Papers by Miguel Delfiner
Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2016
Las opiniones vertidas en este trabajo corresponden a los autores y no representan una posición o... more Las opiniones vertidas en este trabajo corresponden a los autores y no representan una posición oficial del Banco Central de la República Argentina. Se agradece especialmente a José Rutman por el apoyo brindado para la realización de este trabajo, así como a todos aquellos que contribuyeron con sus opiniones y comentarios a versiones preliminares del documento. Los errores remanentes son exclusiva responsabilidad de los autores.
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of microfinance, along with t... more In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of microfinance, along with the growing development that the activity has experienced in different parts of the world. A whole branch of literature emerged dedicated to this subject from different viewpoints, including the regulatory and supervisory approach that should be applied to the activity. This paper focuses on the analysis of microfinancial institutions (MFIs), at the international and domestic levels, as well the different regulatory approaches suggested for microfinance. The ultimate purpose is to obtain conclusions about regulatory policy. Firstly, what microfinance is is made clear in order to understand what an MFI is and what it is not; then how MFIs operate and their significance at the international and local levels is considered; thirdly, the debate about the regulatory aspects of the MFIs is deepened; to finally, and in terms of the analysis undertaken, relevant policy conclusions applicable in Ar...
... Banco Central de la República Argentina BEME: BancoEstado Microempresas (Chile) BID ... comun... more ... Banco Central de la República Argentina BEME: BancoEstado Microempresas (Chile) BID ... comunidades indígenas, organizaciones gubernamentales y mixtas) que otorguen microcréditos, brinden ... préstamos USD Saldo promedio créditos Clientes activos Asesores de crédito ...
... But in both cases, it is clear that the supply of credit, particularly to rural areas and bor... more ... But in both cases, it is clear that the supply of credit, particularly to rural areas and borrowers who are perceived as high risk, is simply ... and competition among institutions, which will improve efficiency and lower prices (eg, in Bolivia, BancoSol's effective interest rate was 65 ...
En el Anexo 1 se realiza una descripción más completa de las regulaciones aplicables a las Cajas ... more En el Anexo 1 se realiza una descripción más completa de las regulaciones aplicables a las Cajas de Crédito Cooperativas.
This work performs a thorough review of the operation of credit unions in various countries where... more This work performs a thorough review of the operation of credit unions in various countries where the sector is recognized for its importance and its history. A description is provided of the historical development of credit unions in each country, with special emphasis on analysis of the regulatory aspects governing their operation. It is pointed out that the main differences with other banks and financial institutions lie in their corporate structure and the environment in which they operate, which are often a function of the market. It has also been noted that there has been a significant structural development by the cooperative financial sector in those countries where such activity is important, and which takes the form of federations and centres providing various financial services. The existence of these upper-tier organizations within the cooperative bank system is basically a reflection of the need to exploit economies of scale and to generate synergies that are unable to ...
Liquidity can be defined as the capacity of financial institutions to fund increases in their ass... more Liquidity can be defined as the capacity of financial institutions to fund increases in their assets and comply with their obligations as they fall due. A financial institution is considered to have adequate liquidity when it can obtain sufficient funds promptly and at a reasonable cost, either by increasing its liabilities or selling assets. This work analyses the information obtained from a survey of Argentine financial institutions in relation to their current situation regarding liquidity risk management developments. An analysis is made of the strategies and structures used for its management, the processes available for net funds requirement measurement and monitoring, the use of liquidity risk indicators, and the design of contingency plans. A large number of institutions reports use to a greater or lesser degree of the main tools available for the measurement of this risk, while a lack of uniformity is observed in their application because of the specific characteristics of ...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of public policies in various countries of Sou... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of public policies in various countries of South America on the development of microfinance (MF). A broad definition of public policy has been used in this work, as it covers specific legislation seeking to develop more inclusive financial systems; government participation in official bank programs; second-tier bank funds; the use of targeted funds and guarantee and intelligent subsidy schemes, etc. Particular attention is focused on financial system regulatory frameworks, as they tend to play a fundamental role in the success of such programs. An analysis is made of best practices recommended by international agencies, matching them against the existing framework for microfinance activities in the countries analyzed. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that despite the very varied nature of the initiatives pursued, one common element observed in all the countries surveyed is the role played by commercial banks in MF developmen...
Qualitative techniques are essential tools for identifying and assessing operational risk (OR). T... more Qualitative techniques are essential tools for identifying and assessing operational risk (OR). Their relevance in assessing OR can be understood due to the lack of a quantitative static model capable of capturing the dynamic operational risk profile which is shaped by managerial decisions. An operational risk profile obtained solely from historical loss data could further change due to corrective actions implemented by the bank after the occurrence of those events. This document introduces some of the most common techniques used to manage OR including OR self-assessment, key risk indicators (KRIs), risk-mapping, scorecards and scenario-analysis. These techniques are still relatively new and the particular features of each bank shape the way they are implemented. Due to the heterogeneity in the way these techniques are applied, the document offers many examples to illustrate the use of these managerial tools.
During last years there has been an increasing interest about the study of microfinance phenomena... more During last years there has been an increasing interest about the study of microfinance phenomena as long as the activity has been developing in several countries. There has been an important literature body regarding the different topics related to this theme. This paper focuses on the analysis of experiences of microfinance institutions (MFI) in different countries and the different regulatory approaches suggested for MFI, with the aim of reaching policy conclusions.
This paper studies the best practices related to the management of liquidity risk in financial in... more This paper studies the best practices related to the management of liquidity risk in financial institutions from the viewpoint of the standards, as well as its treatment in a series of countries. Firstly it reviews the best practices suggested by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the developments in European countries observed by the European Central Bank, and sound practices for liquidity risk management proposed in the supervision manuals of the US regulatory agencies. Secondly, it examines particular experiences of countries that apply policies for the management of liquidity risk, through their supervision manuals or their regulation. The paper also includes the experiences of some Latin-American countries that rely on a specific regulation of liquidity, together with the Argentine case. Although the importance of liquidity risk is well known, given the idiosyncratic characteristics shown in different banks, the organisms in charge of establishing the best practices re...
This paper studies the best practices related to the management of liquidity risk in financial in... more This paper studies the best practices related to the management of liquidity risk in financial institutions from the viewpoint of the standards, as well as its treatment in a series of countries. Firstly it reviews the best practices suggested by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the developments in European countries observed by the European Central Bank, and sound practices for liquidity risk management proposed in the supervision manuals of the US regulatory agencies. Secondly, it examines particular experiences of countries that apply policies for the management of liquidity risk, through their supervision manuals or their regulation. The paper also includes the experiences of some Latin-American countries that rely on a specific regulation of liquidity, together with the Argentine case. Although the importance of liquidity risk is well known, given the idiosyncratic characteristics shown in different banks, the organisms in charge of establishing the best practices re...
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has defined operational risk (OR) as the risk o... more The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has defined operational risk (OR) as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems from external events. This definition includes legal risk, but excludes strategic and reputational risk. Traditionally, individual OR management has been an important part of financial institutions’ efforts to avoid frauds and to keep the integrity of internal controls, among other aspects. Nevertheless, what is quite new is the fact of considering OR management as a comprehensive practice similar to the management of other risks (such as credit or market risk), and the measurement of losses due to OR events and the requirement of regulatory capital. Considering OR as an inclusive risk category, the BCBS has outlined a set of sound practices for the management and supervision of this risk. This document analyses those sound practices and their application in internationally active banks. A sample of Latin A...
This paper presents a comprehensive review on the activity of credit cooperatives in those countr... more This paper presents a comprehensive review on the activity of credit cooperatives in those countries where this sector has a long tradition and reached an important development. It describes the historical evolution in each country with special focus on the regulatory issues. The main differences between the cooperative financial sector and the traditional banking system are their corporative structure and the geographical area where these entities operate, which are a result of the market where they operate. We found an important development of a banking cooperative structure in those countries where the activity is significant, which is usually organized in federations and central entities operating with different products and services. This pyramidal structure is mainly related with the need of reaching economies of scale and synergies that local entities could not obtain. The federations provide services to local entities and represent them before the authorities. Central units ...
Indice 1. Introducción 2. Auto-evaluación del riesgo operacional (RO) 2.1. Etapa 1: Identificació... more Indice 1. Introducción 2. Auto-evaluación del riesgo operacional (RO) 2.1. Etapa 1: Identificación de los RO 2.2. Etapa 2: Evaluación de los RO 2.3. Etapa 3: Evaluación de los controles Asignación de riesgos (risk-mapping) 3. 3.1. Asignación de riesgos a áreas de riesgo 3.2. Asignación de riesgos a procesos Asignación simultánea de riesgos a áreas de riesgo, procesos y productos 3.3. 4. Indicadores de riesgo (KRI) 4.1. Definición 4.2. Aplicación de los KRI El proyecto de la "KRI-Library and Services" 4.3. 5. Scorecards / RDCA 6. Análisis de escenarios (SBA) 7. Conclusiones Referencias bibliográficas Anexo I: Ejemplo de Workshop para identificación de RO. Anexo II: Registro de riesgos operacionales (detalles). Anexo III: Plantilla para evaluar un RO. Anexo IV: Proceso de asignación de riesgos de KRIeX. Anexo V: KRI's vinculados al RO por categoría de riesgo. Anexo VI: Ejemplo de cuestionario para la elaboración de una tarjeta de puntuación. Anexo VII: Ejemplo de tarjeta de puntaje (Scorecard) para riesgo operacional. Anexo VIII: Modelo SBA usado por el Dresdner Bank.
Papers by Miguel Delfiner