U dan BB/TB tidakpendek gemuk 352450 (93,2%). Hasil uji bivariat...
Introduction: Mothers can immediately recognize the strength of their child’s development process... more Introduction: Mothers can immediately recognize the strength of their child’s development process, thereby, providing early stimulation to the child’s physical, mental, and social aspects of growth and development. Therefore, mothers and their skills play a beneficial role in the child’s overall development and growth process. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of the mother’s independent stimulation on the growth and development of infants. Materials and Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a nonrandomized pretest-posttest design. The study population included mothers and their 0- to 12-month-old infants with a history of Low Birth Weight (LBW) who met the inclusion criteria. The study was conducted in Karang Pule Health Center’s service area in Mataram City, Indonesia. The length measuring tools and digital infant scale were used to measure the developmental factors. Also, the prescreening development questionnaire was used to assess the infants’ dev...
This research objective is to analyze the effect of children under five year mother class program... more This research objective is to analyze the effect of children under five year mother class program to mother’s knowledge and attitude to detect the children growth and development. The research is dummy experiment with nonrandomized pretest posttest design. The research is applied to mothers having children age 0 – 59 months in Puskesmas (Community Health Service Center) Gunungsari work region as many as 30 persons. The result is there are improvement of average knowledge and attitude score after the class. Previous average score of the mothers knowledge is 0.33 point and attitude 1.8367 point. After one month of the class, average score of the mothers knowledge become 0.67 point and attitude 2.1334 point. Statistic test result that there is effect of children under five year mother class program in mother’s knowledge and attitude to detect the children growth and development. There is no effect of the class implementation to mothers knowledge and there is effect of the class impleme...
High-risk pregnant women is a period where pregnant women can experience a variety of risks that ... more High-risk pregnant women is a period where pregnant women can experience a variety of risks that are influenced by various factors. If a pregnant woman has more knowledge about the high risk of pregnancy then it is likely that mothers will think of overcoming the problem of risk of pregnancy. High-risk pregnant class mothers with a Healthy Food Diet High Risk Pregnant Women (AMARIS). is one of the means to increase mothers' knowledge and attitudes about pregnancy care. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of high-risk classes of pregnant women on the level of knowledge and attitudes of mothers about pregnancy care. This study used a pre-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest, with a total sample of 30 people. The results of the study showed an increase in the average score of knowledge and attitudes after being given a class of resting pregnant women. The average knowledge score before resti pregnant women class was 71.77, while thereafter ...
Efek samping yang mungkin sering terjadi pasca pemberian imunisasi salah satunya demam pada bayi ... more Efek samping yang mungkin sering terjadi pasca pemberian imunisasi salah satunya demam pada bayi pasca pemberian vaksin DPT-HB (Combo). Demam merupakan reaksi alamiah dari tubuh sebagai mekanis pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi, karena demam hanyalah suatu gejala. Demam pada bayi atau anak balita merupakan kasus yang tidak dapat diabaikan karena dapat mengganggu rasa nyaman dan tumbuh kembang bayi dan balita. Pijat ditinjau dari segi kesehatan sangat banyak manfaatnya, berbagai macam teknik canggih dan obat – obatan mutakhir digunakan untuk penghilang rasa sakit. Pijat sebaiknya dilakukan secara teratur, sesuai tata cara dan teknik pemijatan bayi, dan sebaiknya dilakukan oleh orang tuanya sendiri. Promosi kesehatan adalah strategis dalam upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat, melalui penyuluhan kesehatan kepada para ibu, dapat diketahui bagaimana sikap ibu bayi tentang manfaat pijat bayi untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh pada bayi yang diimunisasi DPT-HB (Combo). Tujuan Peneliti...
: The incidence of preterm labor in the province General Hospital in 2012 amounted to 203 cases, ... more : The incidence of preterm labor in the province General Hospital in 2012 amounted to 203 cases, increased to 369 cases in 2013 in NTB Province in 2012 infant death case 57/1000 live births is greater when compared with the results of Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS ) in 2012, which is 32 deaths / 1,000 live births. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors - factors related to the incidence of preterm labor in the province in 2013 RSU type analytic study with cross sectional desaen. Entire population in this study who experienced maternal complications in labor amounted to 1534, the number of 317 samples, using a systematic random sampling technique sampling. The data used secondary data to search through medical records. Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate chi-square test and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression. The results of the bivariate analysis study of 5 variables, 3 variables were significantly associated with the in...
Indonesia has a double burden, which is besides facing the problem of malnutrition and other micr... more Indonesia has a double burden, which is besides facing the problem of malnutrition and other micronutrient deficiencies, Indonesia also faced the problem of obesity. Prevalence of short-fat status nutrition in Indonesia amounted to 6.8% in 2013. This study aimed at determining the risk factors for short-fat status nutrition in children aged 12-23 months in Indonesia.The design of this study was a cross-sectional study using secondary data from basic health Research (RISKESDAS) 2013, with a sample size of 378,308 children aged 12-23 months. the dependent variable in this study is short-fat nutrition status and the independent variables are exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, neonatal visit, immunization, and Giving of Vitamin A. Further analysis of the data in several steps include univariate, bivariate (chi -Square), and multivariate (logistic regression). Sample of this study is mostly male 204,030 (53.9%) with the nutritional status based on the combined height/age and...
Papers by Linda Meliati